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Sample Design: Yankee Fork Electrofishing Status and Trend Monitoring: Implications for Management Actions
  • ID: 16999
  • State: Finalized
  • Owner: Joseph Snapp
  • Collaborator(s): None
  • Spatial Design Category: Other
  • Sites in Design: 1
  • Has Location Privacy: No
  • Data Repository: PTAGIS Website (See Sample Design Overview for full list)
  • Version History: v1.0 Finalized (1/26/2024)

The details of this Sample Design, including all the parameters used to generate it, are included below. Sample designs must belong to a Study Plan.


The annual collaborative undertaking involving all Yankee Fork programs facilitates a comprehensive comprehension of the watershed on a broad scale, optimizing resource utilization. Centralizing our uniform sampling approach into an easily accessible dashboard on ARC online ensures both data consistency and accessibility for all stakeholders. The incorporation of Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag and Parentage Based tagging allows for a profound exploration of individual fish life cycles. This, in turn, enables the identification of successful life histories and the evaluation of management practices contributing to these outcomes. The resulting cohesive dataset holds the potential to significantly streamline decision-making processes for ongoing and upcoming projects, potentially mitigating scrutiny from funding sources and fortifying our capacity to garner support for future initiatives.

Watershed Solutions is slated to conduct expeditious habitat enhancement surveys at each of the designated 100-meter sites, providing intricate insights into habitat characteristics. When juxtaposed with electrofishing data, this methodology affords a holistic comprehension of the utilization patterns exhibited by our target species in different habitats, elucidating the most influential contributing factors. Our objective is to extrapolate high-level indicators such as carrying capacity, discerning the potential role of density dependence. Our investigation will scrutinize limiting factors, assessing the impact of variables like nutrients or habitat availability, which encompasses pool availability, large wood presence, and stream channelization, on species density. This integrated approach is poised to pinpoint pivotal elements influencing species abundance and distribution within the ecosystem.    

The Yankee Fork Restoration Program (YFRP) has outlined an extensive sampling plan encompassing 18 of the 42 sites, slated to occur over a two-week period from 9/16/2024 to 9/27/2024. Subsequent to this phase, a collaborative initiative involving both YFRP and Salmon River Basin Nutrient Enhancement (SRBNE) is set to target an additional 13 sites from 9/30/2024 to 10/11/2024. The final sampling phase, scheduled from 10/14/2024 to 10/18/2024, will witness a joint effort between YFRP, SRBNE, and the Anadromous Fish Program (AFP) to sample the remaining 11 sites. This strategic sequencing ensures a comprehensive and systematic survey of the designated sites within the specified timeframe. A map of the sites correseponding to the sampling plan is outlined in figure 1


In the context of the extensive electrofishing effort, it is acknowledged that not all designated sites may undergo sampling annually. In such cases, the utilization of environmental DNA (eDNA) emerges as a supplementary tool to discern the presence of target species in areas earmarked for prospective projects. Given the observed absence of fish in recent electrofishing surveys conducted in Silver and Jerry's creeks, a judicious initiation of eDNA surveys is recommended. Furthermore, the delineation of 100-meter reaches within the creeks, encompassing data on stream width, depth, and velocity, is deemed essential to establish a foundational framework for subsequent assessments. It is proposed that the administration of electrofishing in these delineated reaches be scheduled subsequent to reconnections in order to optimize survey efficacy.

In the event of staffing or time limitations, a contingency plan is in place to augment sampling efforts at Jordan Creek and Upper West Fork Yankee Fork through eDNA surveys. All gathered data will be systematically compiled and archived within the Tribes' ARC GIS online account, ensuring a comprehensive overview of the sampled sites. This information will be visually represented in the associated dashboard, fostering a streamlined analysis and facilitating decision-making based on the amalgamated dataset. This contingency plan aims to maintain the integrity and comprehensiveness of the study, even in the face of potential constraints.

Start Year


End Year


Study Plan

Yankee Fork Electrofishing Status and Trend Monitoring: Implications for Management Actions v1.0

Data Repositories

Focal Species






Area of Inference


AOI Notes


Sample Sites
These are the unique sites that are participating in this sample design over the time period covered by the design.

Map of Sites


Sampling Schedule
This section describes which sites are scheduled to be sampled in any given year, and (if applicable) the panel and stratum that the sample site belongs to.

Plan Description


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Relevant acts include the Organic Act, 43 U.S.C. 31 et seq., 1879; Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, 1934; Fish and Wildlife Act, 1956; Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 1918; Migratory Bird Conservation Act, 1900; Federal Land Policy and Management Act, 1976; Fish and Wildlife Improvement Act, 1978; Endangered Species Act, 1973; Marine Mammal Protection Act, 1972; Great Lakes Fishery Act, 1956; Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act, 1990; Water Resources Development Act, 1990; and other authorizations conveyed to the U.S. Geological Survey.

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