Repository: CRITFC Cloud Secure Tribal Repository (CCSTR)
- ID: 1186
- Created by: Rebecca Scully
- Created: 7/30/2014 3:53 PM
- Updated by: Rebecca Scully
- Updated: 7/31/2014 9:01 AM
CRITFC Cloud Secure Tribal Repository (CCSTR)
The CRITFC repository contains raw field data from various projects; derived metric data; and indicator level analyses CCSTR is the main repository for the CRITFC Inter-Tribal Monitoring Data Project (ITMD)
CRITFC and member tribes
- Henry Franzoni (
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Precise GPS locations of CHaMP benchmarks - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Maintain and operate PIT Arrays - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- COPY: Cottonwood Action to Stabilize Temperature (CAST) Monitoring - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect Tissue Samples for PBT - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indic - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salm - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing ( PIT tag data) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect PIT tag detection data from PTAGIS from Accords project funded sites (OKC, SKA, ZSL, OKC, OKP, McIntyre) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect data on substrate available for spawning in the Penticton Channel and sockeye salmon redds in the area. - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect Data on Sea Lion Predation - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Estimate sea lion abundance - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Data Analysis - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Analyze kelt steelhead post rearing data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC): BPA Project 2007-401-00
- Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC): BPA Project 2007-401-00
- Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Implement Snake River Kelt Reconditioning Plan - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analyze, summarize and integrate findings - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Collect data on fish response to salmon carcass addition - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Relative role of Pacific lamprey marine-derived nutrients in freshwater food webs - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect sturgeon tissue samples as part of developing genetic analysis protocol - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC): Sturgeon
- Analysis of SNP Frequencies - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Estimate fish assemblage distributions and juvenile salmonid densities by reach - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches & Habitat Use in WSR and SC - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R. - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- COPY: Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries Surveys - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collection of Biological and Ecological Data - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Develop genetic testing protocol for sturgeon - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Estimate and map potential spawning area and sockeye redds
- Dunstan Groundwater Monitoring
- Test Meg 2
- Estimate and map potential spawning area and sockeye redds, cloned for Study Design 510
- Sea lion removal
- Maintain and operate PIT Arrays - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Opportunistic eDNA sampling
- Environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring for Pacific Lamprey in the Columbia River Basin v1.0
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze Didson to estimate spatial distribution of sockeye passing under Highway 3 bridge in Osoyoo
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element Q: 157 - Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-507-00, 66762, Work Element F: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 66762, Work Element I: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 66762, Work Element J: 160 - Exploratory development of (ISO19115) metadata and other metadata (ongoing)
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2009-004-00, 71725, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2009-004-00, 71725, Work Element G: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Precise GPS locations of CHaMP benchmarks
- 2009-004-00, 71725, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 71725, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indic
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element G: 157 - Relative role of Pacific lamprey marine-derived nutrients in freshwater food webs
- 2008-507-00, 70127, Work Element F: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 70127, Work Element I: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 70127, Work Element J: 160 - Exploratory development of (ISO19115) metadata and other metadata (ongoing)
- 2009-004-00, 75586, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 75586, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indic
- 2009-004-00, 75586, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2009-004-00, 75586, Work Element G: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Collect data on fish response to salmon carcass addition
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2008-524-00, 75896, Work Element G: 157 - Relative role of Pacific lamprey marine-derived nutrients in freshwater food webs
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2008-503-00, 72259, Work Element O: 157 - Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salm
- 2008-503-00, 72259, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze Didson to estimate spatial distribution of sockeye passing under the Osoyoos Lake bridge
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element H: 157 - Relative role of Pacific lamprey marine-derived nutrients in freshwater food webs
- 2008-504-00, 77704, Work Element E: 157 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element C: 159 - Consolidate/Transfer Regionally Standardized Data - Assist Data Producing Projects
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element D: 160 - Create/Manage/Maintain Tools, Applications, and Databases for Pilot and Production Projects
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element E: 160 - Migrate/update digital pen system projects from Capturx/SharePoint to Anoto Live/LAMP
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element F: 160 - Complete a pilot centralized data management system implementation for three tribes and CRITFC
- 2007-155-00, 76837, Work Element H: 157 - Collect sturgeon tissue samples as part of developing genetic analysis protocol
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element L: 157 - Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 2, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate fish assemblage distributions and juvenile salmonid densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 2, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 2, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element L: 157 - Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-397-00, 78267, Work Element N: 162 - Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries Surveys
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element P: 157 - Collect data on substrate available for spawning in the Penticton Channel and sockeye salmon redds in the area.
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element Q: 162 - Estimate and map potential spawning area and sockeye redds
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element E: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element G: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element H: 160 - Exploratory development of (ISO19115) metadata and other metadata (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element I: 160 - Update Tribal Network design as needed, as CDMS implementation occurs across the four tribes.
- 2007-397-00, 78267, Work Element BG: 157 - CCR-040402 John Day Temperature Monitoring - Expanded Scope
- 2008-504-00, 73354 REL 16, Work Element E: 157 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 17, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 22, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance, fish growth, and fish assemblage distributions by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 22, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 22, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element K: 157 - Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 27, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 27, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 27, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 27, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 198, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 35, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 40, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance, fish growth, and fish assemblage distributions by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 40, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 40, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 45, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 45, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 45, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 45, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element H: 157 - Test deployment of DIDSON at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 223, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 47, Work Element F: 160 - Implement Best Management Practices That Improve Tribal Data Management
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 52, Work Element H: 157 - Estimate sea lion abundance in the Lower Columbia River
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 52, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 55, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance, fish growth, and fish assemblage distributions by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 55, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 55, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 64, Work Element F: 160 - Implement Best Management Practices That Improve Tribal Data Management
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 62, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 62, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 62, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 62, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 246, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 69, Work Element H: 157 - Estimate sea lion abundance in the Lower Columbia River
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 69, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2009-004-00, 90582, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance and distribution by reach
- 2009-004-00, 90582, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies
- 2009-004-00, 90582, Work Element G: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 79, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 79, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 79, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 79, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 271, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 85, Work Element H: 157 - Estimate sea lion abundance in the Lower Columbia River
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 85, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2007-401-00, 30769, Work Element N: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on long-term reconditioned kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 30769, Work Element T: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 30769, Work Element P: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 37075, Work Element N: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on long-term reconditioned kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 37075, Work Element P: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 37075, Work Element T: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 42793, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 42793, Work Element H: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 42793, Work Element J: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 42793, Work Element L: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2008-504-00, 44913, Work Element D: 157 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 48191, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 48191, Work Element H: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 48191, Work Element J: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 48191, Work Element L: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2008-504-00, 50512, Work Element C: 157 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 53578, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 53578, Work Element H: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 53578, Work Element J: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 53578, Work Element L: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-157-00, 55292, Work Element F: 162 - Determine Juvenile Relative Abundance & Habitat Use In Warm Springs River
- 2007-157-00, 55292, Work Element H: 162 - Determine Juvenile Relative Abundance & Habitat Use In Shitike Creek
- 2008-307-00, 56745, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate Of O. nerka Spawners In Metolius River
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element G: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element I: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element J: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element K: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element L: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2008-503-00, 56277, Work Element F: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 56277, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2007-157-00, 58843, Work Element G: 162 - Determine Juvenile Relative Abundance & Habitat Use In WSR
- 2008-307-00, 60587, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate Of O. nerka Spawners In Metolius River
- 2008-503-00, 60524, Work Element G: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 60524, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2009-004-00, 60598, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2009-004-00, 60598, Work Element G: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2007-157-00, 63538, Work Element G: 162 - Determine Juvenile Relative Abundance & Habitat Use in WSR
- 2008-307-00, 64275, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-503-00, 64654, Work Element G: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 64654, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2009-004-00, 64398, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 64398, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2008-503-00, 64654, Work Element Q: 162 - Preliminary analysis of Wenatchee and Osoyoos paleolimnological cores
- 2008-307-00, 68409, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element G: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element P: 162 - Preliminary analysis of Wenatchee and Osoyoos paleolimnological cores
- 2009-004-00, 68574, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 68574, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2007-157-00, 70435, Work Element C: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 70435, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches & Habitat Use in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 70435, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R.
- 2007-157-00, 70435, Work Element D: 162 - Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 70435, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Juvenile Bull Trout Counts in Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2008-307-00, 71834, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-503-00, 72259, Work Element G: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2007-157-00, 73814, Work Element D: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 73814, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 73814, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches & Habitat Use in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 73814, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Juvenile Bull Trout Counts in Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 73814, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2008-307-00, 75392, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element E: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing ( PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee, Osoyoos, and Okanagan Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2007-397-00, 71619, Work Element CN: 162 - CCR-38546 Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected from Fisheries Surveys
- 2007-157-00, 77172, Work Element D: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 77172, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 77172, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches & Habitat Use in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 77172, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Juvenile Bull Trout Counts in Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 77172, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2007-397-00, 78267, Work Element K: 157 - Cottonwood Action to Stabilize Temperature (CAST) Monitoring
- 2008-307-00, 78650, Work Element O: 157 - Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries
- 2008-307-00, 78650, Work Element P: 162 - Metolius River - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from PTAGIS from Accords project funded sites (OKC, SKA, ZSL, OKC, OKP, McIntyre)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee, Osoyoos, and Okanagan Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2007-157-00, 80597, Work Element D: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 80597, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 80597, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches & Habitat Use in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 80597, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Juvenile Bull Trout Counts in Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 80597, Work Element K: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2008-307-00, 81656, Work Element G: 157 - Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries
- 2008-307-00, 81656, Work Element H: 162 - Metolius River - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2000-015-00, 81856, Work Element Y: 157 - RESTORATION - Long-Term Fish Distribution and Habitat Usage Surveys
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from PTAGIS from Accords project funded sites (OKC, SKA, ZSL, OKC, OKP, McIntyre)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 21, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 21, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2007-157-00, 83183, Work Element D: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 83183, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 83183, Work Element I: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 23, Work Element K: 157 - Collect data on progeny of WCT translocated to Indian Creek
- 2008-307-00, 84765, Work Element G: 157 - Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries
- 2008-307-00, 84765, Work Element H: 162 - Metolius River - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 39, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 39, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2000-015-00, 85059, Work Element U: 157 - RESTORATION - CTWS Middle Fork John Day Groundwater Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 85059, Work Element V: 157 - RESTORATION - Long-Term Fish Distribution and Habitat Usage Surveys
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element K: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2007-157-00, 86309, Work Element D: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 86309, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 86309, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 52, Work Element G: 162 - Work with BPA to develop criteria for analyzing effectiveness of removals
- 2008-307-00, 87583, Work Element F: 157 - Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries
- 2008-307-00, 87583, Work Element G: 162 - Metolius River - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element H: 157 - Test deployment of DIDSON at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element K: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 56, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 56, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2007-157-00, 89226, Work Element F: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 89226, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, 89226, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 69, Work Element G: 162 - Develop a framework for analyzing effectiveness of removals
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 72, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 72, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-203-00, 73982 REL 121, Work Element L: 157 - Collect genetic samples from adult hatchery steelhead to determine their origin.
- 2008-307-00, CR-353094, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries
- 2008-307-00, CR-353094, Work Element G: 162 - COPY: Metolius River - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element I: 157 - Collect data on substrate available for shorespawning sockeye within Okanagan Lake and salmon redds in the area.
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element K: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2007-157-00, CR-356663, Work Element F: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, CR-356663, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2007-157-00, CR-356663, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 85, Work Element G: 162 - Develop a framework for analyzing effectiveness of removals
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 89, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 89, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2009-004-00, 92202, Work Element F: 157 - Collect juvenile salmonid abundance, distribution, growth and survival data.
- 2009-004-00, 92202, Work Element G: 157 - Collect benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 87, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 87, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element AA: 157 - BT: Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element AB: 162 - BT: Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element AG: 162 - BT: Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 95, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 95, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 95, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 95, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 299, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 102, Work Element G: 162 - Develop a framework for analyzing effectiveness of removals
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 102, Work Element H: 157 - Estimate sea lion abundance in the Lower Columbia River
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 102, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 107, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 107, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2009-004-00, 94441, Work Element F: 157 - Collect salmonid abundance, distribution, growth and survival data
- 2009-004-00, 94441, Work Element G: 157 - Collect benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base data
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 105, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 105, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element Z: 157 - BT: Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element AA: 162 - BT: Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element AF: 162 - BT: Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 110, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 110, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 110, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 110, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 321, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2008-004-00, 96066, Work Element H: 162 - Develop a framework for analyzing effectiveness of removals
- 2008-907-00, CR-374458, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2009-004-00, 96464, Work Element F: 157 - Collect fish abundance, distribution, growth and survival data
- 2009-004-00, 96464, Work Element G: 157 - Collect benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base data
- 2008-503-00, 96581, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2007-401-00, CR-376028, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, CR-376028, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, CR-376028, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2008-306-00, CR-376632, Work Element Z: 157 - BT: Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2008-306-00, CR-376632, Work Element AA: 162 - BT: Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays
- 2008-306-00, CR-376632, Work Element AF: 162 - BT: Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater