- ID: 1136
- Created by: Jacque Schei
- Created: 12/11/2012 5:10 PM
- Updated by: Sheryn Olson
- Updated: 2/11/2019 3:00 PM
Status and Trends Annual Reporting Project [STAR] Yakama Nation Dashboard
In support of internal data management and reporting efficiencies and external sharing initiatives, Yakama Nation Fisheries has developed an online dashboard with public and controlled access to multiple levels of fish and habitat project implementation and status and trends information. The dashboard provides real-time data feeds, graphical displays and summaries to the public, and provides a platform and tools for internal data sharing, QA/QC, and external reporting in various formats. Development is funded by BPA, with some aspects funded by the EPA. The project helps the Yakama Nation to share information in a more effective and timely manner with local and regional partners. Development of the site is supported by QW Consulting, LLC, due to the technical expertise and resources not being sufficiently available in-house. Gradually datasets are being consolidated and shared through the dashboard, as time, resources and other limitations may allow.
The Status and Trends Annual Report (STAR) ultimately coupled with a web site, will summarize fish population data, recovery actions, and project information relating to salmonid Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) and Distinct Population Segments (DPSs) that are Yakama Nation aquatic treaty trust resources (“trust resources”). The goal of the STAR is to support mitigation described in the 2008 FCRPS Biological Opinion (BiOp) (NOAA, 2008), the Columbia Basin Fish Accords (Accords) (BPA, 2008), and obligations of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) Fish and Wildlife Program by annually reporting progress towards recovery goals. The STAR will: 1) evaluate annual progress, 2) summarize status and trend, 3) support a regional reporting effort, 4) help inform managers and decision makers. The long term goal is to support other species of management concern to the Yakama Nation as well as salmonids.
entire Yakama Fisheries program, with links to affiliated programs, contact information, reports, news, data summaries, and information about specific projects
- Michelle Steg-Geltner (stem@yakamafish-nsn.gov)
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Juvenile Life History & Diversity Assessment: Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Mod. 1: Nutrient Project Data Analysis - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Generate Yakima O.Mykiss Abundance & Productivity of Life History Types in Pre-Selected Locations - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct Food Web Study on Tepee and White Creeks (Effectiveness Monitoring) - Yakama Confederated Tribes: Version 2
- Conduct steelhead and bull trout spawner surveys - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Conduct steelhead spawning surveys in Toppenish Creek - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Analyze redd count data - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Adult Abundance/ Population Estimate and Life History Data Analysis for Toppenish Creek - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Conduct steelhead spawning surveys in Toppenish Creek - Yakama Nation
- Collect Juvenile Steelhead - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Screw Trap Data Collection for Yakima Juvenile Steelhead in Toppenish Creek - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Directly related to "U" above - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Analyze and interpret M&E data from 2015 brood - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Analyze 3 year radio telemetry data - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Data Input and Analysis - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- COPY: Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the YN Ceded Lands - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Adult salmonid monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Habitat Assessment - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Water quality and temperature - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Collect topo data for approximately 10 miles of Quartz Creek Valley bottom - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Analyze population monitoring information - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Conduct juvenile steelhead population surveys - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Collect discharge measurements - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- UC On-Call Scientific Support (Analysis) 2016-159 - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Operate PIT tag detector array - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct spawning ground surveys in the Wenatchee Basin - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Conduct spawning ground surveys in the Methow Basin - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Yakama Nation Upper Columbia Monitoring Project - Pilot
- Yakama Nation Upper Columbia Monitoring Project - Habitat Monitoring for Pilot
- Yakama Nation Upper Columbia Monitoring Project - Pilot
- Yakama Nation Upper Columbia Monitoring Project - Pilot
- Survival and reproductive success of Upper Columbia steelhead kelts
- Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys Snake River Basin- Nez Perce Tribe
- Adult salmonid monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 23, Work Element U: 162 - Conduct Food Web Study on Tepee and White Creeks (Effectiveness Monitoring)
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 25, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct steelhead spawning surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 25, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze raw data collected from screw traps and surveys to develop population estimates
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 25, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 64, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct steelhead spawning surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 64, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze raw data collected from screw traps and surveys to develop population estimates
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 64, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival
- 2009-002-00, 56662 REL 80, Work Element E: 160 - Interim Information Management, User-Interface Development, and Data Warehousing
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 84, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct steelhead spawning surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 84, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze raw data collected from screw traps and surveys to develop population estimates
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 84, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 57, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2008-507-00, 66762, Work Element F: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 66762, Work Element I: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 113, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct steelhead spawning surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 113, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 113, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze raw data collected from surveys to develop population estimates
- 2008-507-00, 70127, Work Element F: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 70127, Work Element I: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2009-002-00, 56662 REL 128, Work Element F: 160 - Reporting System & User Interface: Development and Maintenance
- 2009-002-00, 56662 REL 101, Work Element D: 160 - Reporting System & User Interface: Development and Maintenance
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 112, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 112, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 136, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 136, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 139, Work Element H: 157 - Screw Trap Data Collection for Yakima Juvenile Steelhead in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 139, Work Element K: 162 - Adult Abundance/ Population Estimate and Life History Data Analysis for Toppenish Creek
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 136, Work Element T: 157 - Collect topo data for approximately 10 miles of Quartz Creek Valley bottom
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 163, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 163, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element C: 159 - Consolidate/Transfer Regionally Standardized Data - Assist Data Producing Projects
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element D: 160 - Create/Manage/Maintain Tools, Applications, and Databases for Pilot and Production Projects
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element E: 160 - Migrate/update digital pen system projects from Capturx/SharePoint to Anoto Live/LAMP
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element F: 160 - Complete a pilot centralized data management system implementation for three tribes and CRITFC
- 2009-002-00, 56662 REL 157, Work Element F: 160 - Reporting System & User Interface: Development and Maintenance
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 166, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 86, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element E: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element G: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element I: 160 - Update Tribal Network design as needed, as CDMS implementation occurs across the four tribes.
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 166, Work Element G: 157 - Operate Portable Instream PIT Arrays in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 192, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 2009-002-00, 56662 REL 183, Work Element E: 160 - Reporting System & User Interface: Development and Maintenance
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 190, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 206, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (with a subcontractor)
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 198, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2009-002-00, 56662 REL 204, Work Element E: 160 - Reporting System & User Interface: Development and Maintenance
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 217, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 207, Work Element F: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AC: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AD: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 229, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (with a subcontractor) and other field / lab data
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 223, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AF: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 2009-002-00, 56662 REL 230, Work Element E: 160 - Reporting System & User Interface: Development and Maintenance
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 242, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 237, Work Element F: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 242, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Wading Discharge Measurements and Download USGS Flow Gauge Data
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 253, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile Lamprey Surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (with eDNA laboratory analyses) and Other Field / Lab Data
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 246, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2017-003-00, 56662 REL 244, Work Element G: 157 - Post-Project Habitat Monitoring and Data Collection
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 266, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 266, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Wading Discharge Measurements and Download USGS Flow Gauge Data
- 2009-002-00, 56662 REL 255, Work Element E: 160 - Reporting System & User Interface: Development and Maintenance
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 254, Work Element F: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AJ: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AK: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 2017-003-00, 56662 REL 268, Work Element G: 157 - Post-Project Habitat Monitoring and Data Collection
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 271, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2009-002-00, 56662 REL 279, Work Element E: 160 - Reporting System & User Interface: Development and Maintenance
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 280, Work Element F: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AC: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AD: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1996-040-00, 31633, Work Element S: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2007 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 31633, Work Element T: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2007 brood in the Methow Basin
- 2007-156-00, 36535, Work Element A: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2007-156-00, 36535, Work Element F: 157 - Water quality and temperature / weather station monitoring
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element AM: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2009 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element AN: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2009 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2008 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element N: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2008 brood in the Methow Basin
- 2007-156-00, 36535, Work Element T: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection (EXPANDED)
- 2007-156-00, 36535, Work Element U: 157 - Water quality and temperature / weather station monitoring (EXPANDED)
- 2007-156-00, 43057, Work Element B: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2007-156-00, 43057, Work Element W: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection II
- 1996-040-00, 46617, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2008 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 46617, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2008 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 51817, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2011 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 51817, Work Element W: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2011 brood in the Methow Basin
- 2007-156-00, 54748, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AG: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2012 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AI: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2012 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AH: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2013 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AJ: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2013 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 6, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct steelhead spawning surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 6, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze raw data collected from screw traps and surveys to develop population estimates
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 6, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 5, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 9, Work Element G: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 32, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 46, Work Element G: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 43, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2014 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 43, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2014 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 46, Work Element K: 162 - Generate and compare Steelhead population estimates between independent methods
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 67, Work Element I: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 67, Work Element K: 162 - Generate and compare Steelhead population estimates between independent methods
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 67, Work Element E: 162 - Synthesize and evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 74, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2015 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 74, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2015 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 85, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 85, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 87, Work Element G: 162 - Synthesize and evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 87, Work Element J: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 87, Work Element K: 162 - Generate and compare Steelhead population estimates between independent methods
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 93, Work Element T: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2016 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 93, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2016 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 108, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 108, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 125, Work Element S: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2017 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 125, Work Element T: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2017 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2010-030-00, 75719, Work Element H: 162 - Generate Yakima O.Mykiss Abundance & Productivity of Life History Types in Pre-Selected Locations
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 133, Work Element L: 162 - Juvenile Life History & Diversity Assessment: Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 133, Work Element G: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 133, Work Element I: 162 - Generate Adult steelhead spawner escapement estimates for Yakima River MPG populations
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 135, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 135, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 133, Work Element N: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 153, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the YN Ceded Lands
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 146, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2018 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 146, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2018 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 158, Work Element G: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 158, Work Element I: 162 - Generate Adult steelhead spawner escapement estimates for Yakima River MPG populations
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 158, Work Element L: 162 - Juvenile Life History & Diversity Assessment: Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 158, Work Element N: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 31, Work Element H: 162 - Generate Yakima O.Mykiss Abundance & Productivity of Life History Types in Pre-Selected Locations
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 166, Work Element L: 157 - Collect Wading Discharge Measurements and Download USGS Flow Gauge Data
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 160, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 160, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 74314 REL 34, Work Element K: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 182, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (with a subcontractor)
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 186, Work Element G: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 186, Work Element I: 162 - Generate Adult steelhead spawner escapement estimates for Yakima River MPG populations
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 186, Work Element L: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 63, Work Element H: 162 - Generate Yakima O.Mykiss Abundance & Productivity of Life History Types in Pre-Selected Locations
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 192, Work Element L: 157 - Collect Wading Discharge Measurements and Download USGS Flow Gauge Data
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 175, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2019 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 175, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2019 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 185, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 185, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 190, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1995-063-25, 74314 REL 67, Work Element K: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 94, Work Element G: 162 - Generate Yakima O.Mykiss Abundance & Productivity of Life History Types in Pre-Selected Locations
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 207, Work Element H: 162 - Generate Adult steelhead spawner escapement estimates for Yakima River MPG populations
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 207, Work Element K: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 203, Work Element X: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2020 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 203, Work Element Y: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2020 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2007-156-00, CR-339027, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 2007-156-00, CR-339027, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 214, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 214, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 217, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Wading Discharge Measurements and Download USGS Flow Gauge Data
- 1995-063-25, 74314 REL 101, Work Element L: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AF: 162 - Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 228, Work Element AC: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2021 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 228, Work Element AD: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2021 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AG: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AH: 162 - Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information
- 1995-063-25, 74314 REL 131, Work Element L: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 238, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 238, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 237, Work Element H: 162 - Generate Adult steelhead spawner escapement estimates for Yakima River MPG populations
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 237, Work Element K: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 125, Work Element G: 162 - Generate Yakima O.Mykiss Abundance & Productivity of Life History Types in Pre-Selected Locations
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 251, Work Element AB: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2022 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 251, Work Element AC: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2021 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 254, Work Element H: 162 - Generate Adult steelhead spawner escapement estimates for Yakima River MPG populations
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 254, Work Element K: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 158, Work Element G: 162 - Generate Yakima O.Mykiss Abundance & Productivity of Life History Types in Pre-Selected Locations
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AL: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AM: 162 - Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 263, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 263, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 84042 REL 2, Work Element L: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 274, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2023 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 274, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2023 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 280, Work Element H: 162 - Generate Adult steelhead spawner escapement estimates for Yakima River MPG populations
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 280, Work Element K: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 84042 REL 28, Work Element G: 162 - Generate Yakima O. Mykiss Abundance & Productivity of Life History Types in Pre-Selected Locations
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AF: 162 - Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 287, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 287, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 84042 REL 35, Work Element L: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 292, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 292, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Wading Discharge Measurements and Download USGS Flow Gauge Data
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 288, Work Element T: 162 - Spring Chinook Run Reconstruction/Forecast and other Data Analysis
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 299, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2009-002-00, 56662 REL 310, Work Element E: 160 - Reporting System & User Interface: Development and Maintenance
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 315, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 315, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Wading Discharge Measurements and Download USGS Flow Gauge Data
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 307, Work Element F: 157 - Collect biological data on migrating adult steelhead
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 307, Work Element H: 162 - Generate Adult steelhead spawner escapement estimates for Yakima River MPG populations
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 307, Work Element K: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 84042 REL 61, Work Element G: 162 - Generate Yakima O. Mykiss Abundance & Productivity of Life History Types in Pre-Selected Locations
- 1997-056-00, 94306, Work Element AD: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 94306, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 94306, Work Element AF: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 302, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2024 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 302, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2024 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1995-063-25, 94738, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 94738, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 84042 REL 67, Work Element L: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 312, Work Element T: 162 - Spring Chinook Run Reconstruction/Forecast and other Data Analysis
- 2010-030-00, CR-372694, Work Element I: 162 - Generate Adult steelhead spawner escapement estimates for Yakima River MPG populations
- 2010-030-00, CR-372694, Work Element L: 162 - COPY: Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 84042 REL 97, Work Element G: 162 - Generate Yakima O. Mykiss Abundance & Productivity of Life History Types in Pre-Selected Locations
- 2017-003-00, 56662 REL 316, Work Element H: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the study area.
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 321, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 1997-056-00, 96622, Work Element X: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 96622, Work Element Y: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1996-040-00, 96471, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2025 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 96471, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2025 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 2017-003-00, CR-374460, Work Element H: 157 - COPY: Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the study area.
- 1995-063-35, CR-375607, Work Element T: 162 - Spring Chinook Run Reconstruction/Forecast and other Data Analysis
- 1996-035-01, CR-372692, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Wading Discharge Measurements and Download USGS Flow Gauge Data
- 2009-002-00, 96576, Work Element E: 160 - Reporting System & User Interface: Development and Maintenance
- 1995-063-25, CR-376411, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species, YN Natural Production M&E