- ID: 1203
- Created by: Rebecca Scully
- Created: 11/10/2016 2:20 PM
- Updated by: Rebecca Scully
- Updated: 11/10/2016 2:27 PM
Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System (IFWIS): BioSamples Database
Database of scale samples and associated ages from wild juvenile steelhead, wild adult steelhead, and wild adult Chinook Salmon. Also includes fin ray samples and associated ages from wild adult Chinook Salmon carcasses.
IDFG Wild Salmon & Steelhead Program staff & outside cooperators by request
Must have a IDFG Collaboration Site username and password, available by request. Administrators: Paul Bunn (paul.bunn@idfg.idaho.gov)
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Assign ages to adult and juvenile steelhead scale samples collected at trap & weirs in 2011 - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Sample wild steelhead adults at Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG juvenile wild Chinook Salmon sampling at Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG adult wild Chinook Salmon sampling at Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- White sturgeon movement evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- White sturgeon spawning evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Juveniles white sturgeon recruitment and evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Evaluate juvenile and adult burbot population dynamics - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Evaluate Burbot early life history: field evaluations and graduate studies - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect reservoir limnology data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Rainbow Trout Recruitment and Early Life History - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Rainbow Trout Recruitment and Early Life History - IDF&G_5
- Walleye population dynamics evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Track lake trout tagged with acoustic tags in Priest Lake - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Rainbow trout age and growth evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Evaluate kokanee population status - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Conduct Kokanee population surveys - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- White sturgeon larval hatching success - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Adult White sturgeon sampling - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG juvenile spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead sampling at Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Adult Escapement Using In-stream PIT tag Detection System Interrogation Data
- LPO Status and trend of Walleye
- LPO Status and trend of rainbow trout
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook salmon and steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Selected Population Performance Metrics of Wild Smolts by Genetic Stock for Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from Lower Granite Dam Sampling
- Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Assign ages to adult and juvenile steelhead scale samples collected at trap & weirs in 2011 - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 468
- IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook salmon and steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 468
- Adult Age Composition of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales and fin rays collected from Lower Granite Dam, temporary weirs, hatchery traps, and post-spawn carcasses. Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Adult Age Composition of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales and fin rays collected from Lower Granite Dam, temporary weirs, hatchery traps, and post-spawn carcasses. Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 1770
- Adult Age Composition of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales and fin rays collected from Lower Granite Dam, temporary weirs, hatchery traps, and post-spawn carcasses. Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 1770
- Sample wild steelhead adults at Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 469
- Lower Granite Dam Sampling for Idaho Wild Adult Steelhead and Chinook Salmon: 2021 Version v2.0
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 1766
- Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467, cloned for Study Plan 1766
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467, cloned for Study Plan 1766
- Dworshak Reservoir Smallmouth Bass Fishery Evaluation
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG juvenile wild Chinook Salmon sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG adult wild Chinook Salmon sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1988-065-00, 75805, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 1988-065-00, 75805, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate Burbot early life history: field evaluations and graduate studies
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG juvenile wild steelhead sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG juvenile wild Chinook Salmon sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG adult wild Chinook Salmon sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG juvenile wild steelhead sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1988-065-00, 78985, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 1988-065-00, 78985, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate Burbot early life history: field evaluations and graduate studies
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG juvenile wild steelhead sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1988-065-00, 81853, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG adult wild Chinook Salmon sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG juvenile wild Chinook Salmon sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River
- 2019-006-00, 81592, Work Element D: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (LLRTP) Rotary Screw trap
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG LOWER GRANITE DAM JUVENILE SAMPLING for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG LOWER GRANITE DAM ADULT SAMPLING for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element V: 157 - IDFG GROUND-BASED REDD COUNTS and carcass biological sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1988-065-00, 85015, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element P: 157 - IDFG ROTARY SCREW TRAPPING for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG LOWER GRANITE DAM JUVENILE SAMPLING for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element O: 157 - IDFG ROTARY SCREW TRAPPING for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element U: 157 - IDFG GROUND-BASED REDD COUNTS and carcass biological sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element H: 162 - IDFG JUVENILE AGE COMPOSITION of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales collected at LOWER GRANITE DAM and wild steelhead from rotary screw traps
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG LOWER GRANITE DAM ADULT SAMPLING for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element K: 162 - IDFG ADULT AGE COMPOSITION of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales and fin rays collected from Lower Granite Dam, temporary weirs, hatchery traps, and post-spawn carcasses.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element I: 162 - IDFG SELECTED POPULATION PERFORMANCE METRICS OF WILD SMOLTS BY GENETIC STOCK for Chinook Salmon and steelhead from Lower Granite Dam Sampling
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element W: 162 - IDFG SELECTED POPULATION PERFORMANCE METRICS OF WILD ADULTS for Chinook Salmon and steelhead from weirs, hatchery traps, PIT arrays, and spawner surveys.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Sampling for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Adult Sampling for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element J: 162 - IDFG Population Performance Metrics of Wild Adult Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from Lower Granite Dam Sampling
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element H: 162 - IDFG Juvenile Age Composition of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales collected at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Sampling for wild Chinook salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element H: 162 - IDFG Juvenile Age Composition of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales collected at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Adult Sampling for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element J: 162 - IDFG Population Performance Metrics of Wild Adult Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from Lower Granite Dam Sampling
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1994-047-00, 41509, Work Element D: 157 - Collect kokanee population data to evaluate predator reduction efforts
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element L: 162 - Assign ages to adult and juvenile steelhead scale samples collected at trap & weirs in 2011
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element U: 162 - Estimate 2011 steelhead escapement in Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element AA: 157 - Collect Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers*
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element L: 162 - Assign ages to adult and juvenile steelhead scale samples collected at trap & weirs in 2012
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element U: 162 - Estimate 2012 steelhead escapement in Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element AA: 157 - Collect Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element L: 162 - Assign ages to adult and juvenile steelhead scale samples collected at trap & weirs in 2013
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element U: 162 - Estimate 2012 steelhead escapement in Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element AA: 157 - Collect Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers
- 1988-065-00, 64937, Work Element H: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 1990-055-00, 67655, Work Element I: 157 - Sample Wild Adult and Juvenile Steelhead at Lower Granite Dam*
- 1990-055-00, 67655, Work Element S: 157 - Collate Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers (2013-2014 data)
- 1988-065-00, 68393, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 1988-065-00, 72417, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element I: 157 - Sample Wild Adult and Juvenile Steelhead at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element L: 162 - Assign Ages to Steelhead Scales Collected at Lower Granite Dam, Traps, and Weirs
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element R: 157 - Collate Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers (2014-2015 data)
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element S: 162 - Wild adult steelhead age composition from scales collected at LGR, & IDFG weirs & hatchery traps
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River
- 2003-017-00, 77840, Work Element K: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element S: 162 - Wild adult steelhead age composition from scales collected at LGR, & IDFG weirs & hatchery traps
- 2003-017-00, CR-326243, Work Element D: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element S: 162 - Wild adult steelhead age composition from scales collected at LGR, & IDFG weirs & hatchery traps
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element L: 162 - IDFG ADULT AGE COMPOSITION of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales and fin rays collected from Lower Granite Dam, temporary weirs, hatchery traps, and post-spawn carcasses.
- 2010-031-00, 88216, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 88216, Work Element AB: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 2010-031-00, 90544, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 90544, Work Element AB: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 14, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 14, Work Element AB: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 1988-065-00, 84045 REL 11, Work Element I: 157 - Fine scale habitat selection by adult White Sturgeon
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element F: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Sampling for wild Chinook salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element G: 162 - IDFG Juvenile Age Composition of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales collected at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Adult Sampling for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element I: 162 - IDFG Population Performance Metrics of Wild Adult Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from Lower Granite Dam Sampling
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element M: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element R: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 30, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 30, Work Element AA: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Sampling for wild Chinook salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element H: 162 - IDFG Juvenile Age Composition of wild steelhead from scales collected at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Adult Sampling for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element J: 162 - IDFG Population Performance Metrics of Wild Adult Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from Lower Granite Dam Sampling
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2010-031-00, CR-374459, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, CR-374459, Work Element AA: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 2019-005-00, 84045 REL 37, Work Element Z: 162 - Analysis: Status and trend of Smallmouth Bass (Dwor)