- ID: 55
- Created by: Jacque Schei
- Created: 5/27/2010 11:00 AM
- Updated by: Rebecca Scully
- Updated: 7/22/2013 10:14 AM
CRITFC Technical Reports and Research Website
The scientists at CRITFC are constantly working on new research to further our understanding of salmon and their habitat. All the CRITFC technical reports and published scientific papers are available at this website.
- Phil Roger (rogp@critfc.org)
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Collect CHaMP habitat data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect habitat data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect water temperature, sediment, streamflow and habitat condition data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect all CHaMP habitat data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Maintain and operate PIT Arrays - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Meacham Flow/Hydrology Monitoring (USGS) - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Collect Tissue Samples for PBT - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicators - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indic - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect benthic macroinvertebrate samples and process - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and process - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing ( PIT tag data) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect Data on Sea Lion Predation - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Estimate sea lion abundance - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 1) Gather Landscape and Genetic Data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 1) Landscape Genetics Analyses/Correlation - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 2) Tissue Sampling - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 2) Quantify Gene Expression & SNP Frequencies - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 1) Sequencing and Assay Development - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 1) Analysis of SNP Frequencies - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 2) SNP Genotyping - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 2) Population Diversity and Differentiation - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 3) Collect Tissue Samples from Fisheries - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 3) Genotype Tissue Samples - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 3) Estimate Stock Composition - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 4) Non-lethal sampling at Bonneville Dam - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 4) Genotype tissue samples - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 4) GSI estimates - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Genetic Stock ID (2008-907-00) WSE 132575
- Fishery Monitoring - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Analyze kelt steelhead post rearing data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC): BPA Project 2007-401-00
- Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC): BPA Project 2007-401-00
- Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Implement Snake River Kelt Reconditioning Plan - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- OBJ 1: Evaluate and maintain SNPs - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- OBJ 4. Genetic diversity and life history characteristics of adults detected at PIT tag array - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze, summarize and integrate findings - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect McNeil sediment core samples and process - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: McNeil sediment core samples and process - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Stream gauging data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect genetic samples from resident O. mykiss in Hood River watershed - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- PO#4 - Produce hatchery crosses to test an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack r - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#6 - Analyze DIDSON files to estimate spring Chinook escapement to the upper Klickitat - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#6 - Evaluation of hatchery broodstock age on mini-jack production - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#1 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Evaluate Climate Scenarios and Viability of Pacific Lamprey and Pacific Eulachon - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Sur - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Survey) - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season Int.) - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season) - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Steelhead and Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-seas - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-season) - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net) - Nez Perce Tribe
- Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net Int.) - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Genetic sample collection - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Genetic sample analysis - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Hood River wild steelhead run type classification - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Steelhead genetic data collection - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC): Sturgeon Genetics
- Transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC): Sturgeon Genetics - Analysis
- Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC): Sturgeon
- Analysis of SNP Frequencies - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) 3
- Collect DNA, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in the SFSR Subbasin - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in JC - Nez Perce Tribe
- Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Conduct summer snorkel surveys - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Collect CRITFC data: Estimate fish assemblage distributions and juvenile salmonid densities by reach - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in juv. & adult Pac. lamprey in the Columbia R. basin (USGS) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Development of SNP genetic markers for Columbia River basin lamprey species (CRITFC) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Monitoring streams downstream of Willamette Falls for PIT tagged Pacific lamprey - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Utilizing existing datasets to address crtical uncertainties - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Monitoring the relative abundance of ammocoetes in the Willamette River basin (OSU) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin (USFWS) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin (Nez Perce) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Willamette River lamprey research synthesis, spawning biology assessment, and putative barriers - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Willamette River Basin Pacific lamprey habitat suitability study and decision support tool - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Assessment of gene flow in Pacific lamprey using microsatellite markers (UBC) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Assess the Impact of irr. diversion screens on juvenile lamprey in the Columbia River basin (USGS) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Assess the impact of irrigation diversion screens on juvenile lamprey in the Columbia River basin - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping of Catherine Creek - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping of Upper Grande Ronde - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping of Catherine Creek - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect CRITFC data: Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping of Upper Grande Ronde - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Investigate sea lion abundance and distribution in the Bonneville pool - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#5 - Assess productivity and capacity parameters associated with tribal supplementation prog - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Characterization of a maturity trait using adaptive genetic markers at Willamette Falls - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Hagerman Genetics Lab - CRITFC
- Genetics Lab Analysis
- Acoustic tagging to track movement, survival and opportunity for tissue sample collection for genetic analyses
- Acoustic tagging to track movement, survival and opportunity for tissue sample collection for genetic analyses
- Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Sea lion removal
- Perform molecular genetic analyses of spring chinook and coho in the Warm Springs River
- Sampling of spring chinook salmon involved in minijack experiments
- Sampling spring chinook to monitor reintroduction efforts
- Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon (WE. 157)
- Sampling spring chinook to monitor reintroduction efforts v2.0
- Perform molecular genetic analyses of spring chinook and coho in the Warm Springs River
- Sampling of spring chinook salmon involved in minijack experiments
- Sampling of spring chinook salmon to monitor supplementation program
- Collect Tissue Samples for PBT - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Sampling of spring chinook salmon to monitor supplementation program (Johnson Creek)
- Tributary Habitat Assessment Grande Ronde
- Environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring for Pacific Lamprey in the Columbia River Basin
- Monitoring the relative abundance and distribution of larval and juvenile Pacific lamprey in the Columbia River basin (2022)
- Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon (WE. 157)
- Sampling of spring chinook salmon involved in minijack experiments
- Sampling of spring chinook salmon to monitor supplementation program (Johnson Creek)
- Assessing genetic diversity & relatedness of Grande Ronde & Imnaha River basin populations through time
- Assessing genetic diversity & relatedness of Grande Ronde & Imnaha River basin populations through time
- Generating genotypes to assess genetic diversity & relatedness of Grande Ronde & Imnaha River basin populations through time
- Maintain and operate PIT Arrays - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Opportunistic eDNA sampling
- Environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring for Pacific Lamprey in the Columbia River Basin v1.0
- Use of a multifunctional single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) panel for genetic monitoring of Pacific Lamprey research and restoration programs v1.0
- Pacific Lamprey Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection v1.0
- Fishery Monitoring - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Plan 524
- Fishery Monitoring - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Pacific Lamprey Migration, Distribution, and Passage PIT Tagging v1.0
- Pacific Lamprey Adult Migration Monitoring Radio Telemetry Data Collection v1.0
- Monitoring the relative abundance and distribution of larval and juvenile Pacific lamprey in the Columbia River basin (2022)
- Pacific Lamprey Migration, Distribution, and Passage PIT Tagging v1.0
- Columbia river Pacific Lamprey Collector Effectiveness
- Collect CHaMP habitat data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Plan 125
- Collect habitat data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Plan 125
- Collect water temperature, sediment, streamflow and habitat condition data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Plan 125
- Collect all CHaMP habitat data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Plan 125
- Columbia river Pacific Lamprey Collector Effectiveness
- Evaluating DNA methylation of experimentally reared spring Chinook
- 2002-060-00, 55129, Work Element D: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Survey)
- 2008-504-00, 54931, Work Element B: 162 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2002-060-00, 55129, Work Element E: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season Int.)
- 2002-060-00, 55129, Work Element F: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-season)
- 2002-060-00, 55129, Work Element G: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net Int.)
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element Q: 157 - PO#6 - Operate DIDSON to record spring Chinook escapement to the upper Klickitat
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element R: 162 - PO#6 - Analyze DIDSON files to estimate spring Chinook escapement to the upper Klickitat
- 2009-008-00, 57328, Work Element I: 160 - Develop a Database of Stream Temperatures for the Clearwater River Basin, Idaho
- 2009-008-00, 57328, Work Element J: 159 - Consolidate Database Data to Facilitate Climate Change Modeling of Upper Grande Ronde Basin
- 2009-008-00, 57328, Work Element K: 159 - Transfer Grande Ronde River Basin climate change information to regional databases
- 2008-504-00, 58655, Work Element C: 162 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2002-060-00, 60006, Work Element D: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Survey)
- 2002-060-00, 60006, Work Element E: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season Int.)
- 2002-060-00, 60006, Work Element F: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-season)
- 2002-060-00, 60006, Work Element G: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net Int.)
- 2008-524-00, 57070, Work Element B: 157 - Monitoring the relative abundance of ammocoetes in the Willamette River basin (OSU)
- 2008-524-00, 57070, Work Element C: 162 - Assessment of gene flow in Pacific lamprey using microsatellite markers (UBC)
- 2008-524-00, 57070, Work Element D: 162 - Microsatellite analysis of Pacific lamprey from the Willamette River basin (UM)
- 2008-524-00, 57070, Work Element E: 162 - Development of SNP genetic markers for Columbia River basin lamprey species (CRITFC)
- 2008-524-00, 57070, Work Element F: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in juv. & adult Pac. lamprey in the Columbia R. basin (USGS)
- 2008-524-00, 57070, Work Element G: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin (USFWS)
- 2008-524-00, 57070, Work Element H: 157 - Assess the Impact of irr. diversion screens on juvenile lamprey in the Columbia River basin (USGS)
- 2009-004-00, 56725, Work Element C: 157 - Collect water temperature, sediment, streamflow and habitat condition data
- 2009-004-00, 56725, Work Element P: 157 - Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping of Catherine Creek
- 2009-004-00, 56725, Work Element Q: 157 - Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping of Upper Grande Ronde
- 2009-008-00, 60791, Work Element I: 160 - Analysis of Tributary Stream Temperatures in the Clearwater River Basin, Idaho
- 2009-008-00, 60791, Work Element K: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Daba Base Tool
- 2008-727-00, 55580, Work Element E: 160 - Create Fish Population/Unit Database and Interactive Mapper Tool
- 2008-507-00, 58576, Work Element H: 160 - Exploratory Hosting of PSC enhanced harvest and habitat data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 58576, Work Element I: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data
- 2008-507-00, 58576, Work Element J: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases for climate change project (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 58576, Work Element K: 160 - Update and maintain portions of CRITFC web site for Accords data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 58576, Work Element L: 160 - Exploratory development of Federal Geospatial Data Committee (FGDC) metadata and other metadata
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element G: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element I: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element J: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element K: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 57554, Work Element L: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2009-008-00, 60791, Work Element M: 159 - HYDISM Hydroregulation Model Enhancement and CRITFC Data Base Tool Integration
- 2008-907-00, CR-247946, Work Element L: 162 - COPY: Obj. 2) Population Diversity and Differentiation
- 2009-004-00, 60598, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 60598, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and process
- 2009-004-00, 60598, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: McNeil sediment core samples and process
- 2009-004-00, 60598, Work Element G: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2009-004-00, 60598, Work Element H: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping of Catherine Creek
- 2009-004-00, 60598, Work Element I: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping of Upper Grande Ronde
- 2009-004-00, 60598, Work Element L: 160 - Develop and manage fish habitat, fish abundance, and GIS databases
- 2008-507-00, 63000, Work Element H: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 63000, Work Element I: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases for climate change project (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 63000, Work Element J: 160 - Update and maintain portions of CRITFC web site for Accords data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 63000, Work Element K: 160 - Exploratory development of (FGDC) metadata and other metadata (ongoing)
- 2008-504-00, 63189, Work Element C: 162 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2002-060-00, 63445, Work Element F: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Survey)
- 2002-060-00, 63445, Work Element G: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season)
- 2002-060-00, 63445, Work Element H: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-season)
- 2002-060-00, 63445, Work Element I: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net)
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 61549, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 1996-043-00, 63431, Work Element I: 157 - Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in JC
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element G: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element R: 157 - PO#6 - Operate DIDSON to record spring Chinook escapement to the upper Klickitat
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element S: 162 - PO#6 - Analyze DIDSON files to estimate spring Chinook escapement to the upper Klickitat
- 2008-524-00, 60877, Work Element B: 162 - Refinement of SNP genetic markers for Columbia River basin lamprey species (CRITFC)
- 2008-524-00, 60877, Work Element C: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in juv. & adult Pac. lamprey in the CRB (USGS)
- 2008-524-00, 60877, Work Element E: 157 - Monitoring the relative abundance of ammocoetes in the Willamette River basin (OSU)
- 2008-524-00, 60877, Work Element F: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin (Nez Perce)
- 2008-524-00, 60877, Work Element G: 157 - Assess the impact of irr. diversion screens on juvenile lamprey in the Columbia River basin (USGS)
- 2009-008-00, 65231, Work Element I: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Daba Base Tool
- 2009-008-00, 65231, Work Element K: 159 - HYDISM Hydroregulation Model Enhancement and CRITFC Data Base Tool Integration
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element Q: 157 - PO#6 - Evaluation of hatchery broodstock age on mini-jack production
- 2009-008-00, 65231, Work Element M: 160 - Create Database on Pacific Lamprey and Pacific Eulachon Information
- 2009-008-00, 65231, Work Element L: 162 - Evaluate Climate Scenarios and Viability of Pacific Lamprey and Pacific Eulachon
- 2008-504-00, 66917, Work Element C: 162 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2002-060-00, 67113, Work Element J: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Sur
- 2002-060-00, 67113, Work Element K: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season
- 2002-060-00, 67113, Work Element L: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-seas
- 2002-060-00, 67113, Work Element M: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net)
- 1996-043-00, 67412, Work Element K: 157 - Collect DNA, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in the SFSR Subbasin
- 2008-004-00, 67740, Work Element H: 157 - Investigate sea lion abundance and distribution in the Bonneville pool
- 2009-008-00, 69050, Work Element G: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Information System (CIS)
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element P: 162 - Preliminary analysis of Wenatchee and Osoyoos paleolimnological cores
- 2009-004-00, 68574, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 68574, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicators
- 2009-004-00, 68574, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2009-004-00, 68574, Work Element G: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping
- 2008-004-00, 63757, Work Element H: 157 - Investigate sea lion abundance and distribution in the Bonneville pool
- 2008-524-00, 65093, Work Element B: 162 - Genetic monitoring using SNP genetic markers for Columbia River basin lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 65093, Work Element C: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 65093, Work Element D: 157 - Willamette River lamprey research synthesis, spawning biology assessment, and putative barriers
- 2008-524-00, 65093, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 65093, Work Element F: 157 - Assess the impact of irrigation diversion screens on juvenile lamprey in the Columbia River basin
- 2008-524-00, 65093, Work Element G: 157 - Monitoring streams downstream of Willamette Falls for PIT tagged Pacific lamprey
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 65416, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2008-503-00, 64654, Work Element Q: 162 - Preliminary analysis of Wenatchee and Osoyoos paleolimnological cores
- 2009-004-00, 64398, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 64398, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and process
- 2009-004-00, 64398, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2009-004-00, 64398, Work Element G: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping of Catherine Creek
- 2009-004-00, 64398, Work Element H: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Current and potential riparian vegetation mapping of Upper Grande Ronde
- 2009-004-00, 64398, Work Element J: 160 - Develop and manage fish habitat, fish abundance, and GIS databases
- 2008-507-00, 66762, Work Element F: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 66762, Work Element I: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 66762, Work Element J: 160 - Exploratory development of (ISO19115) metadata and other metadata (ongoing)
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element B: 157 - PO#4 - Produce hatchery crosses to test an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack rate
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element K: 162 - PO#4 - Analyze data for an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack rate
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element L: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element N: 162 - PO#5 - Assess productivity and capacity parameters associated with tribal supplementation programs
- 2002-060-00, 70630, Work Element E: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Sur
- 2002-060-00, 70630, Work Element F: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season
- 2002-060-00, 70630, Work Element G: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-seas
- 2002-060-00, 70630, Work Element H: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net)
- 1996-043-00, 71017, Work Element E: 157 - Collect DNA, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in the SFSR Subbasin
- 2009-008-00, 72214, Work Element G: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Information System (CIS)
- 2009-004-00, 71725, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 71725, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indic
- 2009-004-00, 71725, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 69335, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2009-008-00, 72214, Work Element K: 159 - CIS model enhancement and graphical user interface development
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element B: 162 - Genetic monitoring using SNP genetic markers for Columbia River basin lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element C: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element D: 157 - Willamette River Basin Pacific lamprey habitat suitability study and decision support tool
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring streams downstream of Willamette Falls for PIT tagged Pacific lamprey
- 2008-507-00, 70127, Work Element F: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 70127, Work Element I: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 70127, Work Element J: 160 - Exploratory development of (ISO19115) metadata and other metadata (ongoing)
- 2002-060-00, 74325, Work Element F: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Sur
- 2002-060-00, 74325, Work Element G: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season
- 2002-060-00, 74325, Work Element H: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-seas
- 2002-060-00, 74325, Work Element I: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net)
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element N: 157 - PO#4 - Produce hatchery crosses to test an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack r
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element O: 162 - PO#4 - Analyze data for an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack rate
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element Q: 162 - PO#5 - Assess productivity and capacity parameters of populations associated with hatchery programs
- 2009-008-00, 75858, Work Element G: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Information System (CIS)
- 2009-008-00, 75858, Work Element J: 160 - Support Habitat Assessment with Climate Change Impact Metrics
- 2009-008-00, 75858, Work Element K: 159 - CIS model enhancement and graphical user interface development
- 2009-004-00, 75586, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Snorkel sample to estimate fish densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 75586, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indic
- 2009-004-00, 75586, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 76548, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2008-524-00, 75896, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 75896, Work Element C: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 75896, Work Element D: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 75896, Work Element E: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 75896, Work Element F: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 72990, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element N: 157 - PO#4 - Produce hatchery crosses to test an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack r
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element O: 162 - PO#4 - Analyze data for an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack rate
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element Q: 162 - PO#5 - Assess productivity and capacity parameters associated with tribal supplementation prog
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element C: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element D: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element E: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element F: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element G: 157 - Monitoring streams downstream of Willamette Falls for PIT tagged Pacific lamprey
- 2008-524-00, 75896, Work Element I: 162 - Utilizing existing datasets to address crtical uncertainties
- 2008-518-00, 76151, Work Element C: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 1, Work Element F: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Sur
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 1, Work Element G: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 1, Work Element H: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-seas
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 1, Work Element I: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net)
- 1988-053-03, 77170, Work Element P: 157 - Collect genetic samples from resident O. mykiss in Hood River watershed
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element C: 159 - Consolidate/Transfer Regionally Standardized Data - Assist Data Producing Projects
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element D: 160 - Create/Manage/Maintain Tools, Applications, and Databases for Pilot and Production Projects
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element E: 160 - Migrate/update digital pen system projects from Capturx/SharePoint to Anoto Live/LAMP
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element F: 160 - Complete a pilot centralized data management system implementation for three tribes and CRITFC
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 4, Work Element F: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Information System (CIS) Data Base Tool
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 4, Work Element I: 162 - Provide Technical Assistance to tribes on Climate Change Adaptation Efforts
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element N: 157 - PO#4 - Rear spring Chinook smolts in studies to assess aspect of minijack rate
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element O: 162 - PO#4 - Analyze data for an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack rate
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 2, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate fish assemblage distributions and juvenile salmonid densities by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 2, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 2, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 2, Work Element H: 160 - Develop and manage water temperature and GIS databases
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element J: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 7, Work Element K: 162 - Interpret gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element E: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element G: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element H: 160 - Exploratory development of (ISO19115) metadata and other metadata (ongoing)
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element I: 160 - Update Tribal Network design as needed, as CDMS implementation occurs across the four tribes.
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 8, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 6, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 6, Work Element C: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 6, Work Element D: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 6, Work Element G: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 6, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 6, Work Element H: 162 - Utilizing existing datasets to address crtical uncertainties
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 4, Work Element J: 159 - CRITFC Information System (CIS) model enhancement and graphical user interface development and integration
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element L: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 12, Work Element D: 160 - Create/Manage/Maintain Tools, Applications, and Databases for Pilot and Production Projects
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 12, Work Element E: 160 - Continued support of the data capture and management system using the Anoto digital pen technology.
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 12, Work Element F: 160 - Complete a pilot CDMS implementation for three tribes and CRITFC
- 1988-053-03, 80512, Work Element P: 157 - Collect genetic samples from resident O. mykiss in Hood River watershed
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 33, Work Element E: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Survey)
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 33, Work Element F: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season)
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 33, Work Element G: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-season)
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 33, Work Element H: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net)
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 12, Work Element G: 160 - Consolidate / Transfer Regionally Standardized Data - Assist Data Producing Projects
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 20, Work Element F: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Information System (CIS) Data Base Tool
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 20, Work Element H: 162 - Provide Technical Assistance to tribes on Climate Change Adaptation Efforts
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 20, Work Element I: 159 - CRITFC Information System (CIS) model enhancement and graphical user interface development and integration
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 17, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 24, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 24, Work Element C: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 24, Work Element D: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 24, Work Element G: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 24, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 24, Work Element H: 162 - Utilizing existing datasets to address critical uncertainties
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 22, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance, fish growth, and fish assemblage distributions by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 22, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 22, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 22, Work Element H: 160 - Develop and manage habitat, water temperature, and GIS databases
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform genotyping of samples of reintroduced spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Assist in sample collection and perform genotyping of samples of O. nerka from two tribal co-managed reintroduction programs
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element O: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element Q: 157 - PO#5 - Rear and sample spring Chinook Salmon smolts involved in studies to assess factors affecting precocious maturation of male smolts as minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element R: 162 - PO#5 - Perform physiological and genetic analyses and finalize statistical tests of effects of experimental variables on minijack rate
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 27, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 27, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 27, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 27, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 26, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 21, Work Element AA: 157 - Obj. 6) Tissue Sampling & Quantify SNP Frequencies
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 21, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 21, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 31, Work Element F: 160 - Create/Manage/Maintain Tools, Applications, and Databases for Pilot and Production Projects
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 31, Work Element G: 160 - Continued support of the data capture and management system using the Anoto digital pen and other technologies.
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element M: 157 - PO#3 - Collect data from acoustic receivers to track movement of Sockeye Salmon released in Cooper Lake
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element N: 162 - PO#3 - Analyze data to determine spawning location of acoustic-tagged fish released in Cooper Lake
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 38, Work Element E: 159 - Obtain and integrate regional hydoregulation operations data and specifications
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 38, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Data from Sub-Model Simulations
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 35, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 58, Work Element E: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Survey)
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 58, Work Element F: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season)
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 58, Work Element G: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-season)
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 58, Work Element H: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net)
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 40, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance, fish growth, and fish assemblage distributions by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 40, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 40, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 40, Work Element H: 160 - Develop and manage habitat, water temperature, and GIS databases
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 45, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 45, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 45, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 45, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform individual productivity and RRS analyses of reintroduced spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Assist in sample collection and perform genetic analyses and related assessments of tribal Sockeye Salmon reintroduction programs
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element L: 162 - PO#3 - Assist in sample collection and perform genetic analyses and related assessments of tribal Sockeye Salmon reintroduction programs
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element T: 157 - PO#5 - Perform studies to assess factors affecting precocious maturation of male salmon smolts as minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element U: 162 - PO#5 - Perform studies to assess factors affecting precocious maturation of male salmon smolts as minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element O: 162 - PO#3 - Assist in sample collection and perform genetic analyses and related assessments of tribal Sockeye Salmon reintroduction programs
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element N: 157 - PO#3 - Assist in sample collection and perform genetic analyses and related assessments of tribal Sockeye Salmon reintroduction programs
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 39, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 39, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 39, Work Element AA: 157 - Obj. 6) Tissue Sampling & Quantify SNP Frequencies
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 43, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 43, Work Element C: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 43, Work Element D: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 43, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 43, Work Element G: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 43, Work Element H: 162 - Utilizing existing datasets to address critical uncertainties
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 38, Work Element H: 162 - Evaluate Land Use/Land Cover change on Tribal Lands in Context of Climate Change (Analysis)
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 38, Work Element I: 159 - Integrate Results from Mainstem and Tributary Analyses into Tribal Restoration Planning (Incorporate Model Results into Planning Process)
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 47, Work Element F: 160 - Implement Best Management Practices That Improve Tribal Data Management
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 44, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform individual productivity and RRS analyses of reintroduced spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element Q: 157 - PO #4 - Effective number of breeders and relative natural productivity of spring Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon in the Warms Springs River
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element R: 162 - PO #4 - Effective number of breeders and relative natural productivity of spring Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon in the Warms Springs River
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 58, Work Element D: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Information System (CIS) database tool.
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 58, Work Element E: 159 - Develop interactive website that displays maps and summarizes land use/land cover change in climate change context
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 78, Work Element E: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results (Creel Survey)
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 78, Work Element F: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season)
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 78, Work Element G: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Post-season)
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 78, Work Element H: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring Results (Gill net)
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 52, Work Element H: 157 - Estimate sea lion abundance in the Lower Columbia River
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 52, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 55, Work Element D: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance, fish growth, and fish assemblage distributions by reach
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 55, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 55, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2009-004-00, 73354 REL 55, Work Element H: 160 - Develop and manage habitat, water temperature, and GIS databases
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 56, Work Element AA: 157 - Obj. 6) Tissue Sampling & Quantify SNP Frequencies
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 56, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 56, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 57, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring chinook salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 57, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring chinook salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 57, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform individual productivity and RRS analyses of reintroduced spring chinook salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 57, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Assist in sample collection and perform genetic analyses and related assessments of tribal sockeye salmon reintroduction programs
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 57, Work Element L: 162 - PO#3 - Assist in sample collection and perform genetic analyses and related assessments of tribal sockeye salmon reintroduction programs
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 57, Work Element Q: 157 - PO#5 - Perform studies to assess factors affecting precocious maturation of male spring chinook salmon as age-2 minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 57, Work Element R: 162 - PO#5 - Perform studies to assess factors affecting precocious maturation of male spring chinook salmon as age-2 minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 57, Work Element N: 157 - PO #4 - Effective number of breeders and relative natural productivity of spring chinook salmon and coho salmon in the Warms Springs River
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 57, Work Element O: 162 - PO #4 - Effective number of breeders and relative natural productivity of spring Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon in the Warms Springs River
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 57, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform individual productivity and RRS analyses of reintroduced spring chinook salmon populations
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 64, Work Element F: 160 - Implement Best Management Practices That Improve Tribal Data Management
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 61, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 60, Work Element C: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 60, Work Element D: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 60, Work Element E: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 60, Work Element F: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 60, Work Element H: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB, etc
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 60, Work Element I: 162 - Utilizing existing datasets to address critical uncertainties
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 62, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 62, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 62, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 62, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 69, Work Element H: 157 - Estimate sea lion abundance in the Lower Columbia River
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 69, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2002-060-00, 74017 REL 97, Work Element F: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season)
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 69, Work Element G: 162 - Develop a framework for analyzing effectiveness of removals
- 2009-004-00, 90582, Work Element E: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Estimate juvenile salmonid abundance and distribution by reach
- 2009-004-00, 90582, Work Element F: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base indicies
- 2009-004-00, 90582, Work Element G: 157 - Collect CRITFC data: Annual water temperature data collection
- 2009-004-00, 90582, Work Element I: 160 - Develop and manage habitat, water temperature, and GIS databases
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 72, Work Element AA: 157 - Obj. 6) Tissue Sampling & Quantify SNP Frequencies
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 72, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 72, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 73, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 73, Work Element C: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 73, Work Element D: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 73, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 73, Work Element H: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB, etc
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 73, Work Element I: 162 - Utilizing existing datasets to address critical uncertainties
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element E: 157 - Study 1.1: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between hatchery-origin and natural-origin spring Chinook in the Upper Yakima River, WA
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element F: 162 - Study 1.1: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between hatchery-origin and natural-origin spring Chinook in the Upper Yakima River, WA
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element O: 157 - Study 2.2: Perform genetic stock identification, productivity analyses and related assessments of tribally managed sockeye salmon reintroduction efforts in Yakima River and Deschutes River basins
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element P: 162 - Study 2.2: Perform genetic stock identification, productivity analyses and related assessments of tribally managed sockeye salmon reintroduction efforts in Yakima River and Deschutes River basins
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element R: 157 - Study 3.1: Evaluate factors affecting propensity of male, hatchery-reared spring Chinook to precociously mature as age-2 minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element T: 162 - Study 3.1: Evaluate factors affecting propensity of male, hatchery-reared spring Chinook to precociously mature as age-2 minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element H: 157 - Study 1.2: Estimate the effective number of breeders and assess natural productivity of spring Chinook and coho salmon in the upper Warm Springs River, OR
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element I: 162 - Study 1.2: Estimate the effective number of breeders and assess natural productivity of spring Chinook and coho salmon in the upper Warm Springs River, OR
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 81, Work Element F: 160 - Implement Best Practices to Improve Tribal Data Management using Database Systems
- 2008-203-00, 73982 REL 121, Work Element L: 157 - Collect genetic samples from adult hatchery steelhead to determine their origin.
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 76, Work Element I: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Information System (CIS) database tool or with alternative tool.
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element M: 162 - Study 2.1: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between HOR and NOR spring Chinook in Lookingglass Creek, OR
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element K: 162 - Study 1.3: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between hatchery-origin and natural-origin spring/summer Chinook in Johnson Creek, ID
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 77, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 74, Work Element L: 157 - Study 2.1: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between HOR and NOR spring Chinook in Lookingglass Creek, OR
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 79, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 79, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 79, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 79, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 85, Work Element G: 162 - Develop a framework for analyzing effectiveness of removals
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 85, Work Element H: 157 - Estimate sea lion abundance in the Lower Columbia River
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 85, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 1996-043-00, 16450, Work Element K: 157 - Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Juvenile & Adult Chinook Salmon in Johnson Cre
- 1996-043-00, 25637, Work Element I: 157 - Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Juvenile & Adult summer Chinook Salmon in Johnson C
- 2002-060-00, 25460, Work Element C: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and dissemiante harvest monitoring results
- 1996-043-00, 30546, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Juvenile & Adult summer Chinook Salmon in JC
- 2002-060-00, 30450, Work Element D: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results
- 2007-401-00, 30769, Work Element N: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on long-term reconditioned kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 30769, Work Element T: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 30769, Work Element P: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2002-060-00, 35243, Work Element D: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results
- 1996-043-00, 35880, Work Element E: 157 - Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Juvenile & Adult summer Chinook Salmon in JC
- 2007-401-00, 37075, Work Element N: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on long-term reconditioned kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 37075, Work Element P: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 37075, Work Element T: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 1996-043-00, 40388, Work Element E: 157 - Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in JC
- 2002-060-00, 40118, Work Element D: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results
- 2008-518-00, 42909, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2007-401-00, 42793, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 42793, Work Element H: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 42793, Work Element J: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 42793, Work Element L: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 1996-043-00, 45239, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in JC
- 2002-060-00, 44823, Work Element D: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results
- 2008-504-00, 44913, Work Element D: 157 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2007-401-00, 48191, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 48191, Work Element H: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 48191, Work Element J: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 48191, Work Element L: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 1996-043-00, 50463, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in JC
- 2002-060-00, 50363, Work Element D: 157 - Implement harvest monitoring methodology and disseminate harvest monitoring results
- 2008-504-00, 50512, Work Element C: 157 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2009-009-00, 53108, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook
- 2009-009-00, 53108, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2008-518-00, 52254, Work Element E: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2009-004-00, 52292, Work Element C: 157 - Collect water temperature, sediment, streamflow and habitat condition data
- 2007-401-00, 53578, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 53578, Work Element H: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 53578, Work Element J: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 53578, Work Element L: 157 - Collect gamete and progeny viability data from kelt steelhead
- 2008-524-00, 53281, Work Element C: 157 - Monitoring the relative abundance of ammocoetes in the Willamette River basin (OSU)
- 2008-524-00, 53281, Work Element F: 157 - Assess the Impact of irr. diversion screens on juvenile lamprey in the Columbia River basin (USGS)
- 1996-043-00, 55541, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in JC
- 2008-503-00, 56277, Work Element F: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 56277, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2008-518-00, 56276, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element L: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element M: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 1996-043-00, 60453, Work Element G: 157 - Collect DNA, Scale, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in JC
- 2008-518-00, 60523, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-503-00, 60524, Work Element G: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 60524, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element F: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element I: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element J: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element M: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element N: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2010-026-00, 61826, Work Element Q: 162 - OBJ 4. Genetic diversity and life history characteristics of adults detected at PIT tag array
- 2008-518-00, 64561, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-503-00, 64654, Work Element G: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 64654, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element L: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element M: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2010-026-00, 65455, Work Element Q: 162 - OBJ 4. Genetic diversity and life history characteristics of adults detected at PIT tag array
- 2008-518-00, 68573, Work Element C: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element G: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element F: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element M: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element D: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element O: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2010-026-00, 69548, Work Element Q: 162 - OBJ 4. Genetic diversity and life history characteristics of adults detected at PIT tag array
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze Didson to estimate spatial distribution of sockeye passing under Highway 3 bridge in Osoyoo
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element L: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2008-518-00, 72197, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-503-00, 72259, Work Element G: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2008-503-00, 72259, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze Didson to estimate spatial distribution of sockeye passing under the Osoyoos Lake bridge
- 2010-026-00, 73153, Work Element Q: 162 - OBJ 4. Genetic diversity and life history characteristics of adults detected at PIT tag array
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element L: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2010-026-00, 76531, Work Element Q: 162 - OBJ 4. Genetic diversity and life history characteristics of adults detected at PIT tag array
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element E: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing ( PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee, Osoyoos, and Okanagan Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 2008-504-00, 77704, Work Element E: 157 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2010-026-00, 79581, Work Element Q: 162 - OBJ 4. Genetic diversity and life history characteristics of adults detected at PIT tag array
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee, Osoyoos, and Okanagan Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 2008-308-00, 78862, Work Element L: 162 - Characterization of a maturity trait using adaptive genetic markers at Willamette Falls
- 2008-504-00, 73354 REL 16, Work Element E: 157 - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2000-015-00, 81856, Work Element Y: 157 - RESTORATION - Long-Term Fish Distribution and Habitat Usage Surveys
- 2010-026-00, 82382, Work Element Q: 162 - OBJ 4. Genetic diversity and life history characteristics of adults detected at PIT tag array
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 23, Work Element K: 157 - Collect data on progeny of WCT translocated to Indian Creek
- 2000-015-00, 85059, Work Element V: 157 - RESTORATION - Long-Term Fish Distribution and Habitat Usage Surveys
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element K: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 2010-026-00, 85311, Work Element Q: 162 - OBJ 4. Genetic diversity and life history characteristics of adults detected at PIT tag array
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 52, Work Element G: 162 - Work with BPA to develop criteria for analyzing effectiveness of removals
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element K: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 2010-026-00, CR-345601, Work Element Q: 162 - COPY: OBJ 4. Genetic diversity and life history characteristics of adults detected at PIT tag array
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element K: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2002-060-00, 84044 REL 11, Work Element F: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season)
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 92, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 92, Work Element C: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 92, Work Element D: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 92, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 92, Work Element H: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB, etc opportunistic sampling of existing samples (e.g. larval/juvenile/adult mortalites collected at mainstem dams, etc.)
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 92, Work Element I: 162 - Utilizing existing datasets to address critical uncertainties
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 89, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2009-004-00, 92202, Work Element F: 157 - Collect juvenile salmonid abundance, distribution, growth and survival data.
- 2009-004-00, 92202, Work Element G: 157 - Collect benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base data
- 2009-004-00, 92202, Work Element J: 160 - Develop and manage habitat, water temperature, fish abundance and GIS databases
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 91, Work Element E: 162 - Study 1.1: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between hatchery-origin and natural-origin spring Chinook in the Upper Yakima River, WA
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 91, Work Element K: 157 - Study 2.2: Perform genetic stock identification, productivity analyses and related assessments of tribally managed sockeye salmon reintroduction efforts in Yakima River and Deschutes River basins
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 91, Work Element L: 162 - Study 2.2: Perform genetic stock identification, productivity analyses and related assessments of tribally-managed sockeye salmon reintroduction efforts in Yakima River and Deschutes River basins
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 91, Work Element Q: 157 - Study 3.1: Evaluate factors affecting propensity of male, hatchery-reared spring Chinook to precociously mature as age-2 minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 91, Work Element S: 162 - Study 3.1: Evaluate factors affecting propensity of male, hatchery-reared spring Chinook to precociously mature as age-2 minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 91, Work Element I: 162 - Study 1.3: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between hatchery-origin and natural-origin spring/summer Chinook in Johnson Creek, ID
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 91, Work Element H: 157 - Study 1.3: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between hatchery-origin and natural-origin spring/summer Chinook in Johnson Creek, ID
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 93, Work Element G: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Information System (CIS) database tool or with alternative models
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 87, Work Element AA: 157 - Obj. 6) Tissue Sampling & Quantify SNP Frequencies
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 87, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 87, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 94, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 91, Work Element N: 157 - Study 2.3: Estimate relatedness of spring Chinook populations throughout the Grande Ronde Basin from pre-supplementation (i.e., before 1982) to present
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 91, Work Element O: 162 - Study 2.3: Estimate relatedness of spring Chinook populations throughout the Grande Ronde Basin from pre-supplementation (i.e., before 1982) to present
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 95, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 95, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 95, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 95, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 276, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile Lamprey Surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (*with eDNA laboratory analyses) and Other Field / Lab Data
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 276, Work Element K: 157 - Release - Early Life Stage Lamprey Outplanting Monitoring
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 276, Work Element N: 162 - Data Input and Analysis (*& subcontract with Confluence Aquatics [John Crandall])
- 2017-005-00, 56662 REL 296, Work Element B: 157 - Collect of lamprey and salmon tissue and sediment samples
- 2017-005-00, 56662 REL 296, Work Element C: 162 - Analytical analysis of mercury in tissue and sediments (Subcontract with USGS)
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 102, Work Element G: 162 - Develop a framework for analyzing effectiveness of removals
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 102, Work Element H: 157 - Estimate sea lion abundance in the Lower Columbia River
- 2008-004-00, 73354 REL 102, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze abundance & distribution of sea lions in LCR
- 2002-060-00, 84044 REL 28, Work Element F: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season)
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 107, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4) Inventory genetic samples collected at Bonneville Dam
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 107, Work Element AA: 157 - Obj. 6) Tissue Sampling & Quantify SNP Frequencies
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 107, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2008-907-00, 73354 REL 107, Work Element AE: 162 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Analysis of SNP Frequencies
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 108, Work Element G: 162 - Study 1.3: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between hatchery-origin and natural-origin spring/summer Chinook in Johnson Creek, ID
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 108, Work Element F: 157 - Study 1.3: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between hatchery-origin and natural-origin spring/summer Chinook in Johnson Creek, ID
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 108, Work Element J: 157 - Study 2.2: Perform genetic stock identification, productivity analyses and related assessments of tribally managed sockeye salmon reintroduction efforts in Yakima River and Deschutes River basins
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 108, Work Element K: 162 - Study 2.2: Perform genetic stock identification, productivity analyses and related assessments of tribally-managed sockeye salmon reintroduction efforts in Yakima River and Deschutes River basins
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 108, Work Element P: 157 - Study 3.1: Evaluate factors affecting propensity of male, hatchery-reared spring Chinook to precociously mature as age-2 minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 108, Work Element R: 162 - Study 3.1: Evaluate factors affecting propensity of male, hatchery-reared spring Chinook to precociously mature as age-2 minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 108, Work Element M: 157 - Study 2.3: Estimate relatedness of spring Chinook populations throughout the Grande Ronde Basin from pre-supplementation (i.e., before 1982) to present
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 108, Work Element N: 162 - Study 2.3: Estimate relatedness of spring Chinook populations throughout the Grande Ronde Basin from pre-supplementation (i.e., before 1982) to present
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 111, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 305, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile Lamprey Surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (*with eDNA laboratory analyses) and Other Field / Lab Data
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 305, Work Element N: 162 - Data Input and Analysis (*& subcontract with Confluence Aquatics [John Crandall])
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 305, Work Element K: 157 - Release - Early Life Stage Lamprey Outplanting Monitoring
- 2009-004-00, 94441, Work Element F: 157 - Collect salmonid abundance, distribution, growth and survival data
- 2009-004-00, 94441, Work Element G: 157 - Collect benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base data
- 2009-004-00, 94441, Work Element J: 160 - Develop and manage habitat, water temperature, fish abundance and GIS databases
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 207, Work Element C: 157 - Conduct Site Level Habitat Assessment Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 207, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Rapid Site and Reach Level Habitat Assessment Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 105, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2009-008-00, 73354 REL 106, Work Element G: 159 - Enhancement and Further Development of the CRITFC Information System (CIS) database tool or with alternative models
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 108, Work Element I: 157 - Study 1.4: Evaluate epigenome of salmon reared under different hatchery regimes during early life stages
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 109, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 109, Work Element C: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 109, Work Element D: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 109, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 109, Work Element H: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB, etc opportunistic sampling of existing samples (e.g. larval/juvenile/adult mortalites collected at mainstem dams, etc.)
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 109, Work Element I: 162 - Utilizing existing datasets to address critical uncertainties
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 110, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 110, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 110, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, 73354 REL 110, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2008-004-00, 96066, Work Element H: 162 - Develop a framework for analyzing effectiveness of removals
- 2002-060-00, 84044 REL 51, Work Element E: 157 - Implement Harvest Monitoring Methodology and Disseminate Harvest Monitoring results (In-season)
- 2008-907-00, CR-374458, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4) Inventory genetic samples collected at Bonneville Dam
- 2008-907-00, CR-374458, Work Element AD: 157 - Obj. 7) White sturgeon - Collection, transformation and management of (polyploid) genetic data
- 2009-009-00, CR-374456, Work Element E: 157 - COPY: Study 1.3: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between hatchery-origin and natural-origin spring/summer Chinook in Johnson Creek, ID
- 2009-009-00, CR-374456, Work Element F: 162 - COPY: Study 1.3: Estimate individual productivity and compare reproductive success between hatchery-origin and natural-origin spring/summer Chinook in Johnson Creek, ID
- 2009-009-00, CR-374456, Work Element I: 157 - Study 2.2: Perform genetic stock identification, productivity analyses and related assessments of tribally managed sockeye salmon reintroduction efforts
- 2009-009-00, CR-374456, Work Element J: 162 - Study 2.2: Perform genetic stock identification, productivity analyses and related assessments of tribally-managed sockeye salmon reintroduction efforts
- 2009-009-00, CR-374456, Work Element L: 157 - Study 2.3: Estimate relatedness of spring Chinook populations throughout the Grande Ronde Basin from pre-supplementation (i.e., before 1982) to present
- 2009-009-00, CR-374456, Work Element M: 162 - Study 2.3: Estimate relatedness of spring Chinook populations throughout the Grande Ronde Basin from pre-supplementation (i.e., before 1982) to present
- 2009-009-00, CR-374456, Work Element O: 157 - Study 3.1: Evaluate factors affecting propensity of male, hatchery-reared spring Chinook to precociously mature as age-2 minijacks
- 2009-009-00, CR-374456, Work Element Q: 162 - Study 3.1: Evaluate factors affecting propensity of male, hatchery-reared spring Chinook to precociously mature as age-2 minijacks
- 2009-009-00, CR-374456, Work Element H: 157 - Study 1.4: Evaluate epigenome of salmon reared under different hatchery conditions during early life stages
- 2008-470-00, CR-374978, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile Lamprey Surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (*with eDNA laboratory analyses) and Other Field / Lab Data
- 2008-470-00, CR-374978, Work Element K: 157 - Release - Early Life Stage Lamprey Outplanting Monitoring
- 2008-470-00, CR-374978, Work Element N: 162 - Data Input and Analysis (*& subcontract with Confluence Aquatics [John Crandall])
- 2009-004-00, CR-375357, Work Element F: 157 - Collect fish abundance, distribution, growth and survival data
- 2009-004-00, CR-375357, Work Element G: 157 - Collect benthic macroinvertebrate samples and other water quality/food base data
- 2009-004-00, CR-375357, Work Element H: 160 - Develop and manage habitat, water temperature, fish abundance and GIS databases
- 2009-014-00, CR-373245, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct Site Level Habitat Assessment Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2009-014-00, CR-373245, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Rapid Site and Reach Level Habitat Assessment Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2008-524-00, CR-375354, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, CR-375354, Work Element C: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, CR-375354, Work Element D: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - pre-adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-524-00, CR-375354, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, CR-375354, Work Element H: 162 - Utilizing existing datasets to address critical uncertainties
- 2008-503-00, CR-375996, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2007-401-00, CR-376028, Work Element C: 157 - Collect biological data and tissue for genotyping from adult steelhead
- 2007-401-00, CR-376028, Work Element F: 157 - Collect survival, condition, and rematuration data on reared kelt steelhead
- 2007-401-00, CR-376028, Work Element H: 157 - Genotype tissue samples from adult and kelt steelhead, and from resident O. mykiss
- 2007-401-00, CR-376028, Work Element I: 162 - Conduct parentage assignments, and stock identification from genetic data
- 2008-518-00, CR-376012, Work Element D: 157 - COPY: Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF