- ID: 1194
- Created by: Rebecca Scully
- Created: 10/23/2015 9:21 AM
- Updated by:
- Updated:
UCWSRI Data Management System
The database for the Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative. The UCWSRI began in 2000 with an agreement signed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, BC Environmental and BC Hydro The Initiative brings the combined interests of government, aboriginal, industry, environmental groups, and others to the challenge of building a future for the white sturgeon in the upper Columbia River in British Columbia and across the border in the United States.
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data - Spokane Tribe
- Conduct sub-yearling (juvenile) monitoring (gill netting) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Bathymetric and sediment facies mapping - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Characterize river velocities (habitat assessment) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Conduct Stock Assessment (setline) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Conduct adult white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control - Spokane Tribe 1
- Produce digital terrain model of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Collect blood plasma and gonad tissue samples from hatchery White Sturgeon - Colville Confederated Tribes
- CCT Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Larvae Drift
- CCT Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Larvae Drift2
- CCT Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Larvae Drift, cloned for Study Design 1714
- CCT Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Larvae Drift2, cloned for Study Design 1714
- Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Ploidy Monitoring
- Stable Isotope Analysis of Sturgeon Tissue Samples
- Stable Isotope Analysis of Sturgeon Tissue Samples V1
- 2008-116-00, 70837, Work Element T: 157 - Collect blood plasma and gonad tissue samples from hatchery White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 70837, Work Element U: 157 - Process blood plasma and gonad tissue samples from hatchery White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 74692, Work Element E: 157 - Collect blood plasma and gonad tissue samples from hatchery White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 74692, Work Element F: 157 - Process blood plasma and gonad tissue samples from hatchery White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 26, Work Element H: 162 - Refine sediment facies map of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 26, Work Element I: 162 - Refine digital terrain model of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 26, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct supplementary sediment facies videography in upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 26, Work Element F: 157 - Collect supplementary river velocity data in Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 26, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct sub-yearling (juvenile) monitoring (gill netting)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 55, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct supplementary sediment facies videography in upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 55, Work Element G: 162 - Refine sediment facies map of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 55, Work Element E: 157 - Process blood plasma and gonad tissue samples from hatchery White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 84, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct supplementary sediment facies mapping in upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 84, Work Element H: 162 - Refine sediment facies map of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 84, Work Element F: 157 - Process blood plasma and gonad tissue samples from hatchery White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 84, Work Element L: 157 - Capture White Sturgeon larvae to validate larvae transport model.
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element E: 157 - Capture White Sturgeon larvae to estimate capture efficiency and production (abundance)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element I: 157 - Gear retention experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate gear retention - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element K: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate gear encounter rates for age-0 White Sturgeon
- 1997-004-00, 73548 REL 136, Work Element B: 160 - Manage and Maintain Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative Database
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate gear encounter rates for age-0 White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element J: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element D: 157 - Release and recapture White Sturgeon larvae to estimate drift rates
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element H: 157 - Gear retention experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate gear retention - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element R: 157 - Determine rates of 8N, 10N, and 12N ploidy in hatchery and wild White Sturgeon
- 1997-004-00, 91844, Work Element B: 160 - Manage and Maintain Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative Database
- 2008-116-00, 92075, Work Element B: 157 - Release and recapture White Sturgeon larvae to estimate drift rates
- 2008-116-00, 92075, Work Element H: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 92075, Work Element N: 157 - Determine rates of 8N, 10N, and 12N ploidy in hatchery and wild White Sturgeon
- 1995-027-00, 65088, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 68702, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 2008-116-00, 70837, Work Element E: 157 - Collect river velocity data in Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 70837, Work Element I: 162 - Produce digital terrain model of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 70837, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct sediment facies mapping in upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 1995-027-00, 72008, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 2008-116-00, 70837, Work Element H: 162 - Produce sediment facies map of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 74692, Work Element H: 157 - Collect river velocity data in Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 74692, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct supplementary sediment facies videography in upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 74692, Work Element K: 162 - Refine sediment facies map of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 74692, Work Element L: 162 - Refine digital terrain model of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 1995-027-00, 75980, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 75980, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct adult white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 78941, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 78941, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct adult white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 81914, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 85144, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 87423, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 2008-115-00, 73548 REL 106, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct hydrographic survey in Lake Roosevelt to map benthic habitat
- 2008-115-00, 73548 REL 106, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze hydrographic survey data to develop sediment facies map of Lake Roosevelt
- 2008-115-00, 73548 REL 137, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct hydrographic survey in Lake Roosevelt to map benthic habitat
- 2008-115-00, 73548 REL 137, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze hydrographic survey data to develop sediment facies map of Lake Roosevelt
- 1995-027-00, 89840, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 92128, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 2008-115-00, 91887, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct hydrographic survey in Lake Roosevelt to map benthic habitat
- 2008-115-00, 91887, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze hydrographic survey data to develop sediment facies map of Lake Roosevelt
- 2008-115-00, 84051 REL 11, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct hydrographic survey in Lake Roosevelt to map benthic habitat
- 2008-115-00, 84051 REL 11, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze hydrographic survey data to develop sediment facies map of Lake Roosevelt
- 1997-004-00, 84051 REL 7, Work Element B: 160 - Manage and Maintain Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative Database
- 2008-116-00, 84051 REL 16, Work Element C: 157 - Release and recapture White Sturgeon larvae to estimate drift rates
- 2008-116-00, 84051 REL 16, Work Element E: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 84051 REL 16, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate gear encounter rates for age-0 White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 84051 REL 16, Work Element J: 157 - Determine rates of 8N, 10N, and 12N ploidy in hatchery and wild White Sturgeon
- 1995-027-00, 94282, Work Element L: 157 - Collect BY24 White Sturgeon Larvae for the Conservation Aquaculture Program
- 1995-027-00, 94282, Work Element N: 157 - Determine ploidy rates (8N, 10N, and 12N) of wild caught larvae produced for the Conservation Aquaculture Program
- 2008-115-00, 84051 REL 32, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct hydrographic survey in Lake Roosevelt to map benthic habitat
- 2008-115-00, 84051 REL 32, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze hydrographic survey data to develop sediment facies map of Lake Roosevelt
- 1997-004-04, 84051 REL 30, Work Element C: 160 - Manage and Maintain Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative Database
- 1995-027-00, 96658, Work Element J: 157 - Collect BY25 White Sturgeon Larvae for the Conservation Aquaculture Program
- 1995-027-00, 96658, Work Element L: 157 - Determine Ploidy Rates (8N, 10N, and 12N) of Wild Caught Larvae Produced for the Conservation Aquaculture Program
- 2008-116-00, 84051 REL 36, Work Element G: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 84051 REL 36, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate gear encounter rates for age-0 White Sturgeon