Repository: PTAGIS Website
- ID: 91
- Created by: Jacque Schei
- Created: 5/27/2010 11:00 AM
- Updated by: Jacque Schei
- Updated: 11/7/2013 1:56 PM
PTAGIS Website
PTAGIS (PIT Tag Information System) collections information on fish marked with PIT Tags in the Columbia Basin.
- John Tenney (
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- 22.8 Fish effectiveness monitoring in the Entiat IMW - Terraqua, Inc.
- 22.10b Fish sampling to validate juvenile carrying capacity models - Terraqua, Inc.
- Juvenile Salmonid DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in the Lower Wenatchee, WA - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- 22.11 Operational support for RST - Terraqua, Inc.
- Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River - USFWS_2
- Juvenile Sample Collection - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- % Parr distribution and habitat utilization - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee Basin - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Modeling and analysis of ISEMP fish data - South Fork Research_4
- Task 1B: Conduct habitat surveys at site-based restoration locations in the Lemhi and Secesh rivers. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Modeling and analysis of regional ISEMP data - South Fork Research
- Modeling and analysis of ISEMP fish data - South Fork Research_2
- Modeling and analysis of ISEMP fish data - South Fork Research_3
- Operate smolt traps - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Operate and maintain PIT tag detection arrays on Entiat and Mad Rivers - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Conduct mainstem off-channel effectiveness monitoring as part of Entiat IMW - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Provide staff support to the USFWS Entiat River rotary screw trap - Terraqua, Inc.
- Conduct side channel effectiveness monitoring as part of Entiat IMW - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Analyze data related to monitoring conducted under Entiat IMW - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- 22.12b Entiat IMW Effectiveness Monitoring Analysis - Terraqua, Inc.
- Conduct a mark-recapture study on the Entiat River as part of IMW - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW - Eco Logical Research
- Collect and sample juvenile salmonids in Lemhi River watershed (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Collect and sample juvenile salmonids in Lemhi River watershed - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Conduct fish monitoring at 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Task 3A: Operate Lower Secesh River rotary screw trap. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in the South Fork Salmon River. - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Task 2: Operate and Maintain ISEMP IPTDS. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): ISEMP Protocol
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in the Wenatchee River Basin
- Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 3: Operate and Maintain ISEMP IPTDS. - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Develop and test methods to calculate instantaneous and periodic PIT tag array efficiency. - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Maintain & Operate PIT Tag Array v1.0
- Task 3B: Operate ISEMP screw traps in the Lemhi River. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 3B: Operate ISEMP rotary screw traps in the Lemhi River. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 4B: Operate ISEMP screw traps in the Lemhi River. - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Juvenile Life History & Diversity Assessment: Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- ISEMP Regional Data Analysis - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Develop models of learning and information flow - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- ISEMP Salmon subbasin data analysis - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- 22.10a Fish sampling for Entiat status and trend monitoring - Terraqua, Inc.
- 22.12a Upper Columbia Life Cycle Models for Spring Chinook and Steelhead - Terraqua, Inc.
- USFWS anlysis of salmonid data related to monitoring conducted under Entiat River IMW - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- USFWS analysis of salmonid data related to monitoring conducted under Entiat River IMW - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Operate and maintain ISEMP IPTDS throughout the Columbia River basin (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Operate & maintain Tucannon River PIT tag array - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Evaluation of the Tucannon endemic stock - BPA project 2010-050-00
- PIT array operation & maintenance: Marsh Creek, North Fork Salmon and Lochsa R - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Operate and Maintain Instream PIT Arrays in Toppenish Creek watershed - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- PIT Tag Array Operation and Maintenance - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- PIT Array O&M Tucannon River
- Operate and maintain rotary screw traps in the Lemhi and lower Secesh rivers (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Category 1.2: Current and potential distribution components of tributary habitat: temperature-based - South Fork Research
- 13.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting - Terraqua, Inc.
- Adult enumeration - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Walla Walla
- Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Adult fish counts at Nursery Bridge Dam (video work) - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Maintain and operate PIT Arrays - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Spring Chinook Spawner / Carcass Surveys - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Outmigrant monitoring - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Maintain PIT arrays - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Salmon Passage Evaluations - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Analyze biomonitoring data - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Juvenile salmonid surveys - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Biomonitoring and CHaMP data Analysis - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR): Version 2
- Sample spring Chinook salmon - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Sample juvenile O. mykiss from Lookingglass Creek - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Analyze juvenile O. mykiss data from Lookingglass Creek - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Analyze adult summer steelhead life history data - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- COPY: Steelhead spawning ground surveys - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- PIT detection site operation and maintenance in Touchet River basin - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analysis of Biomonitoring and CHaMP Habitat Data - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Spawning Surveys - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Spring Chinook spawning ground survey for biomonitoring plan - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Enumerate adult returns to the Okanogan River basin - Colville Confederated Tribes: Okanogan Basin Monitoring & Evaluation Program (OBMEP)
- Okanogan River Temporary Weir Operations - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Assessing Summer/Fall Chinook Outmigrants with a Rotary Screw Trap on the Okanogan River - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Estimate Juvenile Chinook Outmigration and Survival Using Pit Tags - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Collect Water for eDNA - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Analysis of Water Samples for eDNA - Colville Confederated Tribes
- WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in the upper Tucannon River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Adult enumeration - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analyze Adult Trap Data - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- WDFW Adult Weir Monitoring: Sampling Adult Steelhead at Tucannon Fish Hatchery - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age) - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Estimate adult returns to the Tucannon River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Caspian tern data analysis - FY16 - Oregon State University 1
- Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Estimate number of steelhead spawning outside of survey area - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Collect and Validate PIT Trawl Data - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analyze pair-trawl data - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon - Nez Perce Tribe
- Operate Juvenile Screw Traps - Nez Perce Tribe: Johnson Creek
- Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Operate Juvenile Screw Trap - Nez Perce Tribe
- Collect PIT Tag Data - Nez Perce Tribe: Imnaha River
- Analyze and interpret NPT generated RPA data sets. - Nez Perce Tribe: Imnaha River
- Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data - Nez Perce Tribe
- Analyze Recovery Data - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- EMP: NOAA PIT Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- AEMR: NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- NOAA AE Salmon and Prey Analysis and PIT Tag Measurement - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- NOAA Pit Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Sample wild steelhead adults at Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret comprehensive ISS supplementation data. - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at Screw Traps - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Operate Juvenile Screw Traps - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: Crystal Springs
- Analyze and interpret comprehensive ISS supplementation data. - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Supplemental Data Collection - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Clearwater Basin (2005)
- IDFG Install and Operate Juvenile Screw Traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG Supplemental Data Collection - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Operate Fyke Net Traps - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Operate Rotary Screwtraps - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Operate & maintain Tucannon River PIT tag array - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Tucannon Expanded Pit Tagging - BPA project 2010-042-00
- ODFW-Lower Grande Ronde River - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- IDFG - Salmon River Trap - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- IDFG - Snake River Trap - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Prepare, Validate and Submit Tagging Files - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): CSS
- IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, and Salmon Traps - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- IDFG - Hatcheries mark group data - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW - Lyons Ferry Hatchery PIT tag data - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations - Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Foundation
- Provide Data Analysis Oversight - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, Salmon & Clearwater Traps - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW - Operate Lyons Ferry Hatchery - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW -Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow Chiwawa River Traps - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow Chiwawa River Traps PIT data - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Analyze and Interpret Adult Chinook Salmon Performance Measure Data by Origin and Program - Nez Perce Tribe
- Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Collection of data at facilities - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Sample adult summer steelhead from Lookingglass Creek - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Adult Return and Transport Data-Umatilla Basin - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Adult Abundance/ Population Estimate and Life History Data Analysis for Toppenish Creek - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Collect Juvenile Steelhead - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Screw Trap Data Collection for Yakima Juvenile Steelhead in Toppenish Creek - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Operate rotary screw traps - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- *CCR-36830 MEGLER CREEK - PIT Tag Array Install - Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST)
- Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Insure data collection from the system - US Geological Survey (USGS): Hood River 2011-2013
- Maintain the four Allflex PIT tag interrogators - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Maintain the three Allflex PIT tag interrogators - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon - Nez Perce Tribe: Grande Ronde
- Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- COPY: Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- SRSS captive broodstock field evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes. - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Collect acoustic tag data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect PIT tag detection data from PTAGIS - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect PIT tag detection data from PTAGIS from Accords project funded sites (OKC, SKA, Zosel, MCI) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect PIT tag detection data from PTAGIS from Accords project funded sites (OKC, SKA, ZSL, OKC, OKP, McIntyre) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- IDFG rotary screw trapping for juv. Chinook & Steelhead abundance & survival in Clearwater & Salmon - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Adult Spring Chinook DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in Wenatchee, WA - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Adult Sample Collection - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Population status monitoring data: collected and uploaded to PTAGIS - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Chinook spawning surveys - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect adult steelhead escapement and life history characteristic data in Joseph Creek - Nez Perce Tribe
- Summarize and analyze Joseph Creek steelhead escapement data - Nez Perce Tribe
- Analyze summer steelhead life history data - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- PIT Tag Monitoring - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect Hatchery Smolt Production Data - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Assess straying of summer steelhead & Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Umatilla River (2006-2012)
- Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Umatilla River - Analytical
- Conduct creel surveys for non-tribal Umatilla River recreational fisheries - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Umatilla River (2012-2013)
- SAR and Outmigrant Abundance - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Deschutes River Basin
- Supplemental Data Collection - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG): Clear Water and Salmon River Basins (Idaho Natural Production Monitoring).
- Calculate Adult/Juvenile metrics - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Fifteenmile Creek
- Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Monitor Smolt Production & Adult Escapement - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Data Analysis - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Juvenile Data Analysis - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Adult Data Analysis - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect adult abundance data via mark-resight - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Juvenile Outmigrant Trapping - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analyze and Interpret NPT Generated RPA Data Sets - Nez Perce Tribe: Clearwater River & South Fork Clearwater River
- Analyze and Interpret PIT tag detection data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Monitor detections at fixed site radio telemetry monitoring station - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Juvenile Out-migration and survival evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Monitor Natural Juvenile Spring Chinook Productivity - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Sample and collect field data - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- FM: Collect Movement Data From Fifteenmile PIT Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Install and operate PIT antennae - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect Movement Data from Deschutes River Mouth PIT Array - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- FM: Record PIT tagged lamprey in Fifteenmile Creeek - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Record PIT-tagged fish entering and leaving Deschutes River - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- FM: Record PIT tagged lamprey in Fifteenmile Creek - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Track Movement of Adult Steelhead in the South Fork Clearwater River - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- COPY: Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data Evaluations - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Sampling and Data Collection Activities - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Grande Ronde
- Grande Ronde Rotary Screw Trap Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Juvenile Salmonid Migrants - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Upper Columbia steelhead stock assessment - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Estimate steelhead abundance - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Construct, install, maintain, and remove temporary PIT tag arrays in preselected locations - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Data Collection - Nez Perce Tribe: Imnaha River
- Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Surveys in the mainstem - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Mark Recapture juvenile steelhead for biomonitoring plan - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Asotin Creek Population Data Collection - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fish tests on the new ogee transceiver with the corner-collector system - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Evaluation of a new PIT-tag technologies (tags and transceivers) - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analyze results from fish, field, and laboratory tests used to evaluate PIT-tag technologies - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Added: Evaluation of a new PIT-tag technologies (tags and transceivers) - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Added: Analyze results from fish, field, and laboratory tests used to evaluate PIT-tag technologies - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Ocean surveys of marine conditions and juvenile salmon - Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans
- Biological attributes of juvenile salmon - Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans
- Marine mortality of salmon - Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans
- Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in Hood River Subbasin - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Juvenile Salmonids in the Hood River - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in Hood River Subbasin - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- White sturgeon fisheries management planning for Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day reservoi - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Rotary Screw Trap Operation - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Mark Recapture juvenile spring Chinook salmon for biomonitoring plan - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Monitor/Maintain PIT Tag Interrogation Arrays - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- SAR and Outmigrant Abundance - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: John Day River Basin
- Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Adult salmonid monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Juvenile outmigration monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Instream PIT tag detector operation - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Case Study: Conduct Food Web Study on Tepee and White Creeks - Yakama Confederated Tribes: Tepee and White Creek
- Summarize & Analyze Chinook spawning data - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Sample Fisheries & Spawning Grounds - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Data Analysis for Fishery and Escapement Sampling - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Coho Spawning Ground Surveys - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Chinook Spawning Ground Surveys - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Summarize & Analyze Chinook and Coho spawning data - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, & Evaluation - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- South Fork Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Data Collection - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Analyze population monitoring information - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Conduct juvenile steelhead population surveys - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys and scale collection - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Collect Data for Monitoring the Status of Adult Steelhead at the Lostine River Weir - Nez Perce Tribe
- Analyze and Interpret Steelhead data for Technical Reports and Management Forums - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Determine PTIS detection efficiencies - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Analyze adult steelhead passage data at the Trout Creek interrogation site for detection efficiency - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Outmigration Monitoring - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Analyze data - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR): Umatilla River
- Three Mile Falls Dam and Birch Creek natural summer steelhead smolt trapping - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Enumerate and exam natural summer steelhead - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Statistical summary and analysis of life history, smolt production, survival, and productivity data - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Estimate smolt abundance and productivity - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Enumerate and exam natural summer steelhead at traps - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Spring Chinook Smolt Seining - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Use Seines to Collect Spring Chinook Smolts - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Pre and Post Project Monitoring & Lab Review - Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST)
- (CCR-34526) *CREST--AEMR Level 2-- Habitat and Prey Availability Monitoring for AEMR Program - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- FPC analyses of fish passage and other data - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Conduct sub-yearling (juvenile) monitoring (gill netting) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Redband Trout Movement Patterns- PIT tag array and Acoustic array - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Juvenile steelhead density and distribution for biomonitoring plan - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Juvenile spring Chinook salmon density and distribution for biomonitoring plan - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler and Sanborn creeks - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Collect data on WCT translocated to Indian Creek - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Conduct Stock Assessment (setline) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Stock Assessment (setline) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River. - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Wild Steelhead Spawning Locations snd Passage Evaluations (MOA) - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Steelhead Spawning Locations and Passage Evaluations (MOA) - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Collect habitat data according to implementation plans - Spokane Tribe
- Analyze and Interpret Data from Stream Surveys - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Stream Surveys - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Improve survival and reduce fitness loss of steelhead smolts - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Improve survival and reduce fitness loss - University of Washington_6
- Improve survival and reduce fitness loss - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Improve survival and reduce fitness loss - University of Washington_5
- Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Estimate outmigrant O. mykiss & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Subbasin - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect Data at Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Full Duplex Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Small mouth bass diets and relative densities near dams compared to adjacent areas - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Analyze catch and biological data for small mouth bass - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Collect Data from Adult Chinook Salmon Using the Lostine River Weir - Nez Perce Tribe
- Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging (PSMFC) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect Data from Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Using PIT Tag Array at Acclimation - Nez Perce Tribe
- Collect Data from Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mortalities at Acclimation - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Collect Data from Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Using PIT Tag Arrays at Acclimation - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Query Juvenile Mainstem Interrogation Data from PTAGIS - Nez Perce Tribe
- Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Survival Estimate Data - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Assist ODFW with Data Collection at the Lostine River Screw Trap - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Adult trap monitoring at Duncan Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Abernathy Creek
- Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead emigration; collect & store biological/physiological/genetic data, s - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Abernathy
- Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstoc - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect samples from BY15 HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/quality - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Determine multilocus, microsat. nuclear DNA genotypes for NOR/HOR adult/juvenile steelhead samples - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin clips - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect samples from BY16 HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured smolts - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Evaluate physiological/nutritional status of NOR/HOR steelhead - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect samples from BY17 HOR steelhead smolts that will allow genetic change between NOR/HOR to be calculated - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- COPY: Determine expression patterns for genes associated lipid metabolism in fish fed traditional and experimental diets - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead emigration; collect & store biological/physiological/genetic data, samples - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Abernathy Creek
- IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- SRSS anadromous adult trapping and data collection - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect PIT tag detection data from antenna array on Ahtanum Creek - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Conduct fishery surveys at Onion Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fishery surveys in the Colville River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fishery surveys at Big Sheep Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct Redd Counts and Carcass Surveys - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: Salmon River Basin (Crystal Springs)
- Operate juvenile screw trap - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Conduct breeding studies at the Winthrop National Fish hatchery - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Sort, mark, and sample experimental rearing groups - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Lostine River - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2016/2017 - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- CRSO/EIS Modeling Support - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Summaries of Jack & Adult Salmonid Biological Data - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Redband Trout Adult Escapement - Weir Trapping - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Redband Trout Recruitment - Screw Trapping - Colville Confederated Tribes
- O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect and Upload Data at WSR, SC and Sherars Falls Full Duplex Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Operate PIT tag detector array - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect and Upload Data at WSR, SC PIT arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Record and Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of WSR and SC - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- CCR-41070 Fifteenmile Video Weir Installation and Operation - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Calculate Adult/Juvenile metrics - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Fifteenmile Creek - Version 2
- Monitor PIT tag Interrogation Array - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: South Fork Clearwater, Lolo Creek and Secesh Rivers
- Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, LC & NC - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- NPT Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Species & Location - Nez Perce Tribe
- Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- NPT Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Species & Location - Nez Perce Tribe_2
- NPT Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Species & Location - Nez Perce Tribe_3
- Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chk Steelhead - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead - Nez Perce Tribe
- COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection on the Secesh R. - Nez Perce Tribe
- Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on upper Imnaha Tributaries - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Insert Species and Location - Nez Perce Tribe
- Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead, Joseph Creek - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Insert Species and Location - Nez Perce Tribe_2
- Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Insert Species and Location - Nez Perce Tribe_3
- Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook. Lolo & Newsome Cr. - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook and Steelhead Lostine River - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Fall Chinook. S.F. Clearwater R. - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, EFSFSR & Secesh Populations - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Snake River B-Run Steelhead SFCWR - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, Johnson Creek spawning aggregate - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp & Fall Chinook - NPTH - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr. - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Spring Chinook NE Oregon - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Bull Trout NE Oregon - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook Salmon, McCall Fish Hatchery - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- WDFW In-Hatchery Data Collection
- Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Radio Telemetry Data Collection: Insert Species and Location - Nez Perce Tribe
- Nez Perce Tribe Radio Telemetry Data Collection: Insert Species and Location - Nez Perce Tribe_2
- Nez Perce Tribe Radio Telemetry Data Collection: Insert Species and Location - Nez Perce Tribe_3
- ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- ODFW-Little Goose Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- PSMFC-Bonneville Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- PSMFC-John Day Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Chelan PUD - Rock Island Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW/PSMFC- LGR Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW/PSMFC- MCN Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW/PSMFC- LMN Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- PSMFC - Little Goose Dam - Gas Bubble Trauma Support - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- PSMFC-Gas Bubble Trauma (GBT) at Bonneville Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW/PSMFC- Gas Bubble Trauma (GBT) at LGR Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW/PSMFC- Gas Bubble Trauma (GBT) at MCN Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- WDFW/PSMFC- Gas Bubble Trauma (GBT) at LMN Dam - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- PIT Tag salmonids Salmonids at Leavenworth; Dworshak; Wells; and Priest Rapids Hatcheries - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult spring Chinook - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - Oregon State University 1
- Conduct spawning ground surveys in the Wenatchee Basin - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Conduct spawning ground surveys in the Methow Basin - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Hells Canyon Beach Seining
- Trap adfluvial adult cutthroat trout
- Trap adfluvial juvenile cutthroat trout
- Hangman Traps
- PIT array data collection in Lake and Benewah creeks
- Electrofishing Hangman Creek
- Hangman Redband Movements
- Yakima Steelhead Resident/Anadromous Life History Studies
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in the Wenatchee River Basin v2
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in the Methow River Basin
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Design, Build, Install and Repair in the Upper Columbia River Basin
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in the Wenatchee River Basin
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in the Wenatchee River Basin
- Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays - WDFW
- Operate and Maintain Instream PIT Arrays in Toppenish Creek watershed - Yakama Nation
- Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods Lake tributary - Colville Confederated Tribes
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Design, Build, Install and Repair in the Upper Columbia River Basin
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Design, Build, Install and Repair in the Upper Columbia River Basin
- Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River - WDFW
- Analysis of salmonid data related to smolt monitoring in the Entiat River
- Sample adult summer steelhead from Lookingglass Creek - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- TMF & Birch smolt trapping
- Electrofishing Hangman Creek V 2.0
- PIT Tag Array Operation and Maintenance - Yakama Confederated Tribes (Toppenish Creek Steelhead Population)
- Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River - WDFW
- Upper Columbia River ESU Steelhead Stock Assessment Temporary PIT Arrays (Colville)
- Upper Columbia River ESU Steelhead Stock Assessment: Permanant PIT Arrays (Colville)
- PIT Tag Fish Spring Chinook Salmon and steelhead at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (NFH) US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): CSS
- PIT Tag Fish Spring Chinook Salmon and steelhead at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (NFH) US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): CSS, cloned for Study Design 480
- Okanogan Remote Tagging-Juvenile
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook salmon and steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- John Day River Trophic Interaction Assessment
- John Day River Trophic Interaction Assessment
- John Day River Trophic Interaction Assessment, cloned for Study Design 1716
- Okanogan Basin Remote Juvenile Tagging
- PIT Tag Array Operation and Maintenance - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Osoyoos Lake PIT Barge Trial
- Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect acoustic tag data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Design 510
- Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salm - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Design 510
- Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing ( PIT tag data) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Design 510
- Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Design 510
- Collect data on substrate available for spawning in the Penticton Channel and sockeye salmon redds in the area. - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Design 510
- Collect JSATS acoustic tag data for juvenile sockeye salmon - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Design 510
- Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data) - CRITFC, cloned for Study Design 510
- Osoyoos Lake Central Basin PIT Barge Trial
- Collect PIT tag detection data from PTAGIS from Accords project funded sites (OKC, SKA, ZSL, OKC, OKP, McIntyre) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Adult enumeration: Tucannon Hatchery - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Adult enumeration - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), cloned for Study Design 397
- Adult enumeration: Tucannon Hatchery - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), cloned for Study Design 397
- Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Maintain the Mine Reach PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- Report growth data on PIT tagged fish in the Wind River, WA - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Juvenile Steelhead growth in headwater areas of the Wind River, WA
- Adult enumeration: Tucannon Hatchery - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Determine detection efficiencies for instream PIT tag interrogation systems for adult and juvenile Steelhead in the Wind River, WA
- Rufus Woods Creel Sampling - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Redband Trout utilization of a Rufus Woods tributary monitoring - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Rufus Woods Creel Sampling - Colville Confederated Tribes V2.0
- Collect Hatchery Smolt Production Data - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Piscivorous Fish Status and Trend Monitoring in the Columbia River Upstream of McNary Dam
- Piscivorous Fish Status and Trend Monitoring in the Columbia River Upstream of McNary Dam, cloned for Study Plan 1757
- Collect and Analyze PIT tags for Piscivorous Waterbirds at sites in the Columbia River Estuary - FY20
- WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook salmon and steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 468
- PIT tag Based Steelhead Escapement Estimation Above Lower Granite Dam DABOM
- PIT tag Based Sp/Su Chinook Salmon Escapement Estimation Above Lower Granite Dam DABOM
- Collect and Analyze PIT tags for Piscivorous Waterbirds at sites in the Columbia River Estuary - FY20, cloned for Study Plan 1763
- Astoria Cormorant Piscivorous Waterbird Colony Assessment - Oregon State University
- Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River - WDFW, cloned for Study Plan 20
- Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River - WDFW, cloned for Study Plan 20
- Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River - WDFW
- Upper Columbia spring Chinook Salmon stock assessment - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River, Genetics Study - WDFW
- Upper Columbia spring Chinook Salmon stock assessment - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Umatilla River Steelhead Smolt Monitoring.
- IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 1770
- Entiat River Juvenile Chinook Salmon Study - WDFW
- Entiat River Juvenile Chinook Salmon Genetic Study - WDFW
- Adult Salmon Steelhead Tributary Escapement and Distribution Estimation (BioMark)
- Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Steelhead Out-migrant Monitoring in Birch Creek
- Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Three Mile Falls Dam PIT-Tag Interrogation System
- PIT Array O&M Lower Snake River Mainstem Tributaries for the Asotin and Tucannon River
- Sample wild steelhead adults at Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 469
- Lower Granite Dam Sampling for Idaho Wild Adult Steelhead and Chinook Salmon: 2021 Version v2.0
- RedbandTrout Abundance in the Spokane River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- In-stream PIT Tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in Onion Creek
- In-stream PIT Tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in Big Sheep Creek
- Tributary Abundance Monitoring in Big Sheep Creek
- Tributary Abundance Monitoring in Onion Creek
- Big Sheep Creek Adult Redband Trout Sampling
- In-stream PIT Tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in Onion Creek
- Hood River Subbasin Juvenile and Smolt Abundance Monitoring
- Boat Electrofishing to Collect Piscivores
- RedbandTrout Abundance in the Spokane River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- RedbandTrout Abundance in the Spokane River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Upper Spokane River Abundance Monitoring
- Grande Ronde Rotary Screw Trap Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Juvenile Salmonid Migrants - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Maintain and operate PIT Arrays - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- PIT Tag Monitoring - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), updated Study Plan 524
- PIT Tag Monitoring - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 626
- Adult salmonid monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Category 1.2: Current and potential distribution components of tributary habitat: temperature-based - South Fork Research, cloned for Study Plan 125
- 13.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting - Terraqua, Inc., cloned for Study Plan 125
- Rotary Screw Trap Operation - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Project 2023-007-00
- Tributary Abundance Monitoring in Onion Creek v2.0
- Tributary Abundance Monitoring in Onion Creek v2.0
- Tributary Abundance Monitoring in Onion Creek 2019 - 2025
- Tributary Abundance Monitoring in Big Sheep Creek 2019 - 2025
- Upper Spokane River Abundance Monitoring 2020 - 2025
- Big Sheep Creek Adult Redband Trout Sampling 2019 - 2025
- In-stream PIT Tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in Big Sheep Creek 2019 - 2025
- In-stream PIT Tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in Onion Creek 2019 - 2025
- Yankee Fork Electrofishing Status and Trend Monitoring: Implications for Management Actions
- Opportunistic habitat-stratified collection of lamprey spp
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Operation and Maintenance in the Upper Columbia Basin
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Design, Build, Install and Repair in the Upper Columbia River Basin V2
- Steelhead Parr Surveys in Birch Creek - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW)
- Steelhead Parr Surveys in Birch Creek - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), cloned for Study Plan 1832
- Growth and survival of steelhead in circular tanks and raceways
- Birch Creek Steelhead Sampling Locations
- PIT Tag Array Operation and Maintenance - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Install and operate PIT Antennae Hood River Basin- Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Install and operate PIT Antennae Hood River Basin- Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- PIT Array O&M Lower Snake River Mainstem Tributaries for the Asotin and Tucannon River
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 1766
- Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467, cloned for Study Plan 1766
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467, cloned for Study Plan 1766
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Design, Build, Install and Repair in the Upper Columbia River Basin V2
- Okanogan Remote Tagging-Juvenile 2025
- Adult Salmon Steelhead Tributary Escapement and Distribution Estimation (BioMark)
- 1988-053-04, 54606, Work Element F: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 54606, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Juvenile Salmonids in the Hood River
- 1988-053-04, 54606, Work Element K: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 54606, Work Element L: 162 - Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 54606, Work Element Q: 159 - Submit PIT Tag Information To The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- 1988-053-08, 54773, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 1988-053-03, 54191, Work Element N: 159 - Consolidate HRPP data and upload into CTWS Tribal database.
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element E: 159 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element F: 162 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element J: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element K: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead and Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element M: 162 - Monitor status and trends of hatchery summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate progeny-per-parent productivity of hatchery steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element O: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element P: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element Q: 162 - Conduct creel surveys for non-tribal Umatilla River recreational fisheries
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element R: 162 - Assess whether management actions maximize non-tribal fishery opportunities
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element T: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 1989-098-00, 55671, Work Element L: 159 - IDFG Upload ISS Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring the Status of Adult Steelhead at the Lostine River Weir
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Conventional Broodstock Chinook Salmon Data for Annual Report
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Captive Broodstock Chinook Salmon Adult Return Data for Annual Report
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Steelhead data for Technical Reports and Management Forums
- 1996-020-00, 55164, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, Salmon & Clearwater Traps
- 1996-020-00, 55164, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 55164, Work Element Q: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 55164, Work Element W: 157 - WDFW -Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow Chiwawa River Traps
- 1989-024-01, 55329, Work Element F: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of life history, smolt production, survival, and productivity data
- 2010-036-00, CR-213400, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer PIT Tag Data To PTAGIS and Escapement Data to WDFW Databases
- 2010-050-00, 57970, Work Element E: 157 - Population status monitoring data: collected and uploaded to PTAGIS
- 2010-050-00, 57970, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2010-050-00, 57970, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 57970, Work Element K: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 57970, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-076-00, 46273 REL 42, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor detections at fixed site radio telemetry monitoring station
- 2003-017-00, 56338, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, 56336, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag detection arrays on Entiat and Mad Rivers
- 2003-017-00, 56336, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct mainstem off-channel effectiveness monitoring as part of Entiat IMW
- 2003-017-00, 56336, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, 56540, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2010-034-00, 57340, Work Element F: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2008-518-00, 56276, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 1997-024-00, 56884, Work Element B: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY12
- 1997-024-00, 56884, Work Element D: 157 - Collect data on double-crested and Brandt's cormorants - FY12
- 1997-024-00, 56884, Work Element E: 162 - Conduct analysis on double-crested and Brandt's cormorant data - FY12
- 1998-019-00, 55275, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 55275, Work Element I: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 55275, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze adult steelhead passage data at the Trout Creek interrogation site for detection efficiency
- 2008-904-00, 57046, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 2007-402-00, 55108, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 6, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze raw data collected from screw traps and surveys to develop population estimates
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 6, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival
- 1997-030-00, 55018, Work Element F: 157 - Collect adult steelhead escapement and life history characteristic data in Joseph Creek
- 1997-030-00, 55018, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize and analyze Joseph Creek steelhead escapement data
- 2008-311-00, 56875, Work Element K: 159 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Enter PIT Tag Data into PTAGIS
- 2010-036-00, 57287, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 57287, Work Element I: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 57287, Work Element K: 160 - Create, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 57287, Work Element L: 159 - Transfer PIT Tag Data To PTAGIS and Escapement Data to WDFW Database
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 5, Work Element G: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys and scale collection
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 38, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 38, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 38, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 38, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2010-036-00, 57563, Work Element J: 160 - Create, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 1986-050-00, 59559, Work Element E: 162 - White sturgeon fisheries management planning for Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day reservoi
- 1997-030-00, 59539, Work Element F: 157 - Collect adult steelhead escapement and life history characteristic data in Joseph Creek
- 1997-030-00, 59539, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize and analyze Joseph Creek steelhead escapement data
- 1998-010-04, CR-224587, Work Element H: 159 - COPY: Upload/download PIT tag data to/from the PTAGIS database
- 2003-017-00, 55970, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 55487, Work Element I: 157 - Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in the South Fork Salmon River.
- 2003-017-00, 55487, Work Element L: 157 - Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis
- 2003-017-00, 55487, Work Element U: 159 - Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server, STEM databank, and PTAGIS.
- 2003-017-00, 55487, Work Element W: 162 - Develop and test methods to calculate instantaneous and periodic PIT tag array efficiency.
- 1990-005-01, 56620, Work Element H: 157 - Wild Steelhead Spawning Locations snd Passage Evaluations (MOA)
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 62, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 62, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 62, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 62, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 51, Work Element C: 162 - Evaluate performance of the entire network of adult interrogation systems
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 51, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct fish tests on the new ogee transceiver with the corner-collector system
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 51, Work Element F: 157 - Evaluation of a new PIT-tag technologies (tags and transceivers)
- 2007-403-00, 59694, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program
- 1988-053-04, 59738, Work Element F: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 59738, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Juvenile Salmonids in the Hood River
- 1988-053-04, 59738, Work Element K: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 59738, Work Element L: 162 - Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 59738, Work Element P: 159 - Submit PIT Tag Information To The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element E: 159 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 11, Work Element J: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 1989-024-01, 59392, Work Element F: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of life history, smolt production, survival, and productivity
- 1998-019-00, 59821, Work Element G: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 59821, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1989-098-00, 59799, Work Element L: 159 - IDFG Upload ISS Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead Using the Lostine River Weir
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element I: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Chinook Salmon Using the Lostine River Weir
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element F: 157 - Assist ODFW with Data Collection at the Lostine River Screw Trap
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data from Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Using PIT Tag Arrays at Acclimation
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element E: 159 - Reformat and Upload Juvenile PIT Tag Array Data to from Acclimation to PTAGIS
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element J: 159 - Reformat and Upload Adult PIT Tag Recapture Data Collected at the Weir to PTAGIS
- 1988-120-25, 55125, Work Element M: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 1996-020-00, 20620 REL 28, Work Element E: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations
- 1996-020-00, 20620 REL 31, Work Element E: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations
- 2010-036-00, 59976, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 59976, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 59976, Work Element I: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 59976, Work Element J: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 61015, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 61015, Work Element I: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 61015, Work Element J: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 61015, Work Element K: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 61015, Work Element L: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2000-039-00, 61347, Work Element E: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2003-017-00, 59729, Work Element Q: 159 - Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server, STEM databank, and PTAGIS.
- 2010-034-00, 57779, Work Element I: 157 - Estimate number of steelhead spawning outside of survey area
- 2003-017-00, 60621, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, 59870, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag detection arrays on Entiat and Mad Rivers
- 2003-017-00, 59870, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct a fish monitoring study on the Entiat River as part of IMW
- 2003-017-00, 59870, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct mainstem off-channel effectiveness monitoring as part of Entiat IMW
- 2003-017-00, 59870, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at up to 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2008-105-00, 61373, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 2010-034-00, 61612, Work Element F: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2007-083-00, 60933, Work Element R: 157 - Mark Recapture juvenile spring Chinook salmon for biomonitoring plan
- 2008-306-00, 60569, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Movement Data From Deschutes River Mouth PIT Array
- 2003-017-00, 61818, Work Element J: 162 - 15.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting
- 2010-050-00, 61639, Work Element D: 157 - Population status monitoring data: collected and uploaded to PTAGIS
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 25, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze raw data collected from screw traps and surveys to develop population estimates
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 25, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival
- 1996-020-00, 59584, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, Salmon & Clearwater Traps
- 1996-020-00, 59584, Work Element P: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 59584, Work Element R: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 59584, Work Element W: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow Chiwawa River Traps PIT data
- 2003-017-00, 57863, Work Element K: 162 - 13.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting
- 2007-402-00, 61898, Work Element I: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 61898, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 2008-718-00, 57215, Work Element C: 157 - Small mouth bass diets and relative densities near dams compared to adjacent areas
- 1988-053-04, 62559, Work Element G: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 62559, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Juvenile Salmonids in the Hood River
- 1988-053-04, 62559, Work Element L: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 62559, Work Element M: 162 - Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 62559, Work Element Q: 159 - Submit PIT Tag Information To The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- 1990-080-00, 57188, Work Element B: 160 - FY12 and FY13 - Operate Maintain and Enhance the PTAGIS System
- 1990-080-00, 57188, Work Element C: 160 - FY12 and FY13 - Operate and Maintain the Separation by Code Database
- 1990-080-00, 57188, Work Element F: 160 - FY12 and FY13 - Operate and Maintain Interrogation Systems in Field Locations
- 2003-007-00, 59063, Work Element L: 157 - NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 38, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 1989-098-00, 63724, Work Element L: 159 - IDFG Upload ISS Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 2003-017-00, 64527, Work Element M: 159 - Enter data in ISEMP Database (ELR) in support for Lessons Learned Report
- 2003-017-00, 64146, Work Element N: 159 - Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server, ISEMP Database, and PTAGIS.
- 2003-017-00, 64187, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag detection arrays on Entiat and Mad Rivers
- 2003-017-00, 64187, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct a fish monitoring study on the Entiat River as part of IMW
- 2003-017-00, 64187, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct mainstem off-channel effectiveness monitoring as part of Entiat IMW
- 1997-030-00, 63467, Work Element F: 157 - Collect adult steelhead escapement and life history characteristic data in Joseph Creek
- 1997-030-00, 63467, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize and analyze Joseph Creek steelhead escapement data
- 1998-019-00, 63276, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 63276, Work Element I: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 2007-403-00, 62939, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook Salmon captive rearing program
- 1989-024-01, 63486, Work Element H: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of life history, smolt production, survival, and productivity
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element E: 157 - Collect Data from Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Using PIT Tag Array at Acclimation
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element F: 159 - Submit and Upload Juvenile PIT Tag Array Data to from Acclimation to PTAGIS
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead Using the Lostine River Weir
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element I: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Chinook Salmon Using the Lostine River Weir
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element K: 159 - Reformat and Upload Adult PIT Tag Recapture Data Collected at the Weir to PTAGIS
- 1996-020-00, 63203, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, Salmon & Clearwater Traps
- 1996-020-00, 63203, Work Element P: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 63203, Work Element R: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 63203, Work Element W: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow Chiwawa River Traps PIT data
- 2008-306-00, 64733, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Movement Data from Deschutes River Mouth PIT Array
- 2000-039-00, 64891, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 80, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 80, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 80, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 80, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 1990-080-00, 64846, Work Element F: 160 - Operate and Maintain Interrogation Systems in Field Locations
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 50, Work Element L: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from antenna array on Ahtanum Creek
- 2010-034-00, CR-272834, Work Element C: 159 - COPY: Download and Transfer PIT tag data to QCI/PTAGIS database
- 2010-034-00, 65556, Work Element F: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2003-017-00, 65674, Work Element O: 162 - 17.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting
- 2008-518-00, 60523, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-105-00, 65295, Work Element D: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 64, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze raw data collected from screw traps and surveys to develop population estimates
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 64, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival
- 2008-311-00, 60648, Work Element J: 159 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Enter PIT Tag Data into PTAGIS
- 2003-007-00, 62931, Work Element L: 157 - NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site
- 1990-005-01, 61878, Work Element H: 157 - Steelhead Spawning Locations and Passage Evaluations (MOA)
- 2007-083-00, 64017, Work Element S: 157 - Mark Recapture juvenile spring Chinook salmon for biomonitoring plan
- 1988-053-04, 66166, Work Element G: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 66166, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 66166, Work Element L: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 66166, Work Element M: 162 - Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 66166, Work Element Q: 159 - Submit PIT Tag Information To The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 66, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 1997-030-00, 67519, Work Element F: 157 - Collect adult steelhead escapement and life history characteristic data in Joseph Creek
- 1997-030-00, 67519, Work Element H: 160 - Populate and validate NPT project specific data in standardized/centralized databases
- 1997-030-00, 67519, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize and analyze Joseph Creek steelhead escapement data
- 1983-319-00, 46273 REL 76, Work Element L: 162 - Added: Evaluate performance of the entire network of adult interrogation systems
- 1983-319-00, 46273 REL 76, Work Element M: 157 - Added: Evaluation of a new PIT-tag technologies (tags and transceivers)
- 2008-311-00, 69558, Work Element J: 159 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Enter PIT Tag Data into PTAGIS
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 96, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 96, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 96, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 96, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 1989-024-01, 67055, Work Element G: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of life history, smolt production, survival, and productivity
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 71, Work Element C: 162 - Evaluate performance of the entire network of adult interrogation systems
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 71, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct fish tests on the new ogee transceiver with the corner-collector system
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 71, Work Element F: 157 - Evaluation of a new PIT-tag technologies (tags and transceivers)
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element I: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element K: 157 - Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1998-019-00, 62516, Work Element K: 162 - Coordinated Data Assessments HLIs and Hemlock BACI analysis
- 1989-098-00, 67577, Work Element D: 159 - Upload Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 1996-020-00, 67386, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 67386, Work Element Q: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 67386, Work Element V: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element J: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 2003-017-00, 67511, Work Element M: 159 - Enter data in ISEMP Database (ELR) in support for Lessons Learned Report
- 2003-017-00, 69875, Work Element I: 162 - 19.12 Upper Columbia Data Analysis Preparation and Reporting
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 87, Work Element B: 157 - Improve survival and reduce fitness loss of steelhead smolts
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element E: 157 - Collect Data from Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Using PIT Tag Array at Acclimation
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element F: 159 - Submit and Upload Juvenile PIT Tag Array Data to from Acclimation to PTAGIS
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead Using the Lostine River Weir
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element I: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Chinook Salmon Using the Lostine River Weir
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element K: 159 - Reformat and Upload Adult PIT Tag Recapture Data Collected at the Weir to PTAGIS
- 2007-083-00, 67959, Work Element Q: 157 - Juvenile steelhead density and distribution for biomonitoring plan
- 2007-083-00, 67959, Work Element R: 157 - Juvenile spring Chinook salmon density and distribution for biomonitoring plan
- 1989-098-00, 67556, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze and interpret comprehensive ISS supplementation data.
- 2000-039-00, 68603, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2008-105-00, 68906, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 84, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze raw data collected from screw traps and surveys to develop population estimates
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 84, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 103, Work Element B: 157 - Improve survival and reduce fitness loss of steelhead smolts
- 2010-036-00, 69142, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 69142, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 69142, Work Element I: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 69142, Work Element J: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 69142, Work Element K: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 69257, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 69257, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 69257, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 69257, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2003-039-00, 68529, Work Element C: 157 - Juvenile Salmonid DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in the Lower Wenatchee, WA
- 2003-039-00, 68529, Work Element E: 157 - Adult Spring Chinook DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in Wenatchee, WA
- 2008-518-00, 68573, Work Element C: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-311-00, 64276, Work Element J: 159 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Enter PIT Tag Data into PTAGIS
- 1990-080-00, 68472, Work Element F: 160 - Ensure all Data from Field Systems is Delivered to the Database
- 2010-034-00, 69256, Work Element E: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2007-402-00, 69491, Work Element N: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 69491, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 1989-098-00, 67980, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze and interpret comprehensive ISS supplementation data.
- 2010-036-00, 64046, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 64046, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 64046, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 64046, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 64528, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 64528, Work Element I: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 64528, Work Element J: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 64528, Work Element K: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 64528, Work Element L: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2003-007-00, 66764, Work Element K: 157 - NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site
- 2008-518-00, 64561, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 1988-053-04, 69547, Work Element F: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 69547, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 69547, Work Element N: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 69547, Work Element O: 162 - Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in the Hood River Subbasin
- 2003-017-00, 67971, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag detection arrays on Entiat and Mad Rivers
- 2003-017-00, 67971, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct a fish monitoring study on the Entiat River as part of IMW
- 2003-017-00, 67971, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct mainstem off-channel effectiveness monitoring as part of Entiat IMW
- 2007-402-00, 65733, Work Element M: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 65733, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 1997-030-00, 70924, Work Element D: 157 - Collect adult steelhead escapement and life history characteristic data in Joseph Creek
- 1997-030-00, 70924, Work Element F: 160 - Populate and validate NPT project specific data in standardized/centralized databases
- 1997-030-00, 70924, Work Element H: 162 - Summarize and analyze Joseph Creek steelhead escapement data
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 96, Work Element J: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2008-311-00, 69558, Work Element K: 157 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect Data at Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Full Duplex Arrays
- 2008-905-00, 66365, Work Element M: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Research, Monitoring, & Evaluation
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element E: 157 - Task 1B: Conduct habitat surveys at site-based restoration locations in the Lemhi and Secesh rivers.
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element K: 160 - Task 6: Manage databases for Salmon and John Day sub-basins
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element L: 159 - Task 7: Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server and cloud storage, ISEMP Database, and PTAGIS.
- 1993-056-00, 70218, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct breeding studies at the Winthrop National Fish hatchery
- 1989-024-01, 70542, Work Element B: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam and Birch Creek natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 1989-024-01, 70542, Work Element G: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead smolt trapping data
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 111, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 111, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 111, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 111, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2008-507-00, 66762, Work Element F: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 66762, Work Element I: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 77, Work Element L: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from antenna array on Ahtanum Creek
- 2003-017-00, 71131, Work Element G: 157 - Task 3B: Operate ISEMP rotary screw traps in the Lemhi River.
- 2003-017-00, 71131, Work Element K: 159 - Task 7: Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server and cloud storage, ISEMP Database, and PTAGI
- 2003-017-00, 71203, Work Element L: 159 - Enter data in ISEMP Database (ELR) in support for Lessons Learned Report
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data from Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mortalities at Acclimation
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element E: 159 - Upload Juvenile Spring Chinook PIT-tag Release and Mortality Data to PTAGIS
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead Using the Lostine River Weir
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element I: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Chinook Salmon Using the Lostine River Weir
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element K: 159 - Reformat and Upload Adult PIT Tag Recapture Data Collected at the Weir to PTAGIS
- 2010-057-00, 70707, Work Element K: 157 - Track Movement of Adult Steelhead in the South Fork Clearwater River
- 2007-403-00, 66445, Work Element B: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook Salmon Captive Rearing Program
- 2003-017-00, 71541, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag detection arrays on Entiat and Mad Rivers
- 2003-017-00, 71541, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct side channel effectiveness monitoring as part of Entiat IMW
- 2003-017-00, 73971, Work Element L: 162 - 22.12a Upper Columbia Life Cycle Models for Spring Chinook and Steelhead
- 2008-311-00, 73078, Work Element L: 159 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Upload PIT Tagging Data into PTAGIS
- 2008-311-00, 73078, Work Element J: 157 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect and Upload Data at WSR, SC and Sherars Falls Full Duplex Arrays
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 113, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze PIT tag detections at downstream detection facilities to estimate survival
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element F: 157 - Collect samples from BY15 HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead; install/maintain antennas; collect & store data, sample
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element L: 157 - Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/quality
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element M: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element O: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element Q: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element R: 157 - Determine multilocus, microsat. nuclear DNA genotypes for NOR/HOR adult/juvenile steelhead samples
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element V: 157 - Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin clips
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element W: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element S: 162 - Determine the relative reproductive success of NOR & HOR steelhead in Abernathy Creek above AFTC
- 1990-080-00, 71755, Work Element G: 160 - Ensure all Data from Field Systems is Delivered to the Database
- 2008-306-00, 68873, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Movement Data from Deschutes River Mouth PIT Array
- 2003-039-00, 71862, Work Element C: 157 - Juvenile Salmonid DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in the Lower Wenatchee, WA
- 2003-039-00, 71862, Work Element E: 157 - Adult Spring Chinook DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in Wenatchee, WA
- 2008-905-00, 71276, Work Element G: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, & Evaluation
- 2003-017-00, 69146, Work Element B: 157 - Provide staff support to the USFWS Entiat River rotary screw trap
- 2010-034-00, 72904, Work Element E: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2003-017-00, 71541, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze data related to monitoring conducted under Entiat IMW
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 106, Work Element S: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 106, Work Element U: 157 - Case Study: Conduct Food Web Study on Tepee and White Creeks
- 2010-036-00, 72970, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 72970, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 72970, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 72970, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 72970, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 115, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2010-036-00, 72994, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 72994, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 72994, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 72994, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 1996-020-00, 70923, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 70923, Work Element Q: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 70923, Work Element V: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1993-056-00, 73630, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct breeding studies at the Winthrop National Fish hatchery
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element V: 159 - DR, FM, & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into CTWSRO database
- 2003-007-00, 70380, Work Element I: 157 - EMP: NOAA PIT Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency
- 2003-007-00, 70380, Work Element J: 157 - AEMR: NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 113, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze raw data collected from surveys to develop population estimates
- 2003-017-00, 73971, Work Element I: 157 - 22.10b Fish sampling to validate juvenile carrying capacity models
- 2003-017-00, 73971, Work Element H: 157 - 22.10a Fish sampling for Entiat status and trend monitoring
- 2007-083-00, 71611, Work Element Q: 157 - Juvenile steelhead density and distribution for biomonitoring plan
- 2007-083-00, 71611, Work Element R: 157 - Juvenile spring Chinook salmon density and distribution for biomonitoring plan
- 1997-030-00, CR-298768, Work Element H: 157 - COPY: Collect adult steelhead escapement and life history characteristic data in Joseph Creek
- 1997-030-00, CR-298768, Work Element J: 160 - COPY: Populate and validate NPT project specific data in standardized/centralized databases
- 1997-030-00, CR-298768, Work Element L: 162 - COPY: Summarize and analyze Joseph Creek steelhead escapement data
- 2008-507-00, 70127, Work Element F: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 70127, Work Element I: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2007-157-00, 73814, Work Element D: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element I: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element J: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element K: 157 - Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element M: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1998-016-00, 74969, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps
- 2008-306-00, 75692, Work Element C: 157 - Record PIT-tagged fish entering and leaving Deschutes River
- 2008-311-00, 76475, Work Element K: 157 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect and Upload Data at WSR, SC PIT arrays
- 2008-311-00, 76475, Work Element J: 159 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Upload PIT Tagging Data into PTAGIS
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element I: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element J: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element K: 157 - Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element M: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1989-024-01, 74267, Work Element B: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam and Birch Creek natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 1989-024-01, 74267, Work Element G: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead smolt trapping dat
- 2010-057-00, 74546, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Snake River B-Run Steelhead SFCWR
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element G: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element H: 157 - Collect samples from BY16 HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element K: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured smolts
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead; install/maintain antennas; collect & store data, samples
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element M: 157 - Evaluate physiological/nutritional status of NOR/HOR steelhead
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element N: 157 - Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/quality
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element O: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element Q: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element S: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element T: 157 - Determine multilocus, microsat. nuclear DNA genotypes for NOR/HOR adult/juvenile steelhead samples
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element U: 162 - Determine the relative reproductive success of NOR & HOR steelhead in Abernathy Creek above AFTC
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element X: 157 - Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin clips
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element Y: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 2003-017-00, 75098, Work Element E: 157 - Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2003-017-00, 75098, Work Element H: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag detection arrays on Entiat and Mad Rivers
- 2003-017-00, 75098, Work Element I: 162 - USFWS anlysis of salmonid data related to monitoring conducted under Entiat River IMW
- 2010-057-00, 74546, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Snake River B-Run Steelhead SFCWR
- 2008-905-00, 75391, Work Element L: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 4, Work Element D: 157 - Sample adult summer steelhead from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 4, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 4, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze juvenile O. mykiss data from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 4, Work Element P: 157 - Juvenile steelhead density and distribution for biomonitoring plan
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 4, Work Element Q: 157 - Juvenile spring Chinook salmon density and distribution for biomonitoring plan
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, LC & NC
- 2012-013-00, CR-302515, Work Element F: 157 - NPT Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Species & Location
- 2012-013-00, CR-302515, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Insert Species and Location
- 2012-013-00, CR-302515, Work Element R: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Radio Telemetry Data Collection: Insert Species and Location
- 1996-043-00, 74742, Work Element C: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74742, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74742, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook Salmon, McCall Fish Hatchery
- 1996-043-00, 74742, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, Johnson Creek spawning aggregate
- 1997-015-01, CR-302519, Work Element F: 157 - NPT Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Species & Location
- 1997-015-01, CR-302519, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Insert Species and Location
- 1997-015-01, CR-302519, Work Element R: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Radio Telemetry Data Collection: Insert Species and Location
- 2010-032-00, CR-302520, Work Element F: 157 - NPT Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Species & Location
- 2010-032-00, CR-302520, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Insert Species and Location
- 2010-032-00, CR-302520, Work Element R: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Radio Telemetry Data Collection: Insert Species and Location
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element O: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook. Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1998-007-02, 74668, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook and Steelhead Lostine River
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1998-007-02, 74668, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Spring Chinook NE Oregon
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring & Fall Chinook at NPTH
- 1998-007-02, 74668, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element AI: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp & Fall Chinook - NPTH
- 1998-007-02, 74668, Work Element V: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 2010-032-00, 74659, Work Element D: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on upper Imnaha Tributaries
- 2010-032-00, 74659, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element Q: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1997-015-01, 74666, Work Element C: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chk Steelhead
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element P: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Fall Chinook. S.F. Clearwater R.
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 130, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 130, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 130, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 130, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 1998-007-02, 74668, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Bull Trout NE Oregon
- 2009-014-00, 71934, Work Element G: 160 - Manage Biomonitoring and CHaMP Data (CTUIR, Sitka, SF Research)
- 2003-039-00, 75168, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile Salmonid DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in the Lower Wenatchee, WA
- 2003-039-00, 75168, Work Element F: 157 - Adult Spring Chinook DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in Wenatchee, WA
- 1992-026-04, 75001, Work Element G: 157 - ODFW Rotary Screw Trap Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Juvenile Salmonid Migrants
- 2000-039-00, 75381, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element V: 159 - DR, FM, & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into CTWSRO database
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 112, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring
- 2010-028-00, 74615, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations
- 2007-157-00, 70435, Work Element C: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 1990-080-00, 75091, Work Element H: 160 - Ensure all Data from Field Systems is Delivered to the Database
- 2010-030-00, 75719, Work Element F: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 134, Work Element T: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 134, Work Element W: 157 - Case Study: Conduct Food Web Study on Tepee and White Creeks
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 10, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 136, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring
- 2008-518-00, 76151, Work Element C: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-105-00, 73548 REL 9, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 1992-026-04, 75001, Work Element H: 157 - ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer
- 1992-026-04, 75001, Work Element I: 157 - ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 7, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 7, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 7, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 7, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 7, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2008-518-00, 72197, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2003-017-00, 75383, Work Element D: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee Basin
- 2010-036-00, 76302, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 76302, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 76302, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 76302, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 139, Work Element H: 157 - Screw Trap Data Collection for Yakima Juvenile Steelhead in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 139, Work Element K: 162 - Adult Abundance/ Population Estimate and Life History Data Analysis for Toppenish Creek
- 2008-306-00, 72243, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Movement Data from Deschutes River Mouth PIT Array
- 2003-017-00, 76143, Work Element I: 162 - Upper Columbia Life Cycle Models for Spring Chinook and Steelhead
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 133, Work Element J: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2008-905-00, 75391, Work Element M: 157 - South Fork Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2000-039-00, 75381, Work Element T: 157 - PIT detection site operation and maintenance in Touchet River basin
- 1987-127-00, 75982, Work Element G: 157 - PIT Tag salmonids Salmonids at Leavenworth; Dworshak; Wells; and Priest Rapids Hatcheries
- 2007-402-00, 76501, Work Element O: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2000-039-00, 71852, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 140, Work Element J: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 139, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and Maintain Instream PIT Arrays in Toppenish Creek watershed
- 2003-007-00, 73977, Work Element F: 157 - AEMR: NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site
- 2003-007-00, 73977, Work Element K: 157 - EMP: NOAA PIT Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency
- 1996-020-00, 74406, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 74406, Work Element Q: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 74406, Work Element W: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1996-020-00, 74406, Work Element AG: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations with the Fish Passage Center
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 10, Work Element E: 157 - Construct, install, maintain, and remove temporary PIT tag arrays in preselected locations
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 10, Work Element F: 157 - Operate, maintain, and update existing permanent PIT-tag array infrastructure
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 5, Work Element F: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 5, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 5, Work Element P: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 5, Work Element Q: 162 - Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in the Hood River Subbasin
- 2008-105-00, 72600, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 2003-007-00, 77318, Work Element F: 157 - AEMR: NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site
- 2003-007-00, 77318, Work Element J: 157 - EMP: NOAA PIT Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element U: 159 - DR, FM, & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into CTWSRO database
- 2007-157-00, 77172, Work Element D: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2003-017-00, 74634, Work Element J: 162 - Category 1.2: Current and potential distribution components of tributary habitat: temperature-based
- 1993-056-00, 76845, Work Element B: 157 - Assemble and generate capture histories for lifecycle survival analysis of S1 and S2 steelhead
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element C: 157 - Collect and sample juvenile salmonids in Lemhi River watershed (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element J: 157 - Operate and maintain ISEMP IPTDS throughout the Columbia River basin (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element K: 157 - Operate and maintain rotary screw traps in the Lemhi and lower Secesh rivers (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element Q: 159 - Upload IPTDS data to QCI server and cloud storage, parse, and upload to PTAGIS
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 12, Work Element K: 157 - WDFW Adult Weir Monitoring: Sampling Adult Steelhead at Tucannon Fish Hatchery
- 2007-402-00, 76501, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 1997-030-00, 74017 REL 4, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead, Joseph Creek
- 1997-030-00, 74017 REL 4, Work Element P: 160 - Populate and validate NPT project specific data in standardized/centralized databases
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 12, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 30, Work Element G: 160 - Manage Biomonitoring, AEM and CHaMP Data (CTUIR, Sitka, SF Research)
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 30, Work Element H: 159 - Deliver Habitat Data to Online Data Management System
- 1997-030-00, 74547, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead, Joseph Creek
- 1997-030-00, 74547, Work Element P: 160 - Populate and validate NPT project specific data in standardized/centralized databases
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 26, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct sub-yearling (juvenile) monitoring (gill netting)
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 163, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element C: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element D: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element H: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element C: 159 - Consolidate/Transfer Regionally Standardized Data - Assist Data Producing Projects
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element D: 160 - Create/Manage/Maintain Tools, Applications, and Databases for Pilot and Production Projects
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element E: 160 - Migrate/update digital pen system projects from Capturx/SharePoint to Anoto Live/LAMP
- 2008-507-00, 77134, Work Element F: 160 - Complete a pilot centralized data management system implementation for three tribes and CRITFC
- 2010-032-00, 74017 REL 5, Work Element D: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on upper Imnaha Tributaries
- 2010-032-00, 74017 REL 5, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2010-032-00, 74017 REL 5, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 14, Work Element B: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam and Birch Creek natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 14, Work Element F: 159 - Upload Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data to PTAGIS
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 14, Work Element G: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead smolt trapping data
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 14, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Snake River B-Run Steelhead SFCWR
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 14, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Snake River B-Run Steelhead SFCWR
- 2002-053-00, 75614, Work Element G: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation
- 2002-053-00, 75614, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 1996-020-00, 77836, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 77836, Work Element Q: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 77836, Work Element W: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1996-020-00, 77836, Work Element AG: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations with the Fish Passage Center
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 22, Work Element H: 157 - ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 22, Work Element I: 157 - ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 6, Work Element C: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 147, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 147, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 147, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 147, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 10, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 10, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 10, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook Salmon, McCall Fish Hatchery
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 10, Work Element R: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, Johnson Creek spawning aggregate
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 8, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook and Steelhead Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 8, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Spring Chinook NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 8, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Bull Trout NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 8, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 8, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 8, Work Element U: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element G: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element H: 157 - Collect samples from BY17 HOR steelhead smolts that will allow genetic change between NOR/HOR to be calculated
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead; maintain antennas; collect & store data, samples
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate physiological/nutritional status of NOR/HOR steelhead
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element L: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological measures
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element N: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element O: 157 - Determine expression patterns for genes associated lipid metabolism in fish fed traditional and experimental diets
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 21, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 21, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 21, Work Element P: 159 - Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data to/from PTAGIS and NRIMP
- 2003-017-00, 77840, Work Element D: 157 - Collect and sample juvenile salmonids in Lemhi River watershed
- 2003-017-00, 77840, Work Element K: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from PTAGIS from Accords project funded sites (OKC, SKA, Zosel, MCI)
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 45, Work Element F: 157 - Project staff will assist Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH staffs with broodstock collection, spawning activities (collection of biological samples, recording mating crosses, estimation of eggs taken, etc..) and do
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 45, Work Element K: 157 - All hatchery conservation smolts are currently released above the Tucannon FH adult trap. While not all adults will return to the upper basin, it is critical to accurately document the number of hatchery and
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 158, Work Element J: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 31, Work Element F: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-028-00, 74314 REL 23, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 29, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 29, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 166, Work Element H: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 1987-127-00, 78690, Work Element F: 157 - PIT Tag salmonids Salmonids at Leavenworth; Dworshak; Wells; and Priest Rapids Hatcheries
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 2, Work Element E: 157 - PSMFC - Little Goose Dam - Gas Bubble Trauma Support
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 31, Work Element D: 157 - Sample adult summer steelhead from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 31, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 31, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze juvenile O. mykiss data from Lookingglass Creek
- 1988-053-04, 73958, Work Element F: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 73958, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 73958, Work Element P: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 73958, Work Element Q: 162 - Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in the Hood River Subbasin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 38, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 33, Work Element F: 157 - Construct, install, maintain, and remove temporary PIT tag arrays in preselected locations
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 33, Work Element G: 157 - Operate, maintain, and update existing permanent PIT-tag array infrastructure
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 33, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 24, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile Salmonid DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in the Lower Wenatchee, WA
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 24, Work Element F: 157 - Adult Spring Chinook DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in Wenatchee, WA
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, LC & NC
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook. Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring & Fall Chinook at NPTH
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element L: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Fall Chinook. S.F. Clearwater R.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element AE: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp & Fall Chinook - NPTH
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 6, Work Element G: 160 - Manage Biomonitoring, AEM and CHaMP Data (CTUIR, Sitka, SF Research)
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 6, Work Element H: 159 - Deliver Habitat Data to and
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 2, Work Element J: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 162, Work Element T: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 162, Work Element U: 157 - Case Study: Conduct Food Web Study on Tepee and White Creeks
- 2003-017-00, 78217, Work Element D: 157 - Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2003-017-00, 78217, Work Element G: 162 - USFWS analysis of salmonid data related to monitoring conducted under Entiat River IMW
- 1997-030-00, 74017 REL 4, Work Element R: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection on the Secesh R.
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 1, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element J: 159 - Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT Tag Data into PTAGIS
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element K: 157 - Record and Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of WSR and SC
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from PTAGIS from Accords project funded sites (OKC, SKA, ZSL, OKC, OKP, McIntyre)
- 2000-039-00, 74314 REL 32, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 1, Work Element E: 160 - Operate and Maintain the Separation by Code Database
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 1, Work Element H: 160 - Ensure all Data from Field Systems is Delivered to the Database
- 2007-402-00, 73152, Work Element N: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 73152, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element E: 160 - Data management tools developed and/or updated and/or identified to meet tribal needs.
- 2008-507-00, 73789, Work Element G: 160 - Exploratory development and maintenance of databases of legacy data (ongoing)
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 8, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-105-00, 73548 REL 38, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 42, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 42, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 42, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 42, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 6, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 6, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 6, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 6, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 6, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2007-402-00, 79593, Work Element O: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 79593, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 45, Work Element J: 157 - A portion of the contract funding for this project will cover costs associated with the operation/maintenance of the Tucannon River PIT tag arrays (Four Total Arrays). Debris floating down the river during hi
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 45, Work Element O: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 38, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 168, Work Element J: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 35, Work Element F: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 35, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 35, Work Element P: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack and Adult Spring Chinook in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 35, Work Element Q: 162 - Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in the Hood River Subbasin
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 42, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-032-00, CR-323533, Work Element D: 157 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on upper Imnaha Tributaries
- 2010-032-00, CR-323533, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2010-032-00, CR-323533, Work Element I: 157 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-030-00, CR-323536, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead, Joseph Creek
- 1997-030-00, CR-323536, Work Element O: 160 - COPY: Populate and validate NPT project specific data in standardized/centralized databases
- 1997-030-00, CR-323536, Work Element Q: 157 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection on the Secesh R.
- 2003-007-00, 80237, Work Element F: 157 - AEMR: NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site
- 2003-007-00, 80237, Work Element I: 157 - EMP: NOAA PIT Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency
- 2007-157-00, 80597, Work Element D: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 36, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element AB: 159 - DR, FM, & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into CTWSRO database
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 67, Work Element I: 160 - Create, Manage and Maintain Accessible Database (CTUIR & Sitka)
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 41, Work Element E: 159 - Upload Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data to PTAGIS
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 41, Work Element F: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead smolt trapping data
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 30, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 30, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 30, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook Salmon, McCall Fish Hatchery
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 30, Work Element S: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, Johnson Creek spawning aggregate
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, Lolo Cr, SFCR.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook. Lolo Creek.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring & Fall Chinook at NPTH
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element L: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Fall Chinook. S.F. Clearwater R.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element AC: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp & Fall Chinook - NPTH
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element C: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element D: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element H: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 163, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 163, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 163, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 163, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2003-017-00, CR-326243, Work Element D: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap
- 2003-063-00, 81000, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead; maintain antennas; collect & store PIT tag data
- 2003-063-00, 81000, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze/interpret data using additional information collected from returning steelhead
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 42, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook and Steelhead Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 42, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Spring Chinook NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 42, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Bull Trout NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 42, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 42, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 42, Work Element U: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 2010-028-00, 74314 REL 56, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 34, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: South Fork Clearwater River and Lolo Creek Snake River Summer Steelhead
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 50, Work Element H: 157 - ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 50, Work Element I: 157 - ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter
- 1987-127-00, 81646, Work Element F: 157 - PIT Tag salmonids Salmonids at Leavenworth; Dworshak; Wells; and Priest Rapids Hatcheries
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 14, Work Element E: 157 - PSMFC - Little Goose Dam - Gas Bubble Trauma Support
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 186, Work Element J: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 63, Work Element F: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 60, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 60, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 73, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 73, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 192, Work Element H: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 2003-017-00, CR-325829, Work Element D: 157 - Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2003-017-00, CR-325829, Work Element G: 162 - USFWS analysis of salmonid data related to monitoring conducted under Entiat River IMW
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 11, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, and Salmon Traps
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 11, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 11, Work Element P: 162 - ODFW - Lookingglass Hatchery Migration Survival Data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 11, Work Element Q: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass, Irrigon Hatcheries and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 11, Work Element W: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 11, Work Element X: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Lyons Ferry hatchery marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 11, Work Element Y: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Wenatchee, Methow and Entiat trap marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 11, Work Element AG: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations with the Fish Passage Center
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 15, Work Element H: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 56, Work Element D: 157 - Sample adult summer steelhead from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 56, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 56, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze juvenile O. mykiss data from Lookingglass Creek
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 38, Work Element N: 157 - Operate smolt trap to capture juvenile salmonids in the Entiat River
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 49, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 49, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 49, Work Element N: 159 - Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data to/from PTAGIS and NRIMP
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 12, Work Element E: 160 - Operate and Maintain the Separation by Code Database
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 12, Work Element H: 160 - Ensure all Data from Field Systems is Delivered to the Database
- 2010-032-00, CR-323533, Work Element N: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 36, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on Imnaha Tributaries
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 36, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 36, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 61, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile Salmonid DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in the Lower Wenatchee, WA
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 61, Work Element E: 157 - Adult Spring Chinook DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in Wenatchee, WA
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 56, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate Spring and Summer Chinook Migration and Survival Using Pit Tags
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element G: 159 - Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT Tag Data into PTAGIS
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element H: 157 - Record and Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of WSR and SC
- 2000-039-01, 74314 REL 68, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 188, Work Element S: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 190, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from PTAGIS from Accords project funded sites (OKC, SKA, ZSL, OKC, OKP, McIntyre)
- 2008-105-00, 73548 REL 60, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 74, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 74, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 74, Work Element N: 157 - Operate smolt trap to capture juvenile salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 16, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 16, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 16, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 16, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 16, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 75, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 75, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 75, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 75, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 75, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 26, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 63, Work Element F: 157 - Construct, install, maintain, and remove temporary PIT tag arrays in preselected locations
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 63, Work Element G: 157 - Operate, maintain, and update permanent in-stream PIT tag arrays
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 63, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2007-402-00, 82726, Work Element G: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 167, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 2007-402-00, 82725, Work Element N: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2003-007-00, 83053, Work Element F: 157 - AEMR: NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site
- 2003-007-00, 83053, Work Element I: 157 - EMP: NOAA PIT Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element C: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element D: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the Martha Creek and Mine Reach of Wind River PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element H: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element Z: 159 - DR, FM, & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into CTWSRO database
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 192, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and Maintain Portable Instream PIT Arrays in Toppenish Creek
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on Imnaha Tributaries
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 198, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 83, Work Element K: 160 - Create, Manage and Maintain Accessible Database (CTUIR & Sitka)
- 2007-157-00, 83183, Work Element D: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 57, Work Element F: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 57, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 57, Work Element P: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack and Adult Spring Chinook in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 57, Work Element Q: 162 - Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 7, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 7, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 7, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 7, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 65, Work Element E: 159 - Upload Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data to PTAGIS
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 65, Work Element F: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead smolt trapping data
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for juv. Chinook & Steelhead abundance & survival in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 22, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, and Salmon Traps
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 22, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 22, Work Element P: 162 - ODFW - Lookingglass Hatchery Migration Survival Data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 22, Work Element Q: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass, Irrigon Hatcheries and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 22, Work Element W: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 22, Work Element X: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Lyons Ferry hatchery marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 22, Work Element Y: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Wenatchee, Methow and Entiat trap marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 22, Work Element AG: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations with the Fish Passage Center
- 1996-020-00, 83861, Work Element D: 157 - PIT Tag Fish Spring Chinook Salmon and steelhead at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (NFH) USFWS
- 2003-063-00, 84082, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead; maintain antennas; collect & store PIT tag data
- 2003-063-00, 84082, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze/interpret data using additional information collected from returning steelhead
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 20, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 53, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 53, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 53, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook Salmon, McCall Fish Hatchery
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 53, Work Element R: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, Johnson Creek spawning aggregate
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, Lolo Cr, SFCR.
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook. Lolo Creek.
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring & Fall Chinook at NPTH
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element L: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Fall Chinook. S.F. Clearwater R.
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element AC: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp & Fall Chinook - NPTH
- 2010-028-00, 74314 REL 89, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: South Fork Clearwater River and Lolo Creek Snake River Summer Steelhead
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 93, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 93, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 1987-127-00, 84771, Work Element F: 157 - PIT Tag salmonids Salmonids at Leavenworth; Dworshak; Wells; and Priest Rapids Hatcheries
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 25, Work Element I: 157 - ODFW-Lower Grande Ronde River Out-migrant Trapping and Tagging
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 25, Work Element X: 157 - IDFG - Salmon River Out-migrant Trapping and Tagging
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 25, Work Element Y: 157 - IDFG - Snake River Out-migrant Trapping and Tagging
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 94, Work Element E: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 72, Work Element G: 157 - ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 72, Work Element H: 157 - ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 207, Work Element I: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1998-007-02, 83821, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook and Steelhead Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 83821, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Spring Chinook NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 83821, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Bull Trout NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 83821, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1998-007-02, 83821, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Wallowa/Lostine/Minam River
- 1998-007-02, 83821, Work Element V: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element V: 157 - IDFG GROUND-BASED REDD COUNTS and carcass biological sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 20, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 74, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 74, Work Element O: 162 - Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 74, Work Element R: 159 - Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data to/from PTAGIS and NRIMP
- 1983-350-03, 83563, Work Element D: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin - sUAS
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 24, Work Element G: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 87, Work Element D: 157 - Sample adult summer steelhead from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 87, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 87, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze juvenile O. mykiss data from Lookingglass Creek
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 24, Work Element E: 160 - Operate and Maintain the Separation by Code Database
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 24, Work Element H: 160 - Ensure all Data from Field Systems is Delivered to the Database
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 12, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 92, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 86, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate Spring and Summer Chinook Migration and Survival Using Pit Tags
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 72, Work Element K: 162 - Nespelem River Rainbow Trout Movement Study Analysis
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 72, Work Element J: 157 - Nespelem River Rainbow Trout Movement Study Data Collection
- 2003-022-00, 73548 REL 82, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile steelhead population estimates in tributary streams using mark/recapture electrofishing
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 97, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile Salmonid DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in the Lower Wenatchee, WA
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 97, Work Element E: 157 - Adult Spring Chinook DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in Wenatchee, WA
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element P: 157 - IDFG ROTARY SCREW TRAPPING for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element U: 157 - IDFG WEIR AND HATCHERY TRAP SAMPLING for wild adult spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead.
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 23, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA from Chinook Salmon at Screw Trap and Weir
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 86, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor Natural Juvenile Spring Chinook Productivity
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 213, Work Element S: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2000-039-01, 74314 REL 100, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2007-156-00, CR-339027, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 2008-105-00, 73548 REL 89, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element U: 159 - Summarize, Transfer, and Disiminate Tributary and/or Site Specific IPTDS Escapement Estimates and Data for Snake Basin Steelhead and Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon to Regional Databases and to Co-managers.
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element R: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Steelhead Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element S: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Spring/summer Chinook Salmon Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element V: 159 - Fulfill Data and Assessment Summaries requested by NPT Fisheries Management, Regional Co-managers
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 92, Work Element F: 157 - Construct, install, maintain, and remove temporary PIT tag arrays in preselected locations
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 92, Work Element G: 157 - Operate, maintain, and update permanent in-stream PIT tag arrays
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 92, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element I: 157 - Optional: Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection and Spawner Surveys: Steelhead, Joseph Creek
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from Accords project funded sites (OKC, OKP, SKA, ZSL, McIntyre)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element I: 157 - Trial Operation of PIT barge for juvenile outmigration detection
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 107, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 107, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 111, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 111, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 111, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 111, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 111, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 28, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 28, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 28, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 28, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 28, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 217, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 72, Work Element F: 157 - ODFW Rotary Screw Trap Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Juvenile Salmonid Migrants
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 12, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 44, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2007-402-00, 85501, Work Element N: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 85502, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, 85502, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 116, Work Element E: 157 - Upper Columbia spring Chinook Salmon stock assesment
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 116, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 116, Work Element H: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 116, Work Element K: 162 - Estimate spring Chinook Salmon run escapement and prespawn mortality - Modify existing tools and models to be applied to spring Chinook Salmon
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 116, Work Element N: 157 - Operate smolt trap to capture juvenile salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2007-157-00, 86309, Work Element D: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AC: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AD: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AF: 162 - Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 107, Work Element J: 157 - Trap adult steelhead at the Tucannon Hatchery Trap
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element G: 159 - Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT Tag Data into PTAGIS
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element H: 157 - Record and Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of WSR and SC
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 72, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 72, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on Imnaha Tributaries
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 72, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 126, Work Element K: 160 - Create, Manage and Maintain Accessible Database (CTUIR & Sitka)
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 85, Work Element F: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 85, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Salmonids in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 85, Work Element P: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack and Adult Spring Chinook in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 74313 REL 85, Work Element Q: 162 - Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1998-019-00, 86416, Work Element C: 157 - Maintain the Upper Wind PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 86416, Work Element D: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT Tag Interrogation at Hemlock System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 86416, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 86416, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the Mine Reach of Wind River PIT Tag Interrogation System
- 1998-019-00, 86416, Work Element H: 162 - Report Growth Data on PIT Tagged Fish that Have Been Recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 86416, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate Detection Efficiencies and Fish Passage at the PIT Tag Interrogation Systems
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 21, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 21, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 21, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 21, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 95, Work Element D: 157 - Redband Trout Passage and Utilization of Rufus Woods Lake Tributary
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 99, Work Element J: 157 - Nespelem River Rainbow Trout Movement Study Data Collection
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 99, Work Element K: 162 - Nespelem River Rainbow Trout Movement Study Analysis
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 87, Work Element E: 159 - Upload Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data to PTAGIS
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 87, Work Element F: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead smolt trapping data
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 223, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2003-007-00, 86282, Work Element F: 157 - AEMR: NOAA AE Salmon PIT Tag Measurement at Horsetail Creek restoration site
- 2003-007-00, 86282, Work Element I: 157 - EMP: NOAA PIT Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element O: 157 - IDFG ROTARY SCREW TRAPPING for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG WEIR AND HATCHERY TRAP SAMPLING for wild adult spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element U: 157 - IDFG GROUND-BASED REDD COUNTS and carcass biological sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 31, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 31, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element X: 159 - DR, FM & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into CTWSRO database
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 75, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 75, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 75, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook Salmon, McCall Fish Hatchery
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 75, Work Element R: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, Johnson Creek spawning aggregate
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, Lolo Cr, SFCR.
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook. Lolo Creek.
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring & Fall Chinook at NPTH
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element L: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Fall Chinook. S.F. Clearwater R.
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element AC: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp & Fall Chinook - NPTH
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 73, Work Element R: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Steelhead Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 73, Work Element S: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Spring/summer Chinook Salmon Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 73, Work Element U: 159 - Fulfill Data and Assessment Summaries requested by NPT Fisheries Management, Regional Co-managers
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 73, Work Element G: 157 - Optional: Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead, Joseph Creek
- 2010-028-00, 74314 REL 121, Work Element E: 157 - WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 33, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, and Salmon Traps
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 33, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 33, Work Element P: 162 - ODFW - Lookingglass Hatchery Migration Survival Data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 33, Work Element Q: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass, Irrigon Hatcheries and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 33, Work Element W: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 33, Work Element X: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Lyons Ferry hatchery marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 33, Work Element Y: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Wenatchee, Methow and Entiat trap marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 33, Work Element AG: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations with the Fish Passage Center
- 1996-020-00, 86795, Work Element D: 157 - PIT Tag Fish Spring Chinook Salmon and steelhead at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (NFH) USFWS
- 1998-007-02, 86723, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook and Steelhead Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 86723, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Spring Chinook NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 86723, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Bull Trout NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 86723, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1998-007-02, 86723, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Wallowa/Lostine/Minam River
- 1998-007-02, 86723, Work Element T: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 73, Work Element L: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: South Fork Clearwater River and Lolo Creek Snake River Summer Steelhead
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 115, Work Element D: 157 - Sample adult summer steelhead from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 115, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 115, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze juvenile O. mykiss data from Lookingglass Creek
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 34, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA from Chinook Salmon at Screw Trap and Weir
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AF: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AH: 162 - Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 94, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 94, Work Element P: 162 - Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 94, Work Element S: 159 - Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data to/from PTAGIS and NRIMP
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 242, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 91, Work Element F: 157 - ODFW Rotary Screw Trap Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Juvenile Salmonid Migrants
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 91, Work Element G: 157 - ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 91, Work Element H: 157 - ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 37, Work Element I: 157 - ODFW-Lower Grande Ronde River Out-migrant Trapping and Tagging
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 37, Work Element X: 157 - IDFG - Salmon River Out-migrant Trapping and Tagging
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 37, Work Element Y: 157 - IDFG - Snake River Out-migrant Trapping and Tagging
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 123, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 123, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 1987-127-00, 87592, Work Element E: 157 - PIT Tag salmonids Salmonids at Leavenworth; Dworshak; Wells; and Priest Rapids Hatcheries
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 237, Work Element I: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 125, Work Element E: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 38, Work Element F: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2003-022-00, 73548 REL 107, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile steelhead population estimates in tributary streams using mark/recapture electrofishing
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element BL: 157 - Collect PIT tag data for Piscivorous Waterbirds at sites in the Columbia River Estuary - FY20
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 35, Work Element E: 160 - Operate and Maintain the Separation by Code Database
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 35, Work Element H: 160 - Ensure all Data from Field Systems is Delivered to the Database
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 127, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Spring Chinook DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in Wenatchee, WA
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 121, Work Element D: 157 - Redband Trout Passage and Utilization of Rufus Woods Lake Tributary
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG LOWER GRANITE DAM ADULT SAMPLING for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 26, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 26, Work Element D: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from Accords project funded sites (OKC, OKP, SKA, ZSL, McIntyre)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element I: 157 - Trial Operation of PIT barge for juvenile outmigration detection
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 239, Work Element S: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 113, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate Spring and Summer Chinook Migration and Survival Using Pit Tags
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 113, Work Element M: 157 - Monitor Natural Juvenile Spring Chinook Productivity
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 140, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 140, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 140, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 140, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 140, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 38, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 38, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 38, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 38, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 38, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2007-402-00, 88217, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, 88217, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 88218, Work Element Q: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 133, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 133, Work Element J: 157 - Trap adult steelhead at the Tucannon Hatchery Trap
- 2000-039-01, 74314 REL 129, Work Element C: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2008-105-00, 73548 REL 117, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 61, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 1997-024-00, 76914 REL 8, Work Element D: 157 - Collect smolt PIT tags at selected unmanaged piscivorous waterbird colonies in the Columbia River estuary
- 1997-024-00, 76914 REL 8, Work Element E: 157 - Assess colony size of piscivorous waterbird colonies in the Columbia River estuary
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 118, Work Element F: 157 - Construct, install, maintain, and remove temporary PIT tag arrays in preselected locations
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 118, Work Element G: 157 - Operate, maintain, and update permanent in-stream PIT tag arrays
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 118, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 139, Work Element D: 157 - Upper Columbia spring Chinook Salmon stock assesment
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 139, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 139, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 139, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate spring Chinook Salmon run escapement and prespawn mortality
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 139, Work Element L: 157 - Operate smolt trap to capture juvenile salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2017-005-00, 73548 REL 111, Work Element E: 157 - Collect water samples for eDNA, PIT detection monitoring
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element H: 159 - Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Data to PTAGIS
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element I: 157 - Record and Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 1998-019-00, 89144, Work Element D: 157 - Maintain the Upper Wind PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 89144, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT Tag Interrogation at Hemlock System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 89144, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 89144, Work Element G: 157 - Maintain the Mine Reach of Wind River PIT Tag Interrogation System
- 1998-019-00, 89144, Work Element I: 162 - Report Growth Data on PIT Tagged Fish that Have Been Recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 89144, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate Detection Efficiencies and Fish Passage at the PIT Tag Interrogation Systems
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 91, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 91, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on Imnaha Tributaries
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 91, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 91, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 155, Work Element K: 160 - Create, Manage and Maintain Accessible Database (CTUIR & Sitka)
- 2007-157-00, 89226, Work Element F: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 139, Work Element O: 157 - Collect tissue samples from juvenile Chinook captured at the Entiat River smolt trap
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 41, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 41, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon
- 1988-053-08, 74313 REL 101, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Adult Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element X: 159 - DR, FM & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into CTWSRO database
- 2003-007-00, 88795, Work Element J: 157 - EMP: NOAA PIT Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 131, Work Element J: 157 - Nespelem River Rainbow Trout Movement Study Data Collection
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 131, Work Element K: 162 - Nespelem River Rainbow Trout Movement Study Analysis
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 246, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 94, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 94, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 94, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook Salmon, McCall Fish Hatchery
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 94, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, Johnson Creek spawning aggregate
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element D: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, Lolo Cr, SFCR.
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook. Lolo Creek.
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring & Fall Chinook at NPTH
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Fall Chinook. S.F. Clearwater R.
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element L: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element AB: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp & Fall Chinook - NPTH
- 1998-007-02, 89446, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook and Steelhead Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 89446, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Spring Chinook NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 89446, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Bull Trout NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 89446, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1998-007-02, 89446, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Wallowa/Lostine/Minam River
- 1998-007-02, 89446, Work Element T: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 43, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA from Chinook Salmon at Screw Trap and Weir
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 44, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, and Salmon Traps
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 44, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 44, Work Element P: 162 - ODFW - Lookingglass Hatchery Migration Survival Data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 44, Work Element Q: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass, Irrigon Hatcheries and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 44, Work Element W: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 44, Work Element X: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Lyons Ferry hatchery marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 44, Work Element Y: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Wenatchee, Methow and Entiat trap marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 44, Work Element AG: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations with the Fish Passage Center
- 1996-020-00, 89328, Work Element D: 157 - PIT Tag Fish Spring Chinook Salmon and steelhead at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (NFH) USFWS
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 266, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 105, Work Element L: 159 - Upload Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data to PTAGIS
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 105, Work Element F: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead out-migrant data
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 33, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 33, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 33, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 33, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2010-028-00, CR-347810, Work Element E: 157 - WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 153, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 153, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Adult Sampling for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 90, Work Element L: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: South Fork Clearwater River and Lolo Creek Snake River Summer Steelhead
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 90, Work Element G: 157 - Optional: Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead, Joseph Creek
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 90, Work Element R: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Steelhead Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 90, Work Element S: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Spring/summer Chinook Salmon Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 90, Work Element U: 159 - Fulfill Data and Assessment Summaries requested by NPT Fisheries Management, Regional Co-managers
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 254, Work Element I: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 158, Work Element E: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-050-00, 84042 REL 4, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 105, Work Element I: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 105, Work Element C: 157 - Birch Creek juvenile natural summer steelhead out-migrant trapping
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 105, Work Element H: 162 - Summary of Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AJ: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AK: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AM: 162 - Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 31, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 110, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 110, Work Element O: 162 - Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR
- 1998-016-00, 74313 REL 110, Work Element R: 159 - Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data to/from PTAGIS and NRIMP
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 111, Work Element F: 157 - ODFW Rotary Screw Trap Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Juvenile Salmonid Migrants
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 111, Work Element G: 157 - ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 111, Work Element H: 157 - ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 147, Work Element E: 157 - Sample adult summer steelhead from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 147, Work Element G: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 147, Work Element L: 162 - Analyze juvenile O. mykiss data from Lookingglass Creek
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 153, Work Element L: 157 - WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 46, Work Element E: 160 - Operate and Maintain the Separation by Code Database
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 46, Work Element H: 160 - Ensure all Data from Field Systems is Delivered to the Database
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 47, Work Element I: 157 - ODFW-Lower Grande Ronde River Out-migrant Trapping and Tagging
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 47, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG - Salmon River Out-migrant Trapping and Tagging
- 1987-127-00, 78040 REL 47, Work Element U: 157 - IDFG - Snake River Out-migrant Trapping and Tagging
- 1987-127-00, 89797, Work Element C: 157 - PIT Tag salmonids Salmonids at Leavenworth; Dworshak; Wells; and Priest Rapids Hatcheries
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 39, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 39, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from Accords project funded sites (OKC, OKP, SKA, ZSL, McIntyre)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element H: 157 - Trial Operation of PIT barge for juvenile outmigration detection
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 155, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 2000-039-01, 84042 REL 1, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 264, Work Element R: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 48, Work Element F: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2003-022-00, 73548 REL 138, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile steelhead population estimates in tributary streams using mark/recapture electrofishing
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 148, Work Element D: 157 - Redband Trout Passage and Utilization of Rufus Woods Lake Tributary
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 143, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate Spring and Summer Chinook Migration and Survival Using Pit Tags
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 143, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor Natural Juvenile Spring Chinook Productivity
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element G: 159 - Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Data to PTAGIS
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element H: 157 - Record and Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 1997-024-00, 76914 REL 11, Work Element D: 157 - Collect smolt PIT tags at selected unmanaged piscivorous waterbird colonies in the Columbia River estuary
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 77, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 9, Work Element D: 157 - Upper Columbia spring Chinook Salmon stock assesment
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 9, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 9, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 9, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate spring Chinook Salmon run escapement and prespawn mortality
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 9, Work Element K: 157 - Operate smolt trap to capture juvenile salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 9, Work Element N: 157 - Collect tissue samples from juvenile Chinook captured at the Entiat River smolt trap
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 146, Work Element E: 157 - Construct, install, maintain, and remove temporary (seasonal) PIT tag arrays in preselected locations
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 146, Work Element F: 157 - Operate, maintain, and update permanent in-stream PIT tag arrays
- 2010-034-00, 73548 REL 146, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2008-105-00, 73548 REL 145, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 2007-402-00, 90470, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, 90470, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 90471, Work Element P: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 10, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 10, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 10, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 10, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 10, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 49, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 49, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 49, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 49, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 49, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 1998-019-00, 91309, Work Element D: 157 - Maintain the Upper Wind PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 91309, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT Tag Interrogation at Hemlock System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 91309, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 91309, Work Element G: 157 - Maintain the Mine Reach of Wind River PIT Tag Interrogation System
- 1998-019-00, 91309, Work Element I: 162 - Report Growth Data on PIT Tagged Fish that Have Been Recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 91309, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate Detection Efficiencies and Fish Passage at the PIT Tag Interrogation Systems
- 2007-157-00, CR-356663, Work Element F: 157 - Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 1988-053-08, 84041 REL 9, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Adult Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 7, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 7, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on Imnaha Tributaries
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 7, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 7, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 185, Work Element K: 160 - Create, Manage and Maintain Accessible Database (CTUIR & Sitka)
- 1994-033-00, 78040 REL 54, Work Element I: 160 - Data bases, data sets generated by CSS/SMP and data sets utilized in CSS/SMP analyses
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 53, Work Element B: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, and Salmon Traps
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 53, Work Element U: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 53, Work Element V: 162 - ODFW - Lookingglass Hatchery Migration Survival Data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 53, Work Element W: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass, Irrigon Hatcheries and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 53, Work Element AC: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 53, Work Element AD: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Lyons Ferry hatchery marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 53, Work Element AE: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Wenatchee, Methow and Entiat trap marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 53, Work Element AM: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations with the Fish Passage Center
- 1988-053-03, 91122, Work Element M: 157 - Hood River subbasin juvenile and smolt abundance monitoring
- 1996-020-00, 91508, Work Element D: 157 - PIT Tag Fish Spring Chinook Salmon and steelhead at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (NFH) USFWS
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 13, Work Element K: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 27, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 271, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element D: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, Lolo Cr, SFCR.
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring & Fall Chinook at NPTH
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element Z: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp & Fall Chinook - NPTH
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 3, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 3, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 3, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook Salmon, McCall Fish Hatchery
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 3, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, Johnson Creek spawning aggregate
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 5, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook and Steelhead Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 5, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Spring Chinook NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 5, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Bull Trout NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 5, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 5, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Wallowa/Lostine/Minam River
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 5, Work Element T: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Adult Sampling for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 23, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 23, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 23, Work Element L: 157 - WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations
- 2007-402-00, 91369, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 1989-024-01, 84041 REL 11, Work Element I: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 1989-024-01, 84041 REL 11, Work Element L: 159 - Upload Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data to PTAGIS
- 1989-024-01, 84041 REL 11, Work Element F: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead out-migrant data
- 1989-024-01, 84041 REL 11, Work Element C: 157 - Birch Creek juvenile natural summer steelhead out-migrant trapping
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element V: 159 - DR, FM & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into CTWSRO database
- 1998-016-00, 84041 REL 15, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps
- 1998-016-00, 84041 REL 15, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR
- 1998-016-00, 84041 REL 15, Work Element O: 159 - Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data to/from PTAGIS and NRIMP
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 280, Work Element I: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-050-00, 84042 REL 41, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 8, Work Element L: 157 - Optional: Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead, Joseph Creek
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 8, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: South Fork Clearwater River and Lolo Creek Snake River Summer Steelhead
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 8, Work Element U: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Steelhead Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 8, Work Element V: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Spring/summer Chinook Salmon Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 8, Work Element P: 159 - Fulfill Data and Assessment Summaries requested by NPT Fisheries Management, Regional Co-managers
- 1992-026-04, 84041 REL 14, Work Element F: 157 - ODFW Rotary Screw Trap Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Juvenile Salmonid Migrants
- 1992-026-04, 84041 REL 14, Work Element G: 157 - ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer
- 1992-026-04, 84041 REL 14, Work Element H: 157 - ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 47, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 47, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 47, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 47, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 43, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AC: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AD: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AF: 162 - Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information
- 2003-022-00, 91895, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile steelhead population estimates in tributary streams using mark/recapture electrofishing
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 51, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1987-127-00, 91930, Work Element C: 157 - PIT Tag salmonids Salmonids at Leavenworth; Dworshak; Wells; and Priest Rapids Hatcheries
- 1998-007-02, 4219, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 4219, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 2003-009-00, 20173, Work Element A: 157 - Ocean Surveys of Marine Conditions And Salmon Biological Status
- 1990-005-00, 20294, Work Element A: 157 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategies
- 1990-005-00, 20294, Work Element N: 157 - Conduct creel surveys for non-tribal Umatilla River recreational fisheries
- 1988-053-04, 20989, Work Element C: 157 - Mark & Recapture Prg on Pre-Smolt/Smolt Steelhd Migrating Past Selected Sites in Hood R Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 20989, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supp Species of Juv Salmonids Passing Selected Sites in Hood R Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 20989, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct A Creel To Est Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Sub
- 1991-028-00, 21961, Work Element B: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data
- 1991-072-00, 22945, Work Element E: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Eval.
- 1988-053-04, 25529, Work Element C: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program on Juvenile Rb-St Migrating Past Selected Sites in Hood R Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 25529, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Sup Species of Juv Salmonids Passing Selected Sites in Hood R Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 25529, Work Element I: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin
- 1991-071-00, 26989, Work Element D: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological and biological variables
- 2005-002-00, 24333, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1998-007-02, 25587, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 25587, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 1986-050-00, 24751, Work Element F: 157 - Bonneville Reservoir white sturgeon stock assessment sampling
- 1990-005-00, 25172, Work Element A: 157 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie
- 1990-005-00, 25172, Work Element N: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1991-028-00, 26583, Work Element B: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1997-024-00, 26707, Work Element C: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary
- 1991-028-00, 26583, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2007-402-00, 28255, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Eval.
- 1988-053-04, 29641, Work Element G: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program on Rb-St at Selected Sites in Hood River Subbasin.
- 1988-053-04, 29641, Work Element I: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Species of Juvenile Salmonids at Selected Sites in Hood River.
- 1988-053-04, 29641, Work Element M: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin.
- 1998-007-02, 30437, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 30437, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 2007-402-00, 30651, Work Element D: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological and biological variables
- 1997-024-00, 31313, Work Element B: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary
- 1990-005-00, 29964, Work Element B: 157 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategies
- 1990-005-00, 29964, Work Element O: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 2005-002-00, 29545, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1998-007-02, 30437, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 1997-004-00, 32169, Work Element C: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 31167, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the upper Spokane River
- 1991-028-00, 31849, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 31849, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2007-402-00, 33644, Work Element J: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Evaluation.
- 1988-053-04, 35029, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Species of Juvenile Salmonids in Hood River.
- 1988-053-04, 35029, Work Element M: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin.
- 2003-009-00, 29753, Work Element M: 157 - Ocean conditions and juvenile salmon surveys during summer
- 1990-005-00, 35809, Work Element B: 157 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategies
- 1990-005-00, 35809, Work Element O: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 2007-402-00, 35490, Work Element D: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 1996-040-00, 31633, Work Element S: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2007 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 31633, Work Element T: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2007 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1997-004-00, 37022, Work Element C: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 37028, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the upper Spokane River.
- 1990-055-00, 36150, Work Element E: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Clearwater River - Fish Creek)
- 2005-002-00, 35039, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1991-028-00, 36414, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 36414, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Mainstem
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element C: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY08
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element D: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY09
- 1998-007-02, 35952, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 35952, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 1998-007-02, 35952, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 2007-156-00, 36535, Work Element A: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2007-402-00, 35490, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-156-00, 36535, Work Element B: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys and scale collection
- 1996-020-00, 37369, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW Lookingglass Hatchery (Imnaha & Catherine Creek Stocks) & Grand Ronde River Trap
- 2007-402-00, 37981, Work Element J: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Evaluation.
- 1988-053-04, 38672, Work Element G: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in Hood River Subbasin.
- 1988-053-04, 38672, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Juvenile Salmonids in the Hood River.
- 1988-053-04, 38672, Work Element L: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin.
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element AM: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2009 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element AN: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2009 brood in the Methow Basin
- 2005-002-00, 39013, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1986-050-00, 39233, Work Element F: 157 - Bonneville Reservoir white sturgeon stock assessment sampling
- 1991-028-00, 41226, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1990-005-00, 39797, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategies
- 1990-005-00, 39797, Work Element P: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1997-004-00, 41077, Work Element D: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2008 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element N: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2008 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1998-007-02, 39434, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 39434, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 39434, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 2007-402-00, 40909, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 40909, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 1996-020-00, 40338, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, Salmon & Clearwater Traps
- 1996-020-00, 40338, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 2008-518-00, 42909, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 1990-055-00, 40650, Work Element F: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Clearwater River - Fish Creek)
- 2007-156-00, 36535, Work Element T: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection (EXPANDED)
- 2003-017-00, 40950, Work Element O: 157 - Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in South Fork Salmon River.
- 2003-017-00, 41151, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 1997-004-00, 41176, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the upper Spokane River.
- 2007-156-00, 43057, Work Element B: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2007-156-00, 43057, Work Element C: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys and scale collection
- 2007-156-00, 43057, Work Element W: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection II
- 2007-156-00, 43057, Work Element X: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys and scale collection II
- 1995-063-35, 42481, Work Element AE: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys - Year 2
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 7, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2007-402-00, 45080, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 45080, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 1988-053-04, 44272, Work Element G: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 44272, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Juvenile Salmonids in the Hood River
- 1988-053-04, 44272, Work Element L: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin
- 2005-002-00, 44314, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1997-004-00, 45869, Work Element D: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 46284, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1998-007-02, 44925, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 44925, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 44925, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 1990-005-00, 45078, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie
- 1990-005-00, 45078, Work Element P: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1990-055-00, 45642, Work Element F: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Clearwater River - Fish Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 45642, Work Element G: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Salmon River - Rapid River & Big Creek)
- 2003-017-00, 45428, Work Element M: 157 - Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in South Fork Salmon River.
- 2003-017-00, 45470, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 27480 REL 5, Work Element M: 157 - 9.9 Entiat IMW - Status/Trend - Habitat Monitoring (Fast Track)
- 1996-020-00, 45472, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, Salmon & Clearwater Traps
- 1996-020-00, 45472, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 5, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 5, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1996-040-00, 46617, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2008 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 46617, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2008 brood in the Methow Basin
- 2003-017-00, 45993, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag detection arrays on Entiat and Mad Rivers
- 2008-904-00, 47275, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element U: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY10
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element W: 157 - Collect data on double-crested and Brandt's cormorants - FY10
- 1997-030-00, 45340, Work Element L: 157 - FAST TRACK - Collect adult steelhead escapement and life history characteristic data
- 2010-034-00, 47950, Work Element J: 157 - Estimate number of steelhead spawning outside of survey area
- 2010-033-00, 49080, Work Element I: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 2003-017-00, 45993, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct a mark-recapture study on the Entiat River as part of IMW
- 2003-017-00, 27480 REL 5, Work Element N: 157 - 9.10 Entiat IMW - Status/Trend - Fish Monitoring (Fast Track)
- 1997-004-00, 51409, Work Element D: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 52091, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1988-053-08, 49848, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 1988-053-04, 49256, Work Element F: 157 - Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in Hood River Subbasin
- 1988-053-04, 49256, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Juvenile Salmonids in the Hood River
- 1988-053-04, 49256, Work Element K: 157 - Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin
- 1990-005-00, 50543, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie
- 1990-005-00, 50543, Work Element P: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1998-007-02, 50336, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 50336, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 1998-007-02, 50336, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 2008-710-00, 50204, Work Element C: 157 - FFY11 -Sampling/marking for spawner population est., Col. R. and select WA tribs: I-205 to Bonnl
- 1997-030-00, 50063, Work Element F: 157 - Collect adult steelhead escapement and life history characteristic data in Joseph Creek
- 2007-402-00, 50064, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 50064, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 1998-007-02, 50336, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring the Status of Adult Steelhead at the Lostine River Weir
- 1990-055-00, 50973, Work Element E: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek)
- 2003-017-00, 50685, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 50585, Work Element M: 157 - Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in South Fork Salmon River.
- 1996-020-00, 50554, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, Salmon & Clearwater Traps
- 1996-020-00, 50554, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 16, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1998-019-00, 50481, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation system and assure data collection
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 19, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 46273 REL 19, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1996-040-00, 51817, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2011 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 51817, Work Element W: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2011 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1995-063-35, 53312, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys - Year 1
- 2008-518-00, 52254, Work Element E: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2010-076-00, 46273 REL 21, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor detections at fixed site radio telemetry monitoring station
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 25, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2003-017-00, 51487, Work Element D: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag detection arrays on Entiat and Mad Rivers
- 2003-017-00, 51487, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct a mark-recapture study on the Entiat River as part of IMW
- 2008-904-00, 52547, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 2007-156-00, 54748, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2007-156-00, 54748, Work Element G: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys and scale collection
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element AE: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY11
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element AG: 157 - Collect data on double-crested and Brandt's cormorants - FY11
- 1995-063-35, 53312, Work Element AA: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys - Year 2
- 2010-034-00, 53250, Work Element I: 157 - Estimate number of steelhead spawning outside of survey area
- 2008-105-00, 53054, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 1998-019-00, 50481, Work Element I: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind/Stabler PIT tag interrogation system and assure data collection
- 2003-017-00, 51487, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct mainstem off-channel effectiveness monitoring as part of Entiat IMW
- 2008-718-00, 53099, Work Element B: 157 - Small mouth bass diets and relative densities near dams compared to adjacent areas
- 2010-033-00, 53865, Work Element I: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 2003-017-00, 52152, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 1986-050-00, CR-201277, Work Element E: 162 - White sturgeon fisheries management planning for Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day reservoi
- 1986-050-00, CR-201277, Work Element H: 162 - Reservoir specific white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analysis
- 2007-403-00, 54251, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program
- 2008-710-00, 50204, Work Element BG: 157 - FFY12 - Sampling/marking for spawner population est., Col. R. and select WA tribs: I-205 to Bonn
- 2003-017-00, 51637, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2003-017-00, 51487, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct fish monitoring at 50 status and trend sites in the Wenatchee and Entiat
- 2007-402-00, 55108, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 32, Work Element D: 162 - Evaluate performance of the entire network of adult interrogation systems
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 32, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fish tests on the new ogee transceiver with the corner-collector system
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 32, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze the results from the fish tests used to evaluate the different PIT-tag technologies
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 33, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1994-042-00, 56123, Work Element V: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 2008-307-00, 56745, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance Of O. nerka Outmigrants From Suttle Lake
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element E: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek)
- 1986-050-00, 50318, Work Element S: 162 - White sturgeon fisheries management planning for Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day reservoi
- 1986-050-00, 50318, Work Element V: 162 - Reservoir specific white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analysis
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured smolts
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element M: 157 - Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/quality
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element L: 157 - Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element P: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element R: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element Z: 157 - Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin clips
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element AA: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AG: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2012 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AI: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2012 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1997-004-00, 56424, Work Element A: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 2000-039-00, 56940, Work Element E: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2003-017-00, 56336, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct a mark-recapture study on the Entiat River as part of IMW
- 2008-105-00, 57210, Work Element D: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AH: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2013 brood in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AJ: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2013 brood in the Methow Basin
- 2010-033-00, 57037, Work Element I: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 44, Work Element B: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element AA: 157 - Collect Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers*
- 2010-036-00, 57287, Work Element M: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 57563, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 57563, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 57563, Work Element L: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 5, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element T: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead emigration; collect & store biological/physiological/genetic data, samples
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured smolts
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element L: 157 - Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element M: 157 - Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/quality
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element N: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element P: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element R: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element W: 157 - Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin clips
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element X: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 1986-050-00, 59559, Work Element H: 162 - The Dalles and John Day reservoirs white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 51, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze the results from fish, field, and laboratory tests used to evaluate PIT-tag technologies
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 50, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1988-053-08, 59607, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element F: 162 - Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element J: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element K: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead and Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element M: 162 - Monitor status and trends of hatchery summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate progeny-per-parent productivity of hatchery steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element O: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element P: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element Q: 162 - Conduct creel surveys for non-tribal Umatilla River recreational fisheries
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element R: 162 - Assess whether management actions maximize non-tribal fishery opportunities
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element T: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 2007-402-00, 60302, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 60302, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element E: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element AA: 157 - Collect Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Chinook Salmon Performance Measure Data by Origin and Stock
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Steelhead Performance Measure Data by Origin and Stock
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Life Stage Specific Survival Data by Origin and Stock
- 1994-042-00, 60331, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 2008-307-00, 60587, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance Of O. nerka Outmigrants From Suttle Lake
- 1997-004-00, 61260, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 2010-036-00, 59976, Work Element K: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2003-017-00, 59729, Work Element H: 157 - Task 4A: Operate ISEMP screw traps in the South Fork Salmon River.
- 2003-017-00, 59729, Work Element K: 157 - Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis
- 2003-017-00, 59729, Work Element S: 162 - Develop and test methods to calculate instantaneous and periodic PIT tag array efficiency.
- 2003-017-00, 59730, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2010-076-00, 46273 REL 59, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor detections at fixed site radio telemetry monitoring station
- 2010-033-00, 61956, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 2007-083-00, 60933, Work Element P: 157 - Spring Chinook spawning ground survey for biomonitoring plan
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 67, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 32, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2008-904-00, 61314, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element C: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY13
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data on double-crested and Brandt's cormorants - FY13
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element F: 162 - Conduct analysis on double-crested and Brandt's cormorant data - FY13
- 2010-050-00, 61639, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2010-050-00, 61639, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 61639, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 61639, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 1988-053-08, 62674, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element E: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element AA: 157 - Collect Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers
- 2003-017-00, 64527, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2003-017-00, 64146, Work Element J: 157 - Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis
- 2001-003-00, 46273 REL 71, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze results from fish, field, and laboratory tests used to evaluate PIT-tag technologies
- 1986-050-00, 63186, Work Element E: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 63186, Work Element H: 162 - John Day and The Dalles reservoirs white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element T: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 70, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 2005-002-00, CR-262756, Work Element C: 157 - COPY: Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1990-005-00, 63517, Work Element H: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 63517, Work Element I: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead & Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 63517, Work Element K: 162 - Monitor status & trends of hatchery summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 63517, Work Element L: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 63517, Work Element M: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1990-005-00, 63517, Work Element N: 162 - Use creel survey data to estimate effort, catch and harvest
- 1990-005-00, 63517, Work Element O: 162 - Assess whether management actions maximize non-tribal fishery opportunities
- 1990-005-00, 63517, Work Element Q: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Steelhead Performance Measure Data by Origin
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Chinook Salmon Performance Measure Data by Origin and Program
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Life Stage Specific Survival Data by Origin
- 2007-402-00, 63451, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 63451, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes
- 2007-083-00, 64017, Work Element Q: 157 - Spring Chinook spawning ground survey for biomonitoring plan
- 2008-307-00, 64275, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake
- 2008-311-00, 64276, Work Element K: 157 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect Data at Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Full Duplex Arrays
- 1994-042-00, 64453, Work Element V: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 43, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2014 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 43, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2014 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1997-004-00, 64924, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element F: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element K: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead emigration; collect & store biological/physiological/genetic data, s
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element M: 157 - Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element O: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element Q: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstoc
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element S: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element U: 162 - Determine the relative reproductive success of NOR and HOR steelhead in Abernathy Creek above
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element Y: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 2010-036-00, 64046, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-076-00, 46273 REL 78, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor detections at fixed site radio telemetry monitoring station
- 1991-029-00, 65396, Work Element B: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2014/2015
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 87, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2010-033-00, 65859, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 2008-904-00, 64523, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 57, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2010-050-00, 65752, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2010-050-00, 65752, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 65752, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 65752, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element K: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY14
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element M: 157 - Collect data on double-crested and Brandt's cormorants - FY14
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element N: 162 - Conduct analysis on double-crested and Brandt's cormorant data - FY14
- 1988-053-08, 66242, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 2008-307-00, 68409, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake
- 1986-050-00, 66928, Work Element E: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 66928, Work Element H: 162 - The Dalles and Bonneville reservoirs white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 67, Work Element E: 162 - Synthesize and evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 1983-319-00, 46273 REL 76, Work Element N: 162 - Added: Analyze results from fish, field, and laboratory tests used to evaluate PIT-tag technologies
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 91, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1990-005-00, 66987, Work Element H: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 66987, Work Element I: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead & Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 66987, Work Element K: 162 - Monitor status & trends of hatchery summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 66987, Work Element L: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 66987, Work Element M: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1990-005-00, 66987, Work Element N: 162 - Use creel survey data to estimate effort, catch and harvest
- 1990-005-00, 66987, Work Element O: 162 - Assess whether management actions maximize non-tribal fishery opportunities
- 1990-005-00, 66987, Work Element Q: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element T: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2007-402-00, 67494, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 67494, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element M: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1993-056-00, 66666, Work Element C: 157 - Conduct breeding studies at the Winthrop National Fish hatchery
- 1991-029-00, 69273, Work Element B: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2015/2016
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1990-055-00, 67655, Work Element I: 157 - Sample Wild Adult and Juvenile Steelhead at Lower Granite Dam*
- 1990-055-00, 67655, Work Element S: 157 - Collate Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers (2013-2014 data)
- 2003-017-00, 67511, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 1997-004-00, 68434, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 2010-057-00, 67492, Work Element J: 157 - Track Movement of Adult Steelhead in the South Fork Clearwater River
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 74, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2015 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 74, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2015 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Steelhead Performance Measure Data by Origin
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Chinook Salmon Performance Measure Data by Origin and Program
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Life Stage Specific Survival Data by Origin
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead emigration; collect & store biological/physiological/genetic data, s
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element L: 157 - Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element N: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element P: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstoc
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element R: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element T: 162 - Determine the relative reproductive success of NOR and HOR steelhead in Abernathy Creek above
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element X: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 2008-904-00, 68648, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 1994-042-00, 68237, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 103, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2010-036-00, 69257, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2000-039-00, 68666, Work Element H: 157 - Spring Chinook Spawner / Carcass Surveys for run reconstruction estimates
- 2000-039-00, 68666, Work Element I: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, & migration
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 85, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2010-033-00, 69663, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 86, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2010-050-00, 69542, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2010-050-00, 69542, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 69542, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 69542, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element S: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY15
- 2008-471-00, 56662 REL 55, Work Element J: 157 - mod.1 Sample and collect field data Spring/Summer 2015
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 85, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1988-053-08, 69471, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 2003-007-00, 66764, Work Element Z: 157 - (CCR-34526) *CREST--AEMR Level 2-- Habitat and Prey Availability Monitoring for AEMR Program
- 1997-004-00, 71857, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1986-050-00, 70076, Work Element E: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 70076, Work Element H: 162 - Bonneville and John Day reservoirs white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 87, Work Element G: 162 - Synthesize and evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element AP: 157 - FFY16 Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element BC: 157 - FFY16 Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 1990-005-00, 70363, Work Element H: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 70363, Work Element I: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead & Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 70363, Work Element K: 162 - Monitor status & trends of hatchery summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 70363, Work Element L: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 70363, Work Element M: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1990-005-00, 70363, Work Element N: 162 - Use creel survey data to estimate effort, catch and harvest
- 1990-005-00, 70363, Work Element O: 162 - Assess whether management actions maximize non-tribal fishery opportunities
- 1990-005-00, 70363, Work Element Q: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 2003-017-00, 71131, Work Element D: 157 - Task 1B: Conduct habitat surveys at site-based restoration locations in the Lemhi and Secesh Rivers
- 2003-017-00, 71203, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct juvenile seining and PIT tagging activities in Bridge Creek IMW
- 2007-402-00, 71106, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 71106, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Steelhead Performance Measure Data by Origin
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Chinook Salmon Performance Measure Data by Origin and Program
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Life Stage Specific Survival Data by Origin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 93, Work Element T: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2016 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 93, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2016 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 109, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element I: 157 - Sample Wild Adult and Juvenile Steelhead at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element R: 157 - Collate Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers (2014-2015 data)
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 108, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 108, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2003-017-00, 46273 REL 119, Work Element A: 162 - ISEMP - Individual Based Life Cycle Model for restoration scenarios in John Day River basin
- 2008-307-00, 71834, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake
- 1994-042-00, 71579, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 2000-039-00, 72135, Work Element H: 157 - Spring Chinook Spawner / Carcass Surveys for run reconstruction estimates
- 2000-039-00, 72135, Work Element I: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, & migration
- 1991-029-00, 72899, Work Element B: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2016/2017
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 112, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 117, Work Element B: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2010-033-00, 73235, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 2008-904-00, 72433, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 2010-050-00, 72775, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2010-050-00, 72775, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 72775, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 72775, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 2010-036-00, 72994, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-031-00, 73195, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2003-007-00, 70380, Work Element X: 157 - (CCR-36725) *CREST--AEMR Level 2-- Habitat and Prey Availability Monitoring for AEMR Program
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element M: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element O: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 1997-004-00, 74970, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1988-053-08, 73715, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 1986-050-00, 73881, Work Element F: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 73881, Work Element I: 162 - John Day and The Dalles reservoirs white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 2008-307-00, 75392, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake
- 2010-028-00, 74615, Work Element I: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
- 1990-005-00, 74247, Work Element H: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74247, Work Element I: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead & Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 74247, Work Element K: 162 - Monitor status & trends of hatchery summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74247, Work Element L: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 74247, Work Element M: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1990-005-00, 74247, Work Element N: 162 - Use creel survey data to estimate effort, catch and harvest
- 1990-005-00, 74247, Work Element O: 162 - Assess whether management actions maximize non-tribal fishery opportunities
- 1990-005-00, 74247, Work Element Q: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 2010-031-00, 76552, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2007-402-00, 74770, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 74770, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 124, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 125, Work Element S: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2017 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 125, Work Element T: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2017 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1996-043-00, 74742, Work Element M: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, EFSFSR & Secesh Populations
- 1998-007-02, 74668, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element AA: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1998-007-02, 74668, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element AC: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Spring Chinook, Lolo and Newsome Cr.
- 2010-032-00, 74659, Work Element K: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element R: 162 - Life Cycle Modeling (Priorities 2.1.1-2.2.1, 2.3.1-2.3.3, and 5.3)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element S: 162 - Quantitative framework to estimate effect size of restoration actions (priorities 3.1-3.3)
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element AB: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element AD: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 12, Work Element M: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 12, Work Element P: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 12, Work Element O: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for juv. Chinook & Steelhead abundance & survival in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River
- 1998-007-02, 74668, Work Element R: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Steelhead Lostine River
- 1991-029-00, 75987, Work Element B: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2017/2018
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element T: 162 - Quantile Regression Forest development, improvement, and validation (Priority 3.5)
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 14, Work Element G: 157 - Adult fish counts at Nursery Bridge Dam (video work)
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 14, Work Element H: 157 - Spring Chinook Spawner / Carcass Surveys for run reconstruction estimates
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 14, Work Element I: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, & migration
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 7, Work Element D: 157 - Assessing Summer/Fall Chinook Outmigrants with a Rotary Screw Trap on the Okanogan River
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 7, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate Juvenile Chinook Outmigration and Survival Using Pit Tags
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 7, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 133, Work Element B: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 1994-042-00, 75015, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 133, Work Element L: 162 - Juvenile Life History & Diversity Assessment: Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2008-904-00, 75977, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 2010-033-00, 74314 REL 3, Work Element I: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 136, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 135, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 135, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2010-036-00, 76302, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2003-017-00, 46273 REL 134, Work Element A: 162 - Developing restoration scenario estimated impacts on fish populations
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 133, Work Element N: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element B: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging (PSMFC)
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element L: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element N: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2003-007-00, 73977, Work Element U: 157 - (CCR-38809) *CREST--AEMR Level 2-- Habitat and Prey Availability Monitoring for AEMR Program
- 2008-311-00, 76475, Work Element R: 157 - Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult spring Chinook
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 15, Work Element F: 157 - Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods tributary
- 1988-053-08, 74313 REL 8, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 10, Work Element F: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 10, Work Element I: 162 - The Dalles reservoir white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 163, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 13, Work Element H: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 13, Work Element I: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead & Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 13, Work Element K: 162 - Monitor status & trends of hatchery summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 13, Work Element L: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 13, Work Element M: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 13, Work Element N: 162 - Use creel survey data to estimate effort, catch and harvest
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 13, Work Element O: 162 - Assess whether management actions maximize non-tribal fishery opportunities
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 13, Work Element Q: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 2010-032-00, 74017 REL 5, Work Element K: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 146, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2018 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 146, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2018 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 140, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 22, Work Element G: 157 - ODFW Rotary Screw Trap Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Juvenile Salmonid Migrants
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 18, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 1, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 1, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element K: 157 - Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler and Sanborn creeks
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 10, Work Element N: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, EFSFSR & Secesh Populations
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 26, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 10, Work Element O: 162 - Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, and Little Goose reservoirs white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 10, Work Element Q: 162 - White sturgeon: assessment of spawning habitat and use in the John Day reservoir
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 8, Work Element O: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 8, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 8, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Steelhead Lostine River
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for juv. Chinook & Steelhead abundance & survival in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 45, Work Element M: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 158, Work Element L: 162 - Juvenile Life History & Diversity Assessment: Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 158, Work Element N: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-028-00, 74314 REL 23, Work Element I: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element M: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 160, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 160, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 29, Work Element D: 157 - Assessing Summer/Fall Chinook Outmigrants with a Rotary Screw Trap on the Okanogan River
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 29, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate Spring and Summer Chinook Migration and Survival Using Pit Tags
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 29, Work Element P: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2010-033-00, 74314 REL 46, Work Element I: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 2010-031-00, 79587, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element W: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element X: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element Y: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Spring Chinook, Lolo and Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element Z: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 2, Work Element K: 157 - South Fork Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2003-022-00, 73548 REL 23, Work Element D: 157 - Enumerate adult returns to the Okanogan River basin
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 45, Work Element G: 157 - Adult fish counts at Nursery Bridge Dam (video work)
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 45, Work Element H: 157 - Spring Chinook Spawner / Carcass Surveys for run reconstruction estimates
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 45, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2008-306-00, 78992, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element C: 157 - Estimate outmigrant O. mykiss & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Subbasin
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element E: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AB: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AD: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element K: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element L: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek using electroshocking
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1993-056-00, 76910 REL 2, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 149, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 29, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct Spring Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan Tributaries
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 29, Work Element M: 157 - Monitor Natural Juvenile Spring Chinook Productivity
- 2008-109-00, 73548 REL 31, Work Element D: 157 - Redband Trout Movement Patterns- PIT tag array and Acoustic array
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 37, Work Element F: 157 - Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods Lake tributary
- 2018-002-00, 77087, Work Element L: 162 - Produce 2016 and 2017 spring/summer Chinook salmon escapement estimates.
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 149, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element B: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging (PSMFC)
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element L: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element O: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element W: 157 - Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult spring Chinook
- 2012-001-00, 46273 REL 152, Work Element A: 162 - Hydrosystem and lifecycle modeling to support CRSO-EIS
- 1988-053-08, 74313 REL 37, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 2010-032-00, CR-323533, Work Element K: 162 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2018-002-00, 80535, Work Element L: 162 - Produce 2018 spring/summer Chinook salmon escapement estimates.
- 1993-040-00, 74313 REL 25, Work Element O: 157 - CCR-41070 Fifteenmile Video Weir Installation and Operation
- 1999-003-01, 78040 REL 8, Work Element C: 157 - Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Surveys in the mainstem
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 33, Work Element F: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 33, Work Element I: 162 - Bonneville reservoir white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 33, Work Element O: 162 - Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, and Little Goose reservoirs white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 33, Work Element Q: 162 - White sturgeon: assessment of spawning habitat and use in the John Day reservoir
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 41, Work Element B: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam and Birch Creek natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 40, Work Element H: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 40, Work Element I: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead & Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 40, Work Element K: 162 - Monitor status & trends of hatchery summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 40, Work Element L: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 40, Work Element M: 162 - Develop new methods to estimate effort, catch and harvest
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 40, Work Element O: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 30, Work Element O: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, EFSFSR & Secesh Populations
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element V: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element W: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element X: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Spring Chinook, Lolo Creek.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element Y: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 48, Work Element W: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 2008-307-00, 81656, Work Element D: 157 - Suttle Lake - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of Marked O. nerka Outmigrants
- 2008-306-00, 81815, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 42, Work Element O: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 42, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 42, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Steelhead Lostine River
- 2010-028-00, 74314 REL 56, Work Element I: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element M: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 50, Work Element G: 157 - ODFW Rotary Screw Trap Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Juvenile Salmonid Migrants
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 186, Work Element L: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Naches juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 73, Work Element L: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 175, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2019 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 175, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2019 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 1993-040-00, 74313 REL 47, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 158, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 36, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 73, Work Element G: 157 - Enumerate adult salmon, steelhead and bull trout at Nursery Bridge Dam (video work)
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 73, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2003-022-00, 73548 REL 53, Work Element E: 157 - Enumerate adult returns to the Okanogan River basin (Redd surveys and PIT-tags)
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 58, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 14, Work Element J: 157 - Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler, Sanborn, and Quartz creeks
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 185, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 185, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 56, Work Element D: 157 - Assessing Summer/Fall Chinook Outmigrants with a Rotary Screw Trap on the Okanogan River
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 56, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct Spring Chinook Spawning Ground Surveys in the Okanogan Tributaries
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 56, Work Element K: 157 - Monitor Natural Juvenile Spring Chinook Productivity
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 56, Work Element N: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 34, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Lower Salmon and Clearwater Subbasin Steelhead Distribution Assessment
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 14, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at Screw Traps
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element C: 157 - Estimate outmigrant O. mykiss & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Subbasin
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element Q: 157 - Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult spring Chinook
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element L: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element M: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek utilizing backpack electro-shocking
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 2010-031-00, 82618, Work Element S: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 190, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 2008-109-00, 73548 REL 58, Work Element D: 157 - Redband Trout Movement Patterns- PIT tag array and Acoustic array
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element E: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element N: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2010-033-00, 74314 REL 81, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 4, Work Element W: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 2019-006-00, 81592, Work Element D: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (LLRTP) Rotary Screw trap
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 167, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 1993-056-00, 76910 REL 7, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 40, Work Element U: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 67, Work Element F: 157 - Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods Lake tributary
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1988-053-08, 74313 REL 62, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 1999-003-01, 78040 REL 18, Work Element C: 157 - Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Surveys in the mainstem
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 65, Work Element B: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam and Birch Creek natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 66, Work Element G: 162 - Evaluate rearing and release strategies of Chinook and steelhead salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 66, Work Element H: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 66, Work Element I: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead & Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 66, Work Element K: 162 - Monitor status & trends of hatchery summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 66, Work Element L: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 66, Work Element M: 162 - Develop new methods to estimate effort, catch and harvest
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 66, Work Element O: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 60, Work Element F: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 60, Work Element I: 162 - John Day reservoir white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 20, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 53, Work Element N: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, EFSFSR & Secesh Populations
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element V: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element W: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element X: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Spring Chinook, Lolo Creek.
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element Y: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 2010-028-00, 74314 REL 89, Work Element I: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG LOWER GRANITE DAM ADULT SAMPLING for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element Y: 157 - IDFG PIT ARRAY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: Lochsa River and Marsh Creek.
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Relative Abundance and Distribution Monitoring
- 1999-003-01, CR-335972, Work Element C: 157 - COPY: Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Surveys in the mainstem
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 207, Work Element K: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 1998-007-02, 83821, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 83821, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 83821, Work Element R: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Steelhead Lostine River
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 203, Work Element X: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2020 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 203, Work Element Y: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2020 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1993-056-00, 76910 REL 12, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 6, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 70, Work Element Y: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 2008-109-00, 73548 REL 85, Work Element B: 157 - Redband Trout Movement Patterns- PIT tag Array and Acoustic Array
- 2008-307-00, 84765, Work Element D: 157 - Suttle Lake - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of Marked O. nerka Outmigrants
- 2008-306-00, 85141, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 99, Work Element G: 157 - Enumerate adult salmon, steelhead and bull trout at Nursery Bridge Dam (video work)
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 99, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 86, Work Element E: 157 - Assessing Summer/Fall Chinook Outmigrants with a Rotary Screw Trap on the Okanogan River
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 86, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 86, Work Element Y: 157 - Estimate Tribal Harvest for Spring and Summer/Fall Chinook
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element L: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element K: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek utilizing backpack electro-shocking
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element R: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 9, Work Element W: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 2007-156-00, CR-339027, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element N: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2010-033-00, 74314 REL 106, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element K: 157 - Optional: Joseph Creek Single Pass Steelhead Spawner Survey
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 214, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 214, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element J: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2010-031-00, 85312, Work Element S: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 107, Work Element L: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element C: 157 - Estimate outmigrant O. mykiss & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Subbasin
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element Q: 157 - Determine migration patterns, adult holding location and Factor affecting prespawn mortality of adult spring Chinook
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 72, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1988-053-08, 74313 REL 83, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Upstream Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 1999-003-01, 78040 REL 30, Work Element C: 157 - Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Surveys in the mainstem
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 81, Work Element F: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 81, Work Element I: 162 - The Dalles reservoir white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 87, Work Element B: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam and Birch Creek natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 88, Work Element G: 162 - Evaluate rearing and release strategies of Chinook and steelhead salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 88, Work Element H: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 88, Work Element I: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead & Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 88, Work Element K: 162 - Monitor status & trends of hatchery summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 88, Work Element L: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 88, Work Element M: 162 - Develop new methods to estimate effort, catch and harvest
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 88, Work Element O: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 31, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 92, Work Element Y: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 75, Work Element N: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, EFSFSR & Secesh Populations
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element V: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element W: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element X: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Spring Chinook, Lolo Creek.
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element Y: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 73, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Relative Abundance and Distribution Monitoring
- 2010-028-00, 74314 REL 121, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
- 1998-007-02, 86723, Work Element N: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 86723, Work Element O: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 86723, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Steelhead Lostine River
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 228, Work Element AC: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2021 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 228, Work Element AD: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2021 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 18, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AG: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 124, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 238, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 238, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 237, Work Element K: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 131, Work Element F: 157 - Enumerate adult salmon, steelhead and bull trout at Nursery Bridge Dam (video work)
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 131, Work Element H: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2008-109-00, 73548 REL 112, Work Element B: 157 - Redband Trout Movement Patterns- PIT Tag Array and Acoustic Array
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element J: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek utilizing backpack electro-shocking
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element K: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element P: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1993-056-00, 76910 REL 17, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element J: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-306-00, 87648, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 16, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 113, Work Element E: 157 - Assessing Summer/Fall Chinook Outmigrants with a Rotary Screw Trap on the Okanogan River
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 113, Work Element P: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 113, Work Element X: 157 - Estimate Tribal Harvest for Spring and Summer/Fall Chinook
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element I: 157 - Gear retention experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element K: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 133, Work Element L: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 133, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate adult returns/escapement and describe spatial distribution of summer steelhead (all groups) to the Tucannon River
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element O: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element R: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element D: 157 - Estimate Outmigrant Steelhead & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Sub-basin
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element R: 157 - Determine Migration Patterns, Adult Holding Location(s) and Factors Affecting Prespawn Mortality of Adult Spring Chinook Salmon
- 2010-031-00, 88216, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 88216, Work Element AB: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 91, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2010-033-00, 74314 REL 144, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 1999-003-01, 78040 REL 39, Work Element C: 157 - Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Surveys in the mainstem
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 41, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 103, Work Element F: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 74313 REL 103, Work Element I: 162 - Bonneville reservoir white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 94, Work Element M: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, EFSFSR & Secesh Populations
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element U: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element V: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element W: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Spring Chinook, Lolo Creek.
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element X: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1998-007-02, 89446, Work Element N: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 89446, Work Element O: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 89446, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Steelhead Lostine River
- 1992-010-00, 77111 REL 40, Work Element F: 157 - Collect data to assess habitat conditions and fish use at current and previous project sites
- 1992-010-00, 77111 REL 40, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze data to assess habitat conditions and fish use of current and previous project sites
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 251, Work Element AB: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2022 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 251, Work Element AC: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2021 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2010-028-00, CR-347810, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 90, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Relative Abundance and Distribution Monitoring
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 254, Work Element K: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-050-00, 84042 REL 4, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate adult returns/escapement and describe spatial distribution of summer steelhead (all groups) to the Tucannon River
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AL: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 109, Work Element V: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 106, Work Element H: 162 - Evaluate rearing and release strategies of Chinook and steelhead salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 106, Work Element I: 162 - Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 106, Work Element J: 162 - Assess straying of summer steelhead & Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 106, Work Element L: 162 - Monitor status & trends of hatchery summer steelhead & Chinook salmon
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 106, Work Element M: 162 - Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 106, Work Element N: 162 - Develop new methods to estimate effort, catch and harvest
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 106, Work Element P: 162 - Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 156, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Spring Chinook DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in Wenatchee, WA
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 153, Work Element O: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element J: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element H: 157 - Gear retention experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element J: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 154, Work Element G: 157 - Enumerate adult salmon, steelhead and bull trout at Nursery Bridge Dam (video work)
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 154, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 22, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element I: 157 - Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element K: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1992-010-00, 77111 REL 50, Work Element D: 157 - Collect data to assess habitat conditions and fish use at current and previous project sites
- 1992-010-00, 77111 REL 50, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze data to assess habitat conditions and fish use of current and previous project sites
- 2008-306-00, 89928, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 143, Work Element E: 157 - Assessing Summer/Fall Chinook Outmigrants with a Rotary Screw Trap on the Okanogan River
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 143, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 143, Work Element W: 157 - Estimate Tribal Harvest for Spring and Summer/Fall Chinook
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 263, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 263, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element C: 157 - Estimate Outmigrant Steelhead & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Sub-basin
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element Q: 157 - Determine Migration Patterns, Adult Holding Location(s) and Factors Affecting Prespawn Mortality of Adult Spring Chinook Salmon
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element O: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2010-031-00, 90544, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 90544, Work Element AB: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 2020-001-00, 74314 REL 120, Work Element K: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 1999-003-01, 78040 REL 51, Work Element C: 157 - Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Surveys in the mainstem
- 2010-033-00, 84042 REL 15, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Ecological and Redd Morphology Data on the Spawning Grounds
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 7, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1986-050-00, 84041 REL 7, Work Element F: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 84041 REL 7, Work Element I: 162 - Bonneville reservoir white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element S: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element T: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element U: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Spring Chinook, Lolo Creek.
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element V: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 3, Work Element M: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, EFSFSR & Secesh Populations
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 5, Work Element N: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 5, Work Element O: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 5, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Steelhead Lostine River
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 274, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2023 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 274, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2023 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 23, Work Element O: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
- 2007-402-00, 91369, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 280, Work Element K: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2010-050-00, 84042 REL 41, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate adult returns/escapement and describe spatial distribution of summer steelhead (all groups) to the Tucannon River
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 8, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Relative Abundance and Distribution Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1994-042-00, 84041 REL 17, Work Element Y: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 2008-116-00, 92075, Work Element H: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 172, Work Element E: 157 - Sample adult summer steelhead from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 172, Work Element G: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 172, Work Element L: 162 - Analyze juvenile O. mykiss data from Lookingglass Creek
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 287, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 287, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 3, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 89, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from Accords project funded sites (OKC, OKP, SKA, ZSL, OKM)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 89, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 89, Work Element H: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-905-00, 84068 REL 6, Work Element F: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 1992-010-00, 84068 REL 8, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data to assess habitat conditions and fish use at current and previous project sites
- 1992-010-00, 84068 REL 8, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze data to assess habitat conditions and fish use of current and previous project sites
- 2003-023-00, 92330, Work Element E: 157 - Assessing Summer/Fall Chinook Outmigrants with a Rotary Screw Trap on the Okanogan River
- 2003-023-00, 92330, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate Spring and Summer Chinook Migration and Survival Using Pit Tags
- 2003-023-00, 92330, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2003-023-00, 92330, Work Element W: 157 - Estimate Tribal Harvest for Spring and Summer/Fall Chinook
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 27, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate abundance of Redband Trout in the Spokane River
- 2000-039-01, 84042 REL 30, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element O: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 14, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 14, Work Element AB: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 59, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 59, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks in Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 59, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 59, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 59, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 45, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 45, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 45, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 45, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 45, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2003-039-00, 84042 REL 29, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Spring Chinook DNA Sample Collection and Metadata in Wenatchee, WA
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element K: 157 - Sample redband trout using electrofishing backpacks in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element J: 157 - Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element L: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1997-024-00, 84062 REL 2, Work Element D: 157 - Collect smolt PIT tags at selected unmanaged piscivorous waterbird colonies in the Columbia River
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 94, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 13, Work Element P: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 183, Work Element G: 157 - Enumerate adult salmon, steelhead and bull trout at Nursery Bridge Dam (video work)
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 183, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element I: 157 - FC: Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element J: 157 - NP: Estimate Outmigrant Steelhead & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Sub-basin
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element N: 159 - NP: Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Data to PTAGIS
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element O: 157 - NP: Record and Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element AA: 157 - BT: Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2007-405-00, 92954, Work Element D: 157 - Redband Trout Passage and Utilization of Rufus Woods Lake Tributary
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 292, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 2008-105-00, 92568, Work Element E: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 44, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 2010-034-00, 92766, Work Element E: 157 - Construct, install, maintain, and remove temporary (seasonal) PIT tag arrays in preselected locations
- 2010-034-00, 92766, Work Element F: 157 - Operate, maintain, and update permanent in-stream PIT tag arrays
- 2010-034-00, 92766, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 43, Work Element D: 157 - Upper Columbia spring Chinook Salmon stock assesment
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 43, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 43, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 43, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate spring Chinook Salmon run escapement and prespawn mortality
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 43, Work Element K: 157 - Operate smolt trap to capture juvenile salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 43, Work Element N: 157 - Collect tissue samples from juvenile Chinook captured at the Entiat River smolt trap
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 288, Work Element T: 162 - Spring Chinook Run Reconstruction/Forecast and other Data Analysis
- 2007-405-00, 92954, Work Element F: 159 - Transfer Data to Colville Confederated Tribes Resident Fisheries Database and PTAGIS
- 1993-056-00, 93368, Work Element B: 157 - Construct and verify datasets and evaluate WNFH circular tank feasibility
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 29, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 29, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on Imnaha Tributaries
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 29, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 29, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 207, Work Element K: 160 - Create and maintain spreadsheets/databases on local computers in collaboration with CTUIR Database Manager and CTUIR Web Programmer.
- 1988-053-08, 84041 REL 26, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Adult Migrating Fish Captured At the Fish Traps
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element B: 157 - Birch Creek juvenile natural summer steelhead out-migrant trapping
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element E: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead out-migrant data
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element H: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element K: 159 - Upload Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data to PTAGIS
- 1998-019-00, 93681, Work Element D: 157 - Maintain the Upper Wind PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 93681, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT Tag Interrogation at Hemlock System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 93681, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 93681, Work Element G: 157 - Maintain the Mine Reach of Wind River PIT Tag Interrogation System
- 1998-019-00, 93681, Work Element I: 162 - Report Growth Data on PIT Tagged Fish that Have Been Recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 93681, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate Detection Efficiencies and Fish Passage at the PIT Tag Interrogation Systems
- 1994-033-00, 78040 REL 63, Work Element I: 160 - Data bases, data sets generated by CSS/SMP and data sets utilized in CSS/SMP analyses
- 1996-020-00, 93682, Work Element D: 157 - PIT Tag Fish Spring Chinook Salmon and steelhead at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (NFH) USFWS
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 62, Work Element B: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, and Salmon Traps
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 62, Work Element U: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 62, Work Element V: 162 - ODFW - Lookingglass Hatchery Migration Survival Data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 62, Work Element W: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass, Irrigon Hatcheries and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 62, Work Element AC: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 62, Work Element AD: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Lyons Ferry hatchery marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 62, Work Element AE: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Wenatchee, Methow and Entiat trap marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 62, Work Element AN: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations with the Fish Passage Center
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 60, Work Element C: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 60, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring and growth data - Mainstem
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 60, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, 83639 REL 60, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2003-007-00, 93202, Work Element R: 157 - EMP and AEM: PIT Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 299, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 1986-050-00, 84041 REL 25, Work Element F: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 84041 REL 25, Work Element I: 162 - The Dalles reservoir white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element V: 159 - DR, FM & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into CTWSRO database
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 9, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 9, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 1988-053-03, 93499, Work Element M: 157 - Hood River subbasin juvenile and smolt abundance monitoring
- 1988-053-08, 84041 REL 26, Work Element L: 157 - Rotary Screw Trap Operation: Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW Rotary Screw Trap Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Juvenile Salmonid Migrants
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element P: 157 - ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element Q: 157 - ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element AC: 157 - Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element AO: 159 - Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data to/from PTAGIS and NRIMP
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 56, Work Element F: 157 - \WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 56, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 56, Work Element L: 157 - WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 56, Work Element O: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 315, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 35, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Relative Abundance and Distribution Monitoring
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 35, Work Element L: 157 - Optional: Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead, Joseph Creek
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 35, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: South Fork Clearwater River and Lolo Creek Snake River Summer Steelhead
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 35, Work Element U: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Steelhead Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 35, Work Element V: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Spring/summer Chinook Salmon Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 84044 REL 35, Work Element P: 159 - Fulfill Data and Assessment Summaries requested by NPT Fisheries Management, Regional Co-managers
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Adult Sampling for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element M: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element R: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2010-050-00, CR-366658, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH
- 2010-050-00, CR-366658, Work Element K: 162 - Estimate adult returns/escapement and describe spatial distribution of summer steelhead (all groups) to the Tucannon River
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 307, Work Element I: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 307, Work Element K: 162 - Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element H: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead out-migrant data
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element K: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element N: 159 - Upload Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data to PTAGIS
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element O: 157 - ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element P: 157 - ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element AB: 157 - Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element AJ: 162 - Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element AL: 159 - Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data to/from PTAGIS and NRIMP
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 55, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 58, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 58, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate abundance of Redband Trout in the Spokane River
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 58, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Redband Trout abundance surveys at Big Sheep Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 199, Work Element D: 157 - Sample adult summer steelhead from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 199, Work Element L: 162 - Analyze juvenile O. mykiss data from Lookingglass Creek
- 2003-022-00, 84051 REL 9, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile steelhead population estimates in tributary streams using mark/recapture electrofishing
- 1997-056-00, 94306, Work Element AD: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 94306, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 94306, Work Element AF: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring & Fall Chinook at NPTH
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element S: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element T: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element U: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Spring Chinook, Lolo Creek.
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element V: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Fall Chinook Snake River Basin
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element Z: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp & Fall Chinook - NPTH
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 34, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 34, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 34, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook Salmon, McCall Fish Hatchery
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 34, Work Element M: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, EFSFSR & Secesh Populations
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 34, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Sp/Sum Chinook, Johnson Creek spawning aggregate
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 30, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Spring Chinook and Steelhead Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 30, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Spring Chinook NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 30, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Bull Trout NE Oregon
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 30, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Collection : Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 30, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Wallowa/Lostine/Minam River
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 30, Work Element N: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 30, Work Element O: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 30, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Steelhead Lostine River
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 30, Work Element T: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe In-Hatchery Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lookingglass Hatchery
- 2008-116-00, 84051 REL 16, Work Element E: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 302, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2024 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 302, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2024 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 68, Work Element E: 160 - Operate and Maintain the Separation by Code Database
- 1990-080-00, 78040 REL 68, Work Element H: 160 - Ensure all Data from Field Systems is Delivered to the Database
- 1987-127-00, 94166, Work Element D: 157 - PIT Tag salmonids Salmonids at Leavenworth; Dworshak; Wells; and Priest Rapids Hatcheries
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 58, Work Element K: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 58, Work Element J: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Database.
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 58, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Redband Trout abundance surveys at Big Sheep Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element S: 157 - Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element T: 157 - Sample redband trout using electrofishing backpacks in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element U: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element Y: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element Z: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 216, Work Element G: 157 - Enumerate adult salmon, steelhead and bull trout at Nursery Bridge Dam (video work)
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 216, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2008-518-00, 73354 REL 111, Work Element D: 157 - Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2008-105-00, 84051 REL 19, Work Element F: 157 - Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 1995-063-25, 94738, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E
- 1995-063-25, 94738, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2008-905-00, 84068 REL 15, Work Element F: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 1997-024-00, 84062 REL 5, Work Element E: 157 - Collect smolt PIT tags at selected unmanaged piscivorous waterbird colonies in the Columbia River
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 312, Work Element T: 162 - Spring Chinook Run Reconstruction/Forecast and other Data Analysis
- 2003-023-00, 94413, Work Element E: 157 - Assessing Summer/Fall Chinook Outmigrants with a Rotary Screw Trap on the Okanogan River
- 2003-023-00, 94413, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate Spring and Summer Chinook Migration and Survival Using Pit Tags
- 2003-023-00, 94413, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2003-023-00, 94413, Work Element W: 157 - Estimate Tribal Harvest for Spring and Summer/Fall Chinook
- 2000-039-01, 84042 REL 64, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 105, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from Accords project funded sites (OKC, OKP, SKA, ZSL, OKM)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 105, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 105, Work Element H: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element N: 157 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element P: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 30, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 30, Work Element AA: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 1999-003-01, 78040 REL 70, Work Element C: 157 - Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Surveys in the mainstem
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element I: 157 - FC: Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element J: 157 - NP: Estimate Outmigrant Steelhead & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Sub-basin
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element N: 157 - NP: Record and Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element Z: 157 - BT: Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data for Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element L: 162 - PIT Tag Data Analysis Model Development for Fishery Sampling
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 72, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 9, Work Element AF: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 69, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 69, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks in Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 69, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 69, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 69, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 28, Work Element O: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2010-034-00, 84051 REL 21, Work Element E: 157 - Construct, install, maintain, and remove temporary (seasonal) PIT tag arrays in preselected locations
- 2010-034-00, 84051 REL 21, Work Element F: 157 - Operate, maintain, and update permanent in-stream PIT tag arrays
- 2010-034-00, 84051 REL 21, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate the number and age of hatchery and wild steelhead
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 81, Work Element H: 157 - Operate smolt trap to capture juvenile salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 81, Work Element K: 157 - Collect tissue samples from juvenile Chinook captured at the Entiat River smolt trap
- 2007-405-00, 84051 REL 22, Work Element F: 159 - Transfer Data to Colville Confederated Tribes Resident Fisheries Database
- 1993-056-00, 95685, Work Element C: 157 - Initiate pilot study of circular tank rearing for steelhead
- 2018-002-00, 84042 REL 74, Work Element E: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Upper Columbia basin.
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 81, Work Element D: 162 - Estimate spring Chinook Salmon run escapement and prespawn mortality
- 2003-007-00, 95728, Work Element N: 157 - EMP and AEM: PIT Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency
- 1992-010-00, 84068 REL 19, Work Element D: 157 - Collect data to assess habitat conditions and fish use at current and previous project sites
- 1992-010-00, 84068 REL 19, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze data to assess habitat conditions and fish use of current and previous project sites
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 44, Work Element S: 162 - Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead out-migrant data
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 44, Work Element F: 157 - Three Mile Falls Dam natural summer steelhead smolt trapping
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 44, Work Element H: 157 - ODFW Juvenile Chinook Seine Sampling in John Day and Grande Ronde Rivers
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 44, Work Element K: 157 - ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 44, Work Element X: 157 - Monitor/Maintain PIT Tag Interrogation Arrays in John Day, Umatilla and Grande Ronde River basins
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 44, Work Element AB: 162 - Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 90, Work Element F: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 90, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 90, Work Element M: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
- 2010-030-00, CR-372694, Work Element I: 157 - COPY: Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-030-00, CR-372694, Work Element K: 162 - COPY: Smolt to Adult Return (SAR): Synthesize & Evaluate Yakima steelhead juvenile PIT-tag data
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Adult Sampling for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 18, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 18, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element V: 159 - DR, FM & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into CTWSRO database
- 1988-053-03, 95806, Work Element M: 157 - Hood River subbasin juvenile and smolt abundance monitoring
- 1998-019-00, 95689, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Upper Wind PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 95689, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT Tag Interrogation at Hemlock System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 95689, Work Element G: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT Tag Interrogation System and Ensure Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 95689, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the Mine Reach of Wind River PIT Tag Interrogation System
- 1998-019-00, 95689, Work Element J: 162 - Report Growth Data on PIT Tagged Fish that Have Been Recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 95689, Work Element K: 162 - Estimate Detection Efficiencies and Fish Passage at the PIT Tag Interrogation Systems
- 1986-050-00, 84041 REL 39, Work Element F: 162 - Use population assessments to plan for fishery management activities in BON, TDA, and JDA
- 1986-050-00, 84041 REL 39, Work Element I: 162 - Bonneville reservoir white sturgeon stock assessment data summary and analyses
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 321, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 1988-053-08, 84041 REL 42, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Bio Data From All Adult Migrating Fish Captured At Moving Falls Facility
- 1988-053-08, 84041 REL 42, Work Element K: 157 - Rotary Screw Trap Operation: Mark/Recapture Program of Supplemented Species in the Hood River Subbasin
- 1997-056-00, CR-373358, Work Element X: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, CR-373358, Work Element Y: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1994-042-00, 84041 REL 48, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-Migrant Estimates
- 1997-004-02, 84042 REL 92, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-02, 84042 REL 92, Work Element J: 162 - Calculate abundance of Redband Trout in the Spokane River
- 1997-004-02, 84042 REL 92, Work Element N: 162 - Analysis of Redband Trout surveys at Big Sheep Creek
- 1997-004-02, 84042 REL 92, Work Element B: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Database.
- 1997-004-02, 84042 REL 92, Work Element E: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 1997-015-01, CR-373239, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, CR-373239, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on Imnaha Tributaries
- 1997-015-01, CR-373239, Work Element H: 157 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, CR-373239, Work Element Q: 162 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element AQ: 157 - ODFW Birch Creek Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 44, Work Element M: 157 - ODFW Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant sampling at Rotary Screw Traps
- 1994-033-00, 78040 REL 73, Work Element I: 160 - Data bases, data sets generated by CSS/SMP and data sets utilized in CSS/SMP analyses
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 72, Work Element B: 157 - IDFG - Operate Idaho Hatcheries, Snake, and Salmon Traps
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 72, Work Element U: 157 - ODFW - Monitor/record tag loss & mortality at Lookingglass and Grand Ronde River trap
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 72, Work Element V: 162 - ODFW - Lookingglass Hatchery Migration Survival Data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 72, Work Element W: 159 - ODFW - Submit Files for Lookingglass, Irrigon Hatcheries and Lower Grande Ronde River Trap to PTAGIS database
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 72, Work Element AD: 157 - WDFW - Lower Wenatchee, Entiat & Methow River Traps PIT data
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 72, Work Element AE: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Lyons Ferry hatchery marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 72, Work Element AF: 159 - WDFW - Submit files to PITAGIS for Wenatchee, Methow and Entiat trap marking
- 1996-020-00, 78040 REL 72, Work Element AP: 162 - Response to comments, questions, issues, recommendations with the Fish Passage Center
- 1996-020-00, 96166, Work Element D: 157 - PIT Tag Fish Spring Chinook Salmon and steelhead at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (NFH) USFWS
- 1996-040-00, CR-374041, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2025 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, CR-374041, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2025 return year in the Wenatchee Basin
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 66, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1999-003-01, CR-374451, Work Element C: 157 - COPY: Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Surveys in the mainstem
- 2000-039-00, CR-374454, Work Element G: 157 - Enumerate adult salmon, steelhead and bull trout at Nursery Bridge Dam (video work)
- 2000-039-00, CR-374454, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2000-039-01, CR-374455, Work Element E: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element E: 157 - COPY: Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element N: 157 - COPY: Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element P: 157 - COPY: Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2010-031-00, CR-374459, Work Element V: 157 - COPY: OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, CR-374459, Work Element AA: 157 - COPY: OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 2018-002-00, CR-374907, Work Element D: 157 - Implement IPTDS O&M, repair, upgrade, or decommissioning.
- 1987-127-00, CR-375156, Work Element D: 157 - PIT Tag salmonids Salmonids at Leavenworth; Dworshak; Wells; and Priest Rapids Hatcheries
- 2008-116-00, CR-375149, Work Element G: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 1991-028-00, CR-375195, Work Element D: 157 - Collect PIT tag monitoring, water quality, and growth data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, CR-375195, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and Compile all Tagging, Monitoring, and Growth Data - Tributaries
- 1991-028-00, CR-375195, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze, interpret, and compile all tagging, monitoring, and growth data - Mainstem
- 2008-105-00, CR-375359, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Collect harvest data from live capture gears at discrete locations
- 2020-001-00, CR-375360, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 2010-036-00, CR-375362, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, CR-375362, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Sample & Recover Tags & Marks in Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, CR-375362, Work Element H: 160 - COPY: Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, CR-375362, Work Element I: 159 - COPY: Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, CR-375362, Work Element J: 162 - COPY: Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element H: 160 - COPY: Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element I: 159 - COPY: Transfer of PIT Tag Data, CWT data and Esc Data to appropriate database
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element J: 162 - COPY: Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data for Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element L: 162 - COPY: PIT Tag Data Analysis Model Development for Fishery Sampling
- 2008-905-00, CR-375376, Work Element E: 157 - COPY: Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2008-905-00, CR-375376, Work Element F: 162 - COPY: Analyze monitoring, research, and evaluation data
- 2009-014-00, CR-373245, Work Element L: 160 - Create and maintain spreadsheets/databases on local computers in collaboration with CTUIR Database Manager and CTUIR Web Programmer.
- 2003-023-00, CR-375412, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate Spring and Summer Chinook Migration and Survival Using Pit Tags
- 2003-023-00, CR-375412, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2003-023-00, CR-375412, Work Element Y: 157 - Estimate Tribal Harvest for Spring and Summer/Fall Chinook
- 1997-024-00, 84062 REL 7, Work Element E: 157 - Collect smolt PIT tags at selected unmanaged piscivorous waterbird colonies in the Columbia River
- 2003-022-00, 84051 REL 33, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile steelhead population estimates in tributary streams using mark/recapture electrofishing
- 1995-063-35, CR-375607, Work Element T: 162 - Spring Chinook Run Reconstruction/Forecast and other Data Analysis
- 1996-035-01, CR-372692, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 2008-503-00, CR-375996, Work Element F: 157 - Collect PIT tag detection data from Accords project funded sites (OKD, OKC, OKP, SKA, ZSL, OKM)
- 2008-503-00, CR-375996, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, CR-375996, Work Element H: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-518-00, CR-376012, Work Element D: 157 - COPY: Collect, Generate, and Validate data from fish tagged at Bonneville Dam AFF
- 2002-059-00, CR-374864, Work Element O: 157 - Installation of PIT Arrays in West Fork & Five Mile Streams
- 1995-063-25, CR-376411, Work Element D: 157 - Adult Operations: Shared Tasks Among Species: YN Natural Production M&E