Repository: ISEMP - Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program
- ID: 99
- Created by: Jacque Schei
- Created: 5/27/2010 11:00 AM
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- Updated:
ISEMP - Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program
ISEMP test drives new and innovative sampling designs, data collection techniques, analysis tools, and data management procedures to inform monitoring programs for ESA listed salmon. We do this by implementing Status and Trend and Effectiveness monitoring strategies in ISEMP Pilot Basins located throughout the Pacific Northwest.
- Chris Jordan (
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- 22.8 Fish effectiveness monitoring in the Entiat IMW - Terraqua, Inc.
- 15.15 Steelhead scale analysis - Terraqua, Inc.
- Develop a McNeill Core Sample study design - US Forest Service (USFS)
- UCSRB Evaluation of Monitoring Data - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Task 1B: Conduct habitat surveys at site-based restoration locations in the Lemhi and Secesh rivers. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Modeling and analysis of ISEMP fish data - South Fork Research
- Steelhead redd surveys in Entiat River - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- 22.12b Entiat IMW Effectiveness Monitoring Analysis - Terraqua, Inc.
- Conduct a mark-recapture study on the Entiat River as part of IMW - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Measure population dynamics to estimate carrying capacity at restoration sites in the Entiat R - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Depth fines sampling using McNeill core samples - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Steelhead redd surveys - US Forest Service (USFS): ISEMP Entiat
- ISEMP John Day subbasin data analysis - Eco Logical Research
- Collect field data for monitoring vegetation in Bridge Creek - South Fork Research_3
- Bridge Creek analysis of climate, groundwater, and riparian planting data - South Fork Research_4
- Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW - Eco Logical Research
- Conduct juvenile seining in intensively surveyed watersheds - Eco Logical Research
- Collect monitoring field data in Bridge Creek - South Fork Research
- Modeling and analysis of Bridge Creek data - South Fork Research
- Conduct juvenile shocking and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW - Eco Logical Research 1
- Collect monitoring field data in Bridge Creek - South Fork Research_2
- Modeling and analysis of Bridge Creek data - South Fork Research_2
- COPY: Evaluation of BDAs to improve juvenile steelhead production by maintaining perennial flows to provide a migration corridor and suitable habitat in Bear Creek - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Bridge Creek analysis of climate, groundwater, and riparian planting data - South Fork Research
- Collect field data for monitoring vegetation in Bridge Creek - South Fork Research
- Bridge Creek analysis of climate, groundwater, and riparian planting data - South Fork Research_2
- Collect field data for monitoring vegetation in Bridge Creek - South Fork Research_2
- Bridge Creek analysis of climate, groundwater, and riparian planting data - South Fork Research_3
- Collect and sample juvenile salmonids in Lemhi River watershed (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- 2.1.3 Movement of rearing juveniles as function of Habitat Quality and Quantity - Eco Logical Research 1
- Collect and sample juvenile salmonids in Lemhi River watershed - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Conduct fish monitoring at 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Task 3A: Operate Lower Secesh River rotary screw trap. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in the South Fork Salmon River. - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Task 4A: Operate Lower Secesh River rotary screw trap. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 2: Operate and Maintain ISEMP IPTDS. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 5: Lower Granite Dam adult spring/summer Chinook salmon and steelhead scale ageing. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 3: Operate and Maintain ISEMP IPTDS. - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Task 3B: Operate ISEMP screw traps in the Lemhi River. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 3B: Operate ISEMP rotary screw traps in the Lemhi River. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 4B: Operate ISEMP screw traps in the Lemhi River. - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Winter Quantile Random Forest (QRF) model development - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Develop/validate winter Chinook Salmon and Steelhead QRF Model - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- ISEMP Regional Data Analysis - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Develop models of learning and information flow - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- ISEMP Salmon subbasin data analysis - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- USFWS Steelhead redd surveys in Entiat River - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Analysis of continuous habitat data along hydrographic networks (GIS) - South Fork Research_2
- Category 2.3.3: Network carrying capacity estimates in non-CHaMP watersheds - South Fork Research
- Category 3.1: Framework for linking LF/EC linked to specific restoration actions - South Fork Research
- Analysis of continuous habitat data along hydrographic networks (GIS) - South Fork Research
- Lower Granite Dam adult steelhead and Chinook salmon scale ageing (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- 22.12a Upper Columbia Life Cycle Models for Spring Chinook and Steelhead - Terraqua, Inc.
- Production improvements to ISEMP Life Cycle Model - South Fork Research
- Category 2.1.1: Life Cycle Models (model development and support) - South Fork Research
- 3.1: Identification of LF/EC linked to specific restoration actions: An Integrated Framework - Eco Logical Research 1
- Operate and maintain ISEMP IPTDS throughout the Columbia River basin (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Operate and maintain rotary screw traps in the Lemhi and lower Secesh rivers (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- 2.1.1: Capacity of rearing juveniles and spawning adults as function of Habitat Quality and Quantity - Eco Logical Research 1
- Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin - Eco Logical Research
- CHaMP7c: Statistical tool refinement and development - Eco Logical Research
- Habitat sampling in the Middle Fork John Day Basin: THIS WORK ELEMENT CANCELLED - Eco Logical Research 1
- Category 1.2: Current and potential distribution components of tributary habitat: temperature-based - South Fork Research
- Category 2.3.1: Develop causal based models in data-rich watersheds to estimate carrying capacity - South Fork Research
- Category 2.1.1: LCM framework components: Capacity of juveniles/adults from habitat quality/quantity - South Fork Research
- Category 2.1.2: LCM framework components: Growth potential as a function of habitat quality/quantity - South Fork Research
- Task 2A: South Fork Salmon River habitat sampling and LiDAR validation. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Steelhead habitat metrics using CHaMP habitat protocol - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: John Day
- Task 2B: Lemhi River habitat sampling and LiDAR validation. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- 13.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting - Terraqua, Inc.
- LiDAR Data Analysis and Habitat Metric Development - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Conduct habitat surveys in Lemhi River watershed (Priorities 4.1 - 4.2) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- 19.14 Entiat steelhead scale analysis - Terraqua, Inc.
- Steelhead spawning ground resightability study - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analyze summer steelhead life history data - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Task 15: Post-process green LiDAR data from 2013 Lemhi River overflights. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- 22.14 Entiat steelhead scale analysis - Terraqua, Inc.
- Juvenile Steelhead Density Metrics - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Conduct nighttime winter snorkel surveys for Quantile Random Forest model development - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Conduct nighttime winter snorkel surveys. - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Category 1.3: Current and potential distribution components of tributary habitat: production - South Fork Research
- 1.3: Ecological/Energetic-based Watershed Assessment - Eco Logical Research 1
- Category 1.1: Current & potential distribution components of tributary habitat: geomorphic - South Fork Research
- 1.1: Geomorphic-based Watershed Assessment - Eco Logical Research 1
- Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin - Eco Logical Research, cloned for Study Plan 125
- CHaMP7c: Statistical tool refinement and development - Eco Logical Research, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Habitat sampling in the Middle Fork John Day Basin: THIS WORK ELEMENT CANCELLED - Eco Logical Research 1, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Category 1.2: Current and potential distribution components of tributary habitat: temperature-based - South Fork Research, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Category 2.3.1: Develop causal based models in data-rich watersheds to estimate carrying capacity - South Fork Research, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Category 2.1.1: LCM framework components: Capacity of juveniles/adults from habitat quality/quantity - South Fork Research, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Category 2.1.2: LCM framework components: Growth potential as a function of habitat quality/quantity - South Fork Research, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Task 2A: South Fork Salmon River habitat sampling and LiDAR validation. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Steelhead habitat metrics using CHaMP habitat protocol - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: John Day, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Task 2B: Lemhi River habitat sampling and LiDAR validation. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1, cloned for Study Plan 125
- 13.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting - Terraqua, Inc., cloned for Study Plan 125
- LiDAR Data Analysis and Habitat Metric Development - Quantitative Consultants Inc, cloned for Study Plan 125
- 2003-017-00, 56338, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, 56336, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct a mark-recapture study on the Entiat River as part of IMW
- 2003-017-00, 56336, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, 56540, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, 57497, Work Element C: 157 - Measure population dynamics to estimate carrying capacity at restoration sites in the Entiat R
- 2003-017-00, 55487, Work Element F: 157 - Task 2A: South Fork Salmon River habitat sampling and LiDAR validation.
- 2003-017-00, 55487, Work Element G: 157 - Task 2B: Lemhi River habitat sampling and LiDAR validation.
- 2003-017-00, 55487, Work Element U: 159 - Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server, STEM databank, and PTAGIS.
- 2003-017-00, 55969, Work Element K: 162 - Bridge Creek analysis of climate, groundwater, and riparian planting data
- 2003-017-00, 59729, Work Element H: 157 - Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in the South Fork Salmon River.
- 2003-017-00, 59729, Work Element K: 157 - Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis
- 2003-017-00, 59729, Work Element Q: 159 - Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server, STEM databank, and PTAGIS.
- 2003-017-00, 59513, Work Element N: 157 - Collect field data for monitoring vegetation in Bridge Creek
- 2003-017-00, 59513, Work Element O: 162 - Bridge Creek analysis of climate, groundwater, and riparian planting data
- 2003-017-00, 61818, Work Element J: 162 - 15.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting
- 2003-017-00, 57863, Work Element K: 162 - 13.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting
- 2003-017-00, 59730, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 59730, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining in intensively surveyed watersheds
- 2003-017-00, 64527, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 64527, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining in intensively surveyed watersheds
- 2003-017-00, 64527, Work Element L: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2003-017-00, 64527, Work Element M: 159 - Enter data in ISEMP Database (ELR) in support for Lessons Learned Report
- 2003-017-00, 64146, Work Element J: 157 - Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis
- 2003-017-00, 64146, Work Element N: 159 - Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server, ISEMP Database, and PTAGIS.
- 2003-017-00, 64152, Work Element G: 157 - Collect field data for monitoring vegetation in Bridge Creek
- 2003-017-00, 64152, Work Element H: 162 - Bridge Creek analysis of climate, groundwater, and riparian planting data
- 2003-017-00, 64152, Work Element O: 162 - Analysis of continuous habitat data along hydrographic networks (GIS)
- 2003-017-00, 65674, Work Element O: 162 - 17.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting
- 2003-017-00, 67443, Work Element G: 157 - Collect field data for monitoring vegetation in Bridge Creek
- 2003-017-00, 67443, Work Element H: 162 - Bridge Creek analysis of climate, groundwater, and riparian planting data
- 2003-017-00, 67443, Work Element O: 162 - Analysis of continuous habitat data along hydrographic networks (GIS)
- 2003-017-00, 67511, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 67511, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining in intensively surveyed watersheds
- 2003-017-00, 67511, Work Element L: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2003-017-00, 67511, Work Element M: 159 - Enter data in ISEMP Database (ELR) in support for Lessons Learned Report
- 2003-017-00, 69875, Work Element I: 162 - 19.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element E: 157 - Task 1B: Conduct habitat surveys at site-based restoration locations in the Lemhi and Secesh rivers.
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element J: 157 - Task 5: Lower Granite Dam adult spring/summer Chinook salmon and steelhead scale ageing.
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element K: 160 - Task 6: Manage databases for Salmon and John Day sub-basins
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element L: 159 - Task 7: Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server and cloud storage, ISEMP Database, and PTAGIS.
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element T: 162 - Task 15: Post-process green LiDAR data from 2013 Lemhi River overflights.
- 2003-017-00, 71131, Work Element D: 157 - Task 1B: Conduct habitat surveys at site-based restoration locations in the Lemhi and Secesh Rivers
- 2003-017-00, 71131, Work Element G: 157 - Task 3B: Operate ISEMP rotary screw traps in the Lemhi River.
- 2003-017-00, 71131, Work Element I: 157 - Task 5: Lower Granite Dam adult spring/summer Chinook salmon and steelhead scale ageing.
- 2003-017-00, 71131, Work Element K: 159 - Task 7: Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server and cloud storage, ISEMP Database, and PTAGI
- 2003-017-00, 71203, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 71203, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining in intensively surveyed watersheds
- 2003-017-00, 71203, Work Element K: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2003-017-00, 71203, Work Element L: 159 - Enter data in ISEMP Database (ELR) in support for Lessons Learned Report
- 2003-017-00, 46273 REL 119, Work Element A: 162 - ISEMP - Individual Based Life Cycle Model for restoration scenarios in John Day River basin
- 2003-017-00, 73971, Work Element L: 162 - 22.12a Upper Columbia Life Cycle Models for Spring Chinook and Steelhead
- 2003-017-00, 76143, Work Element I: 162 - Upper Columbia Life Cycle Models for Spring Chinook and Steelhead
- 2003-017-00, 46273 REL 134, Work Element A: 162 - Developing restoration scenario estimated impacts on fish populations
- 2003-017-00, 74647, Work Element H: 162 - 2.1.1: Capacity of rearing juveniles and spawning adults as function of Habitat Quality and Quantity
- 2003-017-00, 74647, Work Element I: 162 - 2.1.2 Growth potential of rearing juveniles as function of Habitat Quality and Quantity
- 2003-017-00, 74647, Work Element J: 162 - 2.1.3 Movement of rearing juveniles as function of Habitat Quality and Quantity
- 2003-017-00, 74647, Work Element K: 162 - 2.2.4: Life Cycle Model for steelhead in the Middle Fork John Day River
- 2003-017-00, 74647, Work Element M: 162 - 2.3.1: Scaling up from watershed specific models to broader iCRB framework
- 2003-017-00, 74647, Work Element N: 162 - 2.3.3: Network carrying capacity for Chinook or steelhead in non-CHaMP watersheds
- 2003-017-00, 74647, Work Element O: 162 - 3.1: Identification of LF/EC linked to specific restoration actions: An Integrated Framework
- 2003-017-00, 74647, Work Element P: 157 - Conduct juvenile shocking and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 74647, Work Element T: 157 - Habitat sampling in the Middle Fork John Day Basin: THIS WORK ELEMENT CANCELLED
- 2003-017-00, 74634, Work Element I: 162 - Category 1.1: Current & potential distribution components of tributary habitat: geomorphic
- 2003-017-00, 74634, Work Element J: 162 - Category 1.2: Current and potential distribution components of tributary habitat: temperature-based
- 2003-017-00, 74634, Work Element K: 162 - Category 1.3: Current and potential distribution components of tributary habitat: production
- 2003-017-00, 74634, Work Element M: 162 - Category 2.1.1: LCM framework components: Capacity of juveniles/adults from habitat quality/quantity
- 2003-017-00, 74634, Work Element N: 162 - Category 2.1.2: LCM framework components: Growth potential as a function of habitat quality/quantity
- 2003-017-00, 74634, Work Element O: 162 - Category 2.1.1: Life Cycle Models (model development and support)
- 2003-017-00, 74634, Work Element P: 162 - Category 2.3.1: Develop causal based models in data-rich watersheds to estimate carrying capacity
- 2003-017-00, 74634, Work Element Q: 162 - Category 2.3.3: Network carrying capacity estimates in non-CHaMP watersheds
- 2003-017-00, 74634, Work Element R: 162 - Category 3.1: Framework for linking LF/EC linked to specific restoration actions
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element C: 157 - Collect and sample juvenile salmonids in Lemhi River watershed (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element J: 157 - Operate and maintain ISEMP IPTDS throughout the Columbia River basin (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element K: 157 - Operate and maintain rotary screw traps in the Lemhi and lower Secesh rivers (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct habitat surveys in Lemhi River watershed (Priorities 4.1 - 4.2)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element O: 162 - Lower Granite Dam adult steelhead and Chinook salmon scale ageing (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element Q: 159 - Upload IPTDS data to QCI server and cloud storage, parse, and upload to PTAGIS
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element R: 162 - Life Cycle Modeling (Priorities 2.1.1-2.2.1, 2.3.1-2.3.3, and 5.3)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element S: 162 - Quantitative framework to estimate effect size of restoration actions (priorities 3.1-3.3)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element T: 162 - Quantile Regression Forest development, improvement, and validation (Priority 3.5)
- 2003-017-00, 77840, Work Element D: 157 - Collect and sample juvenile salmonids in Lemhi River watershed
- 2003-017-00, 77840, Work Element K: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap
- 2003-017-00, 77840, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct nighttime winter snorkel surveys for Quantile Random Forest model development
- 2003-017-00, 74314 REL 22, Work Element F: 162 - Develop/validate winter Chinook Salmon and Steelhead QRF Model
- 2007-397-00, 78267, Work Element L: 157 - Evaluation of BDAs to improve juvenile steelhead production by maintaining perennial flows to provide a migration corridor and suitable habitat in Bear Creek
- 2003-017-00, CR-326243, Work Element D: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap
- 2003-017-00, CR-326243, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct nighttime winter snorkel/electrofishing Fast Water calibration analysis
- 2003-017-00, 41806, Work Element B: 157 - Measure population dynamics to estimate carrying capacity at restoration sites in the Entiat River
- 2003-017-00, 40950, Work Element O: 157 - Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in South Fork Salmon River.
- 2003-017-00, 41151, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 45428, Work Element M: 157 - Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in South Fork Salmon River.
- 2003-017-00, 45470, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 27480 REL 5, Work Element M: 157 - 9.9 Entiat IMW - Status/Trend - Habitat Monitoring (Fast Track)
- 2003-017-00, 47100, Work Element C: 157 - Measure population dynamics to estimate carrying capacity at restoration sites in the Entiat River
- 2003-017-00, 45993, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct a mark-recapture study on the Entiat River as part of IMW
- 2003-017-00, 27480 REL 5, Work Element N: 157 - 9.10 Entiat IMW - Status/Trend - Fish Monitoring (Fast Track)
- 2003-017-00, 50685, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 50685, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining in intensively surveyed watersheds
- 2003-017-00, 50685, Work Element L: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2003-017-00, 50585, Work Element M: 157 - Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in South Fork Salmon River.
- 2003-017-00, 51487, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct a mark-recapture study on the Entiat River as part of IMW
- 2003-017-00, 52983, Work Element C: 157 - Measure population dynamics to estimate carrying capacity at restoration sites in the Entiat R
- 2003-017-00, 52152, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, 51637, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, 51487, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, 55487, Work Element I: 157 - Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in the South Fork Salmon River.
- 2003-017-00, 55487, Work Element L: 157 - Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis
- 2003-017-00, 55970, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 55970, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining in intensively surveyed watersheds
- 2003-017-00, 55970, Work Element M: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2003-017-00, 59730, Work Element P: 157 - Habitat sampling in intensively surveyed watersheds of the John Day Basin
- 2003-017-00, 59870, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct a fish monitoring study on the Entiat River as part of IMW
- 2003-017-00, 59870, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, CR-231661, Work Element C: 157 - Measure population dynamics to estimate carrying capacity at restoration sites in the Entiat R
- 2003-017-00, 64187, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct a fish monitoring study on the Entiat River as part of IMW