Repository: Intermountain Province/Pend Oreille Subbasin Data Management Project
- ID: 129
- Created by: Jacque Schei
- Created: 5/27/2010 11:00 AM
- Updated by:
- Updated:
Intermountain Province/Pend Oreille Subbasin Data Management Project
This project is a public database that stores data generated by the Kalispel Tribe, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Spokane Tribe, and Colville Confederated Tribes. The spatial scale includes all of the Blocked Area above Chief Joseph Dam. At this time data from WA and ID is included. We will accept data from new sources and projects in 2012/2013. Data types presently housed in the Geospatial Enabled Database Management System include water quality and quantity, physical habitat of tributaries, reservoirs, and lakes, fish data, forestry, and TFW data. The Beta at this time with an updated version with increased functionality, expanded data types, metadata standards/templates for uploading, and some bug fixes in March/April 2012.
Administrator: Jim Lemieux, Kalispel Tribe, GIS Administrator, (509) 447-7457,
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Collect water samples for environmental DNA analysis - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Determine Presence/Absence of Eastern Brook Trout using eDNA Sampling - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Determine Presence/Absence of Target Fish Species (Native and Non-Native) using eDNA Sampling - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Analysis of genetic tissue samples (Colville River below Meyers Falls) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analysis of redband trout juvenile recruitment estimate. - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct estimate of redband trout recruitment to the Upper Columbia River from Onion Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Redband Trout assessment at Onion Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct estimate of redband trout recruitment to the Upper Columbia River from Big Sheep Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct baseline fisheries assessment of Priest River - Kalispel Tribe
- Monitor the BCR northern pike population - Kalispel Tribe_5
- Monitor the BCR northern pike population - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Monitor the BCR northern pike population - Kalispel Tribe_7
- Monitor the BCR northern pike population - Kalispel Tribe_8
- Monitor the BCR northern pike population - Kalispel Tribe_2
- Analysis of Priest River fish survey, SPIN, and radiotelemetry data - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Monitor the BCR northern pike population - Kalispel Tribe_3
- Monitor the BCR northern pike population - Kalispel Tribe_4
- Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River - Kalispel Tribe
- Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam - Kalispel Tribe
- Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples - Kalispel Tribe
- Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, boat, and vehicle - Kalispel Tribe
- Analysis of bull trout radiotelemetry data - Kalispel Tribe
- Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data - Kalispel Tribe
- Download stationary ground radio receiving stations - Kalispel Tribe
- Genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Y-Maze testing of Bull Trout - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Electrofishing to collect a representative sample of bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam - Kalispel Tribe
- Angling for bull trout - Kalispel Tribe
- Analysis of westslope cutthroat trout radiotelemetry data - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler and Sanborn creeks - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Assess Westslope Cutthroat Trout populations in Middle Creek and East Fork Smalle Creek - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Monitor Westslope Cutthroat Trout Population in Cee Cee Ah Creek - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Analyze and Interpret 2017 Data From Westslope Cutthroat Trout Assessment/Monitoring Projects - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Westslope Cutthroat Trout Genetic Inventory WSE 132406
- Determine the genetic status of westslope cutthroat trout on the Flathead Indian Reservation - Salish and Kootenai Confederated Tribes
- Conduct Stock Assessment (setline) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Stock Assessment (setline) - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Estimate size of lake trout population in Priest Lake - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Track lake trout tagged with acoustic tags in Priest Lake - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Monitor the movements of Lake Trout and Bull Trout in Priest and Upper Priest lakes - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Analysis of stream habitat, fish, and water quality/quantity data. - Spokane Tribe
- Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River. - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Estimate fish abundance in Big Sheep Creek. - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Redband Trout assessment at Big Sheep Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Analysis of stream fisheries survey data - Spokane Tribe 1
- Calculate Redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions (Spokane Riv - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect habitat data according to implementation plans - Spokane Tribe
- Evaluate survival of larval sturgeon release groups - Colville Confederated Tribes
- Conduct bull trout redd survey in the US portion of South Salmo River - Kalispel Tribe
- Analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data - Upper Columbia United Tribes (UCUT)
- Small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data - Upper Columbia United Tribes (UCUT)
- Bathymetry Mapping of the Pend Oreille River - Kalispel Tribe 1
- COPY: Bathymetry of the Pend Oreille River - Kalispel Tribe
- Collect acoustic, GPS, and temperature data in Priest River - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Analyze data collected from acoustic tagged fish in the Priest Lake system - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Collect data for Priest River temperature study - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Determine Presence/Absence of Eastern Brook Trout in Eradication Projects Areas using eDNA Sampling - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Analysis of fish surveys at Big Sheep Creek. - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fishery surveys in Deep Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fishery surveys at Onion Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fishery surveys in the Colville River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Conduct fishery surveys at Big Sheep Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect Genetic Tissue samples from Redband Trout (Colville River) - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Collect Genetic Tissue Samples from wild Rainbow Trout in Deep Creek - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Hunters Creek Redband Trout Stock Assessment
- Box Canyon Reservoir Warm Water Survey - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Collect data for Sullivan Lake Survey - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Monitor the BCR northern pike population - Kalispel Tribe_5
- CTUIR-Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling for Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring 2019
- Kalispel Tribe Westslope Cutthroat Trout Monitoring in Priest River Tributaries
- Pend Oreille River Spring Pike Index Netting (SPIN) Survey
- Chamokane Creek Redband Trout Stock Assessment
- 2020 Pend Oreille River Spring Pike Index Netting (SPIN) Survey
- Kalispel Tribe Westslope Cutthroat Trout Monitoring in Priest River Tributaries
- Chamokane Creek Redband Trout Stock Assessment
- Kalispel Tribe Myy Brook Trout Reproductive Success Evaluation in Mill Creek
- Kalispel Tribe eDNA monitoring of the Pend Oreille Basin
- Kalispel Tribe Myy Brook Trout Reproductive Success Evaluation in Mill Creek, cloned for Study Design 1733
- Kalispel Tribe Myy Brook Trout Reproductive Success Evaluation in Mill Creek
- Kalispel Tribe eDNA monitoring of the Pend Oreille Basin
- RedbandTrout Abundance in the Spokane River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- RedbandTrout Abundance in the Spokane River - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
- Kalispel Tribe eDNA monitoring of the Pend Oreille Basin v3.0
- Environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling - Upper Kettle River Tributaries
- Kalispel Tribe eDNA monitoring of the Pend Oreille Basin v3.0
- 1997-004-00, 55596, Work Element B: 160 - Organize files of historical data and enter into computerized database
- 1997-004-00, 55596, Work Element C: 160 - Compile and enter current habitat and fisheries data into JSAP compatible database
- 1997-004-00, 56424, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct estimate of redband trout recruitment to the Upper Columbia River from Big Sheep Creek
- 1997-004-00, 56424, Work Element F: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Database
- 1997-004-00, 56424, Work Element G: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 1997-004-00, 56424, Work Element D: 162 - Calculate redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions.
- 1997-004-00, 55883, Work Element E: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 55883, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct bull trout redd survey in the US portion of South Salmo River
- 1997-004-00, 55883, Work Element I: 162 - Analysis of Priest River fish survey, SPIN, and radiotelemetry data
- 1997-004-00, 55883, Work Element J: 160 - Maintain-update the KNRD geospatial enabled database management system
- 1997-004-00, 56424, Work Element A: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 2007-246-00, 56905, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect a representative sample of bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 56905, Work Element G: 157 - Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples
- 2007-246-00, 56905, Work Element H: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, boat, and vehicle
- 2007-246-00, 56905, Work Element K: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2008-007-00, 57297, Work Element H: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2008-007-00, 57297, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 61260, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 61260, Work Element E: 162 - Calculate redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions.
- 1997-004-00, 61260, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct estimate of redband trout recruitment to the Upper Columbia River from Big Sheep Creek
- 1997-004-00, 61260, Work Element G: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Datab
- 1997-004-00, 61260, Work Element H: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 1997-004-00, 60007, Work Element C: 160 - Compile and enter current habitat and fisheries data for CCT Resdient Fish Database
- 1997-004-00, 60274, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of stream habitat, fish, and water quality/quantity data.
- 1997-004-00, 60274, Work Element J: 160 - Compile and enter current data for inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 60320, Work Element E: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 60320, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of SPIN Survey and westslope cutthroat trout radiotelemetry data
- 1997-004-00, 60320, Work Element I: 160 - Maintain-update the KNRD geospatial enabled database management system
- 2008-007-00, 60745, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2007-246-00, 60779, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 60779, Work Element G: 157 - Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples
- 2007-246-00, 60779, Work Element H: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, boat, and vehicle
- 2007-246-00, 60779, Work Element K: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 1997-004-00, 64060, Work Element I: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 64060, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of SPIN Survey and westslope cutthroat trout radiotelemetry data
- 1997-004-00, 64060, Work Element Q: 160 - Maintain-update the KNRD geospatial enabled database management system
- 1997-004-00, 64302, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of stream habitat, fish, and water quality/quantity data.
- 1997-004-00, 64302, Work Element J: 160 - Compile and enter current data for inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 63569, Work Element C: 160 - Compile and enter current habitat and fisheries data for CCT Resident Fish Database
- 1997-004-00, 64924, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 64924, Work Element E: 162 - Calculate redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions.
- 1997-004-00, 64924, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct estimate of redband trout recruitment to the Upper Columbia River from Onion Creek
- 1997-004-00, 64924, Work Element G: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Datab
- 1997-004-00, 64924, Work Element H: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 2008-007-00, 64569, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 64924, Work Element P: 162 - Calculate density estimates of fish species in Big Sheep Creek
- 2007-246-00, 64984, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 64984, Work Element F: 157 - Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples
- 2007-246-00, 64984, Work Element G: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, boat, and vehicle
- 2007-246-00, 64984, Work Element K: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 1997-004-00, 67821, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of stream habitat, fish, and water quality/quantity data.
- 1997-004-00, 67821, Work Element I: 160 - Compile and enter current data for inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 68434, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 68434, Work Element E: 162 - Calculate redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions.
- 1997-004-00, 68434, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct estimate of redband trout recruitment to the Upper Columbia River from Onion Creek
- 1997-004-00, 68434, Work Element G: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Datab
- 1997-004-00, 68434, Work Element H: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 1997-004-00, 68434, Work Element P: 162 - Calculate density estimates of fish species in Big Sheep Creek
- 1997-004-00, 67820, Work Element C: 160 - Compile and enter current habitat and fisheries data for CCT Resident Fish Database
- 2007-246-00, 68608, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 68608, Work Element G: 157 - Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples
- 2007-246-00, 68608, Work Element H: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, boat, and vehicle
- 2007-246-00, 68608, Work Element J: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2008-007-00, 68392, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2007-149-00, 68426, Work Element L: 157 - Assess Westslope Cutthroat Trout populations in Middle Creek and East Fork Smalle Creek
- 2008-115-00, 67819, Work Element B: 159 - Acquire and format Fall Walleye Indexing Netting (FWIN) data from WDFW and Spokane Tribe
- 1997-004-00, 71839, Work Element K: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 71839, Work Element M: 157 - Monitor the movements of Lake Trout and Bull Trout in Priest and Upper Priest lakes
- 1997-004-00, 71839, Work Element N: 162 - Analysis of SPIN Survey and westslope cutthroat trout radiotelemetry data
- 1997-004-00, 71839, Work Element P: 160 - Maintain-update the KNRD geospatial enabled database management system
- 1997-004-00, 71857, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 71857, Work Element F: 162 - Calculate redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions (Spokane River).
- 1997-004-00, 71857, Work Element L: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Datab
- 1997-004-00, 71857, Work Element M: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 1997-004-00, 71452, Work Element G: 162 - Analysis of stream habitat, fish, and water quality/quantity data.
- 1997-004-00, 71452, Work Element I: 160 - Compile and enter current data for inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 71560, Work Element C: 160 - Compile and enter current habitat and fisheries data for CCT Resident Fish Database
- 2007-246-00, 72418, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 72418, Work Element G: 157 - Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples
- 2007-246-00, 72418, Work Element H: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, boat, and vehicle
- 2007-246-00, 72418, Work Element J: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2008-007-00, 72144, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2007-149-00, 72387, Work Element G: 157 - Assess Westslope Cutthroat Trout Populations in Middle Creek and East Fork Smalle Creek
- 2007-149-00, 72387, Work Element L: 162 - Analyze and Interpret FY16-17 Data From Westslope Cutthroat Trout Assessment/Monitoring Projects
- 1997-004-00, 68052, Work Element J: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 68052, Work Element L: 162 - Analysis of SPIN Survey and westslope cutthroat trout radiotelemetry data
- 1997-004-00, 68052, Work Element N: 160 - Maintain-update the KNRD geospatial enabled database management system
- 2007-149-00, 72387, Work Element F: 157 - Monitor Westslope Cutthroat Trout Population in Cee Cee Ah Creek
- 2007-149-00, 72387, Work Element K: 157 - Determine Presence/Absence of Eastern Brook Trout in Eradication Projects Areas using eDNA Sampling
- 1997-004-00, 75397, Work Element N: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 75397, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor the movements of Lake Trout and Bull Trout in Priest and Upper Priest lakes
- 1997-004-00, 75397, Work Element P: 160 - Maintain-update the KNRD geospatial enabled database management system
- 1997-004-00, 74970, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74970, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate Redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions (Spokane River)
- 1997-004-00, 74970, Work Element M: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Datab
- 1997-004-00, 74970, Work Element N: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 1997-004-00, 73548 REL 2, Work Element C: 160 - Compile and enter current habitat and fisheries data for CCT Resident Fish Database
- 1997-004-00, 75427, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of stream habitat and water quality/quantity data.
- 1997-004-00, 75427, Work Element I: 160 - Compile and enter current data for inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 2007-149-00, 75770, Work Element F: 157 - Assess/Monitor Westslope Cutthroat Trout Population in Cee Cee Ah Creek
- 2007-149-00, 75770, Work Element G: 157 - Determine Presence/Absence of Eastern Brook Trout using eDNA Sampling
- 2007-149-00, 75770, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze and Interpret 2017 Data From Westslope Cutthroat Trout Assessment/Monitoring Projects
- 1997-004-00, 75397, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze data collected from acoustic tagged fish in the Priest Lake system
- 2008-007-00, 75718, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2007-246-00, 75844, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 75844, Work Element H: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, boat, and vehicle
- 2007-246-00, 75844, Work Element J: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 1997-004-00, 74970, Work Element J: 157 - Collect Genetic Tissue Samples from wild Rainbow Trout in Deep Creek
- 2008-007-00, 77241, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element M: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element N: 162 - Analysis of westslope cutthroat trout radiotelemetry data
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element V: 160 - Maintain-update the KNRD geospatial enabled database management system
- 1997-004-00, 73548 REL 18, Work Element A: 160 - Compile and enter historical or current fisheries data into CCT Resident Fish Database
- 1997-004-00, 78056, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of stream habitat and water quality/quantity data.
- 1997-004-00, 78056, Work Element I: 160 - Compile and enter current data for inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 26, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 26, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate Redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions (Spokane Riv
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 26, Work Element J: 162 - Analysis of genetic tissue samples (Colville River below Meyers Falls)
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 26, Work Element L: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Datab
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 26, Work Element M: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 2007-149-00, 74488 REL 8, Work Element I: 157 - Determine Presence/Absence of Target Fish Species (Native and Non-Native) using eDNA Sampling
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 9, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 9, Work Element H: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, boat, and vehicle
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 9, Work Element J: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 26, Work Element O: 157 - Collect Genetic Tissue samples from Redband Trout (Colville River)
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element Q: 157 - Collect acoustic, GPS, and temperature data in Priest River
- 2007-149-00, 74488 REL 8, Work Element G: 157 - Evaluate the Calispell Lake/Creek Northern Pike Population using a SPIN survey
- 2008-007-00, 80221, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 81264, Work Element F: 162 - Analysis of stream habitat and water quality/quantity data.
- 1997-004-00, 81264, Work Element I: 160 - Compile and enter current data for inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 73548 REL 51, Work Element A: 160 - Compile and enter historical or current fisheries data into CCT Resident Fish Database
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 58, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 58, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate Redband trout abundance estimate and evaluate the estimator assumptions (Spokane Riv
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 58, Work Element I: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Database.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 58, Work Element J: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 14, Work Element L: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 14, Work Element M: 162 - Analysis of westslope cutthroat trout radiotelemetry data
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 20, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 20, Work Element J: 157 - Download stationary ground radio receiving stations
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 20, Work Element M: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2007-149-00, 74488 REL 17, Work Element F: 157 - Determine Presence/Absence of Target Fish Species using eDNA Sampling
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 20, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct field trials of pheromone attractants to increase capture of Bull Trout in the temporary trap.
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 20, Work Element I: 157 - Determine the origin of Westslope Cutthroat Trout collected below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2008-007-00, 83299, Work Element H: 162 - Non-Sampling this W.E. is to analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 23, Work Element J: 157 - Collect data to assess quantity and quality of food resources in cold-water refuges for salmonids in the Priest River.
- 1997-004-00, 84642, Work Element G: 160 - Compile and enter current data for inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 73548 REL 79, Work Element A: 160 - Compile and enter historical or current fisheries data into CCT Resident Fish Database
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 92, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 92, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate abundance of Redband Trout in the Spokane River
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 92, Work Element J: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Database.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 92, Work Element K: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 2007-149-00, 74488 REL 30, Work Element H: 157 - Determine Presence/Absence of Target Fish Species using eDNA Sampling
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 23, Work Element H: 157 - Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Big, Sadler, Sanborn, and Quartz creeks
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 23, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 29, Work Element B: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 29, Work Element G: 157 - Determine the origin of Westslope Cutthroat Trout collected below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-149-00, 74488 REL 30, Work Element F: 157 - Collect and Process Genetic Tissue Samples for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-149-00, 74488 REL 30, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze Genetic Sample Data for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-246-00, 74488 REL 29, Work Element H: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2008-007-00, 86174, Work Element H: 162 - Non-Sampling this W.E. is to analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 73548 REL 105, Work Element A: 160 - Compile and enter historical or current fisheries data into CCT Resident Fish Database
- 1997-004-00, 86996, Work Element F: 160 - Compile and Enter Current Data for Inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 84069 REL 3, Work Element H: 157 - Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Benton, Sadler, Sanborn, and Quartz creeks
- 1997-004-00, 84069 REL 3, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 124, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 124, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate abundance of Redband Trout in the Spokane River
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 124, Work Element J: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Database.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 124, Work Element K: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 8, Work Element H: 157 - Determine Presence/Absence of Target Fish Species using eDNA Sampling
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 8, Work Element F: 157 - Collect and Process Genetic Tissue Samples for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 8, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze Genetic Sample Data for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 10, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 10, Work Element H: 157 - Determine the origin of Westslope Cutthroat Trout collected below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 10, Work Element I: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 1997-004-00, 89737, Work Element F: 160 - Compile and Enter Current Data for Inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 73548 REL 136, Work Element A: 160 - Manage and Maintain Colville Tribes Resident Fish Database
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 155, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 155, Work Element C: 162 - Calculate abundance of Redband Trout in the Spokane River
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 155, Work Element J: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Database.
- 1997-004-00, 74314 REL 155, Work Element K: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 2008-007-00, 88870, Work Element H: 162 - Non-Sampling this W.E. is to analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 84069 REL 13, Work Element H: 157 - Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Benton, Sadler, Sanborn, and Quartz creeks
- 1997-004-00, 84069 REL 13, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 17, Work Element F: 157 - Collect and Process Genetic Tissue Samples for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 17, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze Genetic Sample Data for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 17, Work Element H: 157 - Determine Presence/Absence of Target Fish Species using eDNA Sampling
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 20, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 20, Work Element H: 157 - Determine the origin of Westslope Cutthroat Trout collected below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 20, Work Element I: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2008-007-00, 91162, Work Element H: 162 - Non-Sampling this W.E. is to analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 91844, Work Element A: 160 - Manage and Maintain Colville Tribes Resident Fish Database
- 1997-004-00, 91638, Work Element F: 160 - Compile and Enter Current Data for Inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 27, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of Redband Trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 27, Work Element J: 159 - Transfer certified data currently stored in MS Access database to the Geospatial Enabled Database.
- 1997-004-00, 84042 REL 27, Work Element K: 160 - Update and maintain an MS Access-based database system for WDFW JSAP data.
- 1997-004-00, 84069 REL 24, Work Element H: 157 - Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Benton, Sadler, Sanborn, and Quartz creeks
- 1997-004-00, 84069 REL 24, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 29, Work Element F: 157 - Collect and Process Genetic Tissue Samples for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 29, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze Genetic Sample Data for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 29, Work Element I: 157 - Determine Presence/Absence of Target Fish Species using eDNA Sampling
- 1997-004-00, 32169, Work Element C: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 31167, Work Element E: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the upper Spokane River
- 2007-246-00, 32732, Work Element F: 157 - Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples
- 2007-246-00, 32732, Work Element C: 157 - Weekly electrofishing collecting a representative sample of bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 32732, Work Element H: 157 - Compile electronic spread sheet data base of electrofishing data
- 2007-246-00, 32732, Work Element J: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, vehicle, and boat
- 1997-004-00, 37022, Work Element C: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 37028, Work Element B: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the upper Spokane River.
- 2007-246-00, 37624, Work Element C: 157 - Weekly electrofishing collecting a representative sample of bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 37624, Work Element E: 157 - Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples
- 2007-246-00, 37624, Work Element H: 157 - Compile electronic spread sheet data base of electrofishing data
- 2007-246-00, 37624, Work Element J: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, vehicle, and boat
- 1997-004-00, 41077, Work Element D: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 41176, Work Element D: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the upper Spokane River.
- 2007-246-00, 42473, Work Element C: 157 - Weekly electrofishing collecting a representative sample of bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 42473, Work Element E: 157 - Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples
- 2007-246-00, 42473, Work Element H: 157 - Compile electronic spread sheet data base of electrofishing data
- 2007-246-00, 42473, Work Element J: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft and vehicle
- 2008-007-00, 42527, Work Element H: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2008-007-00, 46819, Work Element H: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1991-019-01, 44587, Work Element Q: 157 - Determine the genetic status of westslope cutthroat trout on the Flathead Indian Reservation
- 2007-246-00, 47330, Work Element B: 157 - Weekly electrofishing to collect a representative sample of bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 47330, Work Element F: 157 - Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples
- 2007-246-00, 47330, Work Element K: 157 - Compile electronic spread sheet data base of electrofishing data
- 2007-246-00, 47330, Work Element H: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft and vehicle
- 1997-004-00, 45869, Work Element D: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 46284, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 46284, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct estimate of redband trout recruitment to the Upper Columbia River from one tributary.
- 1997-004-00, 51363, Work Element G: 157 - Manually track westslope cutthroat trout from Priest River
- 1997-004-00, 51409, Work Element D: 157 - Collect fishery and habitat data according to implementation plans
- 1997-004-00, 52091, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct abundance estimate of redband trout in the Spokane River.
- 1997-004-00, 52091, Work Element G: 157 - Conduct estimate of redband trout recruitment to the Upper Columbia River from Big Sheep Creek.
- 1991-019-01, 50765, Work Element R: 157 - Determine the genetic status of westslope cutthroat trout on the Flathead Indian Reservation
- 2008-007-00, 52500, Work Element H: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2007-246-00, 52107, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect a representative sample of bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 52107, Work Element G: 157 - Rapid response genetic analysis of bull trout biopsy samples
- 2007-246-00, 52107, Work Element H: 157 - Mobile tracking surveys by fixed wing aircraft, boat, and vehicle
- 2007-246-00, 52107, Work Element K: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 1997-004-00, 51363, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct bull trout redd survey in the US portion of South Salmo River
- 1991-019-01, 56091, Work Element M: 157 - Determine the genetic status of westslope cutthroat trout on the Flathead Indian Reservation
- 1997-004-00, 56011, Work Element H: 162 - Analysis of stream habitat, fish, and water quality/quantity data.
- 1991-019-01, 59727, Work Element M: 157 - Determine the genetic status of westslope cutthroat trout on the Flathead Reservation
- 2008-007-00, 60745, Work Element G: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2008-007-00, 64569, Work Element G: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 64060, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 1997-004-00, 68052, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2008-007-00, 68392, Work Element G: 157 - Collect small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 71839, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2008-007-00, 72144, Work Element G: 157 - Small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 75397, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2008-007-00, 75718, Work Element F: 157 - Small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2008-007-00, 77241, Work Element F: 157 - Small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element K: 157 - Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler and Sanborn creeks
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 3, Work Element L: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2008-007-00, 80221, Work Element G: 157 - Small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 14, Work Element J: 157 - Data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Sadler, Sanborn, and Quartz creeks
- 1997-004-00, 74488 REL 14, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 67, Work Element F: 157 - Conduct Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 83, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 126, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 155, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 185, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 30, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 30, Work Element H: 157 - Determine genetic structure, hybridization, and natal stream origin of Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 30, Work Element I: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 30, Work Element G: 157 - Determine the proportion of migratory Westslope Cutthroat Trout produced in the lower Priest River and evaluate biotic and abiotic factors that may influence the production of these fish.
- 2009-014-00, 73982 REL 207, Work Element H: 157 - Conduct Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 2008-007-00, 93325, Work Element H: 162 - Non-Sampling this W.E. is to analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data.
- 1997-004-00, 84051 REL 7, Work Element A: 160 - Manage and Maintain Colville Tribes Resident Fish Database
- 1997-004-00, 93963, Work Element F: 160 - Compile and Enter Current Data for Inclusion in IPPOSDM Project
- 1997-004-00, 84069 REL 37, Work Element F: 157 - Collect data from migratory westslope cutthroat trout in Benton, Sadler, Sanborn, and Quartz creeks
- 1997-004-00, 84069 REL 37, Work Element G: 162 - Analyze data collected during trapping and PIT-tagging westslope cutthroat trout
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 41, Work Element F: 157 - Collect and Process Genetic Tissue Samples for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 41, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze Genetic Sample Data for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-149-00, 84069 REL 41, Work Element I: 157 - Determine Presence/Absence of Target Fish Species using eDNA Sampling
- 2007-083-00, 73982 REL 199, Work Element Q: 157 - Collect food web data for restoration effectiveness monitoring.
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 42, Work Element C: 157 - Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 42, Work Element G: 157 - Determine the proportion of migratory Westslope Cutthroat Trout produced in the lower Priest River and evaluate biotic and abiotic factors that may influence the production of these fish.
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 42, Work Element H: 157 - Determine genetic structure, hybridization, and natal stream origin of Westslope Cutthroat Trout
- 2007-246-00, 84069 REL 42, Work Element I: 157 - Compile electronic spreadsheet database of electrofishing data
- 2008-007-00, 95815, Work Element G: 162 - Non-Sampling this W.E. is to analyze and interpret small mammal, breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data.
- 1997-004-04, 84051 REL 30, Work Element B: 160 - Manage and Maintain Colville Tribes Resident Fish Database
- 2007-083-00, 96153, Work Element Q: 157 - Collect food web data for restoration effectiveness monitoring.
- 2007-149-00, CR-375152, Work Element G: 157 - Collect and Process Genetic Tissue Samples for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2007-149-00, CR-375152, Work Element H: 157 - Determine Presence/Absence of Target Fish Species using eDNA Sampling
- 2007-149-00, CR-375152, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze Genetic Sample Data for Mill Creek Myy Brook Trout Performance Evaluation
- 2009-014-00, 96436, Work Element I: 157 - Conduct Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling at Stream Restoration Monitoring Sites
- 1997-004-02, 84042 REL 92, Work Element S: 157 - Conduct environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling at upper Kettle River tributaries.
- 2007-246-00, CR-375922, Work Element C: 157 - COPY: Electrofishing to collect bull trout below Albeni Falls Dam
- 2007-246-00, CR-375922, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Determine the proportion of migratory Westslope Cutthroat Trout produced in the lower Priest River and evaluate biotic and abiotic factors that may influence the production of these fish.
- 2007-246-00, CR-375922, Work Element H: 157 - COPY: Determine genetic structure, hybridization, and natal stream origin of Westslope Cutthroat Trout