Repository: Coeur d’Alene Tribal Network
- ID: 1184
- Created by: Jacque Schei
- Created: 6/20/2014 8:50 AM
- Updated by:
- Updated:
Coeur d’Alene Tribal Network
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
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Sample Designs
- Keith Frame Test
- Trap juvenile and adult adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout in Lake and Benewah creeks - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of migratory cutthroat - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Trap adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- COPY: Trap adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- COPY: Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Measure physical habitat in reference and treatment reaches - Coeur D'Alene Tribe: Coeur D'Alene Reservation Fisheries Habitat project
- Analyze data from physical habitat sampling - Coeur D'Alene Tribe: Benewah Creek Watershed
- Measure water and air temperature in the Lake and Benewah watersheds - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Analyze data from temperature monitoring in target watersheds - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Measure physical habitat associated with beaver dams - Coeur D'Alene Tribe: Benewah Creek
- Analyze data from monitoring of engineered and natural beaver dam structures in Benewah Creek - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Assess Nehchen Creek for potential beaver reintroduction - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds for indices of abundance - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in target watersheds - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Analyze data from brook trout removal from Benewah Creek - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Sample Fish Using Migration Traps - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Collect Thermal Refuge Data - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Sample fish using electroshocking equipment - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in upper Hangman watershed - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Collect physical habitat data in reference and treatment reaches - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Conduct Spawning ground Survey on Indian Creek - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Evaluate survival of Project plantings - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Collect water quality and quantity data - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Trap adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- COPY: Trap adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays - Coeur D'Alene Tribe: Lake and Benewah Creeks
- Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays - Coeur D'Alene Tribe: Hangman , Indian, Smith, Nehchen, and Sheep Creeks
- Collect data at stationary PIT antenna arrays - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- COPY: Collect data at stationary PIT antenna arrays - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Measure water and air temperatures - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Analyze data from temperature monitoring - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- COPY: Measure water and air temperatures - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- COPY: Analyze data from temperature monitoring - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Analyze data from physical habitat sampling - Coeur D'Alene Tribe: Benewah Creek Watershed - Version 2.
- COPY: Analyze data from physical habitat sampling - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Measure groundwater at wells - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Analyze data from groundwater wells - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- COPY: Analyze data from groundwater wells - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Trap adfluvial adult cutthroat trout
- Trap adfluvial juvenile cutthroat trout
- Electrofishing reaches in Lake and Benewah creeks
- Hangman Traps
- PIT array data collection in Lake and Benewah creeks
- Collecting temperature data in Lake and Benewah creeks
- Habitat surveys in Upper Lake Creek
- Groundwater monitoring in Benewah Creek
- Electrofishing Hangman Creek
- Hangman Redband Movements
- Hangman Creek Water Quality
- Hangman Stream Temperatures
- Trap adfluvial adult cutthroat trout in Lake Creek
- 2019 Electrofishing reaches in two subbasins of Lake Creek watershed
- 2019 PIT array data collection in Lake and Benewah creeks
- Electrofishing Hangman Creek V 2.0
- Trap adfluvial adult cutthroat trout in Lake Creek
- 2019 Electrofishing reaches in two subbasins of Lake Creek watershed
- 2019 PIT array data collection in Lake and Benewah creeks
- Electrofishing index sites in the Evans Creek watershed
- 2001-032-00, 68858, Work Element T: 157 - Collect physical habitat data in reference and treatment reaches
- 2001-032-00, 68858, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 1990-044-00, 69003, Work Element Q: 157 - Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds for indices of abundance
- 1990-044-00, 69003, Work Element N: 157 - Trap juvenile and adult adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout in Lake and Benewah creeks
- 1990-044-00, 69003, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of migratory cutthroat
- 1990-044-00, 69003, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 69003, Work Element U: 157 - Measure physical habitat in reference and treatment reaches
- 1990-044-00, 69003, Work Element W: 157 - Measure water and air temperature in the Lake and Benewah watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 69003, Work Element Z: 162 - Analyze data from temperature monitoring in target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 69003, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze data from monitoring of engineered and natural beaver dam structures in Benewah Creek
- 1990-044-00, 72851, Work Element P: 157 - Trap juvenile and adult adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout in Lake and Benewah creeks
- 1990-044-00, 72851, Work Element S: 157 - Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds for indices of abundance
- 1990-044-00, 72851, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of migratory cutthroat
- 1990-044-00, 72851, Work Element V: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 72851, Work Element W: 157 - Measure physical habitat in reference and treatment reaches
- 1990-044-00, 72851, Work Element Y: 157 - Measure water and air temperature in the Lake and Benewah watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 72851, Work Element AB: 162 - Analyze data from temperature monitoring in target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 72851, Work Element AC: 162 - Analyze data from monitoring of engineered and natural beaver dam structures in Benewah Creek
- 2001-032-00, 72434, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 72434, Work Element U: 157 - Collect physical habitat data in reference and treatment reaches
- 1990-044-00, 76243, Work Element Z: 160 - Data management for RME and management actions that sample or manipulate fish populations
- 1990-044-00, 76243, Work Element X: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76243, Work Element AA: 157 - Measure physical habitat in reference and treatment reaches
- 1990-044-00, 76243, Work Element AG: 160 - Data management for physical and chemical habitat attributes
- 2001-032-00, 75767, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 1990-044-00, 76243, Work Element W: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, CR-316015, Work Element T: 157 - COPY: Trap adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, CR-316015, Work Element X: 162 - COPY: Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, CR-316015, Work Element Y: 162 - COPY: Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, CR-316015, Work Element Z: 162 - COPY: Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays
- 1990-044-00, CR-316015, Work Element AA: 160 - COPY: Data management for RME and management actions that sample or manipulate fish populations
- 1990-044-00, CR-316015, Work Element AB: 157 - COPY: Measure physical habitat in reference and treatment reaches
- 1990-044-00, CR-316015, Work Element AH: 160 - COPY: Data management for physical and chemical habitat attributes
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AB: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AD: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AE: 160 - Data management for RME and management actions that sample or manipulate fish populations
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AF: 157 - Measure physical habitat in reaches proposed for treatments
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AL: 160 - Data management for physical and chemical habitat attributes
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element K: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element L: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek using electroshocking
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element Y: 157 - Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AC: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element L: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element M: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek utilizing backpack electro-shocking
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 4, Work Element V: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 4, Work Element W: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 4, Work Element Y: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 4, Work Element T: 157 - Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 4, Work Element X: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element L: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element K: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek utilizing backpack electro-shocking
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element P: 157 - Collect water quality and quantity data in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element R: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 9, Work Element S: 157 - Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of upper Lake Creek watershed
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 9, Work Element V: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 9, Work Element W: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 9, Work Element X: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats of Lake Creek watershed
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 9, Work Element Z: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 9, Work Element T: 157 - Sample salmonids in stream reaches of Evans Creek watershed
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 9, Work Element Y: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats of Evans Creek watershed.
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element K: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element J: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek utilizing backpack electro-shocking
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element N: 157 - Collect water quality and quantity data in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element P: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 16, Work Element Q: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of Upper Lake Creek Watershed
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 16, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 16, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 16, Work Element V: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Sampling Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of Lake Creek Watershed
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 16, Work Element X: 162 - Analyze Data Logged at Stationary PIT Antenna Arrays
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 16, Work Element R: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Stream Reaches of the Upper Benewah Creek Watershed
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 16, Work Element W: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Sampling Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of the Benewah Creek Watershed.
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 22, Work Element P: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of Upper Lake Creek Watershed
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 22, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 22, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 22, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Sampling Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of Lake Creek Watershed
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 22, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Data Logged at Stationary PIT Antenna Arrays
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element I: 157 - Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element N: 157 - Collect water quality and quantity data in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element K: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1990-044-00, 10885, Work Element O: 157 - Trap Juvenile and Adult Adfluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Lake and Benewah Creeks
- 1990-044-00, 10885, Work Element S: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Target Watersheds for Population Estimation
- 1990-044-00, 10885, Work Element W: 157 - Measure Physical Habitat in Reference and Treatment Reaches in Target Watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 27934, Work Element N: 157 - Trap Juvenile and Adult Adfluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Lake and Benewah Creeks
- 1990-044-00, 27934, Work Element Q: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Target Watersheds for Population Estimation
- 1990-044-00, 27934, Work Element U: 157 - Measure Physical Habitat in Reference and Treatment Reaches in Target Watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 33533, Work Element N: 157 - Trap Juvenile and Adult Adfluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Lake and Benewah Creeks
- 1990-044-00, 33533, Work Element Q: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Target Watersheds for Population Estimation
- 1990-044-00, 33533, Work Element U: 157 - Measure Physical Habitat in Reference and Treatment Reaches in Target Watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 37842, Work Element O: 157 - Trap Juvenile and Adult Adfluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Lake and Benewah Creeks
- 1990-044-00, 37842, Work Element R: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Target Watersheds for Population Estimation
- 1990-044-00, 37842, Work Element V: 157 - Measure Physical Habitat in Reference and Treatment Reaches in Target Watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 42560, Work Element M: 157 - Trap Juvenile and Adult Adfluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Lake and Benewah Creeks
- 1990-044-00, 42560, Work Element P: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Target Watersheds for Population Estimation
- 1990-044-00, 42560, Work Element T: 157 - Measure Physical Habitat in Reference and Treatment Reaches
- 1990-044-00, 47583, Work Element N: 157 - Trap Juvenile and Adult Adfluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Lake and Benewah Creeks
- 1990-044-00, 47583, Work Element Q: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Target Watersheds for Indices of Abundance
- 1990-044-00, 47583, Work Element V: 157 - Measure Physical Habitat in Reference and Treatment Reaches
- 1990-044-00, 52937, Work Element M: 157 - Trap juvenile and adult adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout in Lake and Benewah creeks
- 1990-044-00, 52937, Work Element R: 157 - Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds for indices of abundance
- 1990-044-00, 52937, Work Element V: 157 - Measure physical habitat in reference and treatment reaches
- 2001-032-00, 52962, Work Element M: 157 - Measure Physical Habitat in Reference and Treatment Reaches
- 2001-032-00, 57528, Work Element O: 157 - Collect Physical Habitat data in Reference and Treatment Reaches
- 1990-044-00, 57531, Work Element M: 157 - Trap juvenile and adult adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout in Lake and Benewah creeks
- 1990-044-00, 57531, Work Element R: 157 - Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds for indices of abundance
- 1990-044-00, 57531, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of migratory cutthroat
- 1990-044-00, 57531, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 57531, Work Element V: 157 - Measure physical habitat in reference and treatment reaches
- 1990-044-00, 57531, Work Element X: 157 - Measure water and air temperature in the Lake and Benewah watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 57531, Work Element AB: 162 - Analyze data from monitoring of engineered and natural beaver dam structures in Benewah Creek
- 1990-044-00, 57531, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze data from temperature monitoring in target watersheds
- 2001-032-00, 57528, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 61127, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 61127, Work Element R: 157 - Collect Physical Habitat data in Reference and Treatment Reaches
- 1990-044-00, 61299, Work Element M: 157 - Trap juvenile and adult adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout in Lake and Benewah creeks
- 1990-044-00, 61299, Work Element R: 157 - Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds for indices of abundance
- 1990-044-00, 61299, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of migratory cutthroat
- 1990-044-00, 61299, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 61299, Work Element V: 157 - Measure physical habitat in reference and treatment reaches
- 1990-044-00, 61299, Work Element X: 157 - Measure water and air temperature in the Lake and Benewah watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 61299, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze data from temperature monitoring in target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 61299, Work Element AB: 162 - Analyze data from monitoring of engineered and natural beaver dam structures in Benewah Creek
- 2001-032-00, 64877, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 64877, Work Element Q: 157 - Collect Physical Habitat data in Reference and Treatment Reaches
- 1990-044-00, 65197, Work Element N: 157 - Trap juvenile and adult adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout in Lake and Benewah creeks
- 1990-044-00, 65197, Work Element Q: 157 - Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds for indices of abundance
- 1990-044-00, 65197, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of migratory cutthroat
- 1990-044-00, 65197, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats in target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 65197, Work Element U: 157 - Measure physical habitat in reference and treatment reaches
- 1990-044-00, 65197, Work Element W: 157 - Measure water and air temperature in the Lake and Benewah watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 65197, Work Element Z: 162 - Analyze data from temperature monitoring in target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 65197, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze data from monitoring of engineered and natural beaver dam structures in Benewah Creek
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 3, Work Element Q: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of Upper Lake Creek Watershed
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 3, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 3, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 3, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Sampling Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of Lake Creek Watershed
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 3, Work Element V: 162 - Analyze Data Logged at Stationary PIT Antenna Arrays
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element K: 157 - Sample redband trout using electrofishing backpacks in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element J: 157 - Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element L: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element S: 157 - Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element T: 157 - Sample redband trout using electrofishing backpacks in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element U: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element Y: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element Z: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 9, Work Element AC: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 9, Work Element AE: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 9, Work Element AF: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 9, Work Element AG: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Sampling Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of the Evans and Benewahs Creek Watersheds