Sample Design: Piscivorous Fish Status and Trend Monitoring in the Columbia River Upstream of McNary Dam
- ID: 16609
- State: Finalized
- Owner: Matt Polacek
- Collaborator(s): None
- Spatial Design Category: Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified (GRTS), External
- Sites in Design: 32
- Has Location Privacy: No
- Data Repository: PTAGIS Website (See Sample Design Overview for full list)
- Created by: Sam Cimino
- Created: 9/25/2020
- Updated by: Russell Scranton
- Updated: 6/23/2022
- Version History: v1.0 Finalized (9/25/2020)
The details of this Sample Design, including all the parameters used to generate it, are included below. Sample designs must belong to a Study Plan.
A GRTS sample will be obtained for sites along each bank of the river that can be effectively sampled using a boat electroshocker. The length of sties will initially be based on the observed or expected bass density (i.e., low, moderate or high), but consistent within each strata. Minor adjustments to the site location may also be necessary to ensure each sample site encompasses an adequate area.
Start Year
End Year
Study Plan
Piscivorous Fish Status and Trend Monitoring in the Columbia River Upstream of McNary Dam v1.0
Data Repositories
- PTAGIS Website
- Salmon Population Indicators
- StreamNet Data Store
- WDFW - Statewide Integrated Fish Distribution (SWIFD)
Focal Species
Area of Inference
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.570400,-119.336104 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.643334,-119.735272 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.565020,-119.317381 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.677165,-119.577516 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.691240,-119.553560 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.494900,-119.269156 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.648050,-119.429569 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.638721,-119.645704 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.351579,-119.256617 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.254865,-119.226234 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.377578,-119.262409 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.266982,-119.243477 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.333230,-119.261920 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.337411,-119.263502 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.315906,-119.259743 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.384077,-119.273857 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.161466,-118.946702 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.194659,-119.018109 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.152082,-118.943233 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.096665,-118.914818 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.188077,-119.044292 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.227115,-119.174966 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.201399,-119.069792 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.247454,-119.230499 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 45.957607,-119.036980 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.047096,-118.939745 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 45.988148,-118.988183 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 45.920436,-119.180182 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 45.942465,-119.117863 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 46.030691,-118.960398 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 45.972382,-119.035878 |
Latitude, Longitude: | 45.956486,-119.082260 |
AOI Notes
Expanded by site across 4 Strata, (Reservoir, Confluence, Transition, Riverine)
Sample Sites
These are the unique sites that are participating in this sample design over the time period covered by the design.
Sampling Schedule
This section describes which sites are scheduled to be sampled in any given year, and (if applicable) the panel and stratum that the sample site belongs to.

Plan Description
WorkStatementElements Referencing This Design
- 2020-001-00, 74314 REL 120, Work Element D: 162 - Abundance and Density Estimates
- 2020-001-00, 74314 REL 120, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Piscivores
- 2020-001-00, 74314 REL 120, Work Element K: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 13, Work Element M: 162 - Abundance and Density Estimates
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 13, Work Element K: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 44, Work Element I: 162 - Abundance and Density Estimates
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 44, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 72, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 72, Work Element I: 162 - Abundance and Density Estimates
- 2020-001-00, CR-375360, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 2020-001-00, CR-375360, Work Element J: 162 - COPY: Abundance and Density Estimates