- ID: 68
- Created by: Jacque Schei
- Created: 5/27/2010 11:00 AM
- Updated by: Rebecca Scully
- Updated: 9/10/2013 9:54 AM
Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System
The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System (IFWIS) is a comprehensive information system for standardizing data on fish, wildlife, and plants in Idaho. Discover what we offer by browsing our Fisheries, Wildlife, Species Diversity, Lands and GIS resources.
The following items are associated with this Environmental Information Repository.
Who’s Using this Repository?
Sample Designs
- Task 1B: Conduct habitat surveys at site-based restoration locations in the Lemhi and Secesh rivers. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 5: Lower Granite Dam adult spring/summer Chinook salmon and steelhead scale ageing. - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Lower Granite Dam adult steelhead and Chinook salmon scale ageing (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- PIT array operation & maintenance: Marsh Creek, North Fork Salmon and Lochsa R - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Operate and maintain rotary screw traps in the Lemhi and lower Secesh rivers (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap - Quantitative Consultants Inc
- Conduct habitat surveys in Lemhi River watershed (Priorities 4.1 - 4.2) - Quantitative Consultants Inc 1
- Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon - Nez Perce Tribe
- Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data - Nez Perce Tribe
- Estimate adult and juvenile steelhead production (2014 data)* - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Estimate adult and juvenile steelhead production (2015 data) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect and Collate Data from Adult Steelhead in Spawning Areas* - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Assign Ages to Steelhead Scales Collected at Lower Granite Dam, Traps, and Weirs* - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect and Collate Data from Adult Steelhead in Spawning Areas - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect Data from Adult Steelhead in Fish Creek & Rapid River - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Sample adult steelhead in Big Creek (Middle Fk Salmon River) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Assign ages to adult and juvenile steelhead scale samples collected at trap & weirs in 2011 - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Sample wild steelhead adults at Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Assign ages to adult steelhead scale samples collected at Lower Granite Dam during run year 2012 - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Conduct Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers* - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Assign ages to adult steelhead scale samples collected at Lower Granite Dam during run year 2013-14 - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Estimate fish densities in tributaries (2014 data) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Measure Stream Temperature - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) 1990-2019
- IDFG summarization of stream temperature data in key wild steelhead streams - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect Scale & Tissue Samples at Traps and Weirs - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Collect DNA Tissue Samples (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries, traps, & weirs - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret comprehensive ISS supplementation data. - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Install and Operate Screw Traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Additional Carcass Surveys - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: Salmon and Clearwater Basins - Crystal Springs
- Operate Juvenile Screw Traps - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: Crystal Springs
- Analyze and interpret comprehensive ISS supplementation data. - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Conduct Redd Counts and Carcass Surveys - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: Salmon River Basin (2007-2013)
- Additional Carcass Surveys - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: Salmon and Clearwater Basins - ISS 2007-2014
- Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Operate Juvenile Screw Traps - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: East Fork Salmon River and Yankee Fork (2007-2014)
- Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: East Fork Salmon River, Bear Valley Creek , Valley Creek, and Yankee Fork (2007-2014)
- Operate Juvenile Screw Traps - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Clearwater (2005-2012)
- Monitor Adult Escapement into Study Streams - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Clearwater Basin (2005-2012)
- Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Conduct Redd Counts and Carcass Surveys - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Clearwater (2007-2012)
- Additional Carcass Surveys - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Salmon and Clearwater Basins 2005-2012
- Estimate Adult Production in ISS Study Streams - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Supplemental Data Collection - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Clearwater Basin (2005)
- Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Clearwater (2005-2012)
- IDFG Install and Operate Juvenile Screw Traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG Monitor Adult Escapement into Study Streams - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG Conduct Redd Counts and Carcass Surveys - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG Additional Carcass Surveys - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG Supplemental Data Collection - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Operate Juvenile Screw Traps - Nez Perce Tribe: Johnson Creek, Newsome Creek, Chamberlain Creek & Lolo Creek (2005-2013)
- Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps and sites - Nez Perce Tribe
- Conduct Redd Counts and Carcass Surveys - Nez Perce Tribe: Lolo Creek, Newsome Creek and Johnson Creek (2007-2014)
- Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs or Sites - Nez Perce Tribe
- Additional Carcass Surveys - Nez Perce Tribe: Salmon and Clearwater Basins
- Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading - Nez Perce Tribe: Clear Water and Salmon River Basins (2005-2012)
- Supplemental Data Collection - Nez Perce Tribe: Clearwater and Salmon River Basins (ISS 2007-2013)
- Operate Fyke Net Traps - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Operate Rotary Screwtraps - US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Conduct Redd Counts and Carcass Surveys - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Estimate Adult Production - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and Interpret Adult Chinook Salmon Performance Measure Data by Origin and Program - Nez Perce Tribe
- Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon - Nez Perce Tribe: Grande Ronde
- Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- SRSS captive broodstock field evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- IDFG rotary screw trapping for juv. Chinook & Steelhead abundance & survival in Clearwater & Salmon - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- (2014) Assign Ages to Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Estimate Parr Densities from Snorkel Surveys (2014 data) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Conduct General Parr Monitoring - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG snorkel surveys for juv. Chinook & steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG snorkel surveys for juv. Chinook & steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon - IDF&G_2
- Supplemental Data Collection - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG): Clear Water and Salmon River Basins (Idaho Natural Production Monitoring).
- Collate and Collect Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Biological Data (2012) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Data Collection - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Aerial survey chinook redd counts - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Ground survey chinook redd counts - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Collect tissue samples from salmon carcasses - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Analyze redd count data - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Map Salmon Redds - US Forest Service (USFS)
- Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Chinook salmon captive rearing field evaluations - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Obj. 2, SNP Genotyping (broodstock)-CRITFC - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Obj. 3, Genotyping (Backend sampling) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) captive broodstock genetic samples - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and Interpret SRSS genetic samples - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Effects of Light on Fish Quality - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, & Evaluation - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- South Fork Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Data Collection - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Collect Data for Monitoring the Status of Adult Steelhead at the Lostine River Weir - Nez Perce Tribe
- Analyze and Interpret Steelhead data for Technical Reports and Management Forums - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- White sturgeon movement evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- White sturgeon spawning evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Juveniles white sturgeon recruitment and evaluation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Evaluate juvenile and adult burbot population dynamics - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Evaluate burbot early life strategies: Kootenai tributaries and graduate studies - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Ecosystem Restoration: Fish Biomonitoring - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Rainbow Trout Recruitment and Early Life History - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Rainbow Trout Recruitment and Early Life History - IDF&G_5
- Analyze biological parameters of lake trout - Salish and Kootenai Confederated Tribes
- Estimate size of lake trout population in Priest Lake - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Track lake trout tagged with acoustic tags in Priest Lake - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Monitor the movements of Lake Trout and Bull Trout in Priest and Upper Priest lakes - Kalispel Tribe 1
- Monitor kokanee shoreline spawning habitat - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Kokanee spawning ecology study - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Mysis shrimp abundance estimate - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret Kokanee population data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect and generate field data to assist IBIS - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG): BPA Project 1992-061-03
- Quantify entrainment into the Long Island Canal - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Quantify entrainment into the Rigby Canal - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Estimate entrainment of juvenile trout and non-game fish into three South Fork Snake River canals - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Quantify entrainment into the Dry Bed Canal - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect and generate field data for Wildlife Habitat Reference Sites - EWU - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect & generate field data for Monitoring of Bank Retreat and Vegetation Development - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect and generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Restoration Project - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habitats - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- COPY: BCSCWMA - Analyze/Interpret Field Data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- COPY: POWMA - Analyze/Interpret Data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate and conduct wildlife and vegetation monitoring surveys for the Clark Fork Delta - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate and conduct vegetative monitoring surveys - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG): BPA Project 1992-061-03
- Coordinate and conduct wildlife and vegetation monitoring surveys for the Clark Fork River delta - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Assist ODFW with Data Collection at the Lostine River Screw Trap - Nez Perce Tribe 1
- Conduct Single- and Multiple-Pass Chinook Redd Counts - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- SRSS mid-water trawl abundance estimation - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret mid-water trawl survey data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and Interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- SRSS anadromous adult trapping and data collection - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- SRSS adult spawning ground surveys - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Quantify entrainment of Yellowstone cutthroat trout into South Fork Snake River canals - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Quantify entrainment of rainbow trout into South Fork Snake River canals - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Quantify entrainment of brown trout into South Fork Snake River canals - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Snorkel CHaMP sites - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Estimate entrainment of juvenile trout and non-game fish into the Dry Bed and subsidiary canals - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Estimate Juvenile Production in the East Fok Salmon River and Valley Creek - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Conduct Redd Counts and Carcass Surveys - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: Salmon River Basin (Crystal Springs)
- White sturgeon larval hatching success - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Adult White sturgeon sampling - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Survey Kokanee spawners - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Analyze and interpret Kokanee spawner data - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habit - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect and generate field data on Aquatic micro- and macro-invertebrates in the Clark Fork River delta - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Project - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Project - IDF&G_2
- IDFG juvenile spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead sampling at Lower Granite Dam - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Restoration Project - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Rainbow Trout Recruitment and Early Life History - IDF&G_5
- Chinook Salmon Aerial Redd Surveys in the Middle Fork Salmon River basin, Idaho (IDFG)
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook salmon and steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Measure Stream Temperature - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) 2020
- Selected Population Performance Metrics of Wild Smolts by Genetic Stock for Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from Lower Granite Dam Sampling
- Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Snake River Steelhead Run Reconstruction: Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook salmon and steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 468
- IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 1770
- IDFG Select Adult Population Performance Metrics for Wild Chinook Salmon in Idaho 2021
- IDFG Select Adult Population Performance Metrics for Wild Steelhead in Idaho
- Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) GRTS 2022
- Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries) 2023 - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) Trends
- Genetic evaluations of the South Fork Snake River Yellowstone Cutthroat Population
- Obj. 2, SNP Genotyping (broodstock)-CRITFC - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 626
- Obj. 3, Genotyping (Backend sampling) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 626
- Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 626
- Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 626
- vAB_Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) GRTS 2022
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 1766
- Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467, cloned for Study Plan 1766
- Operate Screw Traps Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), cloned for Study Plan 467, cloned for Study Plan 1766
- Estimate adult and juvenile steelhead production (2024 data) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- IDFG Select Adult Population Performance Metrics for Wild Chinook Salmon in Idaho 2021, cloned for Study Plan 1816
- IDFG Select Adult Population Performance Metrics for Wild Chinook Salmon in Idaho 2025
- Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries) Trends 2025 - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries) GRTS 2025 - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
- Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) GRTS 2023
- Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries) - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) GRTS 2024
- 1989-098-00, 55352, Work Element N: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 55848, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 55848, Work Element J: 159 - Upload ISS Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 1989-098-00, 55848, Work Element O: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 55671, Work Element D: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps
- 1989-098-00, 55671, Work Element F: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 55671, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 55671, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG Estimate Juvenile Production in ISS Study Streams and upper Marsh Creek population
- 1989-098-00, 55312, Work Element L: 157 - Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps and sites
- 1989-098-00, 55312, Work Element N: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs or Sites
- 1989-098-00, 55312, Work Element P: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 55312, Work Element T: 159 - Upload ISS Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring the Status of Adult Steelhead at the Lostine River Weir
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element H: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Conventional Broodstock Chinook Salmon Data for Annual Report
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element I: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Captive Broodstock Chinook Salmon Adult Return Data for Annual Report
- 1998-007-02, 55021, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Steelhead data for Technical Reports and Management Forums
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead in Fish Creek & Rapid River
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element E: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Tissue Samples (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries, traps, & weirs
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element H: 157 - Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries)
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element I: 157 - Sample adult steelhead in Big Creek (Middle Fk Salmon River)
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element L: 162 - Assign ages to adult and juvenile steelhead scale samples collected at trap & weirs in 2011
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element M: 162 - Assign ages to adult steelhead scale samples collected at Lower Granite Dam during run year 2012
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element N: 162 - Assign ages to wild steelhead smolt scale samples collected at Lower Granite Dam during 2012
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element S: 162 - Estimate 2011 juvenile steelhead production and timing in Fish Creek, Rapid River, & Big Creek
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element U: 162 - Estimate 2011 steelhead escapement in Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element V: 162 - Estimate wild adult steelhead escapement above Lower Granite Dam for spawn year 2012
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element W: 162 - Estimate wild steelhead smolt production at Lower Granite Dam during 2012
- 1991-073-00, 55703, Work Element M: 159 - Collate Population-Specific Redd Count Data for Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon (2012)
- 1991-073-00, 55703, Work Element N: 157 - Collate and Collect Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Biological Data (2012)
- 2007-402-00, 57759, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) captive broodstock genetic samples
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element AA: 157 - Collect Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers*
- 1990-055-00, 55728, Work Element AB: 162 - Conduct Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers*
- 2010-031-00, 57342, Work Element G: 157 - Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock (Chinook SY2012 and Steelhead SY2013)
- 2007-403-00, 59694, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program
- 1989-098-00, 59864, Work Element P: 159 - Upload ISS Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 1989-098-00, 59799, Work Element F: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 59843, Work Element F: 159 - Upload ISS Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 1989-098-00, 59843, Work Element J: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead in Fish Creek & Rapid River
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element E: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Tissue Samples (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries, traps, & weirs
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element H: 157 - Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries)
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element I: 157 - Sample adult steelhead in Big Creek (Middle Fk Salmon River)
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element L: 162 - Assign ages to adult and juvenile steelhead scale samples collected at trap & weirs in 2012
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element M: 162 - Assign ages to adult steelhead scale samples collected at Lower Granite Dam during run year 2013
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element N: 162 - Assign ages to wild steelhead smolt scale samples collected at Lower Granite Dam during 2013
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element S: 162 - Estimate 2012 juvenile steelhead production and timing in Fish Creek, Rapid River, & Big Creek
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element U: 162 - Estimate 2012 steelhead escapement in Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element V: 162 - Estimate wild adult steelhead escapement above Lower Granite Dam for spawn year 2013
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element W: 162 - Estimate wild steelhead smolt production at Lower Granite Dam during 2013
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element AA: 157 - Collect Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers
- 1990-055-00, 59800, Work Element AB: 162 - Conduct Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers
- 1991-073-00, 59833, Work Element M: 159 - Collate Population-Specific Redd Count Data for Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon (2013)
- 1991-073-00, 59833, Work Element N: 157 - Collate and Collect Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Biological Data (2013)
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead Using the Lostine River Weir
- 2003-017-00, 59729, Work Element K: 157 - Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis
- 1992-061-03, 57962, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data to assist IBIS
- 2007-402-00, 61898, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze and Interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 2007-170-00, 59512, Work Element T: 157 - Quantify entrainment of Yellowstone cutthroat trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 2007-170-00, 59512, Work Element U: 157 - Quantify entrainment of rainbow trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 2007-170-00, 59512, Work Element V: 157 - Quantify entrainment of brown trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 1989-098-00, 63738, Work Element N: 159 - Upload ISS Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 1989-098-00, 64186, Work Element E: 159 - Upload ISS Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 1989-098-00, 63724, Work Element F: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead in Fish Creek & Rapid River
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element E: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Tissue Samples (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries, traps, & weirs
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element H: 157 - Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries)
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element I: 157 - Sample adult steelhead in Big Creek (Middle Fk Salmon River)
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element L: 162 - Assign ages to adult and juvenile steelhead scale samples collected at trap & weirs in 2013
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element M: 162 - Assign ages to adult steelhead scale samples collected at Lower Granite Dam during run year 2013-14
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element N: 162 - Assign ages to wild steelhead smolt scale samples collected at Lower Granite Dam during 2014
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element S: 162 - Estimate 2013 juvenile steelhead production and timing in Fish Creek, Rapid River, & Big Creek
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element U: 162 - Estimate 2012 steelhead escapement in Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element V: 162 - Estimate wild adult steelhead escapement above Lower Granite Dam for spawn year 2013-14
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element W: 162 - Estimate wild steelhead smolt production at Lower Granite Dam during 2014
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element AA: 157 - Collect Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers
- 1990-055-00, 63755, Work Element AB: 162 - Conduct Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers
- 1991-073-00, 63971, Work Element N: 159 - Collate Population-Specific Redd Count Data for Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon (2014)
- 1991-073-00, 63971, Work Element M: 157 - Collate and Collect Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Biological Data (2014)
- 2003-017-00, 64146, Work Element J: 157 - Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis
- 2007-403-00, 62939, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook Salmon captive rearing program
- 2007-170-00, 62814, Work Element N: 157 - Quantify entrainment of Yellowstone cutthroat trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 2007-170-00, 62814, Work Element O: 157 - Quantify entrainment of rainbow trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 2007-170-00, 62814, Work Element P: 157 - Quantify entrainment of brown trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead Using the Lostine River Weir
- 1992-061-03, 62561, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data for Wildlife Habitat Reference Sites - EWU
- 1992-061-03, 62561, Work Element T: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate field data for Monitoring of Bank Retreat and Vegetation Development
- 1991-073-00, 67977, Work Element G: 157 - Collate and Collect Chinook Spawning Ground Biological Data
- 1991-073-00, 67977, Work Element O: 159 - Collate Chinook Population-Specific Redd Count Data (2014)
- 1990-055-00, 67655, Work Element E: 157 - Collect and Collate Data from Adult Steelhead in Spawning Areas*
- 1990-055-00, 67655, Work Element I: 157 - Sample Wild Adult and Juvenile Steelhead at Lower Granite Dam*
- 1990-055-00, 67655, Work Element L: 162 - Assign Ages to Steelhead Scales Collected at Lower Granite Dam, Traps, and Weirs*
- 1990-055-00, 67655, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate adult and juvenile steelhead production (2014 data)*
- 1990-055-00, 67655, Work Element S: 157 - Collate Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers (2013-2014 data)
- 1990-055-00, 67655, Work Element T: 162 - Conduct Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers (2013-2014 data)
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead Using the Lostine River Weir
- 1989-098-00, 67556, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze and interpret comprehensive ISS supplementation data.
- 1989-098-00, 67577, Work Element D: 159 - Upload Juvenile Chinook Salmon Data to Centralized Database
- 2007-402-00, 69491, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze and Interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 1989-098-00, 67980, Work Element E: 162 - Analyze and interpret comprehensive ISS supplementation data.
- 2007-402-00, 65733, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze and Interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 2007-170-00, 66446, Work Element N: 157 - Quantify entrainment of Yellowstone cutthroat trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 2007-170-00, 66446, Work Element O: 157 - Quantify entrainment of rainbow trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 2007-170-00, 66446, Work Element P: 157 - Quantify entrainment of brown trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 1997-004-00, 71839, Work Element M: 157 - Monitor the movements of Lake Trout and Bull Trout in Priest and Upper Priest lakes
- 2008-905-00, 66365, Work Element M: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Research, Monitoring, & Evaluation
- 2007-170-00, 70494, Work Element O: 157 - Quantify entrainment of Yellowstone cutthroat trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 2007-170-00, 70494, Work Element P: 157 - Quantify entrainment of rainbow trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 2007-170-00, 70494, Work Element Q: 157 - Quantify entrainment of brown trout into South Fork Snake River canals
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element E: 157 - Task 1B: Conduct habitat surveys at site-based restoration locations in the Lemhi and Secesh rivers.
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element J: 157 - Task 5: Lower Granite Dam adult spring/summer Chinook salmon and steelhead scale ageing.
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element K: 160 - Task 6: Manage databases for Salmon and John Day sub-basins
- 2003-017-00, 67442, Work Element L: 159 - Task 7: Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server and cloud storage, ISEMP Database, and PTAGIS.
- 1992-061-03, 66672, Work Element M: 157 - Coordinate and conduct wildlife and vegetation monitoring surveys for the Clark Fork River delta
- 1992-061-03, 66672, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Restoration Project
- 1992-061-03, 66672, Work Element P: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habitats
- 2003-017-00, 71131, Work Element D: 157 - Task 1B: Conduct habitat surveys at site-based restoration locations in the Lemhi and Secesh Rivers
- 2003-017-00, 71131, Work Element I: 157 - Task 5: Lower Granite Dam adult spring/summer Chinook salmon and steelhead scale ageing.
- 2003-017-00, 71131, Work Element K: 159 - Task 7: Transfer PIT tag array data to QCI server and cloud storage, ISEMP Database, and PTAGI
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead Using the Lostine River Weir
- 2007-170-00, 70494, Work Element R: 157 - Estimate entrainment of juvenile trout and non-game fish into the Dry Bed and subsidiary canals
- 2007-403-00, 66445, Work Element B: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook Salmon Captive Rearing Program
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element E: 157 - Collect and Collate Data from Adult Steelhead in Spawning Areas
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element I: 157 - Sample Wild Adult and Juvenile Steelhead at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element L: 162 - Assign Ages to Steelhead Scales Collected at Lower Granite Dam, Traps, and Weirs
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element N: 162 - Estimate adult and juvenile steelhead production (2015 data)
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element R: 157 - Collate Data for Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers (2014-2015 data)
- 1990-055-00, 71170, Work Element S: 162 - Conduct Annual Steelhead Run Reconstruction with Co-Managers (2014-2015 data)
- 1991-073-00, 71488, Work Element G: 157 - Collate and Collect Chinook Spawning Ground Biological Data
- 1991-073-00, 71488, Work Element O: 159 - Collate Chinook Population-Specific Redd Count Data (2015 data)
- 1988-065-00, 68393, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate burbot early life strategies: Kootenai tributaries and graduate studies
- 1988-065-00, 68393, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 2008-905-00, 71276, Work Element G: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, & Evaluation
- 1992-061-03, 73192, Work Element M: 157 - Coordinate and conduct wildlife and vegetation monitoring surveys for the Clark Fork Delta
- 1992-061-03, 73192, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Project
- 1992-061-03, 73192, Work Element P: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habit
- 1997-004-00, 75397, Work Element J: 157 - Monitor the movements of Lake Trout and Bull Trout in Priest and Upper Priest lakes
- 2007-170-00, 74346, Work Element H: 157 - Estimate entrainment of juvenile trout and non-game fish into three South Fork Snake River canals
- 2008-905-00, 75391, Work Element L: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG snorkel surveys for juv. Chinook & steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for juv. Chinook & Steelhead abundance & survival in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element R: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon distribution & density analyses from snorkel surveys
- 1992-061-03, 76685, Work Element M: 157 - Coordinate and conduct wildlife and vegetation monitoring surveys for the Clark Fork Delta
- 1992-061-03, 76685, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Project
- 1992-061-03, 76685, Work Element P: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habit
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element Q: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon abundance, survival, & productivity analyses from RSTs
- 2008-905-00, 75391, Work Element M: 157 - South Fork Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element K: 157 - Operate and maintain rotary screw traps in the Lemhi and lower Secesh rivers (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element L: 157 - Conduct habitat surveys in Lemhi River watershed (Priorities 4.1 - 4.2)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element O: 162 - Lower Granite Dam adult steelhead and Chinook salmon scale ageing (Priorities 4.3 - 4.4)
- 2003-017-00, 74633, Work Element Q: 159 - Upload IPTDS data to QCI server and cloud storage, parse, and upload to PTAGIS
- 2007-402-00, 76501, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze and interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG juvenile wild steelhead sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG stream temperature data collection in the Clearwater & Salmon River drainages
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element M: 157 - IDFG snorkel surveys for juvenile steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element R: 162 - Wild juvenile steelhead age composition from scales collected at LGR, & IDFG rotary screw traps.
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element S: 162 - Wild adult steelhead age composition from scales collected at LGR, & IDFG weirs & hatchery traps
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element T: 162 - IDFG summarization of stream temperature data in key wild steelhead streams
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element U: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity analyses
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element V: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile steelhead distribution & density analyses
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element W: 162 - IDFG wild adult steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity analyses
- 1990-055-00, 74851, Work Element X: 162 - Perform analysis of Snake River basin steelhead 2015-2016 run reconstruction data with co-managers
- 2003-017-00, 77840, Work Element K: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for juv. Chinook & Steelhead abundance & survival in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG snorkel surveys for juv. Chinook & steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element R: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon abundance, survival, & productivity analyses from RSTs
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element Q: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon distribution & density analyses from snorkel surveys
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG juvenile wild steelhead sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG stream temperature data collection in the Clearwater & Salmon River drainages
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG snorkel surveys for juvenile steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element M: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element R: 162 - Wild juvenile steelhead age composition from scales collected at LGR, & IDFG rotary screw traps.
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element S: 162 - Wild adult steelhead age composition from scales collected at LGR, & IDFG weirs & hatchery traps
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element X: 162 - IDFG summarization of stream temperature data in key wild steelhead streams
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element U: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity analyses
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element T: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile steelhead distribution & density analyses
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element V: 162 - IDFG wild adult steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity analyses
- 1990-055-00, 78368, Work Element W: 162 - Perform analysis of Snake River basin steelhead 2015-2016 run reconstruction data with co-managers
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 2, Work Element J: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 2, Work Element K: 157 - South Fork Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 1992-061-03, 80586, Work Element H: 157 - Coordinate and Conduct Wildlife and Vegetation Monitoring Surveys for the Clark Fork Delta
- 1992-061-03, 80586, Work Element I: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data on Aquatic micro- and macro-invertebrates in the Clark Fork River delta
- 2007-402-00, 73152, Work Element Q: 162 - Analyze and Interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 1992-061-03, 69938, Work Element M: 157 - Coordinate and conduct wildlife and vegetation monitoring surveys for the Clark Fork Delta
- 1992-061-03, 69938, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Restoration Project
- 1992-061-03, 69938, Work Element P: 157 - Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habitat
- 2007-402-00, 79593, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze and interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 1992-061-03, CR-322763, Work Element N: 157 - COPY: Coordinate and conduct wildlife and vegetation monitoring surveys for the Clark Fork Delta
- 1992-061-03, CR-322763, Work Element O: 157 - COPY: Coordinate, collect & generate Aerial and TS LiDAR data for the Clark Fork Delta Project
- 1992-061-03, CR-322763, Work Element Q: 157 - COPY: Coordinate, collect & generate field data on Winter lake fluctuation impacts to wildlife habit
- 2003-017-00, CR-326243, Work Element D: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (L3A0) Rotary Screw trap
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG juvenile wild steelhead sampling at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG stream temperature data collection in the Clearwater & Salmon River drainages
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity in Clearwater & Salmon
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG snorkel surveys for juvenile steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element M: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult steelhead abundance at select temporary weirs & hatchery traps
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element R: 162 - Wild juvenile steelhead age composition from scales collected at LGR, & IDFG rotary screw traps.
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element S: 162 - Wild adult steelhead age composition from scales collected at LGR, & IDFG weirs & hatchery traps
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element X: 162 - IDFG summarization of stream temperature data in key wild steelhead streams
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element U: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity analyses
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element T: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile steelhead distribution & density analyses
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element V: 162 - IDFG wild adult steelhead abundance, survival, & productivity analyses
- 1990-055-00, 81177, Work Element W: 162 - Perform analysis of Snake River basin steelhead 2017-2018 run reconstruction data with co-managers.
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG single- and multiple-pass Chinook redd counts & carcass biological sampling in the Salmon River
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element R: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon abundance, survival, & productivity analyses from RSTs
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element Q: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon distribution & density analyses from snorkel surveys
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 15, Work Element H: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG snorkel surveys for juv. Chinook & steelhead distribution & density in the Clearwater & Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG rotary screw trapping for juv. Chinook & Steelhead abundance & survival in Clearwater & Salmon
- 2007-402-00, 82726, Work Element J: 162 - Analyze and interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 1992-061-03, 83815, Work Element L: 157 - Coordinate and Conduct Wildlife and Vegetation Monitoring Surveys for the Clark Fork Delta
- 1992-061-03, 83815, Work Element M: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data on Aquatic micro- and macro-invertebrates in the Clark Fork River delta
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element H: 157 - IDFG LOWER GRANITE DAM JUVENILE SAMPLING for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG SNORKEL SURVEYS for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead parr in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element P: 157 - IDFG ROTARY SCREW TRAPPING for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element U: 157 - IDFG WEIR AND HATCHERY TRAP SAMPLING for wild adult spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element AA: 157 - IDFG STREAM TEMPERATURE data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element I: 162 - IDFG JUVENILE AGE COMPOSITION of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales collected at LOWER GRANITE DAM and wild steelhead from rotary screw traps
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element L: 162 - IDFG ADULT AGE COMPOSITION of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales and fin rays collected from Lower Granite Dam, temporary weirs, hatchery traps, and post-spawn carcasses.
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG PARR DENSITY AND DISTRIBUTION of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from snorkel surveys.
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element T: 162 - IDFG SELECTED POPULATION PERFORMANCE METRICS OF WILD SMOLTS for Chinook Salmon and steelhead from rotary screw trap sampling
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element M: 162 - IDFG SELECTED POPULATION PERFORMANCE METRICS OF WILD ADULTS for Chinook Salmon and steelhead from Lower Granite Dam sampling
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element Z: 162 - IDFG RUN RECONSTRUCTION analysis of Snake River basin steelhead 2018-2019 data with co-managers
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element AB: 162 - IDFG STREAM TEMPERATURE DATA summarization for key wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead streams in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element V: 157 - IDFG GROUND-BASED REDD COUNTS and carcass biological sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 20, Work Element H: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and sockeye population estimates.
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 24, Work Element G: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 23, Work Element E: 162 - Estimate Juvenile Production in the East Fork Salmon River
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element W: 157 - IDFG AERIAL SURVEYS for Chinook Salmon redds in the Middle Fork Salmon River basin.
- 2007-402-00, 85502, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze and interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG LOWER GRANITE DAM JUVENILE SAMPLING for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element M: 157 - IDFG SNORKEL SURVEYS for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead parr in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element O: 157 - IDFG ROTARY SCREW TRAPPING for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG WEIR AND HATCHERY TRAP SAMPLING for wild adult spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element Z: 157 - IDFG STREAM TEMPERATURE data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element H: 162 - IDFG JUVENILE AGE COMPOSITION of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales collected at LOWER GRANITE DAM and wild steelhead from rotary screw traps
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element N: 162 - IDFG PARR DENSITY AND DISTRIBUTION of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from snorkel surveys.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element S: 162 - IDFG SELECTED POPULATION PERFORMANCE METRICS OF WILD SMOLTS for Chinook Salmon and steelhead from rotary screw trap sampling
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element L: 162 - IDFG SELECTED POPULATION PERFORMANCE METRICS OF WILD ADULTS for Chinook Salmon and steelhead from Lower Granite Dam sampling
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element Y: 162 - IDFG RUN RECONSTRUCTION analysis of Snake River basin steelhead 2019-2020 data with co-managers
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element AA: 162 - IDFG STREAM TEMPERATURE DATA summarization for key wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead streams in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element U: 157 - IDFG GROUND-BASED REDD COUNTS and carcass biological sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element V: 157 - IDFG AERIAL SURVEYS for Chinook Salmon redds in the Middle Fork Salmon River basin.
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 31, Work Element G: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and sockeye population estimates.
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 34, Work Element E: 162 - Estimate Juvenile Production in the East Fork Salmon River
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 38, Work Element F: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element W: 162 - IDFG SELECTED POPULATION PERFORMANCE METRICS OF WILD ADULTS for Chinook Salmon and steelhead from weirs, hatchery traps, PIT arrays, and spawner surveys.
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element I: 162 - IDFG SELECTED POPULATION PERFORMANCE METRICS OF WILD SMOLTS BY GENETIC STOCK for Chinook Salmon and steelhead from Lower Granite Dam Sampling
- 2007-402-00, 88217, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze and interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 41, Work Element G: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and sockeye population estimates.
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 43, Work Element E: 162 - Estimate Juvenile Production in the East Fork Salmon River
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Sampling for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG Snorkel Surveys for Wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Parr in the Clearwater and Salmon River Basins. (Intensive, Core, Resident and Other Sampel design)
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element M: 162 - IDFG Parr Density and Distribution of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from snorkel surveys.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element R: 162 - IDFG Selected Population Performance Metrics for Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from Rotary Screw Trap Sampling
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element U: 157 - IDFG Aerial Surveys for Chinook Salmon redds in the Middle Fork Salmon River basin.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element X: 162 - IDFG Run Reconstruction analysis of Snake River basin steelhead 2019-2020 data with co-managers
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element Y: 157 - IDFG Stream Temperature data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element AB: 159 - Coordinate IDFG Pacific Lamprey monitoring activities in Idaho
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element V: 162 - IDFG Select Adult Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Population Performance Metrics in Idaho
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG Snorkel Surveys for Wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Parr in the Clearwater and Salmon River Basins. GTRS Extensive Sampel design)
- 2008-905-00, 77111 REL 48, Work Element F: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2007-402-00, 90470, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze and interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Sampling for wild Chinook salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG Snorkel Surveys for Wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Parr in the Clearwater and Salmon River Basins. (Intensive, Core, Resident and Other Sample design)
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element M: 162 - IDFG Parr Density and Distribution of wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from snorkel surveys.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element R: 162 - IDFG Selected Population Performance Metrics for Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from Rotary Screw Trap Sampling
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element U: 157 - IDFG Aerial Surveys for Chinook Salmon redds in the Middle Fork Salmon River basin.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element X: 162 - IDFG Run Reconstruction analysis of Snake River basin steelhead 2020-2021 data with co-managers
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element Y: 157 - IDFG Stream Temperature data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element AB: 159 - Coordinate IDFG Pacific Lamprey monitoring activities in Idaho
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element V: 162 - IDFG Select Adult Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Population Performance Metrics in Idaho
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG Snorkel Surveys for Wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Parr in the Clearwater and Salmon River Basins. (GTRS Extensive Sample design)
- 2007-402-00, 91369, Work Element G: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and sockeye population estimates.
- 1998-007-02, 4219, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 4219, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 1989-098-00, 20863, Work Element K: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Wiers
- 1989-098-00, 20863, Work Element X: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1991-072-00, 22945, Work Element E: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Eval.
- 1999-020-00, 23362, Work Element B: 157 - COPY: Map annual distribution of Chinook salmon redds in study area
- 1991-071-00, 26989, Work Element D: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological and biological variables
- 1998-007-02, 25587, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 25587, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 1989-098-00, 27839, Work Element I: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Wiers
- 2007-402-00, 28255, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Eval.
- 1999-020-00, 27559, Work Element C: 157 - Map the annual distribution of Chinook salmon redds in the study area
- 1998-007-02, 30437, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 30437, Work Element H: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 2007-402-00, 30651, Work Element D: 157 - Complete data collection for all limnological and biological variables
- 1989-098-00, 31540, Work Element G: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 31540, Work Element S: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1998-007-02, 30437, Work Element G: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 1989-098-00, 30751, Work Element M: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 30638, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 30638, Work Element N: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 30600, Work Element E: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 30600, Work Element N: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 2007-402-00, 33644, Work Element J: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Evaluation.
- 2007-402-00, 33644, Work Element D: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Genetic Sampling.
- 1999-020-00, 34301, Work Element C: 157 - Map annual distribution of Chinook salmon redds in study area
- 1990-055-00, 36150, Work Element E: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Clearwater River - Fish Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 36150, Work Element K: 157 - Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Clearwater River & Tribs)
- 1989-098-00, 36152, Work Element E: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 36152, Work Element C: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps
- 1989-098-00, 36152, Work Element I: 157 - IDFG Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 36085, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 36085, Work Element O: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 36189, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 36189, Work Element N: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 36058, Work Element M: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1998-007-02, 35952, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 35952, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 1998-007-02, 35952, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 2007-402-00, 35490, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 1992-061-03, 36835, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data to assist IBIS
- 2007-402-00, 37981, Work Element D: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Genetic Sampling.
- 2007-402-00, 37981, Work Element J: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Evaluation.
- 1992-061-03, 43139, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data to assist IBIS
- 1998-007-02, 39434, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 39434, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 39434, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 2007-402-00, 40909, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 1989-098-00, 39993, Work Element L: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs or Sites
- 1989-098-00, 39993, Work Element I: 157 - Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps and sites
- 1989-098-00, 39993, Work Element N: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 40511, Work Element N: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 40843, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 40843, Work Element O: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 40184, Work Element D: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps
- 1989-098-00, 40184, Work Element F: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 40184, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1990-055-00, 40650, Work Element F: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Clearwater River - Fish Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 40650, Work Element L: 157 - Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Clearwater River & Tribs)
- 2007-402-00, 42983, Work Element D: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) captive broodstock genetic samples.
- 1989-098-00, 45292, Work Element L: 157 - Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps and sites
- 1989-098-00, 45292, Work Element N: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs or Sites
- 1989-098-00, 45292, Work Element P: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 2007-402-00, 45080, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 1998-007-02, 44925, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 44925, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 44925, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 1989-098-00, 45601, Work Element N: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 45805, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 45805, Work Element O: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 45728, Work Element D: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps
- 1989-098-00, 45728, Work Element F: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 45728, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1990-055-00, 45642, Work Element F: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Clearwater River - Fish Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 45642, Work Element G: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Salmon River - Rapid River & Big Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 45642, Work Element L: 157 - Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Clearwater River & Tribs)
- 1990-055-00, 45642, Work Element M: 157 - Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon River & Tribs)
- 1990-055-00, 45642, Work Element N: 157 - Sample adult steelhead in Big Creek (Middle Fk Salmon River)
- 1992-061-03, 48187, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data to assist IBIS
- 2007-402-00, 47584, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) captive broodstock genetic samples.
- 1998-007-02, 50336, Work Element F: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon
- 1998-007-02, 50336, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon Mainstem Interrogation Data
- 1998-007-02, 50336, Work Element C: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Adult Chinook Salmon
- 2007-402-00, 50064, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 1989-098-00, 50465, Work Element L: 157 - Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps and sites
- 1989-098-00, 50465, Work Element N: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs or Sites
- 1989-098-00, 50465, Work Element P: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1998-007-02, 50336, Work Element B: 157 - Collect Data for Monitoring the Status of Adult Steelhead at the Lostine River Weir
- 1989-098-00, 50511, Work Element N: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 51090, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 51090, Work Element O: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 50460, Work Element D: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps
- 1989-098-00, 50460, Work Element F: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA Samples from Adult Chinook Salmon at ISS Weirs
- 1989-098-00, 50460, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1990-055-00, 50973, Work Element D: 157 - Collect Data from Adult Steelhead in Fish Creek & Rapid River
- 1990-055-00, 50973, Work Element E: 157 - Install and Operate Screw Traps (Fish Creek, Rapid River & Big Creek)
- 1990-055-00, 50973, Work Element F: 157 - Collect DNA Tissue Samples (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries, traps, & weirs
- 1990-055-00, 50973, Work Element H: 157 - Snorkel streams to estimate juvenile densities (Salmon & Clearwater River tributaries)
- 1990-055-00, 50973, Work Element I: 157 - Sample adult steelhead in Big Creek (Middle Fk Salmon River)
- 1992-061-03, 53816, Work Element N: 157 - Coordinate, collect and generate field data to assist IBIS
- 1991-073-00, 50975, Work Element N: 157 - Collate and Collect Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Spawning Ground Biological Data (2011)
- 2007-402-00, 53181, Work Element E: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) captive broodstock genetic samples.
- 2010-031-00, 53238, Work Element G: 157 - Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock (Chinook SY2011 and Steelhead SY2012)
- 2007-403-00, 54251, Work Element F: 162 - Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program
- 2007-402-00, 55108, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 55108, Work Element F: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking.
- 2003-017-00, 55487, Work Element L: 157 - Task 6: Lower Granite Dam adult and tributary juvenile salmonid scale analysis
- 1991-073-00, 55703, Work Element F: 162 - Estimate Spring/Summer Chinook Smolt Production at Lower Granite Dam (2011 data)
- 1991-073-00, 55703, Work Element I: 162 - Describe Life-cycle Survival for Snake River Chinook Salmon (2011 data)
- 1991-073-00, 55703, Work Element P: 162 - Assign Ages to Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam (2012)
- 2007-402-00, 60302, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 60302, Work Element F: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking.
- 1989-098-00, 59864, Work Element K: 157 - Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps and sites
- 1989-098-00, 59799, Work Element D: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps
- 1989-098-00, 59799, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 59799, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG Estimate Juvenile Production in ISS Study Streams and upper Marsh Creek population
- 1989-098-00, 59852, Work Element N: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1991-073-00, 59833, Work Element F: 162 - Estimate Spring/Summer Chinook Smolt Production at Lower Granite Dam (2012 data)
- 1991-073-00, 59833, Work Element I: 162 - Describe Life-cycle Survival for Snake River Chinook Salmon (2012 data)
- 1991-073-00, 59833, Work Element P: 162 - Assign Ages to Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam (2013)
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element F: 157 - Assist ODFW with Data Collection at the Lostine River Screw Trap
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Chinook Salmon Performance Measure Data by Origin and Stock
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element M: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Steelhead Performance Measure Data by Origin and Stock
- 1998-007-02, 60107, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Life Stage Specific Survival Data by Origin and Stock
- 2010-031-00, 61801, Work Element C: 157 - Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock (Chinook SY2013 and Steelhead SY2014)
- 2007-402-00, 61898, Work Element I: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 61898, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 1989-098-00, 63738, Work Element J: 157 - Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Screw Traps
- 1989-098-00, 63754, Work Element N: 157 - Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 63724, Work Element D: 157 - IDFG Collect DNA from Juvenile Chinook Salmon at ISS Traps
- 1989-098-00, 63724, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG Provide Snouts to Laboratories for CWT Extraction and Reading
- 1989-098-00, 63724, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG Estimate Juvenile Production in ISS Study Streams and upper Marsh Creek population
- 1991-073-00, 63971, Work Element F: 162 - (2013 data) Estimate Spring/Summer Chinook Smolt Production at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 63971, Work Element H: 162 - (2013 data) Describe Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Escapement At Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 63971, Work Element I: 162 - (2013 data) Describe Life-cycle Survival for Snake River Chinook Salmon
- 1991-073-00, 63971, Work Element P: 162 - (2014) Assign Ages to Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Steelhead Performance Measure Data by Origin
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Chinook Salmon Performance Measure Data by Origin and Program
- 1998-007-02, 63319, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Life Stage Specific Survival Data by Origin
- 2007-402-00, 63451, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 63451, Work Element F: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 2007-402-00, 65733, Work Element M: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 65733, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 1988-065-00, 64937, Work Element H: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 2010-031-00, 65500, Work Element H: 157 - Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock (Chinook SY2014 and Steelhead SY2015)
- 2007-402-00, 67494, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 67494, Work Element G: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 1991-073-00, 67977, Work Element W: 162 - Estimate Chinook Smolt Production at Lower Granite Dam (2014 data)
- 1991-073-00, 67977, Work Element V: 162 - Estimate Adult Chinook Escapement At Lower Granite Dam (2014 data)
- 1991-073-00, 67977, Work Element X: 162 - Describe Life-cycle Survival for Snake River Chinook Salmon (2014 data)
- 1991-073-00, 67977, Work Element U: 162 - Assign Ages to Adult Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam (2014 data)
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Steelhead Performance Measure Data by Origin
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Chinook Salmon Performance Measure Data by Origin and Program
- 1998-007-02, 67626, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Life Stage Specific Survival Data by Origin
- 2010-031-00, 69574, Work Element G: 157 - Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock (Chinook SY2015 and Steelhead SY2016)
- 2007-402-00, 69491, Work Element N: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 69491, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 2007-402-00, 71106, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 71106, Work Element H: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element N: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Steelhead Performance Measure Data by Origin
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element O: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Adult Chinook Salmon Performance Measure Data by Origin and Program
- 1998-007-02, 71214, Work Element P: 162 - Analyze and Interpret Life Stage Specific Survival Data by Origin
- 1988-065-00, 72417, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 1988-065-00, 72417, Work Element K: 157 - Evaluate Burbot early life strategies: Kootenai tributaries and graduate studies
- 1991-073-00, 71488, Work Element U: 162 - Assign Ages to Adult Chinook Scale Samples from Lower Granite Dam (2015 data)
- 1991-073-00, 71488, Work Element V: 162 - Estimate Adult Chinook Escapement At Lower Granite Dam (2015 data)
- 1991-073-00, 71488, Work Element W: 162 - Estimate Chinook Smolt Production at Lower Granite Dam (2015 data)
- 1991-073-00, 71488, Work Element X: 162 - Describe Life-cycle Survival for Snake River Chinook Salmon (2015 data)
- 2007-402-00, 73152, Work Element N: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 73152, Work Element R: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 2010-031-00, 73195, Work Element G: 157 - Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock (Chinook SY2016 and Steelhead SY2017)
- 2010-031-00, 73195, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2010-031-00, 76552, Work Element G: 157 - Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock (Chinook SY2017 and Steelhead SY2018)
- 2010-031-00, 76552, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2007-402-00, 74770, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 74770, Work Element H: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 2008-906-00, 75034, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate Juvenile Production in the East Fok Salmon River and Valley Creek
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element P: 162 - IDFG wild adult Chinook Salmon escapement at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 75491, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon emigration at Lower Granite Dam
- 1988-065-00, 75805, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 2007-402-00, 76501, Work Element O: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 76501, Work Element T: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 2008-906-00, 77564, Work Element I: 162 - Estimate Juvenile Production in the East Fork Salmon River and Valley Creek
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 1, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 1, Work Element I: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon emigration at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element P: 162 - IDFG wild adult Chinook Salmon escapement at Lower Granite Dam
- 2010-031-00, 79587, Work Element G: 157 - Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock (Chinook SY2018 and Steelhead SY2019)
- 2010-031-00, 79587, Work Element T: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 1988-065-00, 78985, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 2007-402-00, 79593, Work Element O: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 79593, Work Element S: 162 - Analyze and interpret anadromous adult trapping and spawning ground survey data
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG data collection for wild adult Chinook abundance at hatchery traps in the Salmon River
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element O: 162 - IDFG wild juvenile Chinook Salmon emigration at Lower Granite Dam
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element P: 162 - IDFG wild adult Chinook Salmon escapement at Lower Granite Dam
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element K: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking
- 1991-073-00, 78413, Work Element V: 157 - Chinook Salmon Aerial Redd Surveys in the Middle Fork Salmon River basin, Idaho (IDFG)
- 1991-073-00, 81352, Work Element V: 157 - Chinook Salmon Aerial Redd Surveys in the Middle Fork Salmon River basin, Idaho (IDFG)
- 1988-065-00, 81853, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 2008-906-00, 77111 REL 14, Work Element E: 162 - Estimate Juvenile Production in the East Fork Salmon River and Valley Creek
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 11, Work Element I: 162 - Historical Nutrient Evaluations - Data Analyses and Defensible Results
- 2010-031-00, 82618, Work Element F: 157 - Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock (Chinook SY2019 and Steelhead SY2020)
- 2010-031-00, 82618, Work Element S: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2019-006-00, 81592, Work Element D: 157 - Operate and maintain the lower Lemhi River (LLRTP) Rotary Screw trap
- 2007-402-00, 82726, Work Element G: 157 - SRSS smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 82725, Work Element N: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 82725, Work Element O: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element F: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Adult Weir Data Collection: Steelhead on Imnaha Tributaries
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 56, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 20, Work Element D: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG LOWER GRANITE DAM ADULT SAMPLING for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element Y: 157 - IDFG PIT ARRAY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: Lochsa River and Marsh Creek.
- 1990-055-00, 84169, Work Element J: 162 - IDFG SELECTED POPULATION PERFORMANCE METRICS OF WILD SMOLTS BY GENETIC STOCK for Chinook Salmon and steelhead from Lower Granite Dam Sampling
- 1988-065-00, 85015, Work Element I: 157 - Evaluate biological response to KTOI habitat enhancement projects
- 2010-031-00, 85312, Work Element F: 157 - Obj. 1, Collect tissue samples from hatchery broodstock (Chinook SY2020 and Steelhead SY2021)
- 2010-031-00, 85312, Work Element S: 157 - Obj. 4, Conduct and assist with adult, carcass and juvenile sampling (integrated evaluations)
- 2007-402-00, 85501, Work Element N: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 85501, Work Element O: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 2007-402-00, 85502, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, 85502, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 85502, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 72, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 72, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 86806, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG LOWER GRANITE DAM ADULT SAMPLING for wild spring/summer Chinook Salmon and steelhead
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 31, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 88217, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, 88217, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 88217, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 2007-402-00, 88218, Work Element Q: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 88218, Work Element R: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 2010-031-00, 88216, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 88216, Work Element AB: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 91, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 74017 REL 91, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2007-402-00, 77111 REL 41, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2008-007-00, 88870, Work Element G: 157 - Revise and Update Methods for Breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element H: 162 - IDFG Juvenile Age Composition of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales collected at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 89381, Work Element Z: 162 - IDFG Stream Temperature Data Summarization for key wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead streams in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2010-031-00, 90544, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 90544, Work Element AB: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 2007-402-00, 90470, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, 90470, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 90470, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 2007-402-00, 90471, Work Element P: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 90471, Work Element Q: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 2010-031-00, 90544, Work Element AP: 157 - OBJ 8. Developing Grandparentage Technology in the Snake River Basin
- 2008-007-00, 91162, Work Element G: 157 - Revise and Update Methods for Breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 7, Work Element E: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Rotary Screw Trap Juvenile Abundance, Survival & Life History: Imnaha Chinook and Steelhead
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 7, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element H: 162 - IDFG Juvenile Age Composition of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales collected at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 6, Work Element Z: 162 - IDFG Stream Temperature Data Summarization for key wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead streams in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 2007-402-00, 91369, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2023-002-00, 84068 REL 1, Work Element I: 157 - Install and Operate Adult Underwater Videography Weir
- 2008-905-00, 84068 REL 6, Work Element F: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 14, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 14, Work Element AB: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element J: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon adult spawning ground surveys
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 12, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze and interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 13, Work Element P: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 13, Work Element Q: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 1988-065-00, 84045 REL 11, Work Element I: 157 - Fine scale habitat selection by adult White Sturgeon
- 1997-015-01, 84044 REL 29, Work Element H: 157 - Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2008-007-00, 93325, Work Element G: 157 - Revise and Update Methods for Breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 9, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 9, Work Element F: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and sockeye population estimates.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element F: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Sampling for wild Chinook salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element G: 162 - IDFG Juvenile Age Composition of wild Chinook Salmon and steelhead from scales collected at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element J: 157 - IDFG Snorkel Surveys for Wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Parr in the Clearwater and Salmon River Basins. (Intensive, Core, Resident and Other Sample design)
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG Snorkel Surveys for Wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Parr in the Clearwater and Salmon River Basins. (GRTS Extensive Sample design)
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element L: 162 - IDFG Parr Density and Distribution of wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from snorkel surveys.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element M: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element Q: 162 - IDFG Selected Population Performance Metrics for Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from Rotary Screw Trap Sampling
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element R: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG Aerial Surveys for Chinook Salmon redds in the Middle Fork Salmon River basin.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element U: 162 - IDFG Select Adult Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Population Performance Metrics in Idaho
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element W: 162 - IDFG Run Reconstruction analysis of Snake River basin steelhead 2020-2021 data with co-managers
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element X: 157 - IDFG Stream Temperature data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element Y: 162 - IDFG Stream Temperature Data Summarization for key wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead streams in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 21, Work Element AA: 159 - Coordinate IDFG Pacific Lamprey monitoring activities in Idaho
- 2023-002-00, 84068 REL 11, Work Element I: 157 - Install and Operate Adult Underwater Videography Weir
- 2008-905-00, 84068 REL 15, Work Element F: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 30, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, 84045 REL 30, Work Element AA: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element G: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element H: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element I: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element J: 157 - Snake River Sockeye Salmon adult spawning ground surveys
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 27, Work Element K: 162 - Analyze and interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 28, Work Element O: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes of juveniles sampled during smolt out-migration.
- 2007-402-00, 84045 REL 28, Work Element P: 157 - Generate and validate genotypes from mid-water trawl samples
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element G: 157 - IDFG Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Sampling for wild Chinook salmon and steelhead
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element H: 162 - IDFG Juvenile Age Composition of wild steelhead from scales collected at Lower Granite Dam
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element K: 157 - IDFG Snorkel Surveys for Wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Parr in the Clearwater and Salmon River Basins. (Intensive, Core, Resident and Other Sample design)
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element L: 157 - IDFG Snorkel Surveys for Wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Parr in the Clearwater and Salmon River Basins. (GRTS Extensive Sample design)
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element M: 162 - IDFG Parr Density and Distribution of wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from snorkel surveys.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element N: 157 - IDFG Rotary Screw Trapping for wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead emigrants in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element R: 162 - IDFG Selected Population Performance Metrics for Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from Rotary Screw Trap Sampling
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element S: 157 - IDFG Weir and Hatchery Trap Sampling for Wild Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element T: 157 - IDFG Ground based Redd Counts and Carcass Biological Sampling for Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element U: 162 - IDFG Select Adult Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Population Performance Metrics in Idaho
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element W: 162 - IDFG Run Reconstruction analysis of Snake River basin steelhead 2020-2021 data with co-managers
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element X: 157 - IDFG Stream Temperature data collection in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element Y: 162 - IDFG Stream Temperature Data Summarization for key wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead streams in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins.
- 1990-055-00, 84045 REL 34, Work Element AA: 159 - Coordinate IDFG Pacific Lamprey monitoring activities in Idaho
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 18, Work Element C: 157 - Evaluate sockeye salmon smolt migration from Pettit and Alturas lakes
- 2007-402-00, 84068 REL 18, Work Element F: 162 - Provide recommendations on lake fertilization and fish stocking based upon summarized data from limnology results and Sockeye population estimates.
- 2008-007-00, 95815, Work Element F: 157 - Revise and Update Methods for Breeding bird, amphibian, and vegetation data
- 1997-015-01, CR-373239, Work Element I: 157 - COPY: Nez Perce Tribe Spawning Ground Survey Data Collection: Imnaha Steelhead
- 2023-002-00, 84068 REL 21, Work Element I: 157 - Install and Operate Adult Underwater Videography Weir
- 2010-031-00, CR-374459, Work Element V: 157 - OBJ 4. Lower Granite Dam wild and hatchery stock monitoring
- 2010-031-00, CR-374459, Work Element AA: 157 - OBJ 5. Steelhead stock composition in the Columbia and Snake River Tribal and Sport Fisheries
- 2008-905-00, CR-375376, Work Element E: 157 - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon Project - Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation
- 2007-402-00, CR-376798, Work Element G: 157 - COPY: Snake River Sockeye Salmon anadromous adult trapping and data collection
- 2007-402-00, CR-376798, Work Element H: 157 - COPY: Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt trapping and juvenile biological data collection
- 2007-402-00, CR-376798, Work Element I: 157 - COPY: Snake River Sockeye Salmon mid-water trawl abundance estimation
- 2007-402-00, CR-376798, Work Element J: 157 - COPY: Snake River Sockeye Salmon adult spawning ground surveys
- 2007-402-00, CR-376798, Work Element K: 162 - COPY: Analyze and interpret smolt trapping and juvenile field data
- 2007-402-00, CR-376798, Work Element L: 162 - COPY: Analyze and interpret spawning ground survey data
- 2007-402-00, CR-376798, Work Element M: 162 - COPY: Analyze and interpret mid-water trawl survey data
- 2007-402-00, CR-376799, Work Element N: 157 - COPY: SRSS anadromous adult trapping and data collection