- ID: 100
- Created by: Jacque Schei
- Created: 5/27/2010 11:00 AM
- Updated by: Sam Cimino
- Updated: 6/22/2021 2:15 PM
StreamNet Data Store
The StreamNet Data Store is a searchable archive of data sets related to fish and other aquatic resources that are not of the specific data types included in the main StreamNet database. These data sets come from many different sources and are provided for download in their original formats.
- Nancy Leonard (nleonard@psmfc.org)
- Mike Banach (mike_banach@psmfc.org)
- Greg Wilke (greg@psmfc.org)
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Implementation/Effectiveness Monitoring - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: PIBO
- Determine feasiblity of estimating o.mykiss and chinook parr. - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Monitor Chinook and steelhead parr abundance in the West Fork Hood River - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- ISEMP Regional Data Analysis - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- PIT Tag Array Operation and Maintenance - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- PIT Array O&M Tucannon River
- Treatment and control comparison in Diggie and Jimmy Drinks - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Analyze Data Collected - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Collect Fish Habitat Data - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: John Day
- Implementation/Effectiveness Monitoring - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: CHaMP
- Adult enumeration - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Walla Walla
- Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Deploy, monitor, and retrieve water temperature monitors - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Walla Walla
- Monitor stream discharges - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Walla Walla
- Spring Chinook Spawner / Carcass Surveys - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Outmigrant monitoring - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Sample spring Chinook salmon - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- PIT detection site operation and maintenance in Touchet River basin - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Spawning Surveys - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Spring Chinook spawning ground survey for biomonitoring plan - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Collect Post Implmementation Monitoring in the Upper Deschutes - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- John Day Temperature Status and Trends - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: John Day 2015 site
- John Day Temperature Status and Trends - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: John Day 2016 site
- Sediment Status and Trends in the Upper Deschutes - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Steelhead Redd Counts - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Riparian Grazing Study - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Juvenile Fish Count surveys - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: Forrest Conservation Area
- Juvenile Fish Count Surveys - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: Upper John Day Conservation Lands Program
- Monitor Steelhead Redds - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Cross-Section Surveys - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Monitor Flow Data - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect Flow Data - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Irrigation Monitoring - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: Forrest Conservation Area
- Weather Data Management - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Tailings Project Monitoring and Maintenance Plan work - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- NORTH UNIT Sauvie Phase III - Collect PRE & POST-Construction AEMR Level 3 data - Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST)
- Mod. 1: Nutrient Project Data Analysis - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Enumerate adult returns to the Okanogan River basin - Colville Confederated Tribes: Okanogan Basin Monitoring & Evaluation Program (OBMEP)
- Okanogan River- temporary weir operations - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Conduct Redd/Carcass Surveys, Creel survey and CWT sampling and Data Entry - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Analyze Data on Redd/Carcass Surveys - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Analyze Juvenile Chinook Emigration - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Monitor Juvenile Emigration via rotary screw trap - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Estimate growth and survival of trout in the Kootenai River - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Adult enumeration - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Steelhead redd count surveys - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Tucannon & Asotin
- Analyze Steelhead Spawning Data - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Tucannon & Asotin Populations - Version 2
- Analyze Adult Trap Data - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- WDFW Adult Weir Monitoring: Sampling Adult Steelhead at Tucannon Fish Hatchery - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Deploy, monitor, and retrieve water temperature monitors - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Tucannon & Asotin
- Monitor stream discharges - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Tucannon & Asotin
- WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age) - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Estimate adult returns to the Tucannon River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Monitoring - US Forest Service (USFS): Grande Ronde Year 1
- Monitoring - US Forest Service (USFS): Grande Ronde Year 2
- Caspian tern data analysis - FY16 - Oregon State University 1
- Assess HEP field data - Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Foundation: Version 1
- Monitor snags in forested areas - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Collect and Validate PIT Trawl Data - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Collect Genetic Samples from Spring and Fall Chinook Salmon - Nez Perce Tribe
- Collect flow and water temperature - Nez Perce Tribe
- Analyze flow and water temperature data - Nez Perce Tribe
- Adult Fall Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures - Nez Perce Tribe
- Analyze Adult Fall Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures - Nez Perce Tribe
- EMP and AEMR: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- PNNL Habitat Monitoring Data Collection and Analysis - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- NOAA Salmon and Prey Sampling - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- NOAA Prey Taxonomy and Stomach Content Analyses - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identification - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- CREST Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- OHSU Primary and Secondary Production within the Salmonid Food Web - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- NOAA AE Salmon and Prey Analysis and PIT Tag Measurement - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- Mirror Lake AE - Temperature, Large Woody Debris placement and culvert monitoring - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- CREST Fort Clatsop AE - Habitat, Fish and Fish Prey Sampling - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- Sandy River and Mirror Lake AE Vegetation Monitoring - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership: Lower Columbia River Estuary Ecosystem Monitoring Project
- NOAA Pit Tag Measurements for Juvenile Salmonid Residency - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- Collection of Seasonal Abiotic Conditions and Assessment of Foodweb Resources - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Abiotic Water Conditions Data Analysis and Reporting - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Estimate fish densities in tributaries (2014 data) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Measure Stream Temperature - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) 1990-2019
- Maintain and download thermologgers - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Monitor Stream Water Temperature In The Trout Creek Basin - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- COPY: Monitor Stream Water In The Trout Creek Basin - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at Screw Traps - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Operate Juvenile Screw Traps - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: Crystal Springs
- Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: Crystal Springs
- Estimate Adult Production - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Generate abundance of life history types in pre selected locations - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Operate rotary screw traps - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures - Nez Perce Tribe
- Analyze Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures - Nez Perce Tribe
- Accumulate and process existing data to assess causes and locations of mortality below McNary Dam - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Adult Spring Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures - Nez Perce Tribe
- Analyze Adult Spring Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures - Nez Perce Tribe
- Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures - Nez Perce Tribe
- Analyze survival and productivity of spring Chinook - Nez Perce Tribe
- Collect adult DNA samples from steelhead - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analyze ecological data from spawning grounds - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Analyze and Interpret SRSS field data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- COPY: Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- SRSS captive broodstock field evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes. - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Complete data collection for all limnological variables - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Collect acoustic tag data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect smolt abundance data from acoustic trawl surveys - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Acquire freshwater and ocean growth data from scale samples. - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salm - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing ( PIT tag data) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect data on substrate available for spawning in the Penticton Channel and sockeye salmon redds in the area. - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Steelhead Spawner Surveys - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Grande Ronde
- (2014) Assign Ages to Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Project oversight of DNA collection and analysis - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- DNA data collection - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analyze and interpret genetic data - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys. - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Record stream flows in the Hood River basin. - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Chinook spawning surveys - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Fishery Monitoring - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Collect and examine lamprey to calculate adult escapement - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Conduct creel surveys - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Develop Statistical Model for Population Escapement - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Conduct creel surveys - Warm Springs Tribe_7
- Nektonic species sampling-Plume & coastal OR & WA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington - Oregon State University
- Assess the role of the estuary and plume on salmon growth and survival - Oregon State University
- Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Spring Chinook salmon preseason adult run size forecast. - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Spring Chinook salmon tribal harvest monitoring - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Hood River Spring Chinook Production Program Comparative smolt quality monitoring-BY 2011 - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analyze Hood River Spring Chinook smolt quality data - BY 2011 production groups - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analyze HRPP spring Chinook salmon smolt samples - University of Washington 1
- Assist with analysis of three year HRPP Spring Chinook comparative evaluation - University of Washington 1
- Estimate Parr Densities from Snorkel Surveys (2014 data) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Conduct General Parr Monitoring - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG snorkel surveys for juv. Chinook & steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG snorkel surveys for juv. Chinook & steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon - IDF&G_2
- Supplemental Data Collection - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG): Clear Water and Salmon River Basins (Idaho Natural Production Monitoring).
- Calculate Adult/Juvenile metrics - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Fifteenmile Creek
- Monitor Smolt Production & Adult Escapement - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Juvenile Outmigrant Trapping - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Data Collection - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Aerial survey chinook redd counts - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Ground survey chinook redd counts - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Analyze redd count data - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Analyze and interpret radio telemetry and PIT tag detection data - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analyze and Interpret PIT tag detection data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Monitor Natural Juvenile Spring Chinook Productivity - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Sample and collect field data - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Analyze Primary and Secondary Production Data - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- DR: 2015 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2016 - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- DR: 2013 Field activities to generate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Sherars - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Deschutes River (DR): 2015-2016 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect water temperature data in the Hood River subbasin - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Deploy Thermographs In Warm Springs River & Shitike Creek - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- DR: 2012-2013 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Deschutes River (DR): Summarize water temperature data (2008-12), compare to developmental stages - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- DR: Collect data from HDX sites on CTWSRO reservation - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- DR, FM & HR: Summarize data collected from HDX Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Install and operate PIT antennae - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect Movement Data from Deschutes River Mouth PIT Array - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- UPDATE LOCATIONS DR: Collect data from HDX sites on CTWSRO reservation - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Record PIT-tagged fish entering and leaving Deschutes River - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- DR: Collect data from dual reader PIT sites on CTWSRO reservation - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- FM: Record PIT tagged lamprey in Fifteenmile Creek - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect Movement Data From WSR PIT Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect Movement Data From SC PIT Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect Movement Data From WWR PIT Array - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct Carcass Surveys 2016 - 2017 - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- COPY: Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- DR, FM & HR: Analyze 2011-2012 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and abundance) - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- FM: 2015 Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- FM: 2015 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- FM: 2019 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing Falls - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- FM: 2013 Field activities to generate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data Evaluations - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Abundance and Migration of Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams During Migration Year 2015 - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Analyze PIT Tag Data - Set Adult Management Targets - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Analysis of Water and Tissue Samples for eDNA - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Archive Tissue Samples for PBT - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Analyze Data Collected - Modeling, Tool and Database Updates - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Bull trout spawning habitat monitoring: data analyses - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Conduct FY13 HEP surveys - Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Foundation
- Statistical analysis of data - Adair Village
- Conduct Fisheries Creel on Lake Rufus Woods - Adair Village
- Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Genetics lab work - Oregon State University
- Analyze gene expression data for steehead - Oregon State University 1
- Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- COPY: Collect smallmouth bass for tagging - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect smallmouth bass for tagging - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- COPY: Collect predators for diet information - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- COPY: Sample predator diets - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Sample predator diets - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Collect food availability data - US Geological Survey (USGS): Snake River Fall Chinook - 2002-032-00
- Collect predators for diet information - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- COPY: Estimate smallmouth bass abundance - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Estimate smallmouth bass abundance - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Collect fall Chinook diet data - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Analyze fall Chinook diets - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Collect smallmouth bass for diet data - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Analyze predator diets - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- COPY: Estimate fall Chinook loss to predation - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect fall chinook for origin analysis - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Analyze predator diets - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect prey fish densities - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Complete Part IV of the Retrospective focusing on the years 1991-2015 - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- COPY: Collect carcasses - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Enumerate redds - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Compile documentation and data for 1982-2002 adult run reconstruction - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Monitor Silene spauldingii - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Juvenile run reconstruction - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Comparison of methods for estimating juvenile collection probability - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect smallmouth bass for abundance estimation - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Collect smallmouth bass diet data - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Adjust estimate fall Chinook loss to predation - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- COPY: Umatilla Fall Chinook Production Growth Modulation Expt. - University of Washington 1
- Data collection and sample analysis for Umatilla Fall Chinook Production Growth Experiment - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- COPY: Assess minijack rates of BY 2013 Snake River hatchery spring Chinook salmon (New) - University of Washington 1
- BY11 CHS and SOC Data Analysis for Columbia River Hat precocious maturation monitoring - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#1 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Snake River Fall Chinook Otolith Micro-chemistry - University of Idaho
- Snake River Fall Chinook Otolith Micro-chemistry - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Snake River Fall Chinook Fish Classification - University of Idaho
- Snake River Fall Chinook Fish Classification - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Evaluate Rearing Protocols, Spawning, Genetic Relatedness and Experimental Treatments - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluation Analyses - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Swan Lake trout spawner movement: data collection - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the Yakima and Mid and Upper Columbia subbasins - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Data Input and Analysis - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Deepwater Lamprey Electrofishing in Yakima River - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- COPY: Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the YN Ceded Lands - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Habitat and ammocoete surveys, Entiat, Wenatchee, Yakima and White Salmon rivers. - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Juvenile lamprey surveys in the White Salmon, Klickitat, Yakima and Methow subbasin. - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Juvenile lamprey surveys in the White Salmon, Klickitat, Yakima, Mid-Columbia subbasin - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Juvenile lamprey surveys in the Klickitat, Yakima, and Mid-Columbia subbasins - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Collect data - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes: Duck Valley
- Analysis and interpretation of genetic, phenotypic, ecological, life-history, and other data, Tier 2 - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analysis and interpretation of genetic, phenotypic, ecological, life-history, and other data, tier 3 - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Collect Water and Tissue Samples for eDNA and PBT - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection, Tier 2 - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Analyze HRPP steelhead samples - University of Washington 1
- Conduct Spawning Surveys - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Steelhead and Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Steelhead and Chinook Salmon Parr Density and Distribution - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Density Surveys - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Monitor/Maintain PIT Tag Interrogation Arrays - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Describe the maturation cycle for white sturgeon - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- White sturgeon sex and maturation status sampling - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Juvenile outmigration monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Chinook Spawning Ground Surveys - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Summarize & Analyze Chinook spawning data - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Chinook Spawning Ground Surveys - PSMFC_5
- Chinook Spawning Ground Surveys - PSMFC_6
- Sample Chinook returning to state hatcheries - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Data Analysis for Fishery and Escapement Sampling - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Coho Spawning Ground Surveys - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Chinook Spawning Ground Surveys - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Bull trout spawning habitat monitoring: data collection - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Conduct juvenile steelhead population surveys - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Hood River wild steelhead run type classification - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analytic support for litigation - Hinrichsen Environmental Services
- Monitor brodleaf weeds in open habitats - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Monitor Waterfowl Use associated with habitat treatments - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Wetland Vegetation Sampling - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Abundance of Steelhead Spawners at the Population Level - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Conduct Redd Counts, Prespawning, and Carcass Surveys - Nez Perce Tribe
- Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production - Nez Perce Tribe
- Collect DNA, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in the SFSR Subbasin - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Kokanee Escapement - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Fall and winter waterfowl counts - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- FM: End of distribution surveys in Mill Creek - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- FM: Ammocoete density surveys in Mill Creek - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- HR: Evaluate the use of video monitoring to monitor adult lamprey movement/escapement - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Operate and Maintain Flow Gauging Stations - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Outmigration Monitoring - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Enumerate and exam natural summer steelhead at traps - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- OHSU CMOP Station in tidal freshwater section - Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- Pre and Post Project Monitoring & Lab Review - Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST)
- Cowlitz Pre and Post Project Evaluation Wallooskee Youngs Project - Cowlitz Indian Tribe 1
- Analyze Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures - Nez Perce Tribe
- Analyze survival and productivity of Fall Chinook - Nez Perce Tribe
- Conduct white sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control - Spokane Tribe
- Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data - Spokane Tribe
- Conduct sub-yearling (juvenile) monitoring (gill netting) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Hydrographic survey (habitat assessment) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Bathymetric and sediment facies mapping - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Characterize river velocities (habitat assessment) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Wildlife Surveys - Burns-Paiute Tribe
- Conduct Project Surveys - Burns-Paiute Tribe
- Juvenile salmonid presence, absence, density, & distribution surveys - Umatilla Confederated Tribes (CTUIR)
- Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In 2.4 km & Habitat use in WSR Through Night Snorkeling - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R. - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance & Habitat Use In SC Through Night Snorkeling - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reahes & Habitat Use in WSR Through Night Snorkeling - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Adult Returns and Spawning Escapement - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Use A Weir To Enumerate Adult Bull Trout Moving Into Spawning Areas In The Warm Springs - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R. - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Conduct Spring Chinook Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Conduct Redd Counts - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Monitor trend and status of focal species in MT portion of Kootenai Basin - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Didymosphenia geminata monitoring in the Flathead system - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Bull trout survival in tributaries of the Flathead River system - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Conduct Creel on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW) - Spokane Tribe
- Analyze/interpret data - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes: Duck Valley - Version 1
- Effectiveness monitoring - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes
- Status/trend monitoring (Biological data) - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes
- Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River - Kalispel Tribe
- Maintain and download radio receiving stations - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Data reduction and analysis - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Modeling & Data Analysis (USGS-ID) - Kootenai Tribe
- Collect Data on Effects of Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblages/Microhabitat Use (Quist) - Kootenai Tribe
- Collect, Generate & Validate Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (BK-Riverfish) - FY12 - Kootenai Tribe
- Analyze & Interpret Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (BK-Riverfish) - FY12 - Kootenai Tribe
- Critical Uncertainties Research - White Sturgeon (BPA Element 162) (UBC) - FY12 & FY13 - Kootenai Tribe
- Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI) - Spokane Tribe
- Trap adult migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Big and Quartz creeks - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Trap adult migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler, Sanborn, Big and Quartz creeks - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Analysis of westslope cutthroat trout radiotelemetry data - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Analyze data generated from trapping of redband trout captured in migrant trap - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler and Sanborn creeks - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Conduct Summer and Fall Mobile Hydroacoustic Fish Survey - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analyze Mobile Hydroacoustic and Trawling Survey Data - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Kootenai Sturgeon and Burbot Telemetry (BCMFLNRO) - Kootenai Tribe
- Sturgeon Genetic Research (UC Davis) - Kootenai Tribe
- Sturgeon Genetic Research (KTOI/UC Davis) - Kootenai Tribe
- Kootenai Sturgeon and Burbot Telemetry (BC MFLNRO) - Kootenai Tribe
- Kootenai Sturgeon Monitoring and Evaluation (BC MFLNRO/CFS) - Kootenai Tribe
- Burbot Broodstock Development (BC MFLNRO/KTOI) - Kootenai Tribe
- Evaluate juvenile and adult burbot population dynamics - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Burbot Broodstock Development (BCMFLNRO) - Kootenai Tribe
- Kootenay Burbot Monitoring and Evaluation (BC MFLNRO) - Kootenai Tribe
- Burbot Broodstock Development (BC MFLNRO) - Kootenai Tribe
- Evaluate burbot early life strategies: Kootenai tributaries and graduate studies - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Evaluate Burbot early life history: field evaluations and graduate studies - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret limnological data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect reservoir limnology data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze/Interpret Data - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes: Duck Valley - Version 2
- Analyze/Interpret Data - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes: Duck Valley - Version 1.5
- Conduct creel surveys to evaluate the fishery - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret creel data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Conduct effort surveys - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Banks Lake Creel Survey - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analyze Creel Survey Data - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Analyze and interpret Libby Mitigation physical and biologic data - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Ecosystem Restoration: Fish Population Monitoring - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect data on WCT translocated to Indian Creek - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Analyze Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Profiles - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect data - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes: Duck Valley: Test Canceled
- Obtain Biological Data - Collect Zooplankton - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analyze water quality data - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Assess Nehchen Creek for potential beaver reintroduction - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Assess beaver distribution in the Project Area - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Conduct white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control - Spokane Tribe
- Conduct Stock Assessment (setline) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Conduct adult white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control - Spokane Tribe 1
- Analysis of data for a Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Report - Spokane Tribe 1
- Stock Assessment (setline) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Conduct white sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control - Spokane Tribe
- Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data - Spokane Tribe
- Evaluate lake trout netting program - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Conduct Kettle River Fish Monitoring (WDFW) - Spokane Tribe
- Conduct Kettle River Baseline Habitat evaluation (WDFW) - Spokane Tribe 1
- Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI) - Spokane Tribe
- Conduct Lake Roosevelt Northern Pike Relative Abundance and Targeted Gillnetting (ALL) - Spokane Tribe 1
- Analysis FWIN Data Collected (WDFW/STOI) - Spokane Tribe 1
- Conduct Lake Roosevelt Northern Pike Suppression (ALL) - Spokane Tribe 1
- Conduct Fall Fisheries Monitoring for Kokanee on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, EWU) - Spokane Tribe
- Conduct Fall Monitoring for Kokanee on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, EWU) - Spokane Tribe 1
- Conduct Fall Monitoring for Kokanee on Lake Roosevelt - Spokane Tribe 1
- Rainbow trout age and growth evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze FWIN survey data - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Fall Fish Survey - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Monitor kokanee shoreline spawning habitat - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Evaluate kokanee population status - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Data analysis for all Data collection work elements - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River. - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Calculate Redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions (Spokane Riv - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Kokanee spawning ecology study - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Mysis shrimp abundance estimate - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of redband trout captured in migrant trap - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Conduct Acoustic Telemetry Assessments in Lake Roosevelt (EWU) - Spokane Tribe
- Conduct Acoustic Telemetry Assessments in Lake Roosevelt - Spokane Tribe 1
- Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed - Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD): Lapwai Creek
- Conduct Kokanee population surveys - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret Kokanee population data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Conduct hydroacoustic survey - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Conduct mid-water trawl surveys - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze physical habitat data - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Collect habitat data according to implementation plans - Spokane Tribe
- Mysid and zooplankton dynamics study - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW) - Spokane Tribe
- Northern Pike Netting to Assess Piscivores in Lake Roosevelt. - Spokane Tribe 1
- Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness. - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Lake Surveys - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Baseline data collection for interagency rotenone treatments in the Upper Malheur River - Burns-Paiute Tribe
- Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Assess nonlethal microelemental methods in WCT - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP): Flathead River
- Genetic evaluation of lake trout suppression in Swan Lake - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Roving and voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters. - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Bull Trout Population Response Monitoring - Burns-Paiute Tribe
- Burbot and Sturgeon Recovery Planning (BCMFLNRO) - Kootenai Tribe
- Biomonitoring--Water Quality - Kootenai Tribe
- Biomonitoring--Algae - Kootenai Tribe
- Fine-Scale Algae & Water Quality Monitoring - Kootenai Tribe
- Biomonitoring--Macroinvertebrates - Kootenai Tribe
- Fish Species/Community Dynamics & Abundance - Kootenai Tribe
- Fish Species/Community Dynamics & Abundance - Kootenai Tribe
- Monitoring on Trout, Parker, and Long Canyon Creeks - Kootenai Tribe
- Kokanee Genetic Analyses - S.P. Cramer and Assoc., Inc. - Kootenai Tribe
- Stream Surveys - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Evaluate survival of Project plantings - Coeur D'Alene Tribe
- Monitor success of fish planting program - Salish and Kootenai Confederated Tribes
- Analyze monitoring data from fish planting and draw conclusions - Salish and Kootenai Confederated Tribes
- Statistical analysis of creel data - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Collect Water Quality Data - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Analyze Pressure transducer data - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Stream Habitat Data Collection - Nez Perce Tribe: Lolo/Selway River Watershed Restoration
- Lolo Creek Data Analysis - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Conduct Summer Hydroacoustic Survey in Lake Billy Chinook - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Conduct Fall Hydroacoustic Survey in Lake Billy Chinook - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analyze & Interpret Fall Hydroacoustic Data (Survey To Be Completed In Jan/Feb 2012) - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analyze & Interpret PIT Tagged O. nerka Data - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analyze & Interpret Marked and Radio-Tagged O. nerka Outmigrant Data - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect PIT Tag Data From Antenna Arrays In Lake Creek - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect Adult O. nerka At Pelton Trap To Compare SAR Rates Between Suttle Lake & Lake Billy Chinook - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Estimate Abundance of Adfluvial O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Entering Metolius River to Spawn - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- COPY: Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Estimate Abundance of Adfluvial O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Entering Metolius River to Sp - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect water temperature data - Yakama Nation_7
- Sampling and Data Collection Activities - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Little Sheep Creek
- Collect Tissue samples for Genetic Analysis - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Improve survival and reduce fitness loss of steelhead smolts - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Improve survival and reduce fitness loss - University of Washington_6
- Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection through laboratory-scale research - University of Washington
- Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection through laboratory-scale research - University of Washington_2
- Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in juv. & adult Pac. lamprey in the Columbia R. basin (USGS) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Development of SNP genetic markers for Columbia River basin lamprey species (CRITFC) - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Monitoring streams downstream of Willamette Falls for PIT tagged Pacific lamprey - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Willamette River Basin Pacific lamprey habitat suitability study and decision support tool - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods tributary analysis - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Monitor past channel realignment and floodplain restoration work to refine future designs - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Monitor past channel realignment and floodplain restoration work to refine future habitat designs - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- COPY: Monitor past channel realignment and floodplain restoration work to refine future habitat design - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Monitor past restoration work to refine designs of future restoration actions - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Sampling and assays for South Fork WCT project - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Didymosphenia geminata research - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Youngs Creek WCT collections for Sekokini Springs rearing facility - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Youngs and Sullivan creeks WCT collections for Sekokini Springs rearing facility - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data - Upper Columbia United Tribes (UCUT)
- Coordinate, collect and generate field data for Wildlife Habitat Reference Sites - EWU - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habitats - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Estimate outmigrant O. mykiss & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Subbasin - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect Data at Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Full Duplex Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Conduct surveys and collect steelhead redd data - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Estimate capture efficiency of Moving Falls Fish Facility adult fish trap - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- FFY16 Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- FFY16 Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- FFY16 Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to & at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouchers - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- FFY16 Sampling of "Salvage" plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouche - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Sampling of "Salvage" plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analysis of hatchery data - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouchers - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- FFY16 Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Enriched Habitat Experiment - Oregon State University 1
- Density Experiment - Oregon State University 1
- Analyze food availability data - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- FFY16 Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carc tagging - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging (PSMFC) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass taggin - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Sample Juvenile Hatchery Chinook Salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery - Nez Perce Tribe
- Assist ODFW with Data Collection at the Lostine River Screw Trap - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Analysis to determine project origin adult returns - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- FFY16 Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- FFY16 Adult trap monitoring at Duncan Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- FFY16 Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect Monitoring Data - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- FFY16 Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect samples from HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR s - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Abernathy Creek
- Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead emigration; collect & store biological/physiological/genetic data, s - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/qual - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Abernathy
- Capture adult HOR/NOR steelhead; release some above weir; retain some for integrated broodstoc - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstoc - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Determine multilocus, microsat. nuclear DNA genotypes for NOR/HOR adult/juvenile steelhead sam - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin cl - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect samples from BY15 HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/quality - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Capture adult HOR/NOR steelhead; release some above weir; retain some for integrated broodstock - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Determine multilocus, microsat. nuclear DNA genotypes for NOR/HOR adult/juvenile steelhead samples - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin clips - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect samples from BY16 HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured smolts - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Evaluate physiological/nutritional status of NOR/HOR steelhead - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Collect samples from BY17 HOR steelhead smolts that will allow genetic change between NOR/HOR to be calculated - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- COPY: Capture adult HOR/NOR steelhead; release NOR above weir - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- COPY: Determine expression patterns for genes associated lipid metabolism in fish fed traditional and experimental diets - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead emigration; collect & store biological/physiological/genetic data, samples - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Abernathy Creek
- Swan Lake trout spawner movement: data analysis - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Assess Predation risk to salmonid smolts - University of Washington 1
- Operate and maintain Wind River Gage - US Forest Service (USFS): Wind River
- Maintain Watershed Monitoring Program - Latah Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD)
- SRSS mid-water trawl abundance estimation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret mid-water trawl survey data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- SRSS Redfish Lake sport fishery creel survey - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Snorkel CHaMP sites - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Analyze Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study -BY2015 - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Monitor movement of Adult fall Chinook salmon in the Snake, Clearwater and Grande Ronde Rivers - Nez Perce Tribe
- Evaluate Fidelity and Fall back of Fall Chinook tagged at LGD - Nez Perce Tribe
- Monitor movement of Adult fall Chinook salmon in the Snake, Clearwater and Grande Ronde Rivers - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Evaluate fidelity and fall back of fall Chinook tagged at LGD - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analysis of fish surveys at Big Sheep Creek. - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fishery surveys at Onion Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fishery surveys in the Colville River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fishery surveys at Big Sheep Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct Redd Counts and Carcass Surveys - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: Salmon River Basin (Crystal Springs)
- Creel and angler survey for the Mainstem Flathead River: data collection - Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP)
- Reproductive success of returning adult S1 and S2 steelhead - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Conduct breeding studies at the Winthrop National Fish hatchery - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Reproductive success of returning adult S1 and S2 steelhead - University of Washington
- Reproductive success of returning adult S1 and S2 steelhead - University of Washington_2
- Sort, mark, and sample experimental rearing groups - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Survey Kokanee spawners - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Juvenile Sturgeon Index Sampling (BCMFLNRO) - Kootenai Tribe
- Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect stream temperature data on two sites in the upper Meacham Creek headwaters - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Vegetation/Habitat Monitoring - Nez Perce Tribe
- Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2016/2017 - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2016 beach seining and tagging data - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- PIT tag detection at Lower Granite Dam - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2018/2019 - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Count fall Chinook salmon redds in 2016 - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- COPY: Count fall Chinook salmon redds in 2018 - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Pond Amphibian Population Monitoring and Evaluation - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Silene Population Monitoring - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Forrest Conservation Area Fish and Environmental Conditions Data Analysis - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Oxbow Conservation Area fish and Environmental Conditions Data Analysis - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habit - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect and generate field data on Aquatic micro- and macro-invertebrates in the Clark Fork River delta - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Redband Trout Escapement analysis - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Redband Trout Adult Escapement - Weir Trapping - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Redband Trout recruitment analysis - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Redband Trout Recruitment - Screw Trapping - Colville Confederated Tribes
- O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect and Upload Data at WSR, SC and Sherars Falls Full Duplex Arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Operate PIT tag detector array - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect and Upload Data at WSR, SC PIT arrays - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Record and Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of WSR and SC - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Characterization of a maturity trait using adaptive genetic markers at Willamette Falls - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Project - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Project - IDF&G_2
- Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, LC & NC - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead - Nez Perce Tribe
- Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine Rive - Nez Perce Tribe
- Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Snake River B-Run Steelhead SFCWR - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr. - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Analyze stream temperature data - Coeur D'Alene Tribe 1
- Juvenile Salmonid Density & Distribution in Eastern Oregon Rivers - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW)
- Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult spring Chinook - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Field Sampling in Mainstem Willamette - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Develop Spatial Stream Network Assessment for Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead Density in Pilot Basin - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Develop Spatial Stream Network Assessment for Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead Density in Pilot Basin - Queensland University of Technology
- Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Restoration Project - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine emergence timing, growth and rearing distribution - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - Oregon State University 1
- Conduct spawning ground surveys in the Methow Basin - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Extract CWT from snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys - Yakama Confederated Tribes
- Evaluate effects of the 2007 Sport Reward Fishery on reductions in salmonid predation by pikeminnows - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Aerial Redd Counts - Aerial Redd Count Validation - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Decode Coded Wire Tags - Carcass Surveys - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Dunstan Groundwater Monitoring
- Trap adfluvial adult cutthroat trout
- Trap adfluvial juvenile cutthroat trout
- Electrofishing reaches in Lake and Benewah creeks
- Hangman Traps
- PIT array data collection in Lake and Benewah creeks
- Electrofishing Hangman Creek
- Hangman Redband Movements
- Remote Camera Trap Waterfowl Abundance Surveys at the Desert 1 Project
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in the Wenatchee River Basin v2
- CTWS RM&E Install and operate HDX/FDX PIT antennas in Warm Springs Drainage
- WDFW In-stream PIT tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance in the Methow River Basin
- Tissue collection for genetic analyses
- Genetic analyses
- Collect adult DNA samples from steelhead - WDFW_6
- Box Canyon Reservoir Warm Water Survey - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Collect data for Sullivan Lake Survey - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods Lake tributary - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Tissue collection for genetic analyses
- Genetic analyses
- CTWS - JDBO Project-Specific Habitat Response Monitoring
- Operate and maintain Wind River Gage - US Forest Service (USFS): Wind River
- Lolo Creek Electrofishing - 2019
- Juvenile Salmonid Density & Distribution in Northeast Oregon Watersheds (Channel Units)
- Site Level Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Monitoring
- Electrofishing Hangman Creek V 2.0
- Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- PIT Tag Array Operation and Maintenance - Yakama Confederated Tribes (Toppenish Creek Steelhead Population)
- Operate smolt traps to capture juvenile Salmonids in the Entiat River - WDFW
- Test sample design
- Temperature and water surface elevation monitoring (1999-003-01) v2.0
- Grassland Restoration Monitoring on the Precious Lands Wildlife Management Area (Buford Parcel)
- Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2018/2019 - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Measure Stream Temperature - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) (1990-2019)
- PIT tag detection at Lower Granite Dam - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Count fall Chinook salmon redds in the Snake River - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- PIT-tag detection at Lower Granite Dam - USGS
- Measure Stream Temperature - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) 2020
- Collect smolt abundance data from acoustic trawl surveys - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Design 510
- Acquire freshwater and ocean growth data from scale samples. - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Design 510
- Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Design 510
- Collect cores from Lake Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake for analysis using paleolimnology - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Design 510
- Collect smolt abundance data from acoustic trawl surveys - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Adult enumeration: Tucannon Hatchery - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- sample test3
- Dewatered hatchery ponds and irrigation diversions
- Field Sampling in Mainstem Willamette - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 2020
- Field Sampling in Mainstem Willamette - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, cloned for Study Design 1326
- Field Sampling in Mainstem Willamette - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 2020, cloned for Study Design 1326
- Juvenile Steelhead growth in headwater areas of the Wind River, WA
- Determine detection efficiencies for instream PIT tag interrogation systems for adult and juvenile Steelhead in the Wind River, WA
- Yankee Fork Bonanza Post Implementation performance monitoring 2020
- 2020 Yankee Fork Bonanza Post Implementation performance monitoring
- Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys. - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Piscivorous Fish Status and Trend Monitoring in the Columbia River Upstream of McNary Dam
- Piscivorous Fish Habitat Classification in the Columbia River Upstream of McNary Dam
- Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge Vegetation Monitoring
- Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge Waterfowl Monitoring
- Assess Trends of Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge Waterfowl and Their Habitat
- Evaluation of Lamprey Use of Salmonid Restoration Projects: Methow
- NPSWCD Stream Temperature Monitoring in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- Develop protocol to evaluate gas bubble trauma (GBT) in lamprey
- Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Steelhead Out-migrant Monitoring in Birch Creek
- Collect fall Chinook diet data - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Gas Bubble Trauma Resident Fish Sampling
- Lamprey-specific electrofishing potential impact areas
- Lamprey-specific electrofishing techniques: impacts to target and non-target species
- Lamprey-specific electrofishing potential impact areas
- Lamprey-specific electrofishing potential impact areas
- LSEF field collection
- Lamprey-specific electrofishing techniques: impacts to target and non-target species, cloned for Study Plan 1828
- Larval lamprey collection for lab testing
- WDFW Steelhead Residualism Surveys Tucannon River
- Analyze Piscivore Stomach Contents - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Boat Electrofishing to Collect Piscivores
- Gas Bubble Trauma for Resident Fish
- Lower Columbia River Estuary Wetland Monitoring
- Lower Columbia River Estuary Wetland Monitoring
- COPY: Collect carcasses - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys Snake River Basin- Nez Perce Tribe
- Fishery Monitoring - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), cloned for Study Plan 524
- Fishery Monitoring - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
- Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 626
- Yearly Water Quality Samples
- Chum Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging (PSMFC) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Treatment and control comparison in Diggie and Jimmy Drinks - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Analyze Data Collected - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, cloned for Study Plan 125
- Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Density Surveys - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Gas Bubble Trauma Resident Fish Sampling
- Gas Bubble Trauma Resident Fish Sampling, cloned for Study Plan 1774
- Gas Bubble Trauma Resident Fish Sampling, cloned for Study Plan 1774
- Gas Bubble Trauma Resident Fish Sampling
- Juvenile fall Chinook microcystin sampling
- Conduct white sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control - Spokane Tribe
- Harmful Algal Blooms in the Snake River
- Juvenile fall Chinook microcystin sampling
- Harmful Algal Blooms in the Snake River
- Stable Isotope Analysis of Sturgeon Tissue Samples
- field testing of prototype tools
- Steelhead Parr Surveys in Birch Creek - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW)
- Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys in the Wallowa/Lostine - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), cloned for Study Plan 1832
- Steelhead Parr Surveys in Birch Creek - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), cloned for Study Plan 1832
- Birch Creek Steelhead Sampling Locations
- ODFW NE Oregon Steelhead Spatial Distribution Model
- Install and operate PIT Antennae Hood River Basin- Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Install and operate PIT Antennae Hood River Basin- Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Collect water Temperature Data in the Hood River - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Record Stream Flows in the Hood River - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Count fall Chinook salmon redds in the Snake River - US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Dworshak Reservoir Smallmouth Bass Fishery Evaluation
- 2007-403-00, 54251, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program
- 2003-007-00, 54907, Work Element I: 157 - NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identification
- 2003-007-00, 54907, Work Element L: 157 - OHSU Primary and Secondary Production within the Salmonid Food Web
- 2003-007-00, 54907, Work Element O: 157 - Mirror Lake AE - Temperature, Large Woody Debris placement and culvert monitoring
- 2003-007-00, 54907, Work Element P: 157 - CREST Fort Clatsop AE - Habitat, Fish and Fish Prey Sampling
- 2003-007-00, 54891, Work Element D: 157 - Collection of Seasonal Abiotic Conditions and Assessment of Foodweb Resources
- 2002-002-00, 58178, Work Element J: 157 - Collect, Generate & Validate Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (BK-Riverfish) - FY12
- 2002-002-00, 58178, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze & Interpret Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (BK-Riverfish) - FY12
- 2002-002-00, 58178, Work Element L: 157 - Collect, Generate & Validate Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (BK-Riverfish) - FY13
- 2002-002-00, 58178, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze & Interpret Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (BK-Riverfish) - FY13
- 1988-064-00, 57791, Work Element G: 157 - Kootenai Sturgeon Monitoring and Evaluation (BC MFLNRO/CFS)
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2008-470-00, 57336, Work Element C: 157 - Habitat and ammocoete surveys, Entiat, Wenatchee, Yakima and White Salmon rivers.
- 2010-076-00, 46273 REL 42, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze and interpret radio telemetry and PIT tag detection data
- 1995-027-00, 57415, Work Element H: 160 - Develop and Maintain a database for the Lake Roosevelt Sturgeon Recovery Project
- 1997-024-00, 56884, Work Element B: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY12
- 1997-024-00, 56884, Work Element E: 162 - Conduct analysis on double-crested and Brandt's cormorant data - FY12
- 2002-002-00, 58178, Work Element AR: 157 - Collect Data on Effects--Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Side Channel Structure (Quist)-FY12/13
- 2002-002-00, 58178, Work Element AS: 162 - Analyze Data on Effects--Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Side Channel Structure (Quist)-FY12/13
- 1989-096-00, 46273 REL 31, Work Element D: 157 - Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 1988-064-00, 57791, Work Element Y: 162 - Critical Uncertainties Research - White Sturgeon (BPA Element 162) (UBC) - FY12 & FY13
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 11, Work Element J: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 1988-120-25, 55125, Work Element M: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 14, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile lamprey surveys in the White Salmon, Klickitat, Yakima and Methow subbasin.
- 2008-507-00, 58576, Work Element L: 160 - Exploratory development of Federal Geospatial Data Committee (FGDC) metadata and other metadata
- 2010-050-00, 61639, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 61639, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 38, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2008-507-00, 63000, Work Element K: 160 - Exploratory development of (FGDC) metadata and other metadata (ongoing)
- 1988-108-04, 60412, Work Element C: 160 - BPA Data Capture - Create and manage database for BPA project data inventory
- 1988-108-04, 63021, Work Element A: 159 - Support transfer of data into secure and accessible repositories
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 52, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile lamprey surveys in the White Salmon, Klickitat, Yakima, Mid-Columbia subbasin
- 2010-050-00, 65752, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 65752, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 2006-006-00, 64637, Work Element F: 159 - Consolidate, organize, and transfer HEP data to a Regional database storage facility
- 2013-001-00, 20620 REL 32, Work Element D: 160 - Manage and maintain resident fish HLI and FWI database
- 1988-053-03, 66120, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 1988-053-03, 66120, Work Element N: 157 - Determine feasiblity of estimating o.mykiss and chinook parr.
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 66, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2010-030-00, 66986, Work Element F: 162 - Generate abundance of life history types in pre selected locations
- 2008-307-00, 68409, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake
- 2008-307-00, 68409, Work Element J: 157 - Collect PIT Tag Data from Antenna Arrays in Lake Creek & Suttle Lake
- 2008-307-00, 68409, Work Element L: 157 - Estimate Abundance of Adfluvial O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Entering Metolius River to Sp
- 2008-307-00, 68409, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-307-00, 68409, Work Element O: 157 - Collect Adult O. nerka at Pelton Trap to Compare SAR Rates between Suttle Lake & Lake Billy Ch
- 1991-019-01, 67298, Work Element D: 162 - Analyze monitoring data from fish planting and draw conclusions
- 2007-404-00, 67006, Work Element D: 162 - Evaluate Rearing Protocols, Spawning, Genetic Relatedness and Experimental Treatments
- 2008-311-00, 69558, Work Element K: 157 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect Data at Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Full Duplex Arrays
- 1999-003-01, 56065 REL 12, Work Element C: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 91, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 2003-023-00, 65843, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Redd/Carcass Surveys, Creel survey and CWT sampling and Data Entry
- 2003-023-00, 65843, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze Data Collected - Modeling, Tool and Database Updates
- 2003-023-00, 65843, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate run composition using existing data from Wells Dam
- 2003-023-00, 65843, Work Element L: 162 - Analyze existing hatchery data for Sum/Fal and Spring Chinook
- 1990-005-00, 66987, Work Element M: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1993-060-00, 66922, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 2007-402-00, 67494, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 67494, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes
- 2007-402-00, 67494, Work Element G: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 1988-053-03, 66120, Work Element P: 157 - Estimate capture efficiency of Moving Falls Fish Facility adult fish trap.
- 1988-053-03, CR-280777, Work Element D: 157 - COPY: Analyze HRPP spring Chinook salmon smolt samples
- 1988-053-03, CR-280777, Work Element F: 162 - COPY: Assist with analysis of three year HRPP Spring Chinook comparative evaluation
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 89, Work Element D: 157 - Hood River Spring Chinook Production Program Comparative smolt quality monitoring-BY 2013
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 89, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Hood River Spring Chinook smolt quality data - BY 2013 production groups
- 1991-029-00, 69273, Work Element B: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2015/2016
- 1991-029-00, 69273, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2015 beach seining and tagging data
- 1991-029-00, 69273, Work Element H: 162 - Write Part IV of the Retrospective focusing on the years 1991-2014
- 1993-056-00, 66666, Work Element C: 157 - Conduct breeding studies at the Winthrop National Fish hatchery
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element M: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 2002-002-00, 67793, Work Element Y: 157 - Collect Data on Effects--Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Microhabitat Use (Quist)
- 2002-002-00, 67793, Work Element Z: 162 - Analyze Data on Effects--Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Microhabitat Use (Quist)
- 2012-013-00, 67101, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor movement of Adult fall Chinook salmon in the Snake, Clearwater and Grande Ronde Rivers
- 2012-013-00, 67101, Work Element H: 162 - Evaluate Fidelity and Fall back of Fall Chinook tagged at LGD
- 2012-013-00, 67619, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor movement of Adult fall Chinook salmon in the Snake, Clearwater and Grande Ronde Rivers
- 2012-013-00, 67619, Work Element H: 162 - Evaluate fidelity and fall back of fall Chinook tagged at LGD
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 74, Work Element X: 157 - Extract CWT from 2015 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 74, Work Element AB: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2015 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 74, Work Element AE: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 1983-350-03, 67319, Work Element L: 157 - Collect Genetic Samples from Spring and Fall Chinook Salmon
- 1983-350-03, 67319, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures
- 1983-350-03, 67319, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Juvenile Hatchery Chinook Salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1996-043-00, 67412, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 1996-043-00, 67412, Work Element K: 157 - Collect DNA, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in the SFSR Subbasin
- 1987-100-02, 67546, Work Element J: 157 - Collect stream temperature data on two sites in the upper Meacham Creek headwaters
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element F: 157 - Collect samples from HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR s
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead emigration; collect & store biological/physiological/genetic data, s
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element L: 157 - Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element M: 157 - Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/qual
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element N: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element O: 157 - Capture adult HOR/NOR steelhead; release some above weir; retain some for integrated broodstoc
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element P: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstoc
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element R: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element S: 157 - Determine multilocus, microsat. nuclear DNA genotypes for NOR/HOR adult/juvenile steelhead sam
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element T: 162 - Determine the relative reproductive success of NOR and HOR steelhead in Abernathy Creek above
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element W: 157 - Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin cl
- 2003-063-00, 67795, Work Element X: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 2008-904-00, 68648, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 2008-007-00, 68392, Work Element G: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1988-065-00, 68393, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate burbot early life strategies: Kootenai tributaries and graduate studies
- 2002-031-00, CR-283689, Work Element C: 157 - COPY: Umatilla Fall Chinook Production Growth Modulation Expt.
- 2002-031-00, CR-283689, Work Element D: 157 - COPY: Assess minijack rates of BY 2013 Snake River hatchery spring Chinook salmon (New)
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 105, Work Element C: 157 - Data collection and sample analysis for Umatilla Fall Chinook Production Growth Experiment
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 105, Work Element G: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Snake R. hat. Sp. Chinook + Common Garden Expt.
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 103, Work Element B: 157 - Improve survival and reduce fitness loss of steelhead smolts
- 1992-026-04, 68144, Work Element F: 162 - Abundance and Migration of Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams During Migration Year 2015
- 1992-026-04, 68144, Work Element G: 162 - Survival and Relative Success of Juvenile Salmonids of the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Subbasins
- 1992-026-04, 68144, Work Element H: 162 - Egg to Migrant Survival Relative to the Stream Health and Life History Patterns of Chinook Sal
- 1992-026-04, 68144, Work Element M: 162 - Steelhead and Chinook Salmon Parr Density and Distribution
- 2010-036-00, 69142, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 69142, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 69142, Work Element I: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 69142, Work Element K: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 69257, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 69257, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 1995-027-00, 68702, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 68702, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 68702, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 68702, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 68702, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 68702, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Report Benthic macro-invertebrate d
- 1995-027-00, 68702, Work Element I: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 1995-027-00, 68702, Work Element L: 160 - Develop and Maintain a database for the Lake Roosevelt Sturgeon Recovery Project
- 2001-032-00, 68858, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of redband trout captured in migrant trap
- 2003-039-00, 68529, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element G: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element K: 157 - Acquire freshwater and ocean growth data from scale samples.
- 2006-008-00, 70084, Work Element L: 157 - Bull trout survival in tributaries of the Flathead River system
- 1986-050-00, 66928, Work Element L: 157 - Collect tissue samples (gonads, plasma, urine, mucus, etc.) from adult white sturgeon
- 1991-019-03, 69667, Work Element F: 157 - Youngs Creek WCT collections for Sekokini Springs rearing facility
- 1991-019-03, 69667, Work Element H: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 69667, Work Element K: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 1995-004-00, 69668, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 69668, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in MT portion of Kootenai Basin
- 1995-004-00, 69668, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate growth and survival of trout in the Kootenai River
- 1995-004-00, 69668, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection
- 1995-004-00, 69668, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze and interpret Libby Mitigation physical and biologic data
- 2007-402-00, 69491, Work Element N: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 69491, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 2010-050-00, 69542, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 69542, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 1989-096-00, 46273 REL 102, Work Element C: 157 - Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection
- 2006-006-00, 68425, Work Element C: 159 - Final organization of HEP data in a regional database storage facility
- 2008-906-00, 68026, Work Element P: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 2008-301-00, 68230, Work Element R: 157 - Collect Post Implmementation Monitoring in the Upper Deschutes
- 2010-076-00, 46273 REL 99, Work Element A: 162 - Analyze and interpret radio telemetry and PIT tag detection data
- 1991-019-03, 69667, Work Element W: 157 - Creel and angler survey for the Mainstem Flathead River: data collection
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass taggin
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element N: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element O: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element S: 162 - Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element T: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element W: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element X: 157 - Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouchers
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element Y: 157 - Sampling of "Salvage" plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 2006-008-00, 70084, Work Element P: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River
- 2006-008-00, 70084, Work Element Q: 157 - Creel and angler survey for the Mainstem Flathead River: data collection
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 103, Work Element D: 157 - Reproductive success of returning adult S1 and S2 steelhead
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 103, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2000-015-00, 68636, Work Element P: 162 - Oxbow Conservation Area fish and Environmental Conditions Data Analysis
- 2001-041-01, 68637, Work Element N: 162 - Forrest Conservation Area Fish and Environmental Conditions Data Analysis
- 1993-056-00, 70218, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct breeding studies at the Winthrop National Fish hatchery
- 2011-014-00, 67297, Work Element B: 162 - Deschutes River (DR): Summarize water temperature data (2008-13) , compare to developmental
- 2011-014-00, 67297, Work Element C: 157 - DR: 2014-2015 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 67297, Work Element D: 162 - DR: 2014 Generate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 67297, Work Element E: 157 - DR: 2015 Field activities to generate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Sherars
- 2011-014-00, 67297, Work Element H: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Summarize water temperature data (2008-14), compare to developmental stages
- 2011-014-00, 67297, Work Element I: 162 - FM: 2014 Generate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 67297, Work Element J: 157 - FM: 2015 Field activities to generate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing
- 2011-014-00, 67297, Work Element P: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2011-014-00, 67297, Work Element Q: 157 - HR: Evaluate the use of video monitoring to monitor adult lamprey movement/escapement
- 2011-014-00, 67297, Work Element R: 162 - DR, FM & HR: Analyze 2013-2014 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and abundance)
- 1985-038-00, 67411, Work Element T: 157 - Roving or voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters.
- 1991-019-01, 71233, Work Element C: 162 - Analyze monitoring data from fish planting and draw conclusions
- 2002-002-00, 71462, Work Element Y: 157 - Collect Data on Effects of Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblages/Microhabitat Use (Quist)
- 2002-002-00, 71462, Work Element Z: 162 - Analyze Data on Effects of Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Microhabitat Use (Quist)
- 1997-004-00, 71839, Work Element I: 157 - Trap adult migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler, Sanborn, Big and Quartz creeks
- 1997-004-00, 71839, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 1988-053-03, 70047, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 1988-053-03, 70047, Work Element N: 157 - Determine feasiblity of estimating o.mykiss and chinook parr.
- 1988-053-03, 70047, Work Element P: 157 - Estimate capture efficiency of Moving Falls Fish Facility adult fish trap
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 96, Work Element J: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 1993-060-00, 70547, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1987-100-02, 70410, Work Element I: 157 - Collect stream temperature data on two sites in the upper Meacham Creek headwaters
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element AO: 157 - FFY16 Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carc tagging
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element AP: 157 - FFY16 Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element AS: 157 - FFY16 Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element AZ: 157 - FFY16 Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element BA: 157 - FFY16 Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element BD: 162 - FFY16 Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element BE: 157 - FFY16 Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element BH: 157 - FFY16 Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element BI: 157 - FFY16 Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to & at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouchers
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element BJ: 157 - FFY16 Sampling of "Salvage" plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 2008-710-00, 67595, Work Element AQ: 157 - FFY16 Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2007-404-00, 70624, Work Element B: 162 - Evaluate Rearing Protocols, Spawning, Genetic Relatedness and Experimental Treatments
- 1998-014-00, 66480, Work Element C: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1998-014-00, 66480, Work Element D: 162 - Assess the role of the estuary and plume on salmon growth and survival
- 1999-003-01, 56065 REL 17, Work Element C: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element AD: 157 - Northern Pike Netting to Assess Piscivores in Lake Roosevelt.
- 2008-009-00, CR-291650, Work Element C: 160 - Implement Minor Enhancements, Fix Bugs, Support Ad-hoc analysis and reports (FY16)
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element F: 157 - Collect samples from BY15 HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead; install/maintain antennas; collect & store data, sample
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element L: 157 - Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/quality
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element M: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element N: 157 - Capture adult HOR/NOR steelhead; release some above weir; retain some for integrated broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element O: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element Q: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element R: 157 - Determine multilocus, microsat. nuclear DNA genotypes for NOR/HOR adult/juvenile steelhead samples
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element S: 162 - Determine the relative reproductive success of NOR & HOR steelhead in Abernathy Creek above AFTC
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element V: 157 - Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin clips
- 2003-063-00, 71238, Work Element W: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 1990-005-00, 70363, Work Element M: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element D: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element F: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element L: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element M: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element O: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2007-402-00, 71106, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 71106, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes
- 2007-402-00, 71106, Work Element H: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Juvenile Hatchery Chinook Salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1996-043-00, 71017, Work Element E: 157 - Collect DNA, Snout & Fin Ray Samples from Adult summer Chinook Salmon in the SFSR Subbasin
- 1996-043-00, 71017, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 2007-157-00, 66633, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In 2.4 km & Habitat use in WSR Through Night Snorkeling
- 2007-157-00, 66633, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reahes & Habitat Use in WSR Through Night Snorkeling
- 2007-157-00, 66633, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance & Habitat Use in SC Through Night Snorkeling
- 2007-157-00, 66633, Work Element J: 157 - Use a Weir to Enumerate Adult Bull Trout Moving into Spawning Areas in the WSR
- 1983-350-03, 71157, Work Element L: 157 - Collect Genetic Samples from Spring and Fall Chinook Salmon
- 1983-350-03, 71157, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures
- 1983-350-03, 71157, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures
- 2008-908-00, CR-292953, Work Element D: 162 - COPY: Accumulate and process existing data to assess causes and locations of mortality below McNary
- 2008-009-00, 66113, Work Element C: 160 - Implement Minor Enhancements, Fix Bugs, Support Ad-hoc analysis and reports (FY15)
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 93, Work Element W: 157 - Extract CWT from 2016 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 93, Work Element AA: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2016 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 93, Work Element AC: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 2007-403-00, 66445, Work Element B: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook Salmon Captive Rearing Program
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 109, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1988-065-00, 72417, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate Burbot early life strategies: Kootenai tributaries and graduate studies
- 2008-007-00, 72144, Work Element G: 157 - Small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1992-026-04, 71578, Work Element F: 162 - Abundance and Migration of Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams During Migration Year 2016
- 1992-026-04, 71578, Work Element G: 162 - Survival and Relative Success of Juvenile Salmonids of the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Subbasins
- 1992-026-04, 71578, Work Element H: 162 - Egg to Migrant Survival Relative to the Stream Health and Life History Patterns of Chinook Sal
- 1992-026-04, 71578, Work Element M: 162 - Steelhead and Chinook Salmon Parr Density and Distribution
- 1995-027-00, 72008, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 72008, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 72008, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 72008, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 72008, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 72008, Work Element I: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 1995-027-00, 72008, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Report Benthic macro-invertebrate d
- 1997-004-00, 68052, Work Element H: 157 - Trap adult migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Big and Quartz creeks
- 1997-004-00, 68052, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2000-015-00, 72067, Work Element O: 162 - Oxbow Conservation Area fish and Environmental Conditions Data Analysis
- 2001-041-01, 72068, Work Element M: 162 - Forrest Conservation Area Fish and Environmental Conditions Data Analysis
- 2008-906-00, 71498, Work Element M: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 2008-307-00, 71834, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake
- 2008-307-00, 71834, Work Element J: 157 - Collect PIT Tag Data from Antenna Arrays in Lake Creek & Suttle Lake
- 2008-307-00, 71834, Work Element L: 157 - Estimate Abundance of Adfluvial O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Entering Metolius River to Spawn
- 2008-307-00, 71834, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-307-00, 71834, Work Element O: 157 - Collect Adult O. nerka at Pelton Trap to Compare SAR Rates between Suttle Lake & Lake Billy Ch
- 2008-311-00, 73078, Work Element J: 157 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect and Upload Data at WSR, SC and Sherars Falls Full Duplex Arrays
- 2008-301-00, 71833, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Post Implmementation Monitoring in the Upper Deschutes
- 1994-042-00, 71579, Work Element P: 157 - Monitor past channel realignment and floodplain restoration work to refine future designs
- 2012-015-00, 71344, Work Element F: 157 - Cowlitz Pre and Post Project Evaluation Wallooskee Youngs Project
- 1992-010-00, 70182, Work Element G: 157 - Treatment and control comparison in Diggie and Jimmy Drinks
- 2008-306-00, 68873, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Movement Data from Deschutes River Mouth PIT Array
- 2003-039-00, 71862, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA
- 2008-908-00, 67599, Work Element D: 162 - Accumulate and process existing data to assess causes and locations of mortality below McNary Dam
- 1992-061-03, 73192, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Project
- 1992-061-03, 73192, Work Element P: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habit
- 2012-015-00, 67636, Work Element H: 157 - Cowlitz Pre and Post Project Evaluation Wallooskee Youngs Project
- 1991-029-00, 72899, Work Element B: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2016/2017
- 1991-029-00, 72899, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2016 beach seining and tagging data
- 1993-056-00, 72676, Work Element B: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection through laboratory-scale research
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 117, Work Element B: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 117, Work Element C: 157 - Reproductive success of returning adult S1 and S2 steelhead
- 2008-904-00, 72433, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 1992-010-00, 74365, Work Element H: 157 - Treatment and control comparison in Diggie and Jimmy Drinks
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 76, Work Element C: 157 - Juvenile lamprey surveys in the Klickitat, Yakima, and Mid-Columbia subbasins
- 2010-050-00, 72775, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 72775, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 2001-032-00, 72434, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of redband trout captured in migrant trap
- 1989-096-00, 46273 REL 115, Work Element D: 157 - Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection
- 2010-036-00, 72970, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 72970, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 72970, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 72970, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 1995-004-00, 73411, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 73411, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in MT portion of Kootenai Basin
- 1995-004-00, 73411, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate growth and survival of trout in the Kootenai River
- 1995-004-00, 73411, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection
- 1995-004-00, 73411, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze and interpret Libby Mitigation physical and biologic data
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 118, Work Element G: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Snake R. hat. Sp. Chinook
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 115, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2006-008-00, 73587, Work Element K: 157 - Bull trout survival in tributaries of the Flathead River system
- 2006-008-00, 73587, Work Element L: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River
- 2010-036-00, 72994, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 72994, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element B: 162 - Genetic monitoring using SNP genetic markers for Columbia River basin lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element C: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element D: 157 - Willamette River Basin Pacific lamprey habitat suitability study and decision support tool
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 68780, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring streams downstream of Willamette Falls for PIT tagged Pacific lamprey
- 2008-116-00, 70837, Work Element E: 157 - Collect river velocity data in Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 70837, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct sediment facies mapping in upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 1994-043-00, 69860, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 69860, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 69860, Work Element Q: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 69860, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct Fall Fisheries Monitoring for Kokanee on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, EWU)
- 1994-043-00, 69860, Work Element V: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt Kokanee Monitoring Data Collected
- 1994-043-00, 69860, Work Element W: 157 - Conduct Acoustic Telemetry Assessments in Lake Roosevelt (EWU)
- 1994-043-00, 69860, Work Element AA: 157 - Northern Pike Netting to Assess Piscivores in Lake Roosevelt.
- 1993-056-00, 72676, Work Element C: 157 - Reproductive success of returning adult S1 and S2 steelhead
- 1993-056-00, 73630, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct breeding studies at the Winthrop National Fish hatchery
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element B: 157 - Deschutes River (DR): 2016-2017 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element C: 162 - DR: Manage and summarize water temperature data (2016-2017) to characterize lamprey habitats
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element E: 157 - DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2017
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element F: 162 - DR: 2016 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element H: 157 - UPDATE LOCATIONS DR: Collect data from HDX sites on CTWSRO reservation
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element K: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Manage and summarize water temperature data (2016-2017)
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element L: 157 - FM: 2017 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element M: 162 - FM: 2016 Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element S: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2011-014-00, 73852, Work Element U: 162 - DR, FM, & HR: Analyze 2016 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and densities)
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element K: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element L: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element O: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element R: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element S: 157 - Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouche
- 2008-710-00, 73502, Work Element T: 157 - Sampling of "Salvage" plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 1997-004-00, 75397, Work Element H: 157 - Trap adult migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler, Sanborn, Big and Quartz creeks
- 1997-004-00, 75397, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 100, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the Yakima and Mid and Upper Columbia subbasins
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 106, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Hood R. and Warm Sp. Spring Chinook smolt quality data - BY 2014 production groups
- 2007-157-00, 73814, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R.
- 2007-157-00, 73814, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 1988-053-03, 73619, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 1988-053-03, 73619, Work Element N: 157 - Monitor Chinook and steelhead parr abundance in the West Fork Hood River
- 1988-053-03, 73619, Work Element O: 157 - Estimate capture efficiency of Moving Falls Fish Facility adult fish trap
- 2008-116-00, 74692, Work Element H: 157 - Collect river velocity data in Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 74692, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct supplementary sediment facies videography in upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 1987-100-02, 74554, Work Element F: 157 - Collect stream temperature data on two sites in the upper Meacham Creek headwaters
- 1999-003-01, 56065 REL 20, Work Element C: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element M: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 2008-301-00, 75390, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Post Implmementation Monitoring in the Upper Deschutes
- 2008-306-00, 75692, Work Element C: 157 - Record PIT-tagged fish entering and leaving Deschutes River
- 2008-307-00, 75392, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake
- 2008-311-00, 76475, Work Element K: 157 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect and Upload Data at WSR, SC PIT arrays
- 1988-108-04, 66435, Work Element A: 159 - Support transfer of data into secure and accessible repositories
- 1988-108-04, 66435, Work Element B: 160 - Maintain StreamNet Data Store as a secure and accessible repository
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element M: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1993-060-00, 74150, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1990-005-00, 74247, Work Element M: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element G: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element H: 157 - Collect samples from BY16 HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element K: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured smolts
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead; install/maintain antennas; collect & store data, samples
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element M: 157 - Evaluate physiological/nutritional status of NOR/HOR steelhead
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element N: 157 - Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/quality
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element O: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element P: 157 - Capture adult HOR/NOR steelhead; release some above weir; retain some for integrated broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element Q: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element S: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element T: 157 - Determine multilocus, microsat. nuclear DNA genotypes for NOR/HOR adult/juvenile steelhead samples
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element U: 162 - Determine the relative reproductive success of NOR & HOR steelhead in Abernathy Creek above AFTC
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element X: 157 - Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin clips
- 2003-063-00, 74723, Work Element Y: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 1989-096-00, 46273 REL 131, Work Element D: 157 - Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection, Tier 2
- 1989-096-00, 46273 REL 131, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis and interpretation of genetic, phenotypic, ecological, life-history, and other data, Tier 2
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element L: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2007-402-00, 74770, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 74770, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes
- 2007-402-00, 74770, Work Element H: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 1998-014-00, 74485, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1998-014-00, 74485, Work Element E: 162 - Assess the role of the estuary and plume on salmon growth and survival
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 124, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 2008-906-00, 75034, Work Element M: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 125, Work Element V: 157 - Extract CWT from 2017 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 125, Work Element Z: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2016 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 125, Work Element AB: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 1998-014-00, 71054, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1998-014-00, 71054, Work Element E: 162 - Assess the role of the estuary and plume on salmon growth and survival
- 2012-015-00, 74753, Work Element F: 157 - Cowlitz Pre and Post Project Evaluation Wallooskee Youngs Project
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 123, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the Yakima and Mid and Upper Columbia subbasins
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 12, Work Element P: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG snorkel surveys for juv. Chinook & steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon
- 1992-061-03, 76685, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Project
- 1992-061-03, 76685, Work Element P: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habit
- 1988-065-00, 75805, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate Burbot early life history: field evaluations and graduate studies
- 1991-029-00, 75987, Work Element B: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2017/2018
- 1991-029-00, 75987, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2017 beach seining and tagging data
- 2003-039-00, 75168, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element B: 157 - Deschutes River (DR): 2015-2016 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element C: 162 - DR: Manage and summarize water temperature data (2015-2016) to characterize lamprey habitats
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element E: 157 - DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2016
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element F: 162 - DR: 2015 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element K: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Manage and summarize water temperature data (2015-2016)
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element L: 157 - FM: 2015 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element M: 162 - FM: 2015 Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element R: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element S: 157 - HR: Evaluate the use of video monitoring to monitor adult lamprey movement/escapement
- 2011-014-00, 70208, Work Element U: 162 - DR, FM, & HR: Analyze 2015 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and densities)
- 1993-056-00, 76269, Work Element B: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection through laboratory-scale research
- 1993-056-00, 76269, Work Element C: 157 - Reproductive success of returning adult S1 and S2 steelhead
- 2007-157-00, 70435, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R.
- 2007-157-00, 70435, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R.
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 133, Work Element B: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 133, Work Element C: 157 - Reproductive success of returning adult S1 and S2 steelhead
- 1991-019-03, 76959, Work Element I: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 1991-019-03, 76959, Work Element M: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1995-004-00, 77012, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 77012, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in MT portion of Kootenai Basin
- 1995-004-00, 77012, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate growth and survival of trout in the Kootenai River
- 1995-004-00, 77012, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection
- 1995-004-00, 77012, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze and interpret Libby Mitigation physical and biologic data
- 1994-042-00, 75015, Work Element P: 157 - Monitor past channel realignment and floodplain restoration work to refine future habitat designs
- 2008-007-00, 75718, Work Element F: 157 - Small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2001-032-00, 75767, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of redband trout captured in migrant trap
- 2008-904-00, 75977, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 135, Work Element G: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Snake R. hat. Sp. Chinook
- 1994-043-00, 76786, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct Lake Roosevelt Northern Pike Relative Abundance and Targeted Gillnetting (ALL)
- 1994-043-00, 76786, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 76786, Work Element N: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 76786, Work Element O: 162 - Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 76786, Work Element P: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 76786, Work Element Q: 162 - Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 76786, Work Element T: 157 - Conduct Fall Monitoring for Kokanee on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, EWU)
- 1994-043-00, 76786, Work Element U: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt Kokanee Monitoring Data Collected (EWU)
- 1994-043-00, 76786, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct Acoustic Telemetry Assessments in Lake Roosevelt (EWU)
- 2006-008-00, 76964, Work Element K: 157 - Bull trout survival in tributaries of the Flathead River system
- 2006-008-00, 76964, Work Element L: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River
- 2008-524-00, 75896, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 75896, Work Element E: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 75896, Work Element F: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 7, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 7, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 7, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 7, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 76302, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 76302, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 1995-027-00, 75980, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 75980, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 75980, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct adult white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 75980, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 75980, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 75980, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 1995-027-00, 75980, Work Element K: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Report Benthic macro-invertebrates
- 1991-019-03, 73409, Work Element F: 157 - Youngs and Sullivan creeks WCT collections for Sekokini Springs rearing facility
- 1991-019-03, 73409, Work Element G: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 1991-019-03, 73409, Work Element J: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element L: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2008-503-00, 72259, Work Element G: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2008-503-00, 72259, Work Element I: 157 - Acquire freshwater and ocean growth data from scale samples.
- 2008-306-00, 72243, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Movement Data from Deschutes River Mouth PIT Array
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element E: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element F: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 72349, Work Element G: 157 - Monitoring streams downstream of Willamette Falls for PIT tagged Pacific lamprey
- 1992-010-00, 77126, Work Element H: 157 - Treatment and control comparison in Diggie and Jimmy Drinks
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 133, Work Element J: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-030-00, 75719, Work Element F: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1989-096-00, 46273 REL 131, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis and interpretation of genetic, phenotypic, ecological, life-history, and other data, tier 3
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element B: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging (PSMFC)
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element J: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element K: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element N: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element Q: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element R: 157 - Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouche
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element S: 157 - Sampling of "Salvage" plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 2007-402-00, 76501, Work Element O: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 140, Work Element J: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2010-004-00, 69497, Work Element AR: 157 - NORTH UNIT Sauvie Phase III - Collect PRE & POST-Construction AEMR Level 3 data
- 1988-053-03, 77170, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 1988-053-03, 77170, Work Element N: 157 - Monitor Chinook and steelhead parr abundance in the West Fork Hood River
- 1988-053-03, 77170, Work Element O: 157 - Estimate capture efficiency of Moving Falls Fish Facility adult fish trap
- 2008-007-00, 77241, Work Element F: 157 - Small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element B: 157 - Deschutes River (DR): 2017-2018 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element C: 162 - DR: Manage and summarize water temperature data (2017-2018) to characterize lamprey habitats
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element E: 157 - DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2018
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element F: 162 - DR: 2017 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element G: 157 - DR: Collect data from dual reader PIT sites on CTWSRO reservation
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element J: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Manage and summarize water temperature data (2017-2018)
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element K: 157 - FM: 2018 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element L: 162 - FM: 2017 Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element R: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2011-014-00, 77177, Work Element T: 162 - DR, FM, & HR: Analyze 2017 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and densities)
- 2007-157-00, 77172, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 1999-003-01, 56065 REL 22, Work Element C: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 1993-056-00, 76845, Work Element B: 157 - Assemble and generate capture histories for lifecycle survival analysis of S1 and S2 steelhead
- 1988-108-04, 77051, Work Element A: 159 - Support transfer of data into secure and accessible repositories
- 2007-402-00, 76501, Work Element V: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 12, Work Element K: 157 - WDFW Adult Weir Monitoring: Sampling Adult Steelhead at Tucannon Fish Hatchery
- 1987-100-02, 74313 REL 7, Work Element F: 157 - Collect stream temperature data on two sites in the upper Meacham Creek headwaters
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 153, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the YN Ceded Lands
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 20, Work Element E: 157 - Roving or Voluntary Creel of Stocked Reservation Waters
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 26, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct sub-yearling (juvenile) monitoring (gill netting)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 26, Work Element F: 157 - Collect supplementary river velocity data in Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 26, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct supplementary sediment facies videography in upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 1994-043-00, 73335, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct Lake Roosevelt Northern Pike Relative Abundance and Targeted Gillnetting (ALL)
- 1994-043-00, 73335, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 73335, Work Element N: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 73335, Work Element O: 162 - Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 73335, Work Element P: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 73335, Work Element Q: 162 - Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 73335, Work Element T: 157 - Conduct Fall Monitoring for Kokanee on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, EWU)
- 1994-043-00, 73335, Work Element U: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt Kokanee Monitoring Data Collected (EWU)
- 1994-043-00, 73335, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct Acoustic Telemetry Assessments in Lake Roosevelt (EWU)
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element H: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG stream temperature data collection in the Clearwater & Salmon River drainages
- 2008-906-00, 77564, Work Element M: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1990-005-00, 74313 REL 13, Work Element M: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 146, Work Element H: 157 - Extract CWT from 2018 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 146, Work Element L: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2018 emergence timing, growth and distributio
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 146, Work Element N: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 140, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 22, Work Element R: 157 - ODFW Grande Ronde Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys
- 1993-060-00, 74314 REL 21, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 18, Work Element K: 157 - Monitor past channel realignment and floodplain restoration work to refine future habitat design
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 1, Work Element C: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological variables
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 1, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 1, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 1, Work Element I: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element K: 157 - Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler and Sanborn creeks
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element L: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2012-015-00, 78135, Work Element F: 157 - Cowlitz Pre and Post Project Evaluation Wallooskee Youngs Project
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element G: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element H: 157 - Collect samples from BY17 HOR steelhead smolts that will allow genetic change between NOR/HOR to be calculated
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead; maintain antennas; collect & store data, samples
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate physiological/nutritional status of NOR/HOR steelhead
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element L: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological measures
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element N: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 78003, Work Element O: 157 - Determine expression patterns for genes associated lipid metabolism in fish fed traditional and experimental diets
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element E: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing ( PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee, Osoyoos, and Okanagan Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element K: 157 - Acquire freshwater and ocean growth data from scale samples.
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG snorkel surveys for juv. Chinook & steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 45, Work Element K: 157 - All hatchery conservation smolts are currently released above the Tucannon FH adult trap. While not all adults will return to the upper basin, it is critical to accurately document the number of hatchery and
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 158, Work Element J: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG stream temperature data collection in the Clearwater & Salmon River drainages
- 1998-014-00, 76914 REL 1, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1998-014-00, 76914 REL 1, Work Element E: 162 - Assess the role of the estuary and plume on salmon growth and survival
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 24, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA
- 2008-301-00, 78649, Work Element K: 157 - Collect Post Implmementation Monitoring in the Upper Deschutes
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element K: 157 - Record and Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of WSR and SC
- 1994-043-00, 79712, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 79712, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 79712, Work Element N: 162 - Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 79712, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 79712, Work Element P: 162 - Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 79712, Work Element T: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt Kokanee Monitoring Data Collected
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element E: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee, Osoyoos, and Okanagan Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element K: 157 - Acquire freshwater and ocean growth data from scale samples.
- 1992-061-03, 80586, Work Element I: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data on Aquatic micro- and macro-invertebrates in the Clark Fork River delta
- 1988-065-00, 78985, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate Burbot early life history: field evaluations and graduate studies
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 4, Work Element I: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 4, Work Element M: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 4, Work Element P: 157 - Bull trout spawning habitat monitoring: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 4, Work Element Q: 162 - Bull trout spawning habitat monitoring: data analyses
- 2006-008-00, 76916 REL 3, Work Element K: 157 - Didymosphenia geminata monitoring in the Flathead system
- 2006-008-00, 76916 REL 3, Work Element L: 157 - Bull trout survival in tributaries of the Flathead River system
- 2006-008-00, 76916 REL 3, Work Element M: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 5, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 5, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in MT portion of Kootenai Basin
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 5, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 5, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze and interpret Libby Mitigation physical and biologic data
- 2007-402-00, 73152, Work Element N: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 73152, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 1994-042-00, 68237, Work Element O: 157 - Monitor past channel realignment and floodplain restoration work to refine future designs
- 1992-061-03, 69938, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Restoration Project
- 1992-061-03, 69938, Work Element P: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habitat
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 6, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 6, Work Element G: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 6, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 1995-027-00, 78941, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 78941, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 78941, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct adult white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 78941, Work Element I: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 78941, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 78941, Work Element K: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 1995-027-00, 78941, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Report Benthic macro-invertebrates
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element B: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging (PSMFC)
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element J: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element K: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element O: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element R: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element S: 157 - Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouche
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element T: 157 - Sampling of fry just prior to, and at, ponding "Salvage" plan program. Collection of thermally marked voucher fry if needed.
- 1995-063-25, 74314 REL 34, Work Element K: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 1991-029-00, 79163, Work Element C: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2018/2019
- 1991-029-00, 79162, Work Element B: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2018 beach seining and tagging data
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 42, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 42, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 42, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 42, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 6, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 6, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 6, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 6, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2007-402-00, 79593, Work Element O: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 79593, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 2002-031-00, CR-318292, Work Element H: 162 - COPY: Data compilation and analysis of Snake R. hat. Sp. Chinook
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 168, Work Element J: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 1988-053-03, 80512, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 1988-053-03, 80512, Work Element N: 157 - Monitor Chinook and steelhead parr abundance in the West Fork Hood River
- 1988-053-03, 80512, Work Element O: 157 - Estimate capture efficiency of Moving Falls Fish Facility adult fish trap
- 1991-029-00, 79371, Work Element C: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2018/2019
- 1991-029-00, 79371, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2018 beach seining and tagging data
- 2008-007-00, 80221, Work Element G: 157 - Small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1992-061-03, CR-322763, Work Element O: 157 - COPY: Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Project
- 1992-061-03, CR-322763, Work Element Q: 157 - COPY: Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habit
- 2007-157-00, 80597, Work Element K: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 1993-060-00, 74314 REL 55, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element C: 157 - Deschutes River (DR): 2018-2019 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element D: 162 - DR: Manage and summarize water temperature data (2018-2019) to characterize lamprey habitats
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element F: 157 - DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2019
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element G: 162 - 2019 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element H: 157 - DR: Collect data from dual reader PIT sites on CTWSRO reservation
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element L: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Manage and summarize water temperature data (2018-2019)
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element M: 157 - FM: 2019 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element O: 162 - FM: 2019 Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element V: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element AA: 162 - DR, FM, & HR: Analyze 2018 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and densities)
- 2011-014-00, 80595, Work Element AC: 162 - DR, FM & HR: Summarize data collected from PIT tag Arrays
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 182, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (with a subcontractor)
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 45, Work Element E: 157 - Roving or Voluntary Creel of Stocked Reservation Waters
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element H: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 48, Work Element Q: 157 - Monitor past channel realignment and floodplain restoration work to refine future habitat design
- 2002-032-00, CR-325141, Work Element D: 162 - COPY: Snake River Fall Chinook Otolith Micro-chemistry
- 2002-032-00, CR-325143, Work Element B: 157 - PIT tag subyearling fall Chinook salmon in the Clearwater River
- 2003-063-00, 81000, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead; maintain antennas; collect & store PIT tag data
- 2003-063-00, 81000, Work Element G: 157 - Capture and collect genetic samples from HOR/NOR steelhead; release NOR above weir
- 2003-063-00, 81000, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze/interpret data using additional information collected from returning steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG stream temperature data collection in the Clearwater & Salmon River drainages
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 50, Work Element R: 157 - ODFW Wallowa/Lostine Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 186, Work Element J: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1998-014-00, 76914 REL 3, Work Element E: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore ocean on salmon growth and survival
- 1991-029-00, 81781, Work Element E: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2019/2020
- 1991-029-00, 81781, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2019 beach seining and tagging data
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 175, Work Element H: 157 - Extract CWT from 2019 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 175, Work Element L: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2019 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 175, Work Element N: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element C: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological variables
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element K: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 158, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 2017-002-00, 81163, Work Element D: 162 - Develop Spatial Stream Network Assessment for Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead Density (FDAT)
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 61, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 14, Work Element J: 157 - Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler, Sanborn, and Quartz creeks
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 14, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2017-002-00, 81603, Work Element B: 162 - Continue development of FDAT and FDAT approach that complements existing requirements and tools used by BPA
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 14, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at Screw Traps
- 1995-027-00, 81914, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 81914, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 81914, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 81914, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 81914, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element H: 157 - Record and Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of WSR and SC
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 24, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 24, Work Element G: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 24, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2006-008-00, CR-330397, Work Element K: 157 - COPY: Didymosphenia geminata monitoring in the Flathead system
- 2006-008-00, CR-330397, Work Element L: 157 - COPY: Bull trout survival in tributaries of the Flathead River system
- 2006-008-00, CR-330397, Work Element M: 157 - COPY: Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 10, Work Element E: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 10, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor trend and status of bull trout populations in the tributaries to the Kootenai River.
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 11, Work Element G: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 11, Work Element K: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 11, Work Element N: 157 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 11, Work Element O: 162 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data analyses
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG snorkel surveys for juv. Chinook & steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon
- 2017-002-00, 81134, Work Element C: 162 - Continue development of FDAT and FDAT approach that complements existing requirements and tools used by BPA
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element E: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element I: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element L: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element M: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element O: 162 - Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element S: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element T: 157 - Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouche
- 1995-063-25, 74314 REL 67, Work Element K: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 55, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct supplementary sediment facies videography in upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 10, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in the Kootenai River
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 10, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in Libby Reservoir.
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 16, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 16, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 16, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 16, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 75, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 75, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 75, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 75, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 1991-029-00, 81781, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze origin of subyearlings consumed by smallmouth bass
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 11, Work Element P: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River system
- 1994-043-00, 82742, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 82742, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 82742, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 82742, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 82742, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 82742, Work Element P: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt Kokanee Monitoring Data Collected
- 2007-402-00, 82726, Work Element G: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 82726, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 2007-402-00, 82725, Work Element P: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from samples collected in Redfish Lake sport fishery creel.
- 2007-402-00, 82725, Work Element N: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 82725, Work Element O: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 1988-108-04, 78040 REL 17, Work Element B: 159 - Support transfer of data into secure and accessible repositories
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 72, Work Element E: 157 - Roving or Voluntary Creel of Stocked Reservation Waters
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element H: 162 - Report growth data on PIT tagged fish that have been recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate detection efficiencies of the PIT tag interrogation systems
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element C: 157 - Deschutes River (DR): 2019-2020 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element D: 162 - DR: Manage and summarize water temperature data (2019-2020) to characterize lamprey habitats
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element F: 157 - DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2020
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element G: 162 - 2019 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element H: 157 - DR: Collect data from dual reader PIT sites on CTWSRO reservation
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element K: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Manage and summarize water temperature data (2019-2020)
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element L: 157 - FM: 2020 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element N: 162 - FM: 2020 Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element T: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element Y: 162 - DR, FM, & HR: Analyze 2019 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and densities)
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 206, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (with a subcontractor)
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 198, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management
- 2007-157-00, 83183, Work Element I: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 1988-053-03, 83288, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 1988-053-03, 83288, Work Element N: 157 - Monitor Chinook and steelhead parr abundance in the West Fork Hood River
- 1988-053-03, 83288, Work Element O: 157 - Estimate capture efficiency of Moving Falls Fish Facility adult fish trap
- 1992-061-03, 83815, Work Element M: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data on Aquatic micro- and macro-invertebrates in the Clark Fork River delta
- 1999-003-01, CR-334755, Work Element C: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 1993-060-00, 74314 REL 87, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1991-029-00, 84776, Work Element C: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2020/2021
- 1991-029-00, 84776, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2020 beach seining and tagging data
- 1991-029-00, CR-334156, Work Element D: 162 - COPY: Snake River Fall Chinook Otolith Micro-chemistry
- 2003-063-00, 84082, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead; maintain antennas; collect & store PIT tag data
- 2003-063-00, 84082, Work Element G: 157 - Capture and collect genetic samples from HOR/NOR steelhead; release NOR above weir
- 2003-063-00, 84082, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze/interpret data using additional information collected from returning steelhead
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 20, Work Element C: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological variables
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 20, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 20, Work Element F: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 20, Work Element H: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and sockeye population estimates.
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 23, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA from Chinook Salmon at Screw Trap and Weir
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element AA: 157 - IDFG STREAM TEMPERATURE data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1999-003-01, 56065 REL 29, Work Element C: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 1998-014-00, 76914 REL 5, Work Element E: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore ocean on salmon growth and survival
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 207, Work Element I: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 203, Work Element AA: 157 - Extract CWT from 2020 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 203, Work Element AE: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2020 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 203, Work Element AF: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 6, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1994-043-00, 85863, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 85863, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 85863, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 85863, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 85863, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 85863, Work Element N: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt Kokanee Monitoring Data Collected
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 70, Work Element T: 157 - Monitor past channel realignment and floodplain restoration work to refine future habitat design
- 2001-028-00, CR-333474, Work Element J: 162 - COPY: Analyze Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Profiles
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 84, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct supplementary sediment facies mapping in upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 1995-027-00, 85144, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct White Sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 85144, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 85144, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 85144, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct White Sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 85144, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 97, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 43, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 43, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 43, Work Element G: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element I: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element L: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element M: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element O: 162 - Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element S: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element T: 157 - Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouche
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element X: 162 - Analysis to determine project origin adult returns
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element J: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element K: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2019-006-00, 85403, Work Element D: 159 - Compile metadata necessary (as possible) to generate abundance and density metrics.
- 2000-039-01, 74314 REL 100, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 107, Work Element J: 157 - Trap adult steelhead at the Tucannon Hatchery Trap
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 111, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 111, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 111, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 111, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 28, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 28, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 28, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 28, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 1995-063-25, 74314 REL 101, Work Element L: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 16, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor trend and status of bull trout populations.
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 16, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in the Kootenai River
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 16, Work Element I: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in Libby Reservoir.
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 15, Work Element F: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 15, Work Element I: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 15, Work Element L: 157 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 15, Work Element M: 162 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data analyses
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 15, Work Element N: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River system
- 2007-402-00, 85501, Work Element P: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from samples collected in Redfish Lake sport fishery creel.
- 2007-402-00, 85501, Work Element N: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 85501, Work Element O: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 2007-402-00, 85502, Work Element F: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon Redfish Lake sport fishery creel survey
- 2007-402-00, 85502, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 85502, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 2007-402-00, 85502, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 2002-070-00, 85245, Work Element F: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 2007-157-00, 86309, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element H: 157 - Record and Upload O. mykiss & Spring Chinook PIT tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of WSR and SC
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 229, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile lamprey surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (with a subcontractor) and other field / lab data
- 1998-019-00, 86416, Work Element H: 162 - Report Growth Data on PIT Tagged Fish that Have Been Recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 86416, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate Detection Efficiencies and Fish Passage at the PIT Tag Interrogation Systems
- 1988-053-03, 86268, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 1988-053-03, 86268, Work Element N: 157 - Monitor Chinook and steelhead parr abundance in the West Fork Hood River
- 1988-053-03, 86268, Work Element O: 157 - Estimate capture efficiency of Moving Falls Fish Facility adult fish trap
- 1993-060-00, 74314 REL 118, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1991-029-00, 87285, Work Element E: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2021/2022
- 1991-029-00, 87285, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2021 beach seining and tagging data
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 99, Work Element E: 157 - Roving or Voluntary Creel of Stocked Reservation Waters
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 223, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 47, Work Element F: 160 - Implement Best Management Practices That Improve Tribal Data Management
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 31, Work Element B: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological variables
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 31, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 31, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 31, Work Element G: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and sockeye population estimates.
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element B: 157 - Deschutes River (DR): 2020-2021 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element C: 162 - DR: Manage and summarize water temperature data (2020-2021) to characterize lamprey habitats
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element E: 157 - DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2021
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element F: 162 - 2020 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element G: 157 - DR: Collect data from dual reader PIT sites on CTWSRO reservation
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element J: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Manage and summarize water temperature data (2020-2021)
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element K: 157 - FM: 2020 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element M: 162 - FM: Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element W: 162 - DR, FM & HR: Analyze 2020 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and densities)
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 92, Work Element S: 157 - Habitat Monitoring - Monitor past channel realignment and floodplain restoration work to refine future habitat design
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 92, Work Element T: 157 - Habitat Monitoring - Monitor stream temperature and groundwater in the Trout Creek Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 228, Work Element AF: 157 - Extract CWT from 2021 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 228, Work Element AI: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2021 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 228, Work Element AJ: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 18, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 34, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA from Chinook Salmon at Screw Trap and Weir
- 1998-014-00, 76914 REL 7, Work Element E: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore ocean on salmon growth and survival
- 1995-063-25, 74314 REL 131, Work Element L: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 1995-027-00, 87423, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 87423, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 87423, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 237, Work Element I: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2020-001-00, 74314 REL 120, Work Element F: 162 - Input Habitat into GIS Database: Habitat Delineation
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 127, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA
- 1994-043-00, 88385, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 88385, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 88385, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 88385, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 88385, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 88385, Work Element N: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt Kokanee Monitoring Data Collected
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element J: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element K: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element Z: 157 - IDFG STREAM TEMPERATURE data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 140, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 140, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 140, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 74314 REL 140, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 38, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 38, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 38, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 38, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2007-402-00, 88217, Work Element F: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon Redfish Lake sport fishery creel survey
- 2007-402-00, 88217, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 88217, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 2007-402-00, 88217, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 2007-402-00, 88218, Work Element Q: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 88218, Work Element R: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 2007-402-00, 88218, Work Element S: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from samples collected in Redfish Lake sport fishery creel.
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 133, Work Element J: 157 - Trap adult steelhead at the Tucannon Hatchery Trap
- 2002-070-00, 87866, Work Element F: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 64, Work Element F: 160 - Implement Best Management Practices That Improve Tribal Data Management
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 125, Work Element E: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 60, Work Element C: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 60, Work Element F: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 60, Work Element H: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB, etc
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 18, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in the Kootenai River and tributaries
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 21, Work Element F: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 21, Work Element I: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 21, Work Element L: 157 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 21, Work Element M: 162 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data analyses
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 21, Work Element N: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River system
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element M: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element N: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element P: 162 - Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element R: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element T: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Beaver Creek and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element U: 157 - Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element Y: 162 - Analysis to determine project origin adult returns
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element H: 157 - Test deployment of DIDSON at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element I: 157 - Record and Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 1990-077-00, 78040 REL 26, Work Element O: 157 - Gas Bubble Trauma Monitoring of Native Non-Salmonids
- 1998-019-00, 89144, Work Element I: 162 - Report Growth Data on PIT Tagged Fish that Have Been Recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 89144, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate Detection Efficiencies and Fish Passage at the PIT Tag Interrogation Systems
- 2008-470-00, 56662 REL 253, Work Element C: 157 - Larval/Juvenile Lamprey Surveys in the YN Ceded Lands (with eDNA laboratory analyses) and Other Field / Lab Data
- 1991-029-00, 90045, Work Element E: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2022/2023
- 1991-029-00, 90045, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2022 beach seining and tagging data
- 2017-005-00, 88047, Work Element C: 157 - Conduct Field Data Collection Following Established Protocols
- 2007-157-00, 89226, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 1988-108-04, 78040 REL 41, Work Element G: 159 - Transfer of data to secure and accessible repositories
- 1988-108-04, 78040 REL 41, Work Element H: 160 - StreamNet maintaining and enhancing data management
- 1988-053-03, 88909, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 1988-053-03, 88909, Work Element M: 157 - Monitor Chinook and steelhead parr abundance in the West Fork Hood River
- 1988-053-03, 88909, Work Element N: 157 - Estimate capture efficiency of Moving Falls Fish Facility adult fish trap
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 41, Work Element B: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological variables
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 41, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 41, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 41, Work Element G: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and sockeye population estimates.
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element B: 157 - Deschutes River (DR): 2021-2022 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element C: 162 - DR: Manage and summarize water temperature data (2021-2022) to characterize lamprey habitats
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element E: 157 - DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2022
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element F: 162 - 2022 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element G: 157 - DR: Collect data from dual reader PIT sites on CTWSRO reservation
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element J: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Manage and summarize water temperature data (2021-2022)
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element K: 157 - FM: 2022 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element M: 162 - FM: Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element W: 162 - DR, FM & HR: Analyze 2021 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and densities)
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 131, Work Element E: 157 - Roving or Voluntary Creel of Stocked Reservation Waters
- 1993-060-00, 74314 REL 152, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 246, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2008-007-00, 88870, Work Element G: 157 - Revise and Update Methods for Breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1995-027-00, 89840, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 89840, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 89840, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 43, Work Element D: 157 - Collect DNA from Chinook Salmon at Screw Trap and Weir
- 2017-002-00, 90600, Work Element C: 162 - Expand the Spatial Stream Network Assessment for Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead Density using the FDAT program
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 31, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1992-010-00, 77111 REL 40, Work Element F: 157 - Collect data to assess habitat conditions and fish use at current and previous project sites
- 1992-010-00, 77111 REL 40, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze data to assess habitat conditions and fish use of current and previous project sites
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 251, Work Element AE: 157 - Extract CWT from 2022 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 251, Work Element AH: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2022 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 251, Work Element AI: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 2019-006-00, CR-351048, Work Element D: 159 - Compile metadata necessary (as possible) to generate abundance and density metrics.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element Y: 157 - IDFG Stream Temperature data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1994-043-00, 90695, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 90695, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 90695, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 90695, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 90695, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected (STOI)
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 254, Work Element I: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 158, Work Element E: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1989-024-01, 74313 REL 105, Work Element C: 157 - Birch Creek juvenile natural summer steelhead out-migrant trapping
- 1994-042-00, 74313 REL 109, Work Element Q: 157 - Habitat Monitoring - Monitor stream temperature and groundwater in the Trout Creek Basin
- 2003-039-00, 74314 REL 156, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element J: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 73, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 73, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 73, Work Element H: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB, etc
- 1992-010-00, 77111 REL 50, Work Element D: 157 - Collect data to assess habitat conditions and fish use at current and previous project sites
- 1992-010-00, 77111 REL 50, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze data to assess habitat conditions and fish use of current and previous project sites
- 2008-507-00, 73354 REL 81, Work Element F: 160 - Implement Best Practices to Improve Tribal Data Management using Database Systems
- 1995-063-25, 84042 REL 2, Work Element L: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element H: 157 - Record and Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 22, Work Element F: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 22, Work Element I: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 22, Work Element L: 157 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 22, Work Element M: 162 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data analyses
- 1991-019-03, 76916 REL 22, Work Element N: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River system
- 1995-004-00, 76916 REL 25, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor trend and status/action effectiveness of focal species in the Kootenai River and tributaries
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element M: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element N: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element S: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Beaver Creek and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element T: 157 - Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 2007-402-00, 90470, Work Element F: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon Redfish Lake sport fishery creel survey
- 2007-402-00, 90470, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 90470, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 2007-402-00, 90470, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 2007-402-00, 90471, Work Element P: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 90471, Work Element Q: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 2007-402-00, 90471, Work Element R: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from samples collected in Redfish Lake sport fishery creel.
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element I: 157 - Collect data on substrate available for shorespawning sockeye within Okanagan Lake and salmon redds in the area.
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 10, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 10, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 10, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 10, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 49, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 49, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 49, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 49, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 75, Work Element K: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 2017-005-00, 90199, Work Element D: 157 - Dewatering Air Temps - Summarize air and water temps across the region and conduct experiments
- 1998-019-00, 91309, Work Element I: 162 - Report Growth Data on PIT Tagged Fish that Have Been Recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 91309, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate Detection Efficiencies and Fish Passage at the PIT Tag Interrogation Systems
- 2007-157-00, CR-356663, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 1988-053-03, 91122, Work Element I: 157 - Update run forecast models and generate spring Chinook salmon preseason adult run size estimate for upcoming run year
- 2008-007-00, 91162, Work Element G: 157 - Revise and Update Methods for Breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 111, Work Element R: 157 - ODFW Wallowa/Lostine Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys
- 2010-050-00, 84042 REL 4, Work Element O: 162 - WDFW Steelhead Residualism Analysis in the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 84042 REL 4, Work Element N: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Residualism Surveys in the Tucannon River
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 13, Work Element H: 162 - Input Habitat into GIS Database: Habitat Delineation
- 1991-029-00, 92095, Work Element C: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2023/2024
- 1991-029-00, 92095, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2023 beach seining and tagging data
- 2017-002-00, 90600, Work Element D: 162 - Develop Spatial Stream Network Assessment for Bull Trout using the FDAT program
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 111, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze representative late summer parr for Chinook distribution in the Wallowa River watershed.
- 1993-060-00, 84042 REL 21, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 13, Work Element K: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 271, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element Y: 157 - IDFG Stream Temperature data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1995-027-00, 92128, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1995-027-00, 92128, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 92128, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 274, Work Element I: 157 - Extract CWT from 2023 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 274, Work Element H: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2023 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 274, Work Element G: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 2007-402-00, 91369, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 91369, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 2007-402-00, 91369, Work Element G: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and sockeye population estimates.
- 1989-024-01, 84041 REL 11, Work Element C: 157 - Birch Creek juvenile natural summer steelhead out-migrant trapping
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element C: 162 - DR: Manage and summarize water temperature data (2022-2023) to characterize lamprey habitats
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element E: 157 - DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2023
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element F: 162 - 2023 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element J: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Manage and summarize water temperature data (2022-2023)
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element K: 157 - FM: 2023 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element M: 162 - FM: Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element U: 162 - DR, FM & HR: Analyze 2022 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and densities)
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 280, Work Element I: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 155, Work Element E: 157 - Roving or Voluntary Creel of Stocked Reservation Waters
- 1992-026-04, 84041 REL 14, Work Element R: 157 - ODFW Wallowa/Lostine Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys
- 1992-026-04, 84041 REL 14, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze representative late summer Chinook parr distribution in the Wallowa River watershed.
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 43, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1994-042-00, 84041 REL 17, Work Element T: 157 - Habitat Monitoring - Monitor stream temperature and groundwater in the Trout Creek Basin
- 1985-038-00, 5097, Work Element A: 157 - Roving and voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters.
- 1996-043-00, 16450, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 2002-070-00, 21982, Work Element BK: 157 - Stream Assessment Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 1998-014-00, 23125, Work Element A: 157 - Nektonic Species Sampling - Plume and Coastal Oregon and Washington
- 1991-072-00, 22945, Work Element E: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Eval.
- 1995-004-00, 23760, Work Element O: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1994-043-00, 24144, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Fisheries and Limnology Studies on Lake Roosevelt.
- 1991-071-00, 26989, Work Element D: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological and biological variables
- 2005-002-00, 24333, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 25637, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 1990-005-00, 25172, Work Element N: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1985-038-00, 25491, Work Element D: 157 - Roving and voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters.
- 1996-040-00, 26799, Work Element O: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine emergence timing, growth and rearing distribution
- 1997-024-00, 26707, Work Element C: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary
- 2002-070-00, 26945, Work Element AE: 157 - Stream temperature data collected in the Lapwai Creek watershed.
- 2002-070-00, 26945, Work Element AF: 157 - Stream assessment data collection in the Lapwai Creek watershed.
- 1995-004-00, 28090, Work Element K: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1998-014-00, 27225, Work Element C: 157 - Nektonic species sampling-Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 2007-402-00, 28255, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Eval.
- 1994-043-00, 28591, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Fisheries and Limnology Studies on Lake Roosevelt.
- 1985-038-00, 30409, Work Element H: 157 - Roving and voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters.
- 1996-043-00, 30546, Work Element B: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 1996-040-00, 26799, Work Element AA: 157 - Extract CWT from snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 2007-402-00, 30651, Work Element D: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological and biological variables
- 1997-024-00, 31313, Work Element B: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary
- 1990-005-00, 29964, Work Element O: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 2005-002-00, 29545, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1997-004-00, 32169, Work Element C: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1996-040-00, 31633, Work Element I: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2007 emergence timing, growth and rearing distribut
- 1997-004-00, 31167, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the upper Spokane River
- 2002-070-00, 32840, Work Element B: 157 - Stream temperature data collection in the Lapwai Creek watershed
- 2002-070-00, 32840, Work Element C: 157 - Stream assessment data collection in the Lapwai Creek watershed
- 1990-077-00, 31848, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2007 Sport Reward Fishery on reductions in salmonid predation by pikeminnows
- 1998-014-00, 32386, Work Element E: 157 - Nektonic species sampling-Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 2007-402-00, 33644, Work Element J: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Evaluation.
- 1995-063-25, 35037, Work Element J: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-004-00, 36079, Work Element L: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1994-043-00, 33799, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Fisheries and Limnology Studies on Lake Roosevelt.
- 1998-014-00, 33937, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 1990-005-00, 35809, Work Element O: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 2002-002-00, 36935, Work Element K: 157 - Collect, Generate, Validate Data for River Restoration Design Alternatives (Wildland Hydrology)
- 2007-402-00, 35490, Work Element D: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 1985-038-00, 35782, Work Element H: 157 - Roving and voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters.
- 1996-040-00, 31633, Work Element T: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2007 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 31633, Work Element V: 157 - Extract CWT from 2007 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 31633, Work Element AI: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2008 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1997-004-00, 37022, Work Element C: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 37028, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the upper Spokane River.
- 2005-002-00, 35039, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1999-003-01, 26934 REL 11, Work Element B: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum and fall chinook spawning areas
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element C: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY08
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element D: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY09
- 1996-043-00, 35880, Work Element B: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 2007-156-00, 36535, Work Element A: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2007-402-00, 35490, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2002-070-00, 38238, Work Element V: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 1995-063-25, 37822, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1998-014-00, 36802, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic species sampling-Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 1990-077-00, 37442, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2008 Sport Reward Fishery on reductions in salmonid predation by pikem
- 2007-402-00, 37981, Work Element J: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Evaluation.
- 1994-043-00, 38572, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct Fisheries and Limnology Studies on Lake Roosevelt.
- 1995-004-00, 38967, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 38967, Work Element R: 157 - Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection
- 1991-019-03, 39198, Work Element H: 157 - Life histories of rainbow and westslope cutthroat trout in the Flathead River System
- 1999-003-01, 26934 REL 18, Work Element B: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 1998-014-00, 38533, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element AN: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2009 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element AP: 157 - Extract CWT from 2009 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element AT: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2009 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 2005-002-00, 39013, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1990-005-00, 39797, Work Element P: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 2002-002-00, 36935, Work Element AE: 157 - Develop Kootenai River Restoration Design Alternatives w/River Design Group
- 1997-004-00, 41077, Work Element D: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element N: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2008 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 38968, Work Element P: 157 - Extract CWT from 2008 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1985-038-00, 40847, Work Element J: 157 - Roving and voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters.
- 1996-043-00, 40388, Work Element B: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 2007-402-00, 40909, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 40909, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 1995-004-00, 43258, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 43258, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection
- 1994-047-00, 41509, Work Element D: 157 - Collect kokanee population data to evaluate predator reduction efforts
- 2007-156-00, 36535, Work Element T: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection (EXPANDED)
- 1991-019-03, 43221, Work Element I: 157 - Life histories of rainbow and westslope cutthroat trout; Flathead River data collection
- 1997-004-00, 41176, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the upper Spokane River.
- 1995-063-25, 42445, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2007-156-00, 43057, Work Element B: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2007-156-00, 43057, Work Element W: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection II
- 1995-063-25, 42445, Work Element AI: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2002-070-00, 42391, Work Element P: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 1990-077-00, 41717, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2009 Sport Reward Fishery on reductions in salmonid predation by pikem
- 1998-014-00, 43220, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic species sampling-Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 1995-063-35, 42481, Work Element AE: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys - Year 2
- 2008-007-00, 42527, Work Element H: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1994-043-00, 43471, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct Fisheries and Limnology Studies on Lake Roosevelt.
- 1998-014-00, 44022, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 7, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2007-402-00, 45080, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 45080, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 1988-064-00, 46821, Work Element L: 157 - Sturgeon Genotyping and Family Assignment Testing (UC Davis)
- 2008-007-00, 46819, Work Element H: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1985-038-00, 45253, Work Element K: 157 - Roving and voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters.
- 1999-003-01, 26934 REL 25, Work Element B: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 2005-002-00, 44314, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1997-004-00, 45869, Work Element D: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 46284, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1996-043-00, 45239, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 1990-005-00, 45078, Work Element P: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 2007-246-00, 26934 REL 29, Work Element D: 157 - Download and maintain stationary radio receiving stations
- 1996-040-00, 46617, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2008 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 46617, Work Element X: 157 - Extract CWT from 2010 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 46617, Work Element AE: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2010 emergence timing, growth and distributio
- 1994-043-00, 48768, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct Fisheries and Limnology Studies on Lake Roosevelt.
- 2002-002-00, 46032, Work Element T: 157 - Collect, Generate & Validate Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (USGS-MA, BK-Riverfish) -FY10
- 2002-002-00, 46032, Work Element W: 157 - Collect, Generate & Validate Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (USGS-MA, BK-Riverfish) -FY11
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 9, Work Element K: 157 - Columbia River hatchery precocious maturation monitoring
- 1998-014-00, 46273 REL 10, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic species sampling-Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 1998-014-00, 48809, Work Element C: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 2008-904-00, 47275, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 1994-047-00, 46612, Work Element N: 157 - Evaluate gill netting efforts to reduce lake trout abundance
- 1991-019-03, 48497, Work Element H: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1995-004-00, 48496, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 48496, Work Element R: 157 - Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element U: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY10
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element W: 157 - Collect data on double-crested and Brandt's cormorants - FY10
- 1990-077-00, 46941, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2010 Sport Reward Fishery on reductions in salmonid predation by pikeminnows
- 2002-070-00, 42391, Work Element AI: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 1997-004-00, 51363, Work Element G: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 51409, Work Element D: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 52091, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 2008-007-00, 52500, Work Element H: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1990-005-00, 50543, Work Element P: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1996-043-00, 50463, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 1988-053-03, 48828, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 1999-003-01, 26934 REL 32, Work Element C: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 2008-710-00, 50204, Work Element C: 157 - FFY11 -Sampling/marking for spawner population est., Col. R. and select WA tribs: I-205 to Bonnl
- 2008-710-00, 50204, Work Element Q: 157 - FFY11 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 50204, Work Element AA: 157 - FFY11 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries
- 2003-007-00, 49138, Work Element K: 157 - NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identification
- 2007-402-00, 50064, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 50064, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 2003-007-00, 49138, Work Element P: 157 - OHSU Primary and Secondary Production within the Salmonid Food Web
- 2003-007-00, 49230, Work Element F: 157 - Collection of Seasonal Abiotic Conditions and Assessment of Foodweb Resources
- 1985-038-00, 50923, Work Element N: 157 - Roving and voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters.
- 1989-096-00, 46273 REL 13, Work Element E: 157 - Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 16, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1993-060-00, 50978, Work Element B: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1998-019-00, 50481, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation system and assure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 51064, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain Wind River Gage--contract to River Measurements
- 1994-043-00, 53923, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Fisheries and Limnology Studies on Lake Roosevelt.
- 1995-063-25, 54321, Work Element O: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 54321, Work Element AK: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1996-040-00, 51817, Work Element W: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2011 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 51817, Work Element Y: 157 - Extract CWT from 2011 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 51817, Work Element AE: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2011 emergence timing, growth and distributio
- 1994-047-00, 52380, Work Element E: 157 - Evaluate gill netting efforts to reduce lake trout abundance
- 2008-470-00, 52042, Work Element D: 157 - Habitat and ammocoete surveys, Entiat, Wenatchee, Yakima and White Salmon rivers.
- 1995-063-35, 53312, Work Element D: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys - Year 1
- 2009-009-00, 53108, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook
- 2009-009-00, 53108, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 25, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 26, Work Element N: 157 - Columbia River hatchery precocious maturation monitoring
- 2008-904-00, 52547, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 1991-019-03, 53849, Work Element H: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1995-004-00, 53873, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 53873, Work Element M: 157 - Estimate growth and survival of trout in the Kootenai River
- 1995-004-00, 53873, Work Element P: 157 - Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection
- 1990-077-00, 52617, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2011 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2007-156-00, 54748, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element AE: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY11
- 1997-024-00, 36864, Work Element AG: 157 - Collect data on double-crested and Brandt's cormorants - FY11
- 1995-063-35, 53312, Work Element AA: 157 - Juvenile and resident salmonid population surveys - Year 2
- 2008-307-00, 52139, Work Element R: 157 - Collect Adult O. nerka At Pelton Trap To Compare SAR Rates Between Suttle Lake & Lake Billy Chinook
- 1998-014-00, 53808, Work Element C: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 1998-014-00, 46273 REL 27, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic species sampling-Plume and coastal Oregon and Washington
- 1998-019-00, 50481, Work Element I: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind/Stabler PIT tag interrogation system and assure data collection
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 26, Work Element C: 157 - Data Collection for Umatilla Fall Chinook Production Growth Experiment
- 2008-306-00, 52554, Work Element B: 157 - Determine The Feasibility Of PIT Tagging Juvenile Fall Chinook In The Deschutes River 2011
- 2002-070-00, 52837, Work Element F: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 2007-157-00, 55292, Work Element F: 162 - Determine Juvenile Relative Abundance & Habitat Use In Warm Springs River
- 2007-157-00, 55292, Work Element H: 162 - Determine Juvenile Relative Abundance & Habitat Use In Shitike Creek
- 2007-157-00, 55292, Work Element M: 157 - Use A Weir To Enumerate Adult Bull Trout Moving Into Spawning Areas In The Warm Springs
- 2007-404-00, 54961, Work Element G: 162 - Evaluate Rearing Protocols, Spawning, Genetic Relatedness and Experimental Treatments
- 1999-003-01, 26934 REL 36, Work Element C: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 2008-710-00, 50204, Work Element BG: 157 - FFY12 - Sampling/marking for spawner population est., Col. R. and select WA tribs: I-205 to Bonn
- 2008-710-00, 50204, Work Element CA: 157 - FFY12 - Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 50204, Work Element CG: 157 - FFY12 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River, Washougal and Lewis River H.
- 1988-053-03, 54191, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 2010-030-00, 54906, Work Element E: 162 - Generate abundance of life history types in pre selected locations
- 1993-060-00, 54831, Work Element B: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1990-005-00, 55246, Work Element P: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1989-098-00, 55671, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG Estimate Juvenile Production in ISS Study Streams and upper Marsh Creek population
- 1998-019-00, 55275, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 2007-402-00, 55108, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 55108, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 2007-402-00, 55108, Work Element F: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking.
- 1996-043-00, 55541, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 30, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze Hood River Spring Chinook smolt quality data
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 33, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 2008-307-00, 56745, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance Of O. nerka Outmigrants From Suttle Lake
- 2008-307-00, 56745, Work Element M: 157 - Estimate Abundance Of Adfluvial O. nerka From Lake Billy Chinook Entering Metolius River To Spawn
- 2008-307-00, 56745, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate Of O. nerka Spawners In Metolius River
- 2008-307-00, 56745, Work Element P: 157 - Collect Adult O. nerka At Pelton Trap To Compare SAR Rates Between Suttle Lake & Lake Billy Chinook
- 2011-014-00, 55237, Work Element C: 162 - DR: 2012 Generate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 55237, Work Element Q: 162 - FM: Generate 2011 lamprey escapement estimate at Seufert Falls
- 1991-073-00, 55703, Work Element F: 162 - Estimate Spring/Summer Chinook Smolt Production at Lower Granite Dam (2011 data)
- 1991-073-00, 55703, Work Element I: 162 - Describe Life-cycle Survival for Snake River Chinook Salmon (2011 data)
- 1991-073-00, 55703, Work Element P: 162 - Assign Ages to Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam (2012)
- 2002-002-00, 58178, Work Element G: 162 - Modeling & Data Analysis (BPA Element 162) (USGS-ID) - FY12
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured smolts
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element M: 157 - Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/quality
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element L: 157 - Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element O: 157 - Capture adult HOR/NOR steelhead; release some above weir; retain some for integrated broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element P: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element R: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element Z: 157 - Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin clips
- 2003-063-00, 55849, Work Element AA: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 1997-004-00, 56424, Work Element D: 162 - Calculate redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions.
- 1997-004-00, 55883, Work Element E: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 2010-050-00, 57970, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate productivity of summer steelhead in the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 57970, Work Element K: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AI: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2012 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AM: 157 - Extract CWT from 2012 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AX: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2012 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1983-350-03, 55488, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Genetic Samples from Spring and Fall Chinook Salmon
- 1997-004-00, 56424, Work Element A: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 2010-050-00, 57970, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys in the upper Tucannon River
- 1983-350-03, 55488, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures
- 1983-350-03, 55488, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures
- 2003-039-00, 56538, Work Element H: 162 - Project Oversight of Juvenile and Adult Sampling and Spawning Ecology
- 1992-026-04, 56105, Work Element H: 162 - Abundance and Migration of Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams During Migration Year 2012
- 1992-026-04, 56105, Work Element I: 162 - Survival and Relative Success of Juvenile Salmonids of the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Subbasins
- 1992-026-04, 56105, Work Element J: 162 - Egg to Migrant Survival Relative to the Stream Health and Life History Patterns of Chinook Salmon
- 1992-026-04, 56105, Work Element O: 162 - Steelhead and Chinook Salmon Parr Density and Distribution
- 2000-039-00, 56940, Work Element E: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AJ: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2013 brood in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AN: 157 - Extract CWT from 2013 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56337, Work Element AY: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2013 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 2008-007-00, 57297, Work Element H: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2008-524-00, 57070, Work Element F: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in juv. & adult Pac. lamprey in the Columbia R. basin (USGS)
- 1994-043-00, 58142, Work Element R: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1990-077-00, 56795, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2012 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 1995-027-00, 57415, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 57415, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of data for a Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Report
- 2008-503-00, 56277, Work Element F: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 56277, Work Element H: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 46, Work Element D: 157 - Data Collection for Umatilla Fall Chinook Production Growth Experiment (Continuing)
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 46, Work Element M: 162 - Data Analysis of precocious maturation rate of Yakima hatchery spring Chinook salmon (Continuing)
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 46, Work Element O: 162 - BY11 CHS and SOC Data Analysis for Columbia River Hat precocious maturation monitoring
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 44, Work Element B: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 1997-024-00, 56884, Work Element D: 157 - Collect data on double-crested and Brandt's cormorants - FY12
- 2008-503-00, 56277, Work Element J: 157 - Acquire freshwater and ocean growth data from scale samples.
- 2002-070-00, 57048, Work Element J: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 2008-524-00, 57070, Work Element E: 162 - Development of SNP genetic markers for Columbia River basin lamprey species (CRITFC)
- 2008-307-00, 56745, Work Element B: 162 - Analyze & Interpret Fall Hydroacoustic Data (Survey To Be Completed In Jan/Feb 2012)
- 1991-019-03, 58083, Work Element I: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1995-004-00, 58082, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 58082, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze and interpret Libby Mitigation physical and biologic data
- 1995-004-00, 58082, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate growth and survival of trout in the Kootenai River
- 1995-004-00, 58082, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2008-904-00, 57046, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 1995-004-00, 58082, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in MT portion of Kootenai Basin
- 2006-008-00, 57973, Work Element N: 157 - Bull trout survival in tributaries of the Flathead River system
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element L: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 57275, Work Element M: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2010-036-00, 57287, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 57287, Work Element I: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 57287, Work Element M: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 57563, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 57563, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 57563, Work Element L: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 5, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2001-032-00, 57528, Work Element L: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of redband trout captured in migrant traps
- 1991-029-00, 56968, Work Element D: 157 - Compile documentation and data for 1982-2002 adult run reconstruction
- 1991-029-00, 56968, Work Element L: 162 - Comparison of methods for estimating juvenile collection probability
- 2011-014-00, 58343, Work Element D: 162 - DR: 2012 Generate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 58343, Work Element E: 157 - DR: 2013 Field activities to generate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Sherars
- 2011-014-00, 58343, Work Element M: 157 - FM: 2013 Field activities to generate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing
- 2011-014-00, 58343, Work Element L: 162 - FM: 2012 Generate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element N: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element O: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element S: 162 - Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element T: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element W: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 59958, Work Element Y: 157 - Sampling of "Salvage" plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 1999-003-01, 56065 REL 5, Work Element C: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead emigration; collect & store biological/physiological/genetic data, samples
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured smolts
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element L: 157 - Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element M: 157 - Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/quality
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element N: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element O: 157 - Capture adult HOR/NOR steelhead; release some above weir; retain some for integrated broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element P: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element R: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element W: 157 - Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin clips
- 2003-063-00, 59842, Work Element X: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 1993-060-00, 59804, Work Element E: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1994-043-00, 58142, Work Element S: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 58142, Work Element Q: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 58142, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct Fall Fisheries Monitoring for Kokanee on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, EWU)
- 1994-043-00, 58142, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct Acoustic Telemetry Assessments in Lake Roosevelt (EWU)
- 2003-007-00, 59129, Work Element D: 157 - Collection of Seasonal Abiotic Conditions and Assessment of Foodweb Resources
- 2003-007-00, 59063, Work Element G: 157 - NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identification
- 2003-007-00, 59063, Work Element J: 157 - OHSU Primary and Secondary Production within the Salmonid Food Web
- 1991-019-01, 59727, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze monitoring data from fish planting and draw conclusions
- 2007-157-00, 58843, Work Element G: 162 - Determine Juvenile Relative Abundance & Habitat Use In WSR
- 2007-157-00, 58843, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance & Habitat Use In SC Through Night Snorkeling
- 2007-157-00, 58843, Work Element M: 157 - Use A Weir To Enumerate Adult Bull Trout Moving Into Spawning Areas In The WSR
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 50, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 2007-404-00, 60120, Work Element H: 162 - Evaluate Rearing Protocols, Spawning, Genetic Relatedness and Experimental Treatments
- 2007-403-00, 59694, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program
- 1988-053-03, 58192, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 1990-005-00, 60158, Work Element P: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1985-038-00, 59597, Work Element K: 157 - Roving and voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters.
- 1998-019-00, 59821, Work Element G: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 2011-014-00, 58343, Work Element C: 157 - DR: 2012-2013 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 58343, Work Element B: 162 - Deschutes River (DR): Summarize water temperature data (2008-12), compare to developmental stages
- 2011-014-00, 58343, Work Element J: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Summarize water temperature data (2008-12), compare to developmental stages
- 2011-014-00, 58343, Work Element W: 162 - DR, FM & HR: Analyze 2011-2012 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and abundance)
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 49, Work Element D: 157 - Hood River Spring Chinook Production Program Comparative smolt quality monitoring-BY 2011
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 49, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze Hood River Spring Chinook smolt quality data-3 year evaluation
- 1994-043-00, 58142, Work Element AB: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 2007-402-00, 60302, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 60302, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes.
- 2007-402-00, 60302, Work Element F: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking.
- 2010-030-00, 59895, Work Element F: 162 - Generate abundance of life history types in pre selected locations
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 49, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze Hood River Spring Chinook smolt quality data - BY 2011 production groups
- 1988-053-03, 58847, Work Element F: 162 - Assist with analysis of three year HRPP Spring Chinook comparative evaluation
- 1989-098-00, 59799, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG Estimate Juvenile Production in ISS Study Streams and upper Marsh Creek population
- 1991-073-00, 59833, Work Element F: 162 - Estimate Spring/Summer Chinook Smolt Production at Lower Granite Dam (2012 data)
- 1991-073-00, 59833, Work Element I: 162 - Describe Life-cycle Survival for Snake River Chinook Salmon (2012 data)
- 1991-073-00, 59833, Work Element P: 162 - Assign Ages to Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam (2013)
- 1989-096-00, 46273 REL 53, Work Element C: 157 - Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element F: 157 - Assist ODFW with Data Collection at the Lostine River Screw Trap
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Juvenile Hatchery Chinook Salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery
- 2008-307-00, 60587, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance Of O. nerka Outmigrants From Suttle Lake
- 2008-307-00, 60587, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate Of O. nerka Spawners In Metolius River
- 2008-307-00, 60587, Work Element O: 157 - Collect Adult O. nerka At Pelton Trap To Compare SAR Rates Between Suttle Lake & Lake Billy Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 60453, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 1983-350-03, 60243, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Genetic Samples from Spring and Fall Chinook Salmon
- 1983-350-03, 60243, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures
- 1983-350-03, 60243, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures
- 1997-004-00, 61260, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 61260, Work Element E: 162 - Calculate redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions.
- 1997-004-00, 60320, Work Element E: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1998-014-00, 59885, Work Element D: 162 - Assess the role of the plume on salmon growth and survival
- 2010-036-00, 59976, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 59976, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 59976, Work Element K: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 61015, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 61015, Work Element I: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 61015, Work Element L: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2000-039-00, 61347, Work Element E: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 22, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2003-039-00, 61576, Work Element H: 162 - Project Oversight of Juvenile and Adult Sampling and Spawning Ecology
- 1997-011-00, 55643, Work Element U: 162 - Extension - Analyze and report FY11 and FY12 status/trend monitoring data
- 2010-076-00, 46273 REL 59, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze and interpret radio telemetry and PIT tag detection data
- 1995-027-00, 61026, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 61026, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 61026, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 2008-524-00, 60877, Work Element B: 162 - Refinement of SNP genetic markers for Columbia River basin lamprey species (CRITFC)
- 2008-524-00, 60877, Work Element C: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in juv. & adult Pac. lamprey in the CRB (USGS)
- 1995-027-00, 61026, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 2001-032-00, 61127, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of redband trout captured in migrant trap
- 1991-029-00, 61379, Work Element D: 157 - Compile documentation and data for 1982-2002 adult run reconstruction
- 1991-029-00, 61379, Work Element L: 162 - Comparison of methods for estimating juvenile collection probability
- 2008-007-00, 60745, Work Element G: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2007-083-00, 60933, Work Element P: 157 - Spring Chinook spawning ground survey for biomonitoring plan
- 2008-503-00, 60524, Work Element G: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 60524, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2008-503-00, 60524, Work Element K: 157 - Acquire freshwater and ocean growth data from scale samples.
- 1992-026-04, 60987, Work Element H: 162 - Abundance and Migration of Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams During Migration Year 2013
- 1992-026-04, 60987, Work Element I: 162 - Survival and Relative Success of Juvenile Salmonids of the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Subbasins
- 1992-026-04, 60987, Work Element J: 162 - Egg to Migrant Survival Relative to the Stream Health and Life History Patterns of Chinook Sal
- 1992-026-04, 60987, Work Element O: 162 - Steelhead and Chinook Salmon Parr Density and Distribution
- 1994-043-00, 62338, Work Element Q: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 62338, Work Element R: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 62338, Work Element S: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 62338, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct Fall Fisheries Monitoring for Kokanee on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, EWU)
- 1994-043-00, 62338, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct Acoustic Telemetry Assessments in Lake Roosevelt (EWU)
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 67, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2008-306-00, 60569, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Movement Data From Deschutes River Mouth PIT Array
- 2002-070-00, 61265, Work Element P: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 32, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element F: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element G: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of Johnson Creek spring Chinook
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element I: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element J: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element M: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 61294, Work Element N: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 66, Work Element E: 157 - Data Collection for Umatilla Fall Chinook Production Growth Experiment (Continuing)
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 66, Work Element L: 162 - Data Analysis of precocious maturation rate of Yakima hatchery spring Chinook salmon (Continui
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 66, Work Element M: 162 - Data Analysis for Columbia River Hat precocious maturation monitoring
- 2008-904-00, 61314, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element C: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY13
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data on double-crested and Brandt's cormorants - FY13
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element F: 162 - Conduct analysis on double-crested and Brandt's cormorant data - FY13
- 2010-050-00, 61639, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 1995-027-00, 61026, Work Element K: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project adult and sub-yearling data
- 1995-027-00, 61026, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Report Benthic macro-invertebrate data
- 1990-077-00, 61037, Work Element L: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2013 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2007-402-00, 61898, Work Element I: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 61898, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 1988-053-03, 62363, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct basin-wide juvenile spring Chinook distribution surveys.
- 2011-014-00, 62952, Work Element B: 162 - Deschutes River (DR): Summarize water temperature data (2008-13) , compare to developmental stage
- 2011-014-00, 62952, Work Element C: 157 - DR: 2013-2014 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 62952, Work Element D: 162 - DR: 2013 Generate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 62952, Work Element E: 157 - DR: 2014 Field activities to generate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Sherars
- 2011-014-00, 62952, Work Element I: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Summarize water temperature data (2008-13), compare to developmental stages
- 2011-014-00, 62952, Work Element K: 162 - FM: 2013 Generate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 62952, Work Element L: 157 - FM: 2014 Field activities to generate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing
- 2011-014-00, 62952, Work Element R: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2011-014-00, 62952, Work Element S: 162 - DR, FM & HR: Analyze 2012-2013 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and abundance)
- 1991-019-01, 63483, Work Element C: 162 - Analyze monitoring data from fish planting and draw conclusions
- 2007-157-00, 63538, Work Element G: 162 - Determine Juvenile Relative Abundance & Habitat Use in WSR
- 2007-157-00, 63538, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance & Habitat Use in SC Through Night Snorkeling
- 2007-157-00, 63538, Work Element L: 157 - Use a Weir to Enumerate Adult Bull Trout Moving into Spawning Areas in the WSR
- 1985-038-00, 63529, Work Element Q: 157 - Roving and voluntary creel of all reservation stocked waters.
- 1989-098-00, 63724, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG Estimate Juvenile Production in ISS Study Streams and upper Marsh Creek population
- 1991-073-00, 63971, Work Element F: 162 - (2013 data) Estimate Spring/Summer Chinook Smolt Production at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 63971, Work Element H: 162 - (2013 data) Describe Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Escapement At Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 63971, Work Element I: 162 - (2013 data) Describe Life-cycle Survival for Snake River Chinook Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 63971, Work Element P: 162 - (2014) Assign Ages to Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam
- 1998-014-00, 62827, Work Element C: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1998-014-00, 62827, Work Element D: 162 - Assess the role of the estuary and plume on salmon growth and survival
- 1986-050-00, 63186, Work Element L: 157 - Collect tissue samples (gonad, plasma, urine, mucus, etc.) from adult white sturgeon
- 2010-030-00, 64137, Work Element E: 162 - Generate abundance of life history types in pre selected locations
- 2007-404-00, 63090, Work Element G: 162 - Evaluate Rearing Protocols, Spawning, Genetic Relatedness and Experimental Treatments
- 1998-019-00, 63276, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1988-053-03, 62363, Work Element N: 157 - Determine feasiblity of estimating o.mykiss and chinook parr.
- 2007-403-00, 62939, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook Salmon captive rearing program
- 1999-003-01, 56065 REL 8, Work Element C: 157 - Collect temperature and water surface elevation data in chum spawning areas
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass taggin
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element N: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element O: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element S: 162 - Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element T: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element W: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 63377, Work Element Y: 157 - Sampling of "Salvage" plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 2005-002-00, 46273 REL 70, Work Element C: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1992-061-03, 62561, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data for Wildlife Habitat Reference Sites - EWU
- 1993-060-00, 63220, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 2003-007-00, 62998, Work Element D: 157 - Collection of Seasonal Abiotic Conditions and Assessment of Foodweb Resources
- 2003-007-00, 62931, Work Element G: 157 - NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identification
- 2003-007-00, 62931, Work Element J: 157 - OHSU Primary and Secondary Production within the Salmonid Food Web
- 2005-002-00, CR-262756, Work Element C: 157 - COPY: Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 72, Work Element D: 157 - Hood River Spring Chinook Production Program Comparative smolt quality monitoring-BY 2012
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 72, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze Hood River Spring Chinook smolt quality data-3 year evaluation - Part 2
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 72, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze Hood River Spring Chinook smolt quality data - BY 2012 production groups
- 1988-053-03, 62859, Work Element F: 162 - Assist with analysis of three year HRPP Spring Chinook comparative evaluation
- 1990-005-00, 63517, Work Element M: 157 - Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries
- 1996-043-00, 63431, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Johnson Creek Adult Escapement and Estimate Adult Production
- 2012-013-00, 62614, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor movement of Adult fall Chinook salmon in the Snake, Clearwater and Grande Ronde Rivers
- 2012-013-00, 62614, Work Element E: 162 - Evaluate fidelity and fall back of fall Chinook tagged at LGD
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Juvenile Hatchery Chinook Salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery
- 1983-350-03, 63430, Work Element K: 157 - Collect Genetic Samples from Spring and Fall Chinook Salmon
- 1983-350-03, 63430, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures
- 1983-350-03, 63430, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon: Performance Measures
- 2012-013-00, 62666, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor movement of Adult fall Chinook salmon in the Snake, Clearwater and Grande Ronde Rivers
- 2012-013-00, 62666, Work Element E: 162 - Evaluate fidelity and fall back of fall Chinook tagged at LGD
- 2007-402-00, 63451, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 63451, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in three Sawtooth Valley lakes
- 2007-402-00, 63451, Work Element F: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 2007-083-00, 64017, Work Element Q: 157 - Spring Chinook spawning ground survey for biomonitoring plan
- 2002-002-00, 63775, Work Element Z: 157 - Collect Data on Effects--Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Side Channel Structure (Quist)
- 2002-002-00, 63775, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze Data on Effects--Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Side Channel Structure (Quist)
- 2008-306-00, 64733, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Movement Data from Deschutes River Mouth PIT Array
- 2008-307-00, 64275, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrants from Suttle Lake
- 2008-307-00, 64275, Work Element J: 157 - Collect PIT Tag Data from Antenna Arrays in Lake Creek & Suttle Lake
- 2008-307-00, 64275, Work Element L: 157 - Estimate Abundance of Adfluvial O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Entering Metolius River to Spawn
- 2008-307-00, 64275, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-307-00, 64275, Work Element O: 157 - Collect Adult O. nerka at Pelton Trap to Compare SAR Rates between Suttle Lake & Lake Billy Chinook
- 2008-311-00, 64276, Work Element K: 157 - O. mykiss & Spring Chinook: Collect Data at Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Full Duplex Arrays
- 2008-908-00, 63690, Work Element C: 162 - Accumulate and process existing data to assess passage mortality an potential causes
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 43, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2014 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 43, Work Element X: 157 - Extract CWT from 2014 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 43, Work Element AD: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2014 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1997-004-00, 64060, Work Element I: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 64924, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 64924, Work Element E: 162 - Calculate redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions.
- 2000-039-00, 64891, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element F: 157 - Collect data about an integrated steelhead broodstock reared from fertilization to release
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element G: 157 - Collect samples from HOR steelhead smolts; determine multi-locus DNA genotypes for HOR & NOR s
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate genetic change for an integrated steelhead broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate NOR/HOR steelhead emigration and production using information from marked/recaptured
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element K: 157 - Monitor NOR/HOR steelhead emigration; collect & store biological/physiological/genetic data, s
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element M: 157 - Evaluate physiological status for juvenile NOR/HOR steelhead to evaluate readiness to emigrate
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element N: 157 - Collect tissues from adult female steelhead/their offspring; evaluate offspring condition/qual
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element O: 162 - Perform statistical comparisons between NOR/HOR steelhead smolts for physiological parameters
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element P: 157 - Capture adult HOR/NOR steelhead; release some above weir; retain some for integrated broodstoc
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element Q: 162 - Calculate smolt-adult return rate for the integrated conservation hatchery steelhead broodstoc
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element S: 157 - Collect biological data, genetic samples from all HOR/NOR steelhead used for broodstock
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element T: 157 - Determine multilocus, microsat. nuclear DNA genotypes for NOR/HOR adult/juvenile steelhead sam
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element U: 162 - Determine the relative reproductive success of NOR and HOR steelhead in Abernathy Creek above
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element X: 157 - Collect tag, sex, weight, and length data from migrating adult steelhead; sample scales/fin cl
- 2003-063-00, 64022, Work Element Y: 162 - Compare number of adult steelhead to redds; determine demographic information for steelhead
- 2010-036-00, 64528, Work Element H: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 64528, Work Element I: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 64528, Work Element L: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 64046, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 64046, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover CWTs In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 64046, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 1992-026-04, 64286, Work Element F: 162 - Abundance and Migration of Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams During Migration Year 2014
- 1992-026-04, 64286, Work Element G: 162 - Survival and Relative Success of Juvenile Salmonids of the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Subbasins
- 1992-026-04, 64286, Work Element H: 162 - Egg to Migrant Survival Relative to the Stream Health and Life History Patterns of Chinook Salmon
- 1992-026-04, 64286, Work Element M: 162 - Steelhead and Chinook Salmon Parr Density and Distribution
- 1989-096-00, 46273 REL 75, Work Element C: 157 - Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection
- 2008-503-00, 64654, Work Element G: 162 - Sockeye migration mortality and timing (based on acoustic tag and PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 64654, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake hydroacoustic data and estimate Wenatchee smolt capacity
- 2008-503-00, 64654, Work Element K: 157 - Acquire freshwater and ocean growth data from scale samples.
- 2010-076-00, 46273 REL 78, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze and interpret radio telemetry and PIT tag detection data
- 1991-029-00, 65396, Work Element B: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2014/2015
- 1991-029-00, 65396, Work Element H: 162 - Write Part III of the Retrospective focusing on the years 1975-1991
- 1991-029-00, 65396, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2014 beach seining and tagging data
- 2001-032-00, 64877, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping and PIT tagging of redband trout captured in migrant trap
- 2007-402-00, 65733, Work Element M: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 65733, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 2008-007-00, 64569, Work Element G: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1992-061-03, 66672, Work Element P: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habitats
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 68, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2008-524-00, 65093, Work Element B: 162 - Genetic monitoring using SNP genetic markers for Columbia River basin lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 65093, Work Element C: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB
- 2008-524-00, 65093, Work Element E: 157 - Determining the presence/absence of Pacific lamprey in the Snake River Basin
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 87, Work Element B: 157 - Improve survival and reduce fitness loss of steelhead smolts
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 87, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2002-002-00, 63775, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze, Interpret, and Report on Data and Results of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon Studies (BK Riverfish)
- 1995-027-00, 65088, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 65088, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon adult monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 65088, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct white sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 65088, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 65088, Work Element I: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Report Benthic macro-invertebrate d
- 1995-027-00, 65088, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 1990-077-00, 64365, Work Element J: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2013 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2008-904-00, 64523, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element Q: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element S: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element W: 157 - Conduct Fall Fisheries Monitoring for Kokanee on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, EWU)
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element Y: 157 - Conduct Acoustic Telemetry Assessments in Lake Roosevelt (EWU)
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 86, Work Element D: 157 - Data Collection for Umatilla Fall Chinook Production Growth Experiment (Continuing)
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 86, Work Element I: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Snake R. hat. Sp. Chinook + Common Garden Expt. #7 (New)
- 2002-031-00, 65316, Work Element D: 157 - Assess minijack rates of BY 2013 Snake River hatchery spring Chinook salmon (New)
- 2006-008-00, 65705, Work Element L: 157 - Bull trout survival in tributaries of the Flathead River system
- 1995-004-00, 65704, Work Element C: 157 - Monitor and Evaluate Mitigation Projects for Effectiveness.
- 1995-004-00, 65704, Work Element D: 157 - Monitor trend and status of focal species in MT portion of Kootenai Basin
- 1995-004-00, 65704, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate growth and survival of trout in the Kootenai River
- 1995-004-00, 65704, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Fish Sampling in the Kootenai River (Yaak Section): Data Collection
- 1995-004-00, 65704, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze and interpret Libby Mitigation physical and biologic data
- 1997-004-00, 64060, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 87, Work Element D: 157 - Reproductive success of returning adult S1 and S2 steelhead
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 57, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 1997-004-00, 64924, Work Element P: 162 - Calculate density estimates of fish species in Big Sheep Creek
- 1991-019-03, 65609, Work Element F: 157 - Youngs Creek WCT collections for Sekokini Springs rearing facility
- 1991-019-03, 65609, Work Element H: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 65609, Work Element L: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 2010-050-00, 65752, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 1994-042-00, 64453, Work Element P: 157 - Monitor past restoration work to refine designs of future restoration actions
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element K: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY14
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element M: 157 - Collect data on double-crested and Brandt's cormorants - FY14
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element N: 162 - Conduct analysis on double-crested and Brandt's cormorant data - FY14
- 2008-503-00, 64654, Work Element Q: 162 - Preliminary analysis of Wenatchee and Osoyoos paleolimnological cores
- 2006-008-00, 65705, Work Element O: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element L: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 65188, Work Element M: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2008-524-00, 65093, Work Element G: 157 - Monitoring streams downstream of Willamette Falls for PIT tagged Pacific lamprey
- 1995-027-00, 65088, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Sub-Yearling Data
- 1992-010-00, 66366, Work Element G: 157 - Treatment and control comparison in Diggie and Jimmy Drinks
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element N: 162 - Analysis of Hydroacoustic/Gill Netting Data Collected for Annual Reports.
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element R: 162 - Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected for Annual Reports.
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element T: 162 - Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected for Annual Reports.
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element X: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt Kokanee Monitoring Data Collected for Annual Reports.
- 1994-043-00, 65961, Work Element Z: 162 - Analysis of Acoustic Telemetry Assessments for Annual Reports.
- 2003-007-00, 66764, Work Element F: 157 - NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identification
- 2003-007-00, 66764, Work Element H: 157 - OHSU Primary and Secondary Production within the Salmonid Food Web
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element I: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element K: 157 - Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1998-019-00, 66668, Work Element J: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1991-073-00, 67977, Work Element W: 162 - Estimate Chinook Smolt Production at Lower Granite Dam (2014 data)
- 1991-073-00, 67977, Work Element V: 162 - Estimate Adult Chinook Escapement At Lower Granite Dam (2014 data)
- 1991-073-00, 67977, Work Element X: 162 - Describe Life-cycle Survival for Snake River Chinook Salmon (2014 data)
- 1991-073-00, 67977, Work Element U: 162 - Assign Ages to Adult Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam (2014 data)
- 1997-004-00, 68434, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 68434, Work Element E: 162 - Calculate redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions.
- 1997-004-00, 68434, Work Element P: 162 - Calculate density estimates of fish species in Big Sheep Creek
- 1997-004-00, 68052, Work Element J: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 74, Work Element V: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2015 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2012-015-00, 67636, Work Element G: 157 - Cowlitz Pre and Post Project Evaluation Wallooskee Youngs Project
- 2000-039-00, 68603, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1990-077-00, 68321, Work Element J: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2015 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2010-036-00, 69257, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element P: 162 - Preliminary analysis of Wenatchee and Osoyoos paleolimnological cores
- 2000-039-00, 68666, Work Element H: 157 - Spring Chinook Spawner / Carcass Surveys for run reconstruction estimates
- 2000-039-00, 68666, Work Element I: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, & migration
- 2002-070-00, 68701, Work Element J: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 85, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 85, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 86, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2010-050-00, 69542, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element Q: 157 - Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-503-00, 68572, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze Didson to estimate spatial distribution of sockeye passing under Highway 3 bridge in Osoyoo
- 2009-009-00, 69191, Work Element K: 162 - PO#4 - Analyze data for an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack rate
- 1997-024-00, 60846, Work Element S: 157 - Collect data on Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary - FY15
- 2008-471-00, 56662 REL 55, Work Element J: 157 - mod.1 Sample and collect field data Spring/Summer 2015
- 1997-004-00, 71839, Work Element K: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 71857, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 71857, Work Element F: 162 - Calculate redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions (Spokane River).
- 2010-030-00, 70353, Work Element F: 162 - Generate abundance of life history types in pre selected locations
- 2007-157-00, 70435, Work Element G: 157 - Water Temperature Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element I: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element J: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 70963, Work Element K: 157 - Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems
- 2007-157-00, 70435, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Juvenile Bull Trout Counts in Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2012-013-00, 70703, Work Element B: 162 - Work with the NPT to evaluate fidelity and fall back of fall Chinook tagged in 2015
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 93, Work Element U: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2016 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2003-007-00, 70380, Work Element Q: 162 - EMP and AEMR: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis
- 2003-007-00, 70380, Work Element K: 162 - EMP: NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identification
- 2009-009-00, 72525, Work Element O: 162 - PO#4 - Analyze data for an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack rate
- 1991-073-00, 71488, Work Element U: 162 - Assign Ages to Adult Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam (2015 data)
- 1991-073-00, 71488, Work Element V: 162 - Estimate Adult Chinook Escapement At Lower Granite Dam (2015 data)
- 1991-073-00, 71488, Work Element W: 162 - Estimate Chinook Smolt Production at Lower Granite Dam (2015 data)
- 1991-073-00, 71488, Work Element X: 162 - Describe Life-cycle Survival for Snake River Chinook Salmon (2015 data)
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 108, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 108, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2008-116-00, 70837, Work Element H: 162 - Produce sediment facies map of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2000-039-00, 71852, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2000-039-00, 72135, Work Element H: 157 - Spring Chinook Spawner / Carcass Surveys for run reconstruction estimates
- 2000-039-00, 72135, Work Element I: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, & migration
- 1990-077-00, 71866, Work Element J: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2016 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 1991-029-00, 72899, Work Element H: 162 - Complete Part IV of the Retrospective focusing on the years 1991-2015
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 106, Work Element S: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 112, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 112, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 2002-070-00, 72618, Work Element J: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 2008-503-00, 72259, Work Element O: 157 - Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salm
- 2008-503-00, 72259, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze Didson to estimate spatial distribution of sockeye passing under the Osoyoos Lake bridge
- 2010-050-00, 72775, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 2010-036-00, 72994, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-031-00, 73195, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 118, Work Element H: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Common Garden Growth Modulation Experiment
- 1997-004-00, 75397, Work Element N: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 74970, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74970, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate Redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions (Spokane River)
- 2007-157-00, 73814, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Juvenile Bull Trout Counts in Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 73814, Work Element H: 157 - Water Temperature Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 2008-116-00, 74692, Work Element K: 162 - Refine sediment facies map of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2003-007-00, 73977, Work Element L: 162 - EMP: NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identification
- 2003-007-00, 73977, Work Element Q: 162 - EMP and AEMR: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis
- 2008-311-00, 73078, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Adult Returns and Spawning Escapement
- 2008-311-00, 73078, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration
- 2008-307-00, 75392, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze & Interpret Marked and Radio-Tagged O. nerka Outmigrant Data
- 2008-307-00, 75392, Work Element L: 157 - Estimate Abundance of Adfluvial O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Entering Metolius River to Spawn
- 2008-307-00, 75392, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-311-00, 76475, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data
- 2008-311-00, 76475, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Adult Returns and Spawning Escapement
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element H: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element I: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element J: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 73884, Work Element K: 157 - Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems
- 2012-013-00, 74297, Work Element I: 162 - Work with the NPT to evaluate fidelity and fall back of fall Chinook
- 2010-057-00, 74546, Work Element M: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Snake River B-Run Steelhead SFCWR
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 122, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study -BY2015
- 2009-009-00, 76019, Work Element O: 162 - PO#4 - Analyze data for an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack rate
- 2010-031-00, 76552, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 125, Work Element T: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2017 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 4, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 4, Work Element R: 157 - Juvenile salmonid presence, absence, density, & distribution surveys
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, LC & NC
- 1996-043-00, 74742, Work Element C: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74742, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element O: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1998-007-02, 74668, Work Element S: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine River
- 2010-032-00, 74659, Work Element L: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2010-032-00, 74659, Work Element K: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1983-350-03, 75398, Work Element Q: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1997-015-01, 74666, Work Element H: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element R: 162 - Life Cycle Modeling (Priorities 2.1.1-2.2.1, 2.3.1-2.3.3, and 5.3)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element S: 162 - Quantitative framework to estimate effect size of restoration actions (priorities 3.1-3.3)
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 12, Work Element O: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element V: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile steelhead distribution & density analyses
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element R: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon distribution & density analyses from snorkel surveys
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element P: 162 - IDFG wild adult Chinook Salmon escapement at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon emigration at Lower Granite Dam
- 1997-019-00, 74623, Work Element F: 157 - Baseline data collection for interagency rotenone treatments in the Upper Malheur River
- 1991-029-00, 75987, Work Element H: 162 - Complete Part IV of the Retrospective focusing on the years 1991-2015
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element T: 162 - Quantile Regression Forest development, improvement, and validation (Priority 3.5)
- 1992-026-04, 75001, Work Element L: 162 - ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
- 2000-039-00, 75381, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 14, Work Element H: 157 - Spring Chinook Spawner / Carcass Surveys for run reconstruction estimates
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 14, Work Element I: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, & migration
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 7, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 1990-077-00, 75527, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2017 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2002-053-00, 75614, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element Q: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon abundance, survival, & productivity analyses from RSTs
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 134, Work Element T: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2002-070-00, 75932, Work Element F: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element L: 157 - Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 135, Work Element H: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Common Garden Growth Modulation Experiment
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 136, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 136, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 135, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 135, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2010-036-00, 76302, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2008-503-00, 75801, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 2000-039-00, 75381, Work Element T: 157 - PIT detection site operation and maintenance in Touchet River basin
- 2008-311-00, 76475, Work Element R: 157 - Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult spring Chinook
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 15, Work Element F: 157 - Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods tributary
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 15, Work Element G: 162 - Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods tributary analysis
- 2003-007-00, 77318, Work Element K: 162 - EMP: NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identificat
- 2003-007-00, 77318, Work Element P: 162 - EMP and AEMR: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis
- 2007-157-00, 77172, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Juvenile Bull Trout Counts in Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 77172, Work Element H: 157 - Water Temperature Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 2007-157-00, 77172, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R.
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 26, Work Element H: 162 - Refine sediment facies map of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 163, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct adult and juvenile steelhead PIT tag monitoring
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 163, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys (redd counts) and scale collection
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element C: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element D: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 77688, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 139, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study -BY2016
- 2010-032-00, 74017 REL 5, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2010-032-00, 74017 REL 5, Work Element K: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2010-032-00, 74017 REL 5, Work Element L: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 146, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2018 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 14, Work Element M: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Snake River B-Run Steelhead SFCWR
- 2017-002-00, 77246, Work Element D: 162 - Develop Spatial Stream Network Assessment for Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead Density in Pilot Basin
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 22, Work Element L: 162 - ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
- 1997-019-00, 77990, Work Element D: 157 - Baseline data collection for interagency rotenone treatments in the Upper Malheur River
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 6, Work Element C: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 6, Work Element H: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 2002-070-00, 79145, Work Element G: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 2017-002-00, 77234, Work Element E: 162 - Develop Spatial Stream Network Assessment for Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead Density in Pilot Basin
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element M: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element N: 162 - Analysis of westslope cutthroat trout radiotelemetry data
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 10, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 10, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 26, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 26, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate Redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions (Spokane Riv
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 8, Work Element R: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine Rive
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon emigration at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element P: 162 - IDFG wild adult Chinook Salmon escapement at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element R: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon abundance, survival, & productivity analyses from RSTs
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element Q: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon distribution & density analyses from snorkel surveys
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 45, Work Element J: 157 - A portion of the contract funding for this project will cover costs associated with the operation/maintenance of the Tucannon River PIT tag arrays (Four Total Arrays). Debris floating down the river during hi
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 45, Work Element O: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 31, Work Element F: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 29, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 166, Work Element H: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element T: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile steelhead distribution & density analyses
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 31, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 31, Work Element O: 157 - Juvenile salmonid presence, absence, density, & distribution surveys
- 1991-029-00, 79162, Work Element A: 162 - Complete Part IV of the Retrospective focusing on the years 1991-2015
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 160, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 160, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 38, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 29, Work Element P: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of reintroduced salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element L: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 5, Work Element O: 162 - PO#4 - Analyze data for an effect of parent age on progeny size and minijack rate
- 2010-031-00, 79587, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, LC & NC
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 16, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 162, Work Element T: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2003-022-00, 73548 REL 23, Work Element D: 157 - Enumerate adult returns to the Okanogan River basin
- 2008-307-00, 78650, Work Element D: 162 - Lake Billy Chinook - Analyze & Interpret Hydroacoustic Data
- 2008-307-00, 78650, Work Element O: 157 - Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries
- 2008-307-00, 78650, Work Element P: 162 - Metolius River - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 1, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 45, Work Element H: 157 - Spring Chinook Spawner / Carcass Surveys for run reconstruction estimates
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 45, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2008-306-00, 78992, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element C: 157 - Estimate outmigrant O. mykiss & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Subbasin
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element Q: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element R: 157 - Conduct Spring Chinook Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Spawning Escapement and Redd Count Data
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element L: 157 - Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AB: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AD: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element K: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element L: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek using electroshocking
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 78986, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 2000-039-00, 74314 REL 32, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1993-056-00, 76910 REL 2, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 149, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 153, Work Element C: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Snake R. Hatchery spring Chinook salmon
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 153, Work Element G: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Common Garden Growth Modulation Experiment
- 1994-049-00, 76826 REL 7, Work Element J: 162 - Statistical Analyses of Trophic & Water Chemistry Data
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 29, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct Spring Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan Tributaries
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 29, Work Element M: 157 - Monitor Natural Juvenile Spring Chinook Productivity
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 3, Work Element P: 157 - Collect data on substrate available for spawning in the Penticton Channel and sockeye salmon redds in the area.
- 2008-308-00, 78862, Work Element L: 162 - Characterization of a maturity trait using adaptive genetic markers at Willamette Falls
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 37, Work Element F: 157 - Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods Lake tributary
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 37, Work Element G: 162 - Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods Lake tributary analysis
- 2018-002-00, 77087, Work Element L: 162 - Produce 2016 and 2017 spring/summer Chinook salmon escapement estimates.
- 1990-077-00, 78040 REL 3, Work Element J: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2018 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 149, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element Y: 157 - Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 1, Work Element AC: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds
- 2002-031-00, CR-318292, Work Element I: 162 - COPY: Data compilation and analysis of Common Garden Growth Modulation Experiment
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element W: 157 - Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult spring Chinook
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 49, Work Element N: 157 - Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 14, Work Element AM: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring at the Upper Skamokawa Channel
- 1984-025-00, 74313 REL 29, Work Element L: 157 - Collect Stream Temperature Data on Two Sites in Upper Meacham Creek Headwaters
- 2008-311-00, 79664, Work Element M: 162 - Manage data from arrays in Warm Springs River and Mill Creek and summarize detections by species
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 38, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 1991-029-00, 79371, Work Element O: 162 - Complete Part IV of the Retrospective focusing on the years 1991-2015
- 1997-019-00, 81107, Work Element E: 157 - Baseline data collection for interagency brook trout removal efforts in the Upper Malheur River
- 2010-032-00, CR-323533, Work Element I: 157 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2010-032-00, CR-323533, Work Element K: 162 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2010-032-00, CR-323533, Work Element L: 162 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2003-007-00, 80237, Work Element J: 162 - EMP: NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identificat
- 2003-007-00, 80237, Work Element O: 162 - EMP and AEMR: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis
- 2007-157-00, 80597, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Juvenile Bull Trout Counts in Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 80597, Work Element H: 157 - Water Temperature/Quality Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Basins
- 2007-157-00, 80597, Work Element J: 157 - Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R.
- 2018-002-00, 80535, Work Element L: 162 - Produce 2018 spring/summer Chinook salmon escapement estimates.
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 36, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 36, Work Element L: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 67, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Juvenile Abundance Snorkel Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 30, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 30, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, Lolo Cr, SFCR.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 74017 REL 38, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1990-077-00, 78040 REL 13, Work Element J: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2019 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element C: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element D: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 80611, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the three tributary PIT tag interrogation systems
- 2008-307-00, 81656, Work Element D: 157 - Suttle Lake - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of Marked O. nerka Outmigrants
- 2008-307-00, 81656, Work Element E: 162 - Suttle Lake - Analyze & Interpret Timing and Abundance of Marked O. nerka Outmigrant Data
- 2008-307-00, 81656, Work Element G: 157 - Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries
- 2008-307-00, 81656, Work Element H: 162 - Metolius River - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-306-00, 81815, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2002-032-00, CR-325143, Work Element K: 162 - Estimate system-wide loss of subyearlings to smallmouth bass predation
- 1988-053-03, 46273 REL 155, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study -BY2017
- 1998-007-02, 74017 REL 42, Work Element R: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine Rive
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element T: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile steelhead distribution & density analyses
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 34, Work Element L: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Clearwater River Steelhead
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon emigration at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element P: 162 - IDFG wild adult Chinook Salmon escapement at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element Q: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon distribution & density analyses from snorkel surveys
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element R: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon abundance, survival, & productivity analyses from RSTs
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 50, Work Element L: 162 - ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 63, Work Element F: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 60, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 73, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 192, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and Maintain Portable Instream PIT Arrays in Toppenish Creek
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 192, Work Element H: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 1998-014-00, 76914 REL 3, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 175, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2019 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 56, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 56, Work Element O: 157 - Juvenile salmonid presence, absence, density, & distribution surveys
- 2007-397-00, 81294, Work Element AV: 162 - Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries and Non-Fisheries Surveys
- 2010-032-00, CR-323533, Work Element N: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 2010-032-00, CR-323533, Work Element U: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 36, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe PIT Tag Array Operation: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 36, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 36, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 73, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2003-022-00, 73548 REL 53, Work Element E: 157 - Enumerate adult returns to the Okanogan River basin (Redd surveys and PIT-tags)
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 58, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 58, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate Redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions (Spokane Riv
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 14, Work Element L: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 14, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of westslope cutthroat trout radiotelemetry data
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 185, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 185, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element H: 157 - Historical Nutrient Evaluations - Nutrient Sample Collection
- 1984-025-00, 74313 REL 46, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Stream Temperature Data on Two Sites in Upper Meacham Creek Headwaters and Two Sites on Ladd Creek
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 56, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct Spring Chinook Spawning Ground Surveys in the Okanogan Tributaries
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 56, Work Element K: 157 - Monitor Natural Juvenile Spring Chinook Productivity
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 56, Work Element N: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2002-070-00, 82058, Work Element G: 157 - Stream Temperature Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element I: 162 - Historical Nutrient Evaluations - Data Analyses and Defensible Results
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element C: 157 - Estimate outmigrant O. mykiss & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Subbasin
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element I: 162 - Manage data from arrays in Warm Springs River and Mill Creek and summarize detections by species
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct Spring Chinook Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Spawning Escapement and Redd Count Data
- 2008-311-00, 82620, Work Element Q: 157 - Determine migration patterns, WSNFH passage, and adult holding locations for adult spring Chinook
- 2000-039-01, 74314 REL 68, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 188, Work Element S: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element L: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element M: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek utilizing backpack electro-shocking
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 82051, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform parentage and RRS analyses of supplemented spring Chinook populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform genotyping of samples of reintroduced spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform molecular genetics analyses of reintroduced spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Assist in sample collection and perform genotyping of samples of O. nerka from two tribal co-managed reintroduction programs
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element O: 162 - PO#3 - Perform genetic stock ID and parentage/RRS analyses of reintroduced sockeye salmon
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 25, Work Element R: 162 - PO#5 - Perform physiological and genetic analyses and finalize statistical tests of effects of experimental variables on minijack rate
- 2010-031-00, 82618, Work Element S: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 190, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 2007-156-00, 56662 REL 190, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element K: 157 - Deploy Didson at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 23, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 86, Work Element P: 157 - Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 74, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 74, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 74, Work Element N: 157 - Operate smolt trap to capture juvenile salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2007-397-00, 81294, Work Element AS: 157 - Upper John Day Habitat Enhancement Effectiveness Monitoring
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 55, Work Element G: 162 - Refine sediment facies map of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 4, Work Element W: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 1994-049-00, 76826 REL 12, Work Element J: 162 - Statistical Analyses of Trophic & Water Chemistry Data
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 167, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1993-056-00, 46273 REL 167, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 1993-056-00, 76910 REL 7, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 168, Work Element D: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Snake R. Hatchery spring Chinook salmon
- 2002-031-00, 46273 REL 168, Work Element I: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Common Garden Growth Modulation Experiment
- 2003-007-00, 83053, Work Element J: 162 - EMP: NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identificat
- 2003-007-00, 83053, Work Element O: 162 - EMP and AEMR: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis
- 1997-019-00, 84125, Work Element E: 157 - Baseline Data Collection for Inter-agency Brook Trout Removal Efforts in the Upper Malheur River
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 72, Work Element J: 157 - Nespelem River Rainbow Trout Movement Study Data Collection
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element C: 157 - Maintain the upper Wind PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element D: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek PIT tag interrogation at Hemlock system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element E: 157 - Maintain the Trout Creek at 43 Bridge PIT tag interrogation system and ensure data collection
- 1998-019-00, 83769, Work Element F: 157 - Maintain the Martha Creek and Mine Reach of Wind River PIT tag interrogation systems
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 67, Work Element F: 157 - Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods Lake tributary
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 67, Work Element G: 162 - Redband Trout passage and utilization of Rufus Woods Lake tributary analysis
- 2011-014-00, 83077, Work Element AA: 162 - DR, FM & HR: Summarize data collected from PIT tag Arrays
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element L: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 83, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Juvenile Abundance Snorkel Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2007-157-00, 83183, Work Element F: 157 - Water Temperature/Quality Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Basins
- 2007-157-00, 83183, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R.
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 20, Work Element G: 157 - Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 53, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 53, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, Lolo Cr, SFCR.
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 83853, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG PARR DENSITY AND DISTRIBUTION of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from snorkel surveys.
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element N: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Clearwater River Steelhead
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 93, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 2010-030-00, 74314 REL 94, Work Element E: 157 - Yakima River O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance and Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1998-014-00, 76914 REL 5, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 72, Work Element K: 162 - ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
- 1988-053-03, 83639 REL 1, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study -BY2018
- 1998-007-02, 83821, Work Element S: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine Rive
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 92, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 92, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate abundance of Redband Trout in the Spokane River
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 203, Work Element Y: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2020 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element J: 162 - IDFG SELECTED POPULATION PERFORMANCE METRICS OF WILD SMOLTS BY GENETIC STOCK for Chinook Salmon and steelhead from Lower Granite Dam Sampling
- 1984-025-00, 74313 REL 73, Work Element I: 157 - Collect Stream Temperature Data on Two Sites in Upper Meacham Creek Headwaters and Two Sites on Ladd Creek
- 1993-056-00, 76910 REL 12, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1983-350-03, 83563, Work Element D: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin - sUAS
- 2007-397-00, 84306, Work Element AN: 157 - Upper John Day Habitat Enhancement Effectiveness Monitoring
- 2007-397-00, 84306, Work Element AQ: 162 - Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries and Non-Fisheries Surveys
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 87, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 87, Work Element O: 157 - Juvenile salmonid presence, absence, density, & distribution surveys
- 2008-109-00, 73548 REL 85, Work Element B: 157 - Redband Trout Movement Patterns- PIT tag Array and Acoustic Array
- 2008-307-00, 84765, Work Element D: 157 - Suttle Lake - Monitor/Assess Timing & Abundance of Marked O. nerka Outmigrants
- 2008-307-00, 84765, Work Element E: 162 - Suttle Lake - Analyze & Interpret Timing and Abundance of O. nerka Outmigrant Data
- 2008-307-00, 84765, Work Element G: 157 - Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries
- 2008-307-00, 84765, Work Element H: 162 - Metolius River - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 2008-306-00, 85141, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 99, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 12, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 12, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2002-059-00, 77111 REL 25, Work Element L: 157 - Collect macroinvertebrate samples at established monitoring sites
- 1990-077-00, 78040 REL 26, Work Element J: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2020 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 86, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 84, Work Element H: 162 - Refine sediment facies map of upper Lake Roosevelt (habitat assessment)
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element R: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Steelhead Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 2010-057-00, 74017 REL 62, Work Element S: 162 - Snake Basin IPTDS Spring/summer Chinook Salmon Abundance, Life History and Productivity Data Analysis
- 1994-049-00, 76826 REL 20, Work Element J: 162 - Statistical Analyses of Trophic & Water Chemistry Data
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element L: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element K: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek utilizing backpack electro-shocking
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element R: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 10, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 9, Work Element W: 162 - Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element E: 157 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element F: 162 - PO#1 - Perform molecular genetic analyses of supplemented spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element I: 162 - PO#2 - Perform individual productivity and RRS analyses of reintroduced spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element K: 157 - PO#3 - Assist in sample collection and perform genetic analyses and related assessments of tribal Sockeye Salmon reintroduction programs
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element L: 162 - PO#3 - Assist in sample collection and perform genetic analyses and related assessments of tribal Sockeye Salmon reintroduction programs
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element T: 157 - PO#5 - Perform studies to assess factors affecting precocious maturation of male salmon smolts as minijacks
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element U: 162 - PO#5 - Perform studies to assess factors affecting precocious maturation of male salmon smolts as minijacks
- 2000-015-00, 85059, Work Element U: 157 - RESTORATION - CTWS Middle Fork John Day Groundwater Monitoring
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 213, Work Element S: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2007-156-00, CR-339027, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 2007-156-00, CR-339027, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 112, Work Element P: 157 - Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 214, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 214, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element Q: 157 - PO #4 - Effective number of breeders and relative natural productivity of spring Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon in the Warms Springs River
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element R: 162 - PO #4 - Effective number of breeders and relative natural productivity of spring Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon in the Warms Springs River
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element H: 157 - Test deployment of DIDSON at Osoyoos Lake Highway 3 bridge to determine distribution of adult sockeye salmon
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 42, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 1989-096-00, 83639 REL 10, Work Element D: 157 - Chinook Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 1989-096-00, 83639 REL 10, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis and interpretation of genetic, phenotypic, ecological, life-history, and other data, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 2010-031-00, 85312, Work Element S: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 107, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River
- 2002-031-00, 83639 REL 13, Work Element H: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Snake R. Hatchery spring Chinook salmon
- 2002-031-00, 83639 REL 13, Work Element F: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Common Garden Growth Modulation Experiment
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 217, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 2009-009-00, 73354 REL 41, Work Element H: 157 - PO#2 - Perform individual productivity and RRS analyses of reintroduced spring Chinook Salmon populations
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 95, Work Element E: 162 - Redband Trout Passage and Utilization of Rufus Woods Lake Tributary Analysis
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 116, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 116, Work Element H: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 116, Work Element N: 157 - Operate smolt trap to capture juvenile salmonids in the Entiat River
- 2017-005-00, 85347, Work Element E: 157 - Lab study evaluating larval lamprey survival following salvage
- 2007-157-00, 86309, Work Element F: 157 - Water Temperature/Quality Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Basins
- 2007-157-00, 86309, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R.
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AC: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AD: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 208, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element C: 157 - Estimate outmigrant O. mykiss & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Subbasin
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element I: 162 - Manage data from arrays in Warm Springs River and Mill Creek and summarize detections by species
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct Spring Chinook Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook and Steelhead Spawning Escapement and Redd Count Data
- 2008-311-00, 85879, Work Element Q: 157 - Determine migration patterns, adult holding location and Factor affecting prespawn mortality of adult spring Chinook
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 72, Work Element L: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 72, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 72, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 126, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Juvenile Abundance Snorkel Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 99, Work Element J: 157 - Nespelem River Rainbow Trout Movement Study Data Collection
- 2002-059-00, 77111 REL 25, Work Element R: 157 - Conduct post-implementation fish habitat surveys in the Yankee Fork watershed--Bonanza and West Fork Confluence sites
- 2003-007-00, 86282, Work Element J: 162 - EMP: NOAA Otolith Analyses, Biochemical Measures of Fish Growth, and Genetic Stock Identificat
- 2003-007-00, 86282, Work Element O: 162 - EMP and AEMR: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element N: 162 - IDFG PARR DENSITY AND DISTRIBUTION of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from snorkel surveys.
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 31, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon
- 2011-014-00, 86323, Work Element R: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2007-397-00, 86993, Work Element AQ: 162 - Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries and Non-Fisheries Surveys
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 75, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 75, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, Lolo Cr, SFCR.
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element K: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 86929, Work Element M: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1998-007-02, 86723, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine Rive
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 228, Work Element AD: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2021 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1997-019-00, 86964, Work Element D: 157 - Baseline Data Collection for Inter-agency Brook Trout Removal Efforts in the Upper Malheur River
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 115, Work Element F: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 115, Work Element O: 157 - Juvenile salmonid presence, absence, density, & distribution surveys
- 2007-157-00, 86309, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AF: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 235, Work Element AG: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1988-053-03, 83639 REL 17, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study -BY2019
- 1998-014-00, 76914 REL 7, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 124, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 124, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate abundance of Redband Trout in the Spokane River
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 238, Work Element I: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 238, Work Element M: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 242, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 91, Work Element K: 162 - ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
- 1995-027-00, 87423, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct White Sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 87423, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct White Sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 123, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 131, Work Element H: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2008-307-00, 87583, Work Element F: 157 - Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries
- 2008-307-00, 87583, Work Element G: 162 - Metolius River - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 1990-077-00, 78040 REL 36, Work Element J: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2021 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 121, Work Element E: 162 - Redband Trout Passage and Utilization of Rufus Woods Lake Tributary Analysis
- 2008-109-00, 73548 REL 112, Work Element B: 157 - Redband Trout Movement Patterns- PIT Tag Array and Acoustic Array
- 2002-031-00, 83639 REL 25, Work Element B: 162 - Data compilation and analysis of Snake R. Hatchery spring Chinook salmon
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 26, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 26, Work Element D: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element J: 157 - Sample Redband trout in Hangman Creek utilizing backpack electro-shocking
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element K: 157 - Sample Redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element P: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 15, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1993-056-00, 76910 REL 17, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 59, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of Didson data collected at Highway 3 bridge over Osoyoos Lake
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 239, Work Element S: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2008-306-00, 87648, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 1989-096-00, 83639 REL 24, Work Element D: 157 - Chinook Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 1989-096-00, 83639 REL 24, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis and interpretation of genetic, phenotypic, ecological, life-history, and other data, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 2008-115-00, 73548 REL 106, Work Element B: 157 - Assist with Fall Walleye Index Netting on Lake Roosevelt
- 2008-115-00, 73548 REL 106, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct hydrographic survey in Lake Roosevelt to map benthic habitat
- 2008-115-00, 73548 REL 106, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze hydrographic survey data to develop sediment facies map of Lake Roosevelt
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 16, Work Element R: 157 - Sample Salmonids in Stream Reaches of the Upper Benewah Creek Watershed
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 16, Work Element U: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 113, Work Element P: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element I: 157 - Gear retention experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate gear encounter rates for age-0 White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element K: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 110, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate gear retention - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2010-050-00, 74314 REL 133, Work Element M: 162 - Estimate adult returns/escapement and describe spatial distribution of summer steelhead (all groups) to the Tucannon River
- 2000-039-01, 74314 REL 129, Work Element C: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 139, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 74314 REL 139, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 2008-710-00, 74314 REL 143, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element D: 157 - Estimate Outmigrant Steelhead & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Sub-basin
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element J: 162 - Manage Data From PIT Tag Arrays in Warm Springs River Sub-Basin and Summarize Detections by Species
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element M: 157 - Conduct Spring Chinook Salmon Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Spawning Escapement and Redd Count Data
- 2008-311-00, 88280, Work Element R: 157 - Determine Migration Patterns, Adult Holding Location(s) and Factors Affecting Prespawn Mortality of Adult Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 91, Work Element L: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 91, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 91, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 155, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Juvenile Abundance Snorkel Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2007-157-00, 89226, Work Element H: 157 - Water Temperature/Quality Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Basins
- 2007-157-00, 89226, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, 89226, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R.
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 41, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor PIT tag arrays for returning adult sockeye salmon
- 2011-014-00, 88894, Work Element R: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2003-007-00, 88795, Work Element P: 162 - EMP and AEM: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis
- 1985-038-00, 73548 REL 131, Work Element J: 157 - Nespelem River Rainbow Trout Movement Study Data Collection
- 1988-053-03, 83639 REL 27, Work Element D: 157 - Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study-BY2020
- 1988-053-03, 83639 REL 27, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study -BY2020
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 94, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 74017 REL 94, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element D: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, Lolo Cr, SFCR.
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 89434, Work Element L: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 155, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 155, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate abundance of Redband Trout in the Spokane River
- 2008-115-00, 73548 REL 137, Work Element B: 157 - Assist with Fall Walleye Index Netting on Lake Roosevelt
- 2008-115-00, 73548 REL 137, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct hydrographic survey in Lake Roosevelt to map benthic habitat
- 2008-115-00, 73548 REL 137, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze hydrographic survey data to develop sediment facies map of Lake Roosevelt
- 1998-007-02, 89446, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine Rive
- 1995-027-00, 89840, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct White Sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 89840, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct White Sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 266, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 2007-397-00, 89673, Work Element AD: 162 - Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries and Non-Fisheries Surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 251, Work Element AC: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2021 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2002-053-00, 74314 REL 153, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element Z: 162 - IDFG Stream Temperature Data Summarization for key wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead streams in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2010-050-00, 84042 REL 4, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate adult returns/escapement and describe spatial distribution of summer steelhead (all groups) to the Tucannon River
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AJ: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AK: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 259, Work Element AL: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 2002-031-00, 83639 REL 38, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct Experiment-"The interaction between genotype and environment on minijack and jack maturation in hatchery Chinook Salmon."
- 1998-014-00, 83639 REL 29, Work Element E: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore on salmon growth & survival
- 1998-014-00, 76914 REL 10, Work Element D: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1998-014-00, 76914 REL 10, Work Element E: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore ocean on salmon growth and survival
- 1992-026-04, 74313 REL 111, Work Element K: 162 - ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 147, Work Element G: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 147, Work Element P: 157 - Juvenile salmonid presence, absence, density, & distribution surveys
- 1997-019-00, 89448, Work Element E: 157 - Baseline Data Collection for Inter-agency Brook Trout Removal Efforts in the Upper Malheur River
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 39, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 39, Work Element C: 157 - Identify behavioral and physiological traits under selection
- 1990-077-00, 78040 REL 48, Work Element J: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2022 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 73, Work Element C: 157 - Genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species - adult lamprey tissue collection
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element H: 157 - Gear retention experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate gear retention - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element J: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 73548 REL 139, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate gear encounter rates for age-0 White Sturgeon
- 1989-096-00, 83639 REL 36, Work Element D: 157 - Chinook Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 1989-096-00, 83639 REL 36, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis and interpretation of genetic, phenotypic, ecological, life-history, and other data, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 1997-019-00, 89448, Work Element R: 157 - Test for brook trout prior to piscicide treatment at High Lake
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 154, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2000-039-01, 84042 REL 1, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 1990-044-00, 76828 REL 22, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 1995-063-35, 56662 REL 264, Work Element R: 157 - Instream PIT tag detector installation and operation
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element I: 157 - Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element K: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 76828 REL 21, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 2008-306-00, 89928, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2007-405-00, 73548 REL 148, Work Element E: 162 - Redband Trout Passage and Utilization of Rufus Woods Lake Tributary Analysis
- 2003-023-00, 73548 REL 143, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2008-307-00, CR-353094, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Metolius River - Conduct Counts of O. nerka from Lake Billy Chinook Spawning in the Metolius River and Tributaries
- 2008-307-00, CR-353094, Work Element G: 162 - COPY: Metolius River - Analyze Mark-Resight Data to Produce Estimate of O. nerka Spawners in Metolius River
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 263, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 263, Work Element L: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element C: 157 - Estimate Outmigrant Steelhead & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Sub-basin
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element I: 162 - Manage Data From PIT Tag Arrays in Warm Springs River Sub-Basin and Summarize Detections by Species
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct Spring Chinook Salmon Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Spawning Escapement and Redd Count Data
- 2008-311-00, 90642, Work Element Q: 157 - Determine Migration Patterns, Adult Holding Location(s) and Factors Affecting Prespawn Mortality of Adult Spring Chinook Salmon
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 8, Work Element P: 157 - Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 9, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 9, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 2020-001-00, 74314 REL 120, Work Element K: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 2007-157-00, CR-356663, Work Element H: 157 - Water Temperature/Quality Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Basins
- 2007-157-00, CR-356663, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2007-157-00, CR-356663, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater R.
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 7, Work Element L: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 7, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 7, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 185, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Juvenile Abundance Snorkel Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2003-007-00, 90999, Work Element P: 162 - EMP and AEM: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element D: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Sp Ch, Sthd, Lolo Cr, SFCR.
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 4, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 3, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 3, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 5, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine Rive
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element Z: 162 - IDFG Stream Temperature Data Summarization for key wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead streams in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1995-027-00, 92128, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct White Sturgeon sub-yearling monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1995-027-00, 92128, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct White Sturgeon telemetry monitoring, data entry, and data quality control
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 274, Work Element K: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2023 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 23, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element B: 157 - Deschutes River (DR): 2022-2023 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element G: 157 - DR: Collect data from dual reader PIT sites on CTWSRO reservation
- 2011-014-00, 91161, Work Element P: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2007-397-00, 91763, Work Element AG: 162 - Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries and Non-Fisheries Surveys
- 1988-053-03, 83639 REL 40, Work Element D: 162 - Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth/Density Study -BY2015-BY2020
- 2010-050-00, 84042 REL 41, Work Element L: 162 - Estimate adult returns/escapement and describe spatial distribution of summer steelhead (all groups) to the Tucannon River
- 1992-026-04, 84041 REL 14, Work Element K: 162 - ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
- 1997-019-00, 91564, Work Element E: 157 - Baseline Data Collection for Inter-agency Brook Trout Removal Efforts in the Upper Malheur River
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AC: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AD: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 56662 REL 281, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1993-056-00, 83639 REL 51, Work Element B: 157 - Increase steelhead smoltification rate and decrease residuals at WNFH.
- 2008-115-00, 91887, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct hydrographic survey in Lake Roosevelt to map benthic habitat
- 2008-115-00, 91887, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze hydrographic survey data to develop sediment facies map of Lake Roosevelt
- 1998-014-00, 83639 REL 41, Work Element G: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore ocean on salmon growth & survival
- 1998-014-00, 84062 REL 1, Work Element E: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1998-014-00, 84062 REL 1, Work Element F: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore ocean on salmon growth and survival
- 1989-096-00, 83639 REL 46, Work Element D: 157 - Chinook Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 1989-096-00, 83639 REL 46, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis and interpretation of genetic, phenotypic, ecological, life-history, and other data, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 2008-116-00, 92075, Work Element H: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 172, Work Element G: 157 - Monitoring juvenile O.mykiss out-migrants from Lookingglass Creek
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 172, Work Element P: 157 - Juvenile salmonid presence, absence, density, & distribution surveys
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 287, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 56662 REL 287, Work Element L: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 84042 REL 35, Work Element L: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 92, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 92, Work Element H: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB, etc opportunistic sampling of existing samples (e.g. larval/juvenile/adult mortalites collected at mainstem dams, etc.)
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 3, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 1994-043-00, 92853, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 92853, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 92853, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 92853, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 92853, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected (STOI)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 89, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 89, Work Element H: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 89, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 1992-010-00, 84068 REL 8, Work Element E: 157 - Collect data to assess habitat conditions and fish use at current and previous project sites
- 1992-010-00, 84068 REL 8, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze data to assess habitat conditions and fish use of current and previous project sites
- 1990-077-00, 78040 REL 58, Work Element J: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2023 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2003-023-00, 92330, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2000-039-01, 84042 REL 30, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element D: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element F: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element M: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element N: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element P: 157 - Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element Q: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element S: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Beaver Creek and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 42, Work Element T: 157 - Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 59, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 59, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks in Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 59, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 59, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 45, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 45, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 45, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 45, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2003-039-00, 84042 REL 29, Work Element E: 162 - Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element K: 157 - Sample redband trout using electrofishing backpacks in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element J: 157 - Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element L: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 2, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 2019-005-00, 84045 REL 10, Work Element T: 162 - Analysis: Dworshak Reservoir limnology status and trends
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 30, Work Element G: 157 - Determine the proportion of migratory Westslope Cutthroat Trout produced in the lower Priest River and evaluate biotic and abiotic factors that may influence the production of these fish.
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element F: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon Redfish Lake sport fishery creel survey
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 13, Work Element P: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 13, Work Element Q: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 13, Work Element R: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from samples collected in Redfish Lake sport fishery creel.
- 1991-019-03, 84064 REL 3, Work Element F: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 1991-019-03, 84064 REL 3, Work Element I: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 84064 REL 3, Work Element L: 157 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 84064 REL 3, Work Element M: 162 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data analyses
- 1991-019-03, 84064 REL 3, Work Element N: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River system
- 2000-039-00, 73982 REL 183, Work Element I: 157 - Out-migrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration
- 2000-015-00, 92141, Work Element Y: 157 - MONITORING - Mainstem Forrest Conservation Area Vegetation Surveys
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element I: 157 - FC: Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element J: 157 - NP: Estimate Outmigrant Steelhead & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Sub-basin
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element M: 162 - NP: Analyze Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element O: 157 - NP: Record and Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element P: 162 - NP: Manage Data From PIT Tag Arrays in Warm Springs River Sub-Basin and Summarize Detections by Species
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element R: 157 - NP: Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element S: 157 - NP: Conduct Spring Chinook Salmon Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element T: 162 - NP: Analyze Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Spawning Escapement and Redd Count Data
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element AC: 157 - BT: Water Temperature/Quality Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Basins
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element AE: 157 - BT: Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element AF: 157 - BT: Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck. and Whitewater R.
- 2008-306-00, 92368, Work Element AG: 162 - BT: Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2007-405-00, 92954, Work Element E: 162 - Redband Trout Passage and Utilization of Rufus Woods Lake Tributary Analysis
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 292, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 44, Work Element H: 162 - Input Habitat into GIS Database: Habitat Delineation
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 44, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 43, Work Element F: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Wenatchee River Basin
- 2010-034-00, 84042 REL 43, Work Element G: 157 - Operate and maintain PIT tag arrays in the Methow River Basin
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 30, Work Element H: 157 - Determine genetic structure, hybridization, and natal stream origin of Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 30, Work Element I: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2010-050-00, 84042 REL 41, Work Element O: 162 - WDFW Steelhead Residualism Analysis in the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, 84042 REL 41, Work Element N: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Residualism Surveys in the Tucannon River
- 2017-005-00, 93261, Work Element D: 162 - Perform data summaries and statistical analyses on laboratory data
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 29, Work Element L: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 29, Work Element P: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 29, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1991-029-00, 94498, Work Element D: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2023/2024
- 1991-029-00, 94498, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2024 beach seining and tagging data
- 1993-060-00, 84042 REL 55, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element B: 157 - Birch Creek juvenile natural summer steelhead out-migrant trapping
- 1998-019-00, 93681, Work Element I: 162 - Report Growth Data on PIT Tagged Fish that Have Been Recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 93681, Work Element J: 162 - Estimate Detection Efficiencies and Fish Passage at the PIT Tag Interrogation Systems
- 1997-019-00, 93956, Work Element E: 157 - Baseline Data Collection for Inter-agency Brook Trout Removal Efforts in the Upper Malheur River
- 2003-007-00, 93202, Work Element O: 162 - EMP and AEM: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 299, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2008-007-00, 93325, Work Element G: 157 - Revise and Update Methods for Breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1988-108-04, 78040 REL 60, Work Element G: 159 - DES and Validation Process for Fish Monitoring Data (trends) and CAP Fish HLI (CAX)
- 1988-108-04, 78040 REL 60, Work Element E: 159 - Transfer of data to secure and accessible repositories
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element B: 157 - Deschutes River (DR): 2023-2024 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element C: 162 - DR: Manage and summarize water temperature data (2022-2023) to characterize lamprey habitats
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element E: 157 - DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2023
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element F: 162 - 2024 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element G: 157 - DR: Collect data from dual reader PIT sites on CTWSRO reservation
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element J: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Manage and summarize water temperature data (2023-2024)
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element K: 157 - FM: 2024 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element M: 162 - FM: Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element P: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2011-014-00, 93489, Work Element U: 162 - DR, FM & HR: Analyze 2023 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and densities)
- 2017-005-00, 56662 REL 296, Work Element C: 162 - Analytical analysis of mercury in tissue and sediments (Subcontract with USGS)
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 9, Work Element B: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological variables
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 9, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 9, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 9, Work Element F: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and sockeye population estimates.
- 1988-053-03, 93499, Work Element I: 157 - Update run forecast models and generate spring Chinook salmon preseason adult run size estimate for upcoming run year
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element T: 162 - ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element AA: 157 - ODFW Wallowa/Lostine Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys
- 1989-024-01, CR-365445, Work Element AB: 162 - Analyze representative late summer Chinook parr distribution in the Wallowa River watershed.
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 56, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 1996-035-01, 56662 REL 315, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element Y: 162 - IDFG Stream Temperature Data Summarization for key wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead streams in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2010-050-00, CR-366658, Work Element K: 162 - Estimate adult returns/escapement and describe spatial distribution of summer steelhead (all groups) to the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, CR-366658, Work Element M: 157 - WDFW Steelhead Residualism Surveys in the Tucannon River
- 2010-050-00, CR-366658, Work Element N: 162 - WDFW Steelhead Residualism Analysis in the Tucannon River
- 2010-030-00, 56662 REL 307, Work Element I: 157 - Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1990-077-00, 78040 REL 66, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2024 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element E: 157 - Birch Creek juvenile natural summer steelhead out-migrant trapping
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element S: 162 - ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element Z: 157 - ODFW Wallowa/Lostine Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze representative late summer Chinook parr distribution in the Wallowa River watershed.
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 55, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 2008-115-00, 84051 REL 11, Work Element B: 157 - Assist with Fall Walleye Index Netting on Lake Roosevelt
- 2008-115-00, 84051 REL 11, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct hydrographic survey in Lake Roosevelt to map benthic habitat
- 2008-115-00, 84051 REL 11, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze hydrographic survey data to develop sediment facies map of Lake Roosevelt
- 2019-005-00, 84045 REL 25, Work Element T: 162 - Analysis: Dworshak Reservoir limnology status and trends
- 1998-014-00, 84062 REL 4, Work Element F: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1998-014-00, 84062 REL 4, Work Element G: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore ocean on salmon growth and survival
- 1998-014-00, 83639 REL 53, Work Element H: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore ocean on salmon growth & survival
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 199, Work Element P: 157 - Juvenile salmonid presence, absence, density, & distribution surveys
- 2013-001-00, 78040 REL 61, Work Element C: 160 - – local database, documents, spatial layers are maintained to effectively support Program needs and web-based tools
- 1985-038-00, 84051 REL 6, Work Element E: 157 - Roving or Voluntary Creel of Stocked Reservation Waters
- 1997-056-00, 94306, Work Element AD: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys
- 1997-056-00, 94306, Work Element AE: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, 94306, Work Element AF: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection - Sp Ch, Lolo & Newsome Cr.
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element I: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Seining Data Collection: Clearwater R. Fall Chinook
- 1983-350-03, 84044 REL 33, Work Element J: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection-Fall Chinook, Snake River Basin
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 34, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection: Johnson Cr. Summer Chinook
- 1996-043-00, 84044 REL 34, Work Element G: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: South Fork Salmon Subbasin, Sp/Sum Chinook
- 1998-007-02, 84044 REL 30, Work Element Q: 162 - Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Spring Chinook Lostine Rive
- 2008-116-00, 84051 REL 16, Work Element E: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, 84051 REL 16, Work Element G: 162 - Estimate gear encounter rates for age-0 White Sturgeon
- 1995-027-00, 94282, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, 94282, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry data
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 302, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2024 return year in the Methow Basin
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 302, Work Element J: 157 - Extract CWT from 2024 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 302, Work Element I: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2024 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1996-040-00, 56662 REL 302, Work Element H: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 2007-397-00, 94159, Work Element AE: 162 - Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries and Non-Fisheries Surveys
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element AN: 162 - Estimate abundance of juvenile steelhead and distribution of redds
- 1989-096-00, 83639 REL 58, Work Element D: 157 - Chinook Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 1989-096-00, 83639 REL 58, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis and interpretation of genetic, phenotypic, ecological, life-history, and other data, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 2002-059-00, 84068 REL 12, Work Element I: 157 - Juvenile salmonid surveys on the YFSR--Electrofishing
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element X: 157 - IDFG Stream Temperature data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 42, Work Element G: 157 - Determine the proportion of migratory Westslope Cutthroat Trout produced in the lower Priest River and evaluate biotic and abiotic factors that may influence the production of these fish.
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 42, Work Element H: 157 - Determine genetic structure, hybridization, and natal stream origin of Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 42, Work Element I: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element S: 157 - Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element T: 157 - Sample redband trout using electrofishing backpacks in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element U: 157 - Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element Y: 162 - Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element Z: 162 - Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
- 2001-032-00, 84053 REL 8, Work Element AA: 162 - Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
- 1994-043-00, 95285, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, 95285, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 95285, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, 95285, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected (STOI)
- 1995-063-25, 94738, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 94738, Work Element L: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, 84042 REL 67, Work Element L: 157 - Ecological Interactions M&E in the Yakima River Basin
- 2000-015-00, 94476, Work Element X: 157 - MONITORING - Mainstem Forrest Conservation Area Vegetation Surveys
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 207, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct Juvenile Abundance Snorkel Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2003-023-00, 94413, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2000-039-01, 84042 REL 64, Work Element D: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2003-039-00, 84042 REL 63, Work Element C: 162 - Analysis of Relative Fitness for Spring Chinook in the Wenatchee, WA
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 105, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 105, Work Element H: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, 73354 REL 105, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 1995-027-00, 94282, Work Element P: 157 - Conduct Stock Assessment Survey in the Lower Reservoir (Gifford to Grand Coulee Dam)
- 1991-019-03, 84064 REL 8, Work Element G: 157 - Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation
- 1991-019-03, 84064 REL 8, Work Element J: 157 - Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 84064 REL 8, Work Element M: 157 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data collection
- 1991-019-03, 84064 REL 8, Work Element N: 162 - Bull Trout spawning habitat monitoring: data analyses
- 1991-019-03, 84064 REL 8, Work Element O: 157 - Focal species population monitoring in the Mainstem Flathead River system
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element C: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element E: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element G: 157 - Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element I: 157 - Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element L: 157 - Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element M: 157 - Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element O: 157 - Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element P: 157 - Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element S: 157 - Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Beaver Creek and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, 84042 REL 77, Work Element T: 157 - Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element I: 157 - FC: Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element J: 157 - NP: Estimate Outmigrant Steelhead & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Sub-basin
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element M: 162 - NP: Analyze Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element N: 157 - NP: Record and Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element O: 162 - NP: Manage Data From PIT Tag Arrays in Warm Springs River Sub-Basin and Summarize Detections by Species
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element Q: 157 - NP: Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element R: 157 - NP: Conduct Spring Chinook Salmon Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element S: 162 - NP: Analyze Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Spawning Escapement and Redd Count Data
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element AB: 157 - BT: Water Temperature/Quality Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Basins
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element AD: 157 - BT: Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches in WSR and SC
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element AE: 157 - BT: Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck. and Whitewater R.
- 2008-306-00, 95246, Work Element AF: 162 - BT: Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data for Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, 84042 REL 76, Work Element L: 162 - PIT Tag Data Analysis Model Development for Fishery Sampling
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 72, Work Element H: 162 - Input Habitat into GIS Database: Habitat Delineation
- 2020-001-00, 84042 REL 72, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 1990-044-00, 84053 REL 9, Work Element AF: 162 - Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 69, Work Element F: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 69, Work Element G: 157 - Sample & Recover Tags & Marks in Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 69, Work Element H: 160 - Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, 78040 REL 69, Work Element J: 162 - Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 109, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2008-524-00, 73354 REL 109, Work Element H: 162 - Assess emerging and legacy contaminants in Pacific lamprey in the CRB, etc opportunistic sampling of existing samples (e.g. larval/juvenile/adult mortalites collected at mainstem dams, etc.)
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element F: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon Redfish Lake sport fishery creel survey
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and interpret Redfish Lake sport fishery creel data
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 28, Work Element O: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 28, Work Element P: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 28, Work Element Q: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from samples collected in Redfish Lake sport fishery creel.
- 1997-019-00, 96272, Work Element E: 157 - Baseline Data Collection for Inter-agency Brook Trout Removal Efforts in the Upper Malheur River
- 1994-043-00, 95285, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 2003-007-00, 95728, Work Element K: 162 - EMP and AEM: UW Salmonid Food Web Secondary Production Analysis
- 1993-060-00, 84042 REL 87, Work Element F: 157 - Environmental monitoring of potential net pen habitat impacts
- 1992-010-00, 84068 REL 19, Work Element D: 157 - Collect data to assess habitat conditions and fish use at current and previous project sites
- 1992-010-00, 84068 REL 19, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze data to assess habitat conditions and fish use of current and previous project sites
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 44, Work Element R: 162 - ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 44, Work Element X: 157 - Monitor/Maintain PIT Tag Interrogation Arrays in John Day, Umatilla and Grande Ronde River basins
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 44, Work Element AC: 162 - Estimate abundance of juvenile steelhead and distribution of redds to inform Falke model
- 2002-053-00, 84042 REL 90, Work Element H: 157 - WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping)
- 2010-030-00, CR-372694, Work Element I: 157 - COPY: Yakima River (Naches R.) O. Mykiss Adult & Juvenile Abundance & Bio-sampling (Genetics & Age)
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element X: 157 - IDFG Stream Temperature data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element Y: 162 - IDFG Stream Temperature Data Summarization for key wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead streams in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 18, Work Element B: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological variables
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 18, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 18, Work Element E: 157 - Estimate O. nerka populations in Sawtooth Valley lakes and creeks
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 18, Work Element F: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and Sockeye population estimates.
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element B: 157 - Deschutes River (DR): 2024-2025 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element C: 162 - DR: Manage and summarize water temperature data (2024-2025) to characterize lamprey habitats
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element E: 157 - DR: Collect lamprey abundance and harvest data to estimate escapement at Sherars Falls 2025
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element F: 162 - 2025 Estimate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element G: 157 - DR: Collect data from dual reader PIT sites on CTWSRO reservation
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element J: 162 - Fifteenmile (FM): Manage and summarize water temperature data (2024-2025)
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element K: 157 - FM: 2025 Field activities to estimate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element M: 162 - FM: Calculate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element P: 157 - Hood River (HR): Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River
- 2011-014-00, 95803, Work Element U: 162 - DR, FM & HR: Analyze 2024 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and densities)
- 1988-053-03, 95806, Work Element I: 157 - Run forecast models and generate spring Chinook salmon preseason adult run size estimate for upcoming run year
- 1985-038-00, 84051 REL 26, Work Element E: 157 - Roving or Voluntary Creel of Stocked Reservation Waters
- 1998-019-00, 95689, Work Element J: 162 - Report Growth Data on PIT Tagged Fish that Have Been Recaptured
- 1998-019-00, 95689, Work Element K: 162 - Estimate Detection Efficiencies and Fish Passage at the PIT Tag Interrogation Systems
- 2008-007-00, 95815, Work Element F: 157 - Revise and Update Methods for Breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1988-120-25, 56662 REL 321, Work Element H: 160 - Maintain & Implement YKFP Data and Information System Management Plan
- 2013-001-00, 78040 REL 71, Work Element C: 160 - Local database, documents, spatial layers are maintained to effectively support Program needs and web-based tools
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element AO: 157 - ODFW Wallowa/Lostine Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element AP: 157 - Copied WE Created in CCR State that should be canceled
- 1997-056-00, CR-373358, Work Element X: 157 - Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring
- 1997-056-00, CR-373358, Work Element Y: 157 - Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection
- 1994-042-00, 84041 REL 48, Work Element L: 157 - Habitat Monitoring - Monitor stream temperature and groundwater in the Trout Creek Basin
- 1990-077-00, CR-373479, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate effects of the 2025 pikeminnow removals on reduction in salmonid predation
- 2008-115-00, 84051 REL 32, Work Element B: 157 - Assist with Fall Walleye Index Netting on Lake Roosevelt
- 2008-115-00, 84051 REL 32, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct hydrographic survey in Lake Roosevelt to map benthic habitat
- 2008-115-00, 84051 REL 32, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze hydrographic survey data to develop sediment facies map of Lake Roosevelt
- 1997-015-01, CR-373239, Work Element M: 162 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Juvenile Abundance and Life History Data Analysis: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, CR-373239, Work Element Q: 162 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Survival and Productivity Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, CR-373239, Work Element R: 162 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Distribution Data Analysis: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2023-007-00, 84041 REL 28, Work Element AQ: 157 - ODFW Birch Creek Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys
- 1991-029-00, CR-373967, Work Element E: 157 - Beach seine wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings in 2024/2025
- 1991-029-00, CR-373967, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze/Interpret the 1992-2024 beach seining and tagging data
- 1995-027-00, CR-374021, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Adult Sturgeon Data
- 1995-027-00, CR-374021, Work Element H: 157 - Monitor and Maintain the Lake Roosevelt Acoustic Array
- 1995-027-00, CR-374021, Work Element I: 162 - Analysis of Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project Telemetry Data
- 1995-027-00, CR-374021, Work Element N: 157 - Conduct Stock Assessment Survey in the Lower Reservoir (Gifford to Spokane River Mouth)
- 2007-397-00, CR-374142, Work Element W: 157 - Upper and Middle Fork John Day Effectiveness Monitoring
- 2007-397-00, CR-374142, Work Element X: 162 - Analysis and Interpretation of Field Data Collected From Fisheries and Non-Fisheries Surveys
- 1996-040-00, CR-374041, Work Element H: 157 - Analyze genetic tissue samples for PBT analysis of parental groups
- 1996-040-00, CR-374041, Work Element I: 157 - Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2025 emergence timing, growth and distribution
- 1996-040-00, CR-374041, Work Element J: 157 - Extract CWT from 2025 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys
- 1996-040-00, CR-374041, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2025 return year in the Methow Basin
- 2005-002-00, 83639 REL 66, Work Element D: 157 - Sample Steelhead, spring/summer Chinook, and PIT-Tagged Fall Chinook
- 1998-014-00, 84062 REL 6, Work Element F: 157 - Nektonic Species sampling - Plume & coastal; Oregon & Washington
- 1998-014-00, 84062 REL 6, Work Element G: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore ocean on salmon growth and survival
- 1998-014-00, 83639 REL 67, Work Element H: 162 - Assess the role of the plume and nearshore ocean on salmon growth & survival
- 1989-096-00, CR-374453, Work Element D: 157 - Chinook Salmon and steelhead tissue sampling and data collection, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 1989-096-00, CR-374453, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis and interpretation of genetic, phenotypic, ecological, life-history, and other data, conventional monitoring (Tier 2)
- 2000-039-01, CR-374455, Work Element E: 157 - Outmigrant monitoring for population estimates, survival, and migration characteristics
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element C: 157 - COPY: Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element E: 157 - COPY: Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element I: 157 - COPY: Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element L: 157 - COPY: Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element M: 157 - COPY: Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element O: 157 - COPY: Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element P: 157 - COPY: Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element S: 157 - COPY: Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Beaver Creek and Washougal hatcheries
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element T: 157 - COPY: Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked voucher fry
- 2008-710-00, CR-374457, Work Element X: 162 - COPY: Analysis to determine project origin adult returns
- 2007-083-00, 96153, Work Element P: 157 - Juvenile salmonid presence, absence, density, & distribution surveys
- 1991-029-00, CR-373967, Work Element Q: 157 - Conduct aerial redd surveys using UAS in the Salmon River
- 2008-116-00, CR-375149, Work Element G: 157 - Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
- 2008-116-00, CR-375149, Work Element H: 162 - Estimate gear encounter rates for age-0 White Sturgeon
- 2020-001-00, CR-375360, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Collect Piscivorous Fishes (Mark-Recapture and Diet Contents)
- 2020-001-00, CR-375360, Work Element I: 162 - COPY: Input Habitat into GIS Database: Habitat Delineation
- 2010-036-00, CR-375362, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, CR-375362, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Sample & Recover Tags & Marks in Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, CR-375362, Work Element H: 160 - COPY: Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, CR-375362, Work Element J: 162 - COPY: Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data For Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Sample & Recover Tags & Marks from Salmon & Steelhead Sport Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Sample & Recover Tags & Marks In Salmon & Steelhead Commercial Fisheries
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element H: 160 - COPY: Modify, Manage, & Maintain Fishery & Escapement Sampling Databases
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element J: 162 - COPY: Summarize & Analyze Catch, Escapement, & CWT Data for Stock Status Monitoring Purposes
- 2010-036-00, CR-375363, Work Element L: 162 - COPY: PIT Tag Data Analysis Model Development for Fishery Sampling
- 2009-014-00, CR-373245, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct Juvenile Abundance Snorkel Surveys at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2003-023-00, CR-375412, Work Element O: 157 - Conduct Summer/Fall Chinook Carcass Collection on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers
- 2003-023-00, CR-375412, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze Data for Summer/Fall Chinook Spawning Ground Surveys
- 1994-043-00, CR-375464, Work Element E: 162 - COPY: Analysis of Fisheries, Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, CR-375464, Work Element F: 157 - COPY: Conduct Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, CR-375464, Work Element H: 157 - COPY: Conduct Water Quality and Limnology Assessments on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, CR-375464, Work Element I: 162 - COPY: Analysis of Water Quality and Limnological Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, CR-375464, Work Element J: 157 - COPY: Conduct Fish Community Monitoring on Lake Roosevelt (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, CR-375464, Work Element K: 162 - COPY: Analysis of Fisheries Community Monitoring Data Collected (STOI)
- 1994-043-00, CR-375464, Work Element L: 157 - COPY: Conduct Creel on Lake Roosevelt (STOI, CCT, WDFW)
- 1994-043-00, CR-375464, Work Element N: 157 - COPY: Conduct Acoustic Telemetry Assessments in Lake Roosevelt
- 2008-308-00, CR-375182, Work Element D: 157 - Collect and examine lamprey to calculate adult escapement
- 2008-524-00, CR-375354, Work Element B: 162 - Use a multifunctional SNPs panel for genetic monitoring of CRB lamprey species
- 2000-015-00, CR-375664, Work Element X: 157 - MONITORING - Mainstem Forrest Conservation Area Vegetation Surveys
- 1996-035-01, CR-372692, Work Element F: 157 - Operate Rotary Screw Traps to Collect Toppenish Creek Juvenile Steelhead
- 2007-246-00, CR-375922, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Determine the proportion of migratory Westslope Cutthroat Trout produced in the lower Priest River and evaluate biotic and abiotic factors that may influence the production of these fish.
- 2007-246-00, CR-375922, Work Element H: 157 - COPY: Determine genetic structure, hybridization, and natal stream origin of Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2007-246-00, CR-375922, Work Element I: 157 - COPY: Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2019-005-00, CR-375925, Work Element T: 162 - Analysis: Dworshak Reservoir limnology status and trends
- 2008-503-00, CR-375996, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct acoustic trawl surveys and collect limnology data and nerka samples
- 2008-503-00, CR-375996, Work Element H: 162 - Adult Sockeye migration mortality and timing (PIT tag data)
- 2008-503-00, CR-375996, Work Element I: 162 - Compare Wenatchee and Osoyoos Lake ATS and limnology data
- 1988-065-00, CR-376299, Work Element L: 157 - COPY: Ecosystem Restoration: Fish Population Monitoring
- 1995-063-25, CR-376411, Work Element H: 157 - Spawning Ground Surveys: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin
- 1995-063-25, CR-376411, Work Element L: 157 - Coho Salmon: YN Natural Production M&E in the Yakima R Basin