- ID: 123
- Created by: Jacque Schei
- Created: 5/27/2010 11:00 AM
- Updated by: Jacque Schei
- Updated: 11/7/2013 1:54 PM
Middle Fork (John Day) Intensively Monitored Watershed Reports
The Middle Fork Intensively Monitored Watershed (IMW) is a multi-year, multi-phased monitoring project located on the Middle Fork of the John Day River in Grant County, Oregon.
Administrator - Cyrus Curry
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Bridge and South Fork John Day IMW habitat sampling - Eco Logical Research
- Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin - Eco Logical Research
- COPY: John Day Temperature Monitoring - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Stream Temperature Monitoring - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Steelhead Redd Counts - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Juvenile Fish Count Surveys - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: Upper John Day Conservation Lands Program
- Irrigation Monitoring - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: Upper John Day Conservation Lands Program
- Tailings Project Monitoring and Maintenance Plan work - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Steelhead spawner surveys - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: John Day - Version 1
- Estimate Genetic Composition of Steelhead Populations - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Collect CRITFC data: Estimate fish assemblage distributions and juvenile salmonid densities by reach - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: John Day
- Monitor Water Temperatures - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Monitor Property Fish and Habitat Values - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Dunstan Groundwater Monitoring
- CTWS John Day Conservation Properties Groundwater Monitoring
- CTWS John Day Basin Properties - Project-Specific Habitat Response Monitoring
- CTWS John Day Basin Properties Aquatic Inventories Surveys
- CTWS - Long-Term Monitoring of Middle Fork John Day Fish/Habitat Relationships
- Bridge and South Fork John Day IMW habitat sampling - Eco Logical Research, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin - Eco Logical Research, cloned for Study Plan 125
- 2003-017-00, 55970, Work Element M: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2000-015-00, 81856, Work Element Y: 157 - RESTORATION - Long-Term Fish Distribution and Habitat Usage Surveys
- 2000-015-00, 81856, Work Element Z: 162 - RESTORATION - Analyze Long-Term Fish Distribution and Habitat Usage Data
- 2000-015-00, 81856, Work Element W: 157 - RESTORATION - Collect Project-Specific Monitoring Plan Data
- 2000-015-00, 85059, Work Element U: 157 - RESTORATION - CTWS Middle Fork John Day Groundwater Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 85059, Work Element V: 157 - RESTORATION - Long-Term Fish Distribution and Habitat Usage Surveys
- 2000-015-00, 85059, Work Element W: 162 - RESTORATION - Analyze Long-Term Fish Distribution and Habitat Usage Data
- 2000-015-00, 85059, Work Element T: 157 - RESTORATION - Collect Project-Specific Monitoring Plan Data
- 2000-015-00, 87664, Work Element S: 157 - RESTORATION - Vincent to Vinegar Status and Trend Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 87664, Work Element T: 157 - RESTORATION - CTWS Middle Fork John Day Groundwater Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 87664, Work Element U: 157 - RESTORATION - Fish Distribution, Movement and Habitat Usage Surveys
- 2000-015-00, 87664, Work Element W: 162 - RESTORATION - Analyze Data Collected under "157: Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data" Work Elements
- 2007-397-00, 89673, Work Element AA: 157 - John Day Basin Project Effectiveness Temperature Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 90035, Work Element R: 157 - MONITORING - Vincent to Vinegar Status and Trend Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 90035, Work Element S: 157 - MONITORING - CTWS Middle Fork John Day Groundwater Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 90035, Work Element T: 157 - MONITORING - Fish Distribution, Movement and Habitat Usage Surveys
- 2000-015-00, 90035, Work Element V: 162 - MONITORING - Analyze Data Collected under "157: Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data" Work Elements
- 2007-397-00, 91763, Work Element AD: 157 - John Day Basin Project Effectiveness Temperature Monitoring
- 2003-017-00, 50685, Work Element L: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2003-017-00, 59730, Work Element P: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2003-017-00, 64527, Work Element L: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2003-017-00, 67511, Work Element L: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2003-017-00, 71203, Work Element K: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 2, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate fish assemblage distributions and juvenile salmonid densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 22, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance, fish growth, and fish assemblage distributions by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 40, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance, fish growth, and fish assemblage distributions by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 55, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance, fish growth, and fish assemblage distributions by reach
- 2009-004-00, 90582, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance and distribution by reach
- 2000-015-00, 92141, Work Element S: 157 - MONITORING - Vincent to Vinegar Status and Trend Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 92141, Work Element T: 157 - MONITORING - CTWS Middle Fork John Day Groundwater Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 92141, Work Element U: 157 - MONITORING - Fish Distribution, Movement and Habitat Usage Surveys
- 2000-015-00, 92141, Work Element W: 162 - MONITORING - Analyze Data Collected under "157: Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data" Work Elements
- 2009-004-00, 92202, Work Element F: 157 - Collect juvenile salmonid abundance, distribution, growth and survival data.
- 2009-004-00, 94441, Work Element F: 157 - Collect salmonid abundance, distribution, growth and survival data
- 2000-015-00, 94476, Work Element R: 157 - MONITORING - Vincent to Vinegar Status and Trend Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 94476, Work Element S: 157 - MONITORING - CTWS Middle Fork John Day Groundwater Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, 94476, Work Element T: 157 - MONITORING - Fish Distribution, Movement and Habitat Usage Surveys
- 2000-015-00, 94476, Work Element V: 162 - MONITORING - Analyze Data Collected under "157: Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data" Work Elements
- 2009-004-00, 96464, Work Element F: 157 - Collect fish abundance, distribution, growth and survival data
- 2000-015-00, CR-375664, Work Element R: 157 - MONITORING - Vincent to Vinegar Status and Trend Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, CR-375664, Work Element S: 157 - MONITORING - CTWS Middle Fork John Day Groundwater Monitoring
- 2000-015-00, CR-375664, Work Element T: 157 - MONITORING - Fish Distribution, Movement and Habitat Usage Surveys